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STANDING COMMITTEE As of November 2021
Pakistan (President) United States (Vice-President) Italy (Vice-President ex officio) Ecuador Kuwait Philippines Senegal
Italy (Chair) China Kenya Kuwait Turkey United States
Ruth Aura-Odhiambo Hassane Cisse Mehmet Hasan Göğüş Hoang Ly Anh Stefano Manservisi (Chair) Githu Muigai Patrick O’Brien Zhou Xiaoyan MEMBER PARTIES
Afghanistan Australia Austria Bulgaria Burkina Faso China Ecuador Egypt El Salvador France Honduras Italy Jordan Kenya Kuwait Liberia Mali Mauritania Mongolia Montenegro Mozambique Netherlands OPEC Fund for International Development Pakistan Paraguay Peru Philippines Qatar Romania Senegal Sudan Sweden Tunisia Turkey Uganda United States of America Viet Nam

Governing bodies
Assembly of Parties 2021
IDLO was established as an intergovernmental organization in 1988 by treaty—the Agreement for the Establishment of the International Development Law Organization. IDLO is governed by the Assembly of Parties, composed of representatives of Member Parties, which determines the organization’s policies and elects the Director-General and guides her work.
The Assembly of Parties convenes annually in Rome. Member Parties elect a President and a Vice-President for a three-year term. As host country of IDLO headquarters in Rome, Italy is Vice-Presidentex officio.
The Assembly also elects a Standing Committee and an Audit and Finance Committee from among the Member Parties. The Standing Committee reports to the Assembly of Parties and provides appropriate oversight of the organization on behalf of the Member Parties between sessions of the Assembly. The Audit and Finance Committee assists the Assembly of Parties, through the Standing Committee, in its financial oversight responsibilities, particularly withrespect to audit and compliance, and maintaining the effective and efficient financial performance of IDLO.
In November 2021, the annual meeting of the Assembly of Parties took place at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for the first time in a hybrid (in-person and online) format.
At the meeting, opened by the Italian Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and attended by 35 IDLO Member Parties, a majority at ambassadorial level, the Assembly commended the Director-General for the progress made during 2021 and welcomed Mauritania as IDLO’s newest Member Party. The following Member Parties were elected to governing bodies: Kuwait and the Philippines as ad hoc members of the Standing Committee to serve two-year terms, expiring at the 2023 annual meeting of the Assembly of Parties. Italy, Kuwait, and Turkey as members of the Audit and Finance Committee to serve two-year terms, expiring at the 2023 annual meeting of the Assembly of Parties. Italy was also appointed as Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee.
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