1 minute read
Laws reviewed
Domestic laws analyzed
A. Abolition of the Death Penalty Act, 2021 B. Adoption Act, 1989 C. Anti-Human Trafficking Act, 2005 D. Chieftaincy Act, 2009 E. Children and Young Persons Act, 1945, Cap 44 F. Child Rights Act, 2007 G. Christian Marriage Act, 1960 H. Civil Marriage Act, 1960 I. Constitution of Sierra Leone, 1991 J. Corporal Punishment Act, 1953, Cap 41 K. Criminal Procedure Act, 1965 L. Devolution of Estates Act, 2007 M. Domestic Violence Act, 2007 N. Education Act, 2004 O. Human Rights Commission Act, 2004 P. Local Courts Act, 2011 Q. Local Government Act, 2004 R. Matrimonial Causes Act, 1960 Cap 102 S. Muslim Marriage Act, 1960 T. National Youth Service Act, 2016 U. Offences Against the Person Act, 1861 V. Persons with Disability Act, 2011 W. Pharmacy and Drugs Act, 2001
Laws to be enacted
1. Criminal procedure bill, 2021 2. Female genital mutilation bill 3. Gender empowerment bill, 2021 4. Gender and equality bill, 2011 5. Matrimonial causes bill, 2000 6. Maternal health and safe motherhood bill 7. National Land Policy, 2017 (should be translated into a bill) X. Political Parties Act, 2002 Y. Prevention of Cruelty to Children Act, 1926, 1960, Cap 31 Z. Protectorate Land Ordinance, 1927 AA. Provinces Land Act, Cap 122 (as amended by Act No. 20, 1972) BB. Public Elections Act, 2012 CC. Public Order Act, 1965 DD. Registration of Business Act, 2007 EE. Registration of Customary Marriage and Divorce Act, 2007 FF. Sexual Offences Act, 2012 GG. Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act, 2019 HH. Sierra Leone Citizenship Act, 1973 II. Sierra Leone Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 1976 JJ. Sierra Leone Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2006 KK. Sierra Leone Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency Act, 2016 LL. Unoccupied Lands (Ascertainment of Title) Act, 1960, Cap 117
Policy measures
1. Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Policy, 2020 2. National Land Policy, 2017