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139 Bibliography

E. Ambasz, Italy: the New Domestic Landscape. Achievements and problems of Italian design, New York, Graphic Society, 1972. I. Calvino, “La poubelle agréée”, in La strada di San Giovanni, Milan, Mondadori, 1990, pp. 71-93. S. Roger and H. Leslie. “Design and the domestication of information and communication technologies: technical change and everyday life”, in R. Mansell, and R. Silverstone (eds.), Communication by Design: The Politics of Information and Communication Technologies, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 44-74. X. de Maistre, Voyage autour de ma chambre, 1794. R.-A. Feuillet, Chorégraphie, 1701. M. Foucault, Les mots et les choses: Une archéologie des sciences humaines, 1966. M. Foucault, “Of Other Spaces”, Diacritics, No. 16, pp. 22-27, 1986. A. Friedberg, The virtual window, from Alberti to Microsoft, Cambridge Mass: MIT Press, 2006. E. Goffman, Ch. 2 “The territories of the self” in Relations in Public, New York, Basic Books, 1971.


E. Hall, The hidden dimension, New York, Doubleday, 1966. W. Kentridge, Thinking on one’s feet, a walking tour of the studio, Madrid, Ivory Press, 2014. R. Koolhaas, Elements of Architecture, Venice, Marsilio, 2014. L. Manovich, Ch. 2 “The screen and the user” in The languages of new media, Cambridge Mass: MIT Press, 2001.

J. Ortega y Gasset, Meditazione sulla cornice, 1921 – now in La cornice. Storie, teorie, testi, D. Ferrari and A. Pinotti eds, Milan, Johan & Levi, 2018.

L. Marin, De la représentation, Paris, Gallimard-Seuil, 1994. A. Pinotti and A. Somaini, Ch. 4 “Supporti, media e dispositivi” in Cultura Visuale, Turin, Einaudi, 2016. G. Simmel, La cornice del quadro. Un saggio estetico, 1902 – now in La cornice. Storie, teorie, testi, D. Ferrari e A. Pinotti eds, Milan, Johan & Levi, 2018. P. Sloterdijk, Sphären I, Blasen, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1998.

V. Stoichita, L’instauration du tableau, Paris, Klincksieck, 1993. G. Wajcman, Fenêtre. Chronique du regard et de l’intime, Verdier, Lagrasse, 2004. P. Cox, Design & Art, Mantua, Corraini, 2019.

Brooks, Max, Manuale per sopravvivere agli zombie, Turin, Einaudi, 2003. McLuhan, Marshall, Il medium è il massaggio, Mantua, Corraini, 2011. Stephenson, Neal, Snow Crash, BUR, 2007.

AA VV, Un’altra fine del mondo è possibile, Treccani Libri, 2020.

A project by IDM Südtirol Creative Industries Innovation Pfarrplatz 11 / Piazza Parrocchia, 11 I-39100 Bozen / Bolzano www.idm-suedtirol.com

Director Business Development Vera Leonardelli Project Management & Coordination Valentina Cramerotti

In collaboration with Faculty of Design and Art Free University of Bozen / Bolzano

Professors Pietro Corraini, Francesco Faccin, Alessandro Mason, Gianluca Seta, Valeria Burgio, Alvise Mattozzi

Students Silvia Bovo, Teresa Carretta, Ilaria Carrozzo, Pietro Coda, Martina Costa Bignotti, Lucrezia Dal Toso, Alessandro Daniele, Charlotte Enzweiler, Chiara Facchini, Matteo Falcone, Riccardo Fresch, Sofia Gandini, Barbara Giordani, Kosara Keskinova, Stefano Lattuada, Chiara Leuzzi, Gabriel Macrì, Rodrigo Luis Medina, Verena Metz Zumarán, Rebecca Morando, Giulia Olivieri, Cecilia Tommasi, Rebecca Toscan, Nicolò Vanzetta, Veronika Vascotto

Thanks to Marina Baldo, Ulla Hell, Ellis Karslatter, Helmuth Lardschneider, Markus Lobis, Manuel Miribung, Iris Pahl, Petra Putz, Stephen Tierney, Christian Walz

Book Design and Layout hund.studio

Printed in Italy by Tezzele by Esperia S.r.l., Bozen / Bolzano, January 2021



All Rights Reserved. The rights for all projects and images in this publication belong to students and the Faculty of Design and Art – Free University of Bozen/Bolzano. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.

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