MATCH! #2 / New Menu
Index 03
MATCH! #2 presentation
Theresa Tropschuh
Nuts about Nuts
Carolin Sophie Schelkle
56 O-nly
Bread of the Future
Matteo Leonardi
62 Raw
26 Chio
Elisabeth Wolf 68
Solo Mela
Jacopo Bridda
This is Pete
Theresa Angl
Antonio Severi
38 Moules
Antonio Severi Roberta Zoe Faust
81 Companies
Gaia Tovaglia
Blanca Perez Torrens
32 Chito
Dario Lantschner
Ayşe Asena Bacaksız
MATCH! #2 IDM Film & Creative Industries Coordinator Renate Ranzi
DM Creative Industries was created with
food industry in order to improve various
the aim of consolidating the creative sec-
aspects: organic waste can be recycled in
tor in South Tyrol and increasing its com-
a useful way and polluting materials can be
petitive edge. We decided to start from
reduced or even replaced and can give rise
the challenges and needs which the region
to new products or be reused by the com-
is addressing and consider that Creative
pany itself for new purposes. 12 students
Industries can represent a power of trans-
from the Product Design course dedicated a
formation and play a key role as economic
semester to research on the indicated top-
innovator. It was from these that MATCH!
ics, starting from the waste or derivatives
was born – a programme that aims to
produced by 8 companies in the food indus-
increase innovation processes and create
try in South Tyrol: Batzen Bräu, Caroma,
new ideas, products and services through
Dr. Schär, Juval/VI.P, Meraner Mühle, Ober-
collaboration between the creative sector
höller, Profanter Backstube, Walcher. This
and other areas of the economy. MATCH! #2
catalogue contains the resulting ideas and
is the 2° edition of the project in collabo-
prototypes and the experience of the com-
ration with the Free University of Bolzano,
panies that have taken part in the course,
Faculty of Design and Arts. The project has
developing a new and real awareness of the
the subtitle “NEW MENU” and the identified
possibilities of contamination with the Cre-
theme is food waste, with the intention of
ative Industries sector.
analysing the processes and products of the
IDM Head of Business Development Department Vera Leonardelli
outh Tyrol is a successful region, as re-
vation mentioned above “must be combined
cent analyses of the quality of life have
with creativity, style and talent”. Creative
shown. However, the current economic and
Industries have been identified as one of
social challenges show that we are still in a
the areas of excellence in the region, as the
phase between a traditional economy and a
RIS3 strategy goes to show, the sector has a
more innovative and competitive one. It is
considerable economic and innovation po-
essential to protect and innovate traditional
tential in the area and one that has not yet
sectors and improve investment in research
been exploited. IDM Creative Industries is
and development.
committed to unlocking this potential and
Europe was the first to notice this, and
making it available to other sectors of the
it has launched a programme aimed at de-
local economy.
veloping innovation (Horizon 2020). Accord-
To do this, the MATCH! programme was set
ing to the guidelines of this programme,
up. This deals with bringing and developing
the European Commission aims to promote
the themes of cross-innovation to South
“growth opportunities through the creation
Tyrol. The 2° project of this programme is
of new products and services resulting from
MATCH! #2, through which IDM has contin-
technological breakthroughs, new process-
ued the partnership with UNIBZ, a key player
es and business models and non-techno-
in training of talents in the creative sector
logical innovation”. The guidelines make ex-
within the area - and especially in the design
plicit reference to innovation in the “broad
sector – and involved 8 companies in the
sense”, underlining that the forms of inno-
South Tyrolean food industry.
UNIBZ Faculty of Design and Art Dean Stephan Schmidt-Wulfen
hen the winds are stormy and the
one. Recent design developments are com-
days dark it carries me to a small
parable to the chocolatier: Instead of prod-
chocolate shop on Leonardo-da Vinci Street.
ucts design cares about the complete chain
My favorite candy combines chocolate with
of production and consumption. And this
rosemary. I imagine the Chocolatier who
concerns not only the tasty side of the food
seems actually is a designer. He is not just
business, but also digestion and waste. It is
focusing on a product, the candy, but in-
of big importance that design education –
tervenes into the consumer’s habits and
beyond traditional classifications like ‘prod-
identities. He defines the road of his prod-
uct’ or ‘communication’ – teaches an inte-
uct from the kitchen to the shop into the
gral approach to reality, the ‘new menu’. This
privacy of the consumer. As a responsible
also implies that other actors in the chain
entrepreneur he evaluates the sustainabili-
are addressed: industry and politics of the
ty of the material used. The chocolatier is a
territory who also have to understand their
food designer who organizes his part of the
new role. I thank my colleagues Harald Thal-
world in a responsible way. And I imagine
er, Alessandro Mason and Francesco Galofa-
that – if anybody would be such a designer
ro for their engagement. And I thank all our
– we could really make the world a better
partners for their interest and support.
New Menu Project Leader, Harry Thaler
s part of our course at the Faculty of De-
IDM – Agency for Innovation and Develop-
sign and Art at the Free University of Bo-
ment Marketing South Tyrol. After exploring
zen-Bolzano we continuously try to involve
processes and products of the food indus-
local companies in order to give students
try by visiting local companies, the students
insights into the real product development
developed highly interesting proposals: from
and to familiarise with practical processes.
usefully recycling organic waste to replacing
After all, experience has shown that these
polluting materials from the dining table.
collaborations often lead to highly inter-
The following pages represent 12 innovative
esting projects. For this summer semester
design projects developed by the students.
2019, we succeeded with the course New
Enjoy the New Menu!
Menu to gain again the collaboration with
New Menu Production technologies and systems Alessandro Mason
ood is a product. Like many others it
process, added to the foreseeable increase
is conceived, designed, built, packaged
in the global population which in 2070 will
and consumed. It is a system that in total-
be approximately 1/3 more than the current
ly different forms, scales and ways has al-
one, makes it necessary to rethink our pro-
ways existed, demonstrated by jugs, tools
duction systems as a whole; perhaps one
and artifacts, which we continue to find of
of the “missions� of this new generation of
ancient civilizations. However, the current
designers will be to try to change it. This
production system has a substantial con-
course, along with many interesting initia-
sequence compared to all our ancestors.
tives that are being developed in this era,
The production cycle that has always been
therefore wanted to imagine new systems,
circular, has become modern and linear:
new production methods and new materials
producing tons of waste or direct and in-
with the aim of bringing us back into bal-
direct waste by-products. This interrupted
ance, as far as possible, with our planet.
New Menu Theories and languages of product design Francesco Galofaro
ccording to Food and Agriculture Organ-
us to observe our environment and to de-
ization (FAO), domestic food waste rep-
tach both wrong and good practices from a
resents the 45% of the total. Consumption
uniform background. For example, students
needs a change of perspective: such a cul-
can observe food waste in their apartment,
tural turn should be carried by design. Taking
or traditional ways of food retrieval at the
action on wrong consumer behaviours is dif-
marketplace. Semiotics helps to analyse
ficult, since they are encouraged by markets
this corpus of observation with a standard,
(e.g. by food packaging): markets define life-
scientific methodology to identify problems
styles, standardized forms of life in contem-
and to reason on possible solutions. While
porary society. Many uncoordinated design
proposing a method to find inspiration would
interventions aimed to patch them are inef-
be slightly paradoxical, ethnosemiotics is a
fective: a second-order design is needed, a
procedure of discovery, aimed to observe
design of design processes. Ethnosemiotics
interesting cultural loci where to justify the
is the first step of a design process aimed to
designer’s insight.
change culture. Ethnographic methods help
Beerwood Theresa Tropschuh
ver 400 000 tons of mash are produced in Europe every year. This is more than the
amount of beer that has been consumed at the Oktoberfest since its inception. I set out to find a new purpose for this waste, besides being animal food. By adding the natural bonding agent Lignin (lat. Lignum = wood) also known as liquid wood it was possible to create a new material that can be a substitute for particle wood in dry conditions. Lignin is responsible for providing plants with their stability and accumulates as a excess product of the paper industry. These waste products combine to a new material called beerwood.
Waste Material
Bread of the Future Matteo Leonardi
read of the future wants to open up a question mark on how we behave in front of Food-
waste. Can we 3D print food to reduce waste? Can this develop by taking old recipes from our culinary culture? It’s common to find typical dishes made from food waste, “Knödel” or “Canederli” is an example. During the last centuries common people used to save food-waste because it was considered edible material, this culture nowadays translates it in our favourite dishes coming from a poor culinary culture. This mindset is vanishing because of the food mass production industry, but from the past history we can learn how to use new technologies to shape our life and food.
Waste Material
Chio Blanca Perez Torrens
ore than 250/300ton of pistachio’s shells go to waste every year for each pesto’s
company. So, why we don’t use this waste for producing new material? CHIO is a research project that turns bio-wastes, in this case, pistachio’s shells, into biodegradable materials which can replace, for example, conventional plastic. After a long experimentation process, a balanced recipe is found. This recipe consists only by mixing pistachio’s shell’s powder, sugar and water. Followed by pressing and drying process, that material is used to produce small dishes that can be used snack’s plates in the kitchen or in the dinner table.
Chito Antonio Severi
hitosan is extracted from insects and seafood and is the second most abundant bi-
opolymer on earth after cellulose. It is commonly used as a dietary supplement in weight loss diets, and has also recently been used in the medical field. It is a strong binding agent and has many valuable properties. Its ability to repel water, bacteria and moulds makes it a very suitable material for tableware as an alternative to plastic. In my project I combine it with various dry powdered waste products, such as coffee bean waste and orange peel. The initial state of the material is gelatin-like and sticky, but as it dries it hardens considerably and becomes very strong and resistant.
Waste Material
Moules Roberta Zoe Faust | Antonio Severi
oules means mussel shells in French. It is also used as a verb, meaning to form, to
mould, or to press. The material we developed is made of mussel shells and chitosan (a powder obtained from shrimp shells), the latter which acts as a glue. While the material’s gray colour makes it resemble concrete or stone, it behaves very differently: before letting it air-dry, its consistency is comparable to soft clay. It can easily be formed, moulded, pressed or layered around other materials. It is also very stable, which makes it possible to achieve thin shapes by pressing it.Â
Waste Material
MOUM Ayse Asena BacaksÄąz
he aim of MOUM (made of used materials) is turning something wasteful and harmful for
the environment into an elegant product with the way of re-usage cooking oil thus draw attention to recycling. Inspired by oil lamps came the idea of reusing cooking oil as a candle for dinner time. It consists of beeswax as its natural nontoxic substance. The waste of cocoa shells from chocolate production and coffee waste covers the smell and color of used oil. The dinner time with the MOUM is an experience which provides you an opportunity to reuse used cooking oil as a candle with the smell of chocolate and coffee.
Waste Material
Nuts about Nuts Carolin Sophie Schelkle
uts and seeds are used in a wide range of products. During the production, thousand
tons of shells are thrown away every year. The project gives these shells from walnuts, cacao, peanut and macadamia nuts a new life and a greater value. By binding them with gelatin, which is also a by-product of the food industry, a new material is created which is easily biodegradable without harming the environment. To keep the main focus on the material and address the origin of the shells, a collection of plates and bowls is designed to exhibit food.
Waste Material
O-nly Dario Lantschner
-nly is based on the idea of just using the pulp leftovers of the orange juice produc-
tion. After the orange gets pressed a lot of pulp and pith (white part) stay inside the peel. By hollowing out the orange, cook the pulp with water, blend and dry it, the outcome is then a unique and resistant material. Furthermore, these sheets can then get heat pressed. At around 130°C the sugar caramelizes and keeps the shape. Moreover, you can glue the dried sheets with chitosan or you just leave them flat. It is possible to produce various objects like plates, packaging, etc. with this interesting material.
Waste Material
Raw Gaia Tovaglia | Elisabeth Wolf
AW is a collection of disposable tableware made out of cocoa shells. These are the side-
products of the chocolate manufacture thrown away or sold as mulch by factories instead of making full use of their properties. Due to all the natural ingredients used for the production, RAW can be completely composted after the use. RAW gives cocoa waste a new life by using it in the production of a tableware family: a cup, a plate and a small appetizer server. These dishes can be used in order to fulfill different purposes. The fine smell of chocolate adds a special note to the food experience. Just RAW.
Waste Material
Solo Mela Jacopo Bridda
he production of apples in Italy is around two millions tons per year, and the country
is at the second place in Europe for the harvest of this fruit. The South Tyrol region is at the top of the rank, with half of the total production. In South Tyrol the apple market is a fundamental part of the local economy, but around 10.000 tons are discarded each year, due to strict selling standards. This becomes a cost. I decided to focus on the left over apples to study the possibility of creating a completely compostable material for the production of disposable kitchenware and also edible packaging. Â
Waste Material
This is Pete Theresa Angl
he almost unavoidable food waste when making coffee – COFFEGROUND. Coffeeground is
rich in different nutrients and yet pasteurized and (almost) sterile because of the temperature in the brewing process. This provides a very good substrate for growing fungi. The challenge is to balance moist, temperature and light so only the edible mushrooms grow and not unwanted ones. Finding the right material to provide these qualities and creating a system to imitate the natural environment of mushrooms in a beautiful and functional way, is what I want to achieve. My goal was to develop a design which establishes an endless grow cycle of mushrooms as well as a different way of thinking what to do with certain food wastes like coffee ground.
Waste Material
Batzen Bräu
round the historic Ca’ de Bezzi tavern with its cosy lounge and the large Biergarten a
real universe dedicated to craft beer has taken shape. Under Robert Widmann’s guidance, real beer specialities such as Vienna Lager, Dunkel or even Ur-Porter are made, as well as another twenty beers passionately brewed by highly motivated and qualified master brewers. Today, the Batzen brewery has become a meeting place not only for the people of Bolzano but also for all lovers of beer and culture.
oasting coffee, preparing it in the correct way and savouring it are indissolubly linked
to the right procedures and to an impeccable technique. For the Caroma company, all this is also something more – an art that comes from a combination of know-how, experience and heart, conveying the feeling that behind each cup of coffee lies the passion of an expert. Controlled origin of each coffee bean, sustainable growing and delicate processing method are at the bottom of the work of Valentin Hofer, since 1995 based in Fiè allo Sciliar, at the head of a team of 15 people.
Dr. Schär
he history of Dr. Schär began almost 40 years ago with a vision: to improve the lives
of people with specific dietary needs. The core competence is to reconcile nutritional requirements with joie de vivre. Since 2013, the leading manufacturer of gluten-free products on the European market has also been making dietary foods for new consumer targets and for medical purposes. In 2018, this family-run company based in South Tyrol in Postal (Merano), which has 15 subsidiaries in nine different countries and employs 1,300 people worldwide, achieved a turnover of 353 million euro.
Juval / VI.P.
uval is a Fruit Grower’s Cooperative located in the heart of the Venosta Valley and founded
in 1933 by 10 enter-prising farmers, now members of the Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producers of the Venosta Valley Vi.P. Through integrated and organic cultivation methods, the cooperative is able to ensure ongoing respect for the environment. The approximately 54000 tons of fruit grown by members is stored in the warehouses of Castelbello and Ciardes under strict hygiene conditions, sorted and packaged according to customer needs. The 116 employees identify with the company and are motivated through adequate training to meet the needs of the market.
Meraner Mühle
eraner Mühle was established in 1985, but with a rich history of 600 years – ever since
the von Berg family began its experience in the production of flour in Germany. Still today, Meraner Mühle is a family-run company that continues to combine the ancient passion for the work of the miller with the principles of a production in step with the times: careful selection of raw materials, latest generation technological systems, attention to the needs of customers. Meraner Mühle offers a broad range of flours, organic and gluten-free flours, semi-finished products, organic and gluten-free semi-finished products and – of course – also cereals.
n 1988, Toni Oberhรถller and his wife Paula founded the family confectionery business, Pas-
ticceria Oberhรถller in Sarentino, focusing on the creation of classic cakes. In 2010, the Oberhรถller family took the courageous decision to close the shop to devote themselves solely to the production of chocolate. Their range of products is constantly being expanded, and over the years many other varieties of chocolate, pralines, spreads and filled chocolates have been added. In 2016, the workshop moved and the new Sarentino shop was opened, now Toni and his son Michael have the necessary space to devote themselves to the creation of new products and bean-to-bar chocolate.
Profanter Backstube
he master bakers Helmuth and Benjamin Profanter bake genuine, 100% organic bread,
oven-baked products and dry pastries every day. A true pioneer in this sector, in 2011 the bakery converted to exclusively organic production. Out of deep conviction the master bakers have eliminated premixes and ready mixes. And there is also no shortage of regionality: the Profanter natural oven in South Tyrol is the largest purchaser of local cereals and co-promoter of the Regiograno project. Profanter employs around 50 people and every day about 1,000 kg of flour and 80 different types of bread are processed and distributed in all the branches of South Tyrol.
he Turmbachhof farm in Appiano on the Wine Road has been owned by the Walch-
er family for 9 generations. Here, half a century ago, Alfons Walcher, born in 1929, began distilling schnapps and brandies with a small artisan still. Today, the Walcher company sells its products to five continents of the world and combines a centuries-old distillation tradition with environment-friendly innovation. The Walcher distillery is located in a large orchard. The advantage of being born in this wonderful environment has taught the company to choose only healthy, fully-ripe and, possibly, local fruit for the production of his grappa, liqueurs and brandies.
Credits A project by
In collaboration with Free University of Bozen Bolzano
IDM Südtirol Creative Industries
Contract professors
Pfarrplatz 11 / Piazza Parrocchia, 11
Harry Thaler
I-39100 Bozen / Bolzano
Alessandro Mason Francesco Galofaro
Facebook: Creative Industries Südtirol
Theresa Angl
Instagram: ci_match
Ayşe Asena Bacaksız Jacopo Bridda
Project Coordinator
Roberta Zoe Faust
Renate Ranzi
Dario Lantschner Matteo Leonardi
Project Management
Blanca Perez Torrens
Valentina Cramerotti
Carolin Sophie Schelkle Antonio Severi
Gaia Tovaglia
Batzen Bräu
Theresa Tropschuh
Elisabeth Wolf
Dr. Schär Juval / VI.P
Catalog & Graphics
Meraner Mühle
Carolin Schelkle, Roberta Faust,
Theresa Tropschuh
Profanter Backstube Walcher
Photos Theresa Tropschuh
Asia De Lorenzi
Grafiche Futura
Carolin Schelkle
Printed in June 2019
Roberta Faust
Thanks to Companies
Free University of Bolzano
Eva Widmann
Antonino Benincasa
Robert Widmann Valentin Hofer
Workshop Assistants
Irmi Hofer
Albert Kofler
Nicole Mattei
Valentin Riegler
Benjamin Profanter
Roland Verber
Peter Stricker
Dietmar Klammer
Markus Holzner
Curzio Castellan
LIMBUA Deutschland GmbH
Katrin Kofler
Paula Oberhöller
Markus Kofler
Anton Oberhöller
Silvia Maranzan
MUSE Fablab
Manuel Moling Uni Bar Theodor Walcher Ristorante Pizzeria Marechiaro Loacker Josi Kosta Collaborations Ben Schneider Marina Pünsch Marina Baldo Susanne Barta Partners