ON ON THE THE COVER COVER 6 Things You Didn’t Know About the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier www.akc.org
1. They Are Native to Ireland The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is one of four terrier breeds that are native to Ireland. 2. They Were a “Poor Man’s Dog” Irish peasants owned Wheatens because they were not permitted to own hounds, Beagles, or spaniels; by law, those breeds were reserved for the gentry— people who had money to their names. 3. They Performed Every Farm Job Because they couldn’t own the aforementioned dogs, poor farmers used Wheatens to perform pretty much every job on the farm. 4. They Are Born in a Variety of Colors The Wheaten’s signature pale beige coat does not come in until he reaches adulthood. Wheaten puppies
are born different colors, including white or creme (and beyond!), and puppies under a year may carry deeper coloring and occasional black tipping. 5. One Wheaten Is a Diving Champion A Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, named Krista, came within an inch of being in the top 10 at last year’s national diving dog championship. Krista jumped 10 feet 2 inches into the water. 6. They Appeared in Victorian Art Even though they were owned by Irish peasants, some Wheatens still found their way into artwork. An example is the 1843 work, “The Aran Fisherman’s Drowned Child,” by Frederic William Burton.
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