1 minute read
OCTOBER 14, 2022 the boys to the yard” playing, we danced our way right into the operating room. Then, of course, from Rocky, “Eye of the Tiger.” As I lay on the table watching everyone run around and get ready, I started to feel completely overwhelmed. I closed my eyes and thought of my husband and my boys. I let myself imagine for a minute what my life may look like if I survived this transplant— being able to walk without being out of breath, being able to take the stairs, and simply being able to live. The anesthesiologist counted me down as I talked about photography and our shared love of Fujifilm, and the next thing I knew, I was awake, intubated and in the ICU. The surgery had lasted overnight, taking over 10 hours to complete.
OCTOBER 22, 2022
New Life
I could write obsessively about how hard this has all been, how I work every day to keep myself healthy, about the anxiety and the fear. I could talk about taking handfuls of life-saving medications every day on a strict schedule, multiple times a day for the rest of my life. At the time I am writing this, I am getting ready for my eleventh heart biopsy and right side catheterization at the hospital in a few days. All of that is a large part of my story, and it is not easy, but what matters more than any of it is that I am here.
I celebrated my boys’ birthdays. I sat next to my son Moses as he bought his first car. We have gone hiking together as a family (and please reread that sentence because I could actually hike for the first time). I have taken walks with my oldest son Jonas and had the most touching conversations.

I turned 43 in May.

I have laughed way too loudly with friends and have shared adventures with my love, Geoff. I have learned so much over the past few months. We have all been changed in beautifully heartbreaking ways through this experience. One of the biggest things is to simply be happy right now. Don’t wait for this to happen or for things to be worked out or