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Places to Birdwatch 5
5922 Nixon Dr, York, PA
Richard Nixon Park in York scales over 200 acres of meadows and woods, offering plenty of opportunities for bird sighting. All across the park, feeders are filled to guarantee draw to the area. A climate controlled Nature center allows you to comfortably watch for action during winter months. During the summer, commonly spotted elsewhere in the park are indigo bunting, common yellowthroat, and field sparrow.
Second Mountain Hawk Watch
Unnamed Road, Jonestown, PA
Best known for its sprawling views over Fort Indian Gap and Stony Valley, Second Mountain Hawk Watch in Lebanon County offers not only breathtaking views, but also a plethora of migrating hawks August through December. During other times of year, it’s a favorite lookout for harriers, sharp shinned hawks, bald eagles, and golden eagles.
Strawberry Hill Nature Preserve
1537 Mount Hope Rd, Fairfield, PA
Located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Adams County, Strawberry Hill Nature Preserve offers ideal bird watching and programs to enhance any level of watchers’ endeavors. In addition to 609 acres of land and trails to observe, they offer the area’s only live raptor program. While watching solo, you can expect a chance to see barred owls, screech owls, great horned owls, pileated woodpeckers, American woodcocks, ruffed grouses, wild turkeys, scarlet tanagers, wood thrushes, great blue herons, and ruby-throated hummingbirds.
Letort Spring Run And Nature Trail
260 E Pomfret St, Carlisle, PA
Perhaps better known for fly fishing, Cumberland County’s Letort Spring Run and Nature Trail also provides some of the area’s most ideal spots for bird watching. A variety of birds can be viewed along their two mile stream-side trail, which include common yellowthroats, Carolina wrens, belted kingfishers, and great blue herons. Also plan to see various sparrows, woodpeckers, and hawk species.
Holtwood Environmental Preserve
9 New Village Rd, Holtwood, PA
If you’re looking for a vast area to explore with a multitude of bird species, then look no further. Nestled in Southern Lancaster County, the Holtwood Environmental Preserve spans over 5000 acres along the Susquehanna River. Birds you can expect to see at this preserve include cerulean warblers, worm-eating warblers, Kentucky warblers, Louisiana water thrush, and yellow-billed and black-billed cuckoos.