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2 August 20-26, 2020 Hahn announces grants for Infrastructure improvements

Submitted by ANDY BRIGGS

Two Northampton County municipalities in the 138th Legislative District were awarded state grants to assist in the completion of water and sewer improvement projects that will benefit residents and communities, announced Rep. Marcia Hahn (R-Northampton). The funding was made available through the Pennsylvania Small Water and Sewer Program.

“Infrastructure costs are on the

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rise for small municipalities statewide. That’s why it is so important programs like this are available to help ensure critical infrastructure improvements are completed,” said Hahn. “I was happy to work with municipal leaders on identifying these projects and advocate on their behalf.”

The Bath Borough Authority was awarded $224,825 for a water system improvement project. Specifically, the grant funding will go toward the installation of 1,100 feet of PVC waterline, two fire hydrants, five valves, new service lines and interconnections to exiting water mains at Penn, East Main and Pine streets. The old cast iron pipes to be replaced have a history of breaks and leaks. The authority has also committed $39,675 of its own funding for the $264,000 project.

Pen Argyl Borough was awarded $47,586 for sewer improvements on Moyer Street and East Babbit Avenue. Specifically, the grant funding will address issues with two sewer mains. The work on Moyer Street includes the removal of a deteriorating sewer main point and extending it by 40 feet with a new manhole. On East Babbit Avenue, 100 feet of deteriorating clay pipe will be replaced, along with two service laterals and cleanout assemblies. A new manhole will also be installed. The borough is contributing $8,398 toward the $55,984 project.

The Pennsylvania Small Water and Sewer Program was established by the General Assembly to award grants to municipalities and municipal authorities for water, sewer, storm water and flood control projects with a cost of not less than $30,000 and not more than $500,000.

The funding was approved by the Commonwealth Financing

Authority, an independent agency that holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania’s economic growth.

Wolf Administration Grants hazard Pay to frontLine workers in Life-sustaining Industries Submitted by


Governor Tom Wolf announced Monday the recipients of $50 million in grants to help employers provide hazard pay to employees in life-sustaining industries during the COVID-19 pandemic. The program, announced last month, was created to keep front-line employees working in vital industry sectors across Pennsylvania. "Pennsylvania's front-line workers put themselves and their loved ones at risk each day they report to work to ensure the continuation of critical goods and services for their communities, and hazard pay is an important opportunity to compensate these vital workers," said Gov. Wolf. "It is undeniable that COVID-19 has put incredible stress on Pennsylvania's economy, health care system and workforce, and my administration is committed to supporting our businesses and communities as we continue to navigate this global pandemic."

Created through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, this reimbursement-based grant is available to employers offering hazard pay during the eligible program period and will be administered by the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED).

Grant funds can be used for hazard pay for direct, full-time and part-time employees earning less than $20/hour, excluding fringe benefits and overtime for the 10-week period from Aug. 16, 2020 through Oct. 24, 2020. Employers applied for up to $1,200 per eligible full-time equivalent (FTE) employee, up to 500 eligible full-time equivalent employees per location.

The program was developed

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