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Benefits the 113th Northern Lehigh Halloween Parade. Sunday, May 23 at the Slatington Skeet Club Pavilion. Seating begins at noon, bingo starts at 1 p.m. $25 admission includes 20 regular games, 5 specials and door prize. Additional boards and dabbers available at the door. BYOB. Food available by PFG Pizza. Call 484-225-2714 or 484619-0140 for tickets.

St. John’s U.C.C. Slatington, Gift

Card/Certificate Raffle. Saturday May 1st, Veterans Memorial Park, Slatington. 10 a.m.- 12 p.m., masks required, prizes mailed. Rain Date May 2nd (4/15)

Help Wanted

Wanted PT Secretary, math skills needed, Walnutport area. Call 610-390-4759 (4/15)

Mrs. Bush Cares

Join Our Team! Now Hiring All Shifts PCA/Med-Techs Kunkletown Call 610-381-1003 (4/15)


64 Year Old Gentleman Looking for female companionship, between the ages of 50 - 60. Slatedale area. Call Jerry 610-704-5965 (5/20)

Real Estate for Rent

Apartment Slatington: New 2 bedroom, spacious, eat-in kitchen, living room, bathroom with linen closet, one-piece tub shower. NO PETS and no smoking, W/S/G included. $625 + utilities, security required. Call 610-390-8691.

Slatington Hotel: Clean, safe, quiet, nicely furnished rooms, $125-$190/week. Private and shared bathrooms. Color TV and cable incl. Up-charge for A/C and on-premise parking. Internet avail. Furnished effic. apts also available. 732-309-9671. (12/16)


Newly remodeled commercial office 140 sqft. Private bathroom and two closets. $475 a month. Located in Bath. 610-261-1015. (4/15)

Services Available

Tim's Sharpening Service: Let me take care of your sharpening needs. Circular saws, carbide circular saw blades, planer blades, scissors, electric hedge fence trimmers, lawn mower blades, axes, chisels, chain saws, etc. Call 610-767-5171 or 610-751-6182

Don Hartwig Sharpening

Service: Saw Chain, Mower Blades, Scissors, Knives, Clipper Blades, Carbide Tip Saws, and much more. 4728 Mountain Rd. Slatington. 610-248-7988. (12/17)

For Sale

Farm Trailer: 4’ wide x 11’ long, 3 sides, no title/no lights, 16” tires $125 610-377-5830 (4/15)

Next Gazette May 6 Deadline - April 28



Spring Puzzle

Freda Horn celebrated her 90th birthday on April 6, Marc Grammes named Freda, mayor of Slatedale at the 100th anniversary of the fire company and 150th anniversary of the village of Slatedale. Hope you had a Happy Birthday Freda!

Video and phone sessions available Master Hypnotherapist/ Reiki Master Brenda Rhodes

22 Years Experience

Create a healthy happy life! Weight loss, Smoking, Anxiety, Tinnitus, Trauma and Phobias


www.allentownhypnosis.com hypnobrenda88@yahoo.com Call today and feel good again! 610-760-1700

•Prompt, professional healthcare for all ages •Successful treatment of disc herniation/bulges •Auto Accident /Workers’ Comp. •Accepting Medicare and Most Insurances Michael K. Everett, D.C. Palmer Graduate 519 Willow Road, Walnutport

Virtual Concert to support The Pennsylvania American Legion and our programs that support our communities

submitted by Shannon Kyle

The strength of our country hasn’t just been won on the battlefield, it’s won every day in our communities when we come together in our toughest time. For over 100 years, The American Legion has been strengthening communities by providing lifesaving help to our Veterans and neighbors. It’s what The American Legion is all about.

The American Legion is a nonprofit veteran service organization that supports Veterans, current service men and women, their families and the communities we live in. The American Legion is an organization that helps all Veterans and their families, not just members of The American Legion.

A review of reports covering July 2019 through June 2020 find, that even during a pandemic, Pennsylvania American Legion 700+ posts are still working within our communities and for our fellow Veterans -- to the tune of over two and a half million dollars ($2,572,707) for the year.

Our programs include scholarships for Pennsylvania youth, American Legion Baseball, Boy Scouts, essay and oratorical contests, local blood drives, food drives, Temporary Financial Assistance to families, providing funeral honors, parades, VA patient support, Veteran Service Officers, job training and housing for homeless Veterans to name a few.

This past year has been a hardship for so many but The American Legion has still been there, in your community, working to make a better tomorrow. Yet because of the pandemic it has been difficult to fundraise the same way we have other years to support our Americanism, Community Service, Children & Youth, and Veteran Programs.

With the help from our friends at Advocate Health Advisors and Friend Entertainment we are having a live virtual concert to support The American Legion and our programs that boost our communities.

On Saturday, May 1, 2021 two great bands - Brothers & Friends (Marshall Tucker Tribute Band) and Sharp Dressed Band (ZZ Top Tribute Band) will be playing a virtual concert in support of The American Legion!

Anyone can purchase a ticket and enjoy the concert in the comfort of their own home. The tickets are only $10 to purchase for a night of Rock and Roll fun. The website to buy a ticket and support the Pennsylvania American Legion is https://virtualtributeconcerts.com/supportthel egionconcert?markcode=alpa. People can select “Buy Ticket & Support the Mission” button for $15 to buy a ticket to the concert and donate an extra $5 to The Pennsylvania American Legion.

YouTube link promoting the concert - https:// youtu.be/gRFrPe90q0k Please visit our website for more information about the concert www.palegion.com.


Lori Ann Marsh - 57 on April 19 Drew Rice - 29 on April 20 Timothy Fronheiser - 59 on April 23 Jonathan Curcio - 15 on April 24 Jennifer Smith - 39 on April 24 Jeffrey Stolz - 65 on April 25 Dawn LaRosa - 52 on April 29

Our Quality is EtchEd in stOnE MEMOrials


LCCC Offers Young Driver Classes Using TransSim VS5 Driving Simulator

submitted by Denise M. Reifinger

Lehigh Carbon Community College will offer noncredit classes in its Young Driver Program for the public. All sessions take place at the college’s main campus in Schnecksville. Tuition is $215. The Young Driver Program is a comprehensive training experience for students in the process of getting their driver’s license or for the recently licensed driver who is interested in additional education and training. The class includes time in LCCC’s driving simulator, TransSim VS5, to develop the reaction and critical thinking skills that new drivers need, and concentrates on the four key driving skills that safety experts believe are significant in preventing crashes, injuries and fatalities: hazard recognition, vehicle handling, space management and speed management. Evening sessions are held from 5 to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays and from 6 to 9 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays on the following dates. • April 20-22; May 18-20; and June 15-17 Students require a valid email address at the time of registration for all class communications and document distribution. To inquire about private group training or for any questions, email amilios@ lccc.edu or call 610-799-1780. To register, call 610799-1197 or email ncregistrar@mymail.lccc.edu.


Enter to Win!

Announcing Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette’s “Spring Garden Photo Contest”

Do you have a prize-worthy picture of your spring garden from either this year or last? If you do, send it to us electronically by Monday, April 26 and you might win a great prize from Town & Country Gazette.

Winning pictures – as many as three – will appear in our Mother’s Day issue coming out May 6. BLUE MOUNTAIN

Please send your pictures to both kmarsh@townandcountrygazette.com (Kathy) and jhall@townandcountrygazette.com (John) – and be sure to include your name and phone number so we can contact you if your photo is a winner!


EXP. 4/30/21

3 Daughters Construction ..................43 Nancy's Therapeutic Sharon Hartman - Color Street .........31 A-1 Towing Service .............................36 Massage.......................................2 Silfies Fuel ...........................................38 All Air Solutions ..................................22 Neff’s Masonry.....................................43 Slate Hill Farm Market .........................3 All J’s Landscaping & Lawn Care..........8 Neffs Bank ...........................................18 Snyder Supply .......................................5 Amey’s Clean Rite ...............................25 Northern Lehigh Recreation..............23 Spring Fest...........................................15 Amey’s Garage ....................................48 NRS Lawn & Landscaping.................13 St. John’s UCC Slatington.............23, 34 Back to Arcade ......................................9 NS Paving & Landscaping....................8 St. Paul’s UCC Indianland.............30, 35 Balloons by Robin ...............................27 Nulton Diagnostic Sule’s Collision Center........................42 Barry Hausman & Treatment Center..................30 Swanson’s Lawn Care........................43 Custom Kitchens.....................10 Perfect Balance ...................................24 Sylvia Merkel .......................................11 Bechtel’s Pharmacy............................41 Reading Escapades ............................21 Ted’s Roofing........................................11 Birch Creek Seal Coating .....................4 Richard B. Ryon ..................................20 W.Neff Auto Sales................................27 Blue Mountain Chimney Sweep ..........8 Roosevelt Demo Club .........................30 Walden & Randall Team .....................10 Blue Mountain Classics Car Show ....21 Schnecksville Notary..........................37 Walnutport Door Co...............................5 Blue Mountain Evergreen ....................2 Shari Noctor...........................................7 Werner Eyes of the Valley ..................24 Brenda Rhodes....................................41 Zephyr/Eagle Apartments..................33

Burger King ...................................16, 27 Carl Brunell-Top Dollar ......................31 Cedar Valley Post Frame......................2 Solutions : Last issue’s Sudoko answers

Citizen’s Fire Co.......................17, 25, 47 Country Clippers..................................29

Crayola..................................................45 David L. Hess Concrete ........................94 3 6 5 2 6 2 4 1 3 5 3

David L. Hess for

Lehigh Twp. Supervisor.........22 Designline Fence...................................52 5 1 4 3 5 3 1 6 4 2 1

Emmanuel UCC ...................................33

Everett Chiropractic............................. Family Practice....................................6 2 3 1 41 385 3 6 2 5 1 4 2

George G. Bensing Funeral Home, LLC................18

Great Metal Recycling......................... Harding Funeral Home....................... 3 1 4 2 36 196 1 4 5 3 2 6 6

H&R Block............................................14

Heidel Hollow ...................................... Ivan Witmer - State Farm ..................1 6 5 3 24 214 2 1 6 4 5 3 5

Jack Follweiler’s Garage....................34

Jerusalem Evan. Lutheran Church... JMY Construction ................................5 4 2 6 18 431 4 5 3 2 6 1 4

Just Build It............................................6

1sudoku.com Ken’s Lawn Care .................................43 Kushy Boutique ...................................19 n° B25 - Level Medium 1sudoku.com n° B214 - Level Medium 1sudoku.com

Kyle’s Kars........................................... Lehigh Valley Granite.......................... 14 42 FREE Ice Cream Cake Lehigh Valley Scoopers...................... Lehigh Valley Spinal ........................... Lehighton Downtown Initiative.......... 29 37 32 WINNER

Lincoln Manor......................................20 LNC Tax Services, LLC .........................4 Mack’s Tree Service ............................43 Miller Supply........................................12 Mint Home Improvement ...................12 Mobile Home Parts Center.................43 Mountainside Construction ................47 Mrs. Bush’s Personal Care Homes...35 Myster Tree ..........................................43 2 6 5 4 3 4 3 6 1 2 5 4 3 2 1 2 6 1 5 3 6 X Jennifer Smith of Germansville Call the TCG office at 610-767-9600 to claim your prize! Cake courtesy of Scoopendorf’s Ice Cream Company. 1 6 4 3 4 2 5 1 3 4 2 5 6 4 5 1 2 4 5 6 4 2 5 1 3 6 2

• Fully Insured • Free Estimates 610-767-3355 484-547-9625

• Additions • Garages • Basements • Custom Bars • Maintenance Free Decks • Patio Rooms • Financing Available • 30 Years Experience • Dump Trailer Rentals Available We Deliver, Pick Up, and Empty. Call for Pricing Check out our website: www.mountainsideconstructioninc.com

Garden Tractor Pulls Schedule

Citizens Fire Co. #1 Slatedale

April 25 • 12 to ? July 18 • 12 to ? May 23 • 12 to ? August 22 • 12 to ? June 27 • 12 to ? Sept. 19 • 12 to ? 2021 October 17 • 12 to ? 2021 3922 Main St., Slatedale Info Contact: Bob at 610-248-8207

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