10 minute read
OFF THE SHELF Slatington Library News
Submitted by Louise Bechtel
There is currently an opening on the Library Board of Directors for a representative from the Borough of Slatington. If you are interested in becoming a member of the board, and would like to get involved in your community, please contact the library.
The Wonderful World of Wildlife Reading program is back! The library’s summer reading program will be held on Wednesday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. Children from preschool to 5th grade are invited to participate. The program will run each Wednesday through Aug. 10th. There will be stories and crafts all about cute and cuddly creatures.
The Library is once again having their summer reading incentive program for all pre-school age children and students. It will end Friday, August 26th. Each child must read/or be read ten books, write down the titles and return the form to the library. A raffle ticket will be given for each 10 titles read. The more you read, the more raffle tickets you have in the drawing, which will take place August 26th. The library will give away 10 prizes. The books do not have to be library books. Forms are available at the library. The Book Club is currently reading “The Return,” by Nicholas Sparks. They will meet in person and virtually on Tuesday, September 6th at 1:00pm due to the labor day holiday. There are copies of the book available at the library. If you are interested in joining the book club, please contact the library.
The Library is looking to start a Teen Advisory Board. If you are a teen and wish to get involved, please call or stop in the library for more information.
Library hours are currently Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9am to 5pm, Tues. 9am to 3pm, Sat. 8am to 2:00pm. The library is closed Thursday and Sunday.
Any questions concerning this information please contact Louise Bechtel at the Library at (610) 767-6461. Thank you.
In late June, LTRT hosted “Celebrating Indian Trail Park”, to showcase the work we’ve done on the path in the woods. Children looked for pipe cleaner insects and received a prize for finding five of them. Nate Pritchard, a county conservationist, showed people small organisms that live in the creek. We sold raffle tickets and perennials. Many visitors toured the Historical Centre. Members of the Bertsch-HokendaquaCatasauqua Watershed Association participated, as did members of the Indian Garden Club. Thank you to everyone who helped out and all who attended.
In early July, another one of our members was honored as an Outstanding Senior of Northampton County. Nancy Thatcher, our president, was recognized for her leadership of LTRT and for her work in many other organizations including the D & L, the Nature Center, Holiday Hope Chests, and Boutique at the Rink.
Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc.
7419 Saegersville Rd. Germansville 610-767-2409 FARM FRESH EGGS McCUTCHEON White Potatoes 50 lbs - $13.00 Jams & Jellies Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm
Hay & Straw Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closed
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Time To Order Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc. 610-767-2409 ledieH lloH w Farm, Inc. m, Inc. Eggs For Easter FARM FRESH EGGS Retail & Wholesale McCUTCHEON
PotatoesHeidel Hollow Farm, Inc. Barley Straw for Ponds 7419 Saegersville Rd. Germansville 610-767-2409 FARM FRESH EGGS McCUTCHEON
White Potatoes 50 lbs - $13.00 Jams & Jellies Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm
Hay & Straw Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closed
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Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc. 7419 Saegersville Rd. Germansville 610-767-2409
Time To Order le ediHe lloH w Farm, Inc. FARM FRESH EGGS White Eggs For Easter Potatoes 50 lbs - $13.00 McCUTCHEON Jams & Jellies Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm
Hay & Straw Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closed
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Retail & Wholesale
Time To Order H ledi lloH w Farm, Inc.
Eggs For Easter
Sweet Corn, Local Produce, Tomatoes, Peppers Local Honey
Jams & Jellies
Hours: Mon. thru Fri 8am - 4pm Sat, 9am - 1pm • Sunday closedSlatington Lodge #440 2022 Golf Outing
Friday, August 26 at Whitetail Golf Club Bath, PA. All Welcome! The format is 4-man scramble. Registration begins at 12:00p, with shotgun start at 1:30p. The price is $85 per golfer, and includes a welcome bag, Buffet Dinner and beverages included on/off the course. The day will also consist of raffles, prizes, and contests. Friday, August 26 at Whitetail Golf Club Bath, PA. All Freemasonry is a fraternity of brothers who share one common goal: to help each other become better men. We Welcome! The format is 4-man scramble. Registration begins strengthen and improve our character by learning and practicing basic virtues of fraternal love, charity, and truth. Our principles extend far beyond our interactions with each other, and we strive to apply them to our daily lives. Slatington at 12:00pm, with shotgun start at 1:30pm. The price is $85 Lodge #440 believes in supporting the local communities and beyond. Yearly, we contribute towards scholarships to graduating seniors, Special Olympics, youth sports, active and veteran military families, other local organization proper golfer, and includes a welcome bag, Buffet Dinner and jects, and much more! We also rely on the support of our members and community towards our yearly fundraising to make all of these things possible. beverages included on/off the course. The day will also
consist of raffles, prizes, and contests.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship Opportunities
Gold Sponsor $2,500 (1 ExclusiveGold Sponsor $2,500 (1 Exclusive Sponsor) - 3 Foursomes, personalized banner sign displayed at registration/ Sponsor) - 3 Foursomes, personalized banner sign displayed If interested in golfing or sponsorship, please complete form below and mail. Mail Checks & Form To: ForeForty Golf, 7635 Interchange Rd Lehighton, Pa 18235 at registration/awards and dinner, time slot at dinner to speak, sign placed on tee box, and mention in Checks Payable To: Slatington Lodge #440 F&AMawards and dinner, time slot at dinner to speak, sign placed on event flyer given to each golfer. tee box, and mention in event flyer given to each golfer. Silver Sponsor $1,500 - 2 foursomes, personalized banner Contact Name: _____________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________________________
Silver Sponsor $1,500 - 2 foursomes, personalized banner sign displayed at raffle table/awards and dinner, mention in event flyer given to each golfer. Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Names, phone, email of other golfers in your group: ____________________________ Name On Sign: _______________________________________________________________ sign displayed at raffle table/awards and dinner, mention in event flyer given to each golfer. Bronze Sponsor $750 - 1 foursome, 2 tee box signs, and mention in event flyer given to each golfer.
Hole Sponsor & Golf Package $395 - 1 Foursome, sign Sponsor Level: Gold Only 1 Available: @ $2,500 ____________________________
Bronze Sponsorplaced on tee box. $750 - 1 foursome, 2 tee box signs, and mention in event flyer given to each golfer. Silver Sponsor: @ $1,500 ____________ Bronze Sponsor: @ $750 _____________
Hole Sponsor & Golf Package $395 Hole Sponsor $100 - sign placed on tee box, mention in event flyer given to each golfer. Raffle Sponsor Donation $25 Gift Card- Purchase card and - 1 Foursome, sign placed on tee box. 4 Golfers & Hole Sponsor Package: @ $395 _______Hole Sponsors: @ $100 ________ Just Golf # of players_____________ @ $85 = ____________________
Hole Sponsor $100 mail in w/form, mention in event flyer. - sign placed on tee box, mention in event flyer given to each golfer. Total Included: $_________________________________ 42 Raffle Sponsor Donation $25 Gift CardNews@TownAndCountryGazette.com || AUGUST 4, 2022Purchase card and mail in w/form, mention in event flyer.
Recently LTRT participated in the Food Truck Festival sponsored by the Northern Lehigh Recreation Authority at Victory Park in Slatington, at which we sold T-shirts and raffle tickets. The first week in August we informed visitors about our work in the woods during National Night Out, which took place at Indian Trail Park.
The raffle tickets that we are selling are for one of 12 prizes. These include gift cards to area stores, $50 cash and gift baskets from area businesses. Tickets will be sold at Redners and Thom-son’s Meat Market in the late summer. Final sales will occur at the Walnutport Canal Festival in midOctober. The drawing will be held then, too. Nancy Thatcher, second from right, is
Water exploration in Indian Creek. honored as an Outstanding Senior of Northampton County.
A.F. Boyer Hardware
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Tackle • Powerbait • Fishing Licenses
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Family owned and operated business since 1868 Largest Firearms Dealer (5 Generations) that has been serving the Slatington and Lehigh Valley area. We are your one stop store offering a complete selection of hardware, plumbing, electrical, lawn and garden supplies, firearms, ammunition, window and screen repair, custom glass and Plexiglas cutting, pipe cut and thread (iron), copper tubing flared, stovepipe, new chainsaw chains made in minutes, Sharpening Services, Gun appraisals, gun registration, transfers, sale of hunting, fishing and dog licenses, and gift certificates.
130 Main Street Slatington 610-767-3575 or 610-767-3162
Well as most people know things can change in minute. That’s what happened to me, several days after I sent in the last article schedules changed. The VBS for kids had to be cancelled for this year and the Bible Study analyzing the movie Lion King was rescheduled to Mondays and started on the 1st. I am sorry if this caused you and inconvenience. Wow it’s August and Food Truck Thursday is still in operation, at 10am you are welcome to get food. Remember to bring along your own bags and boxes, as the items are not packaged. Always keep watch on the church Facebook page for cancellations, postponements etc. The line begins at the Northern Lehigh Food Bank.
On Sunday we start the week with The Bible study/Sunday school hour at 9am, this is followed by the regular service at 10am. Communion is celebrated the 1st Sunday of the month with the use of pre-packaged elements.
Both Monday morning and Monday evening Bible Study’s will start up again in September.
“Grief Share” is taking the rest of the summer off and will begin a new session on September 13th. Grief Share” meets on Tuesday morning at 10am, at the Helping Hand Community Center of Slatedale, located at 4019 Main Street, Slatedale. If you are interested in participating in the program contact Pastor Bill to register, and to reserve your book. New program coming. “Surviving the Loss of a Spouse,” watch for more information on time, day of the week and start date. The Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale, is a ministry of St. Peter’s Church.
Wednesday mornings the Pastor alternates between “The Palmerton and Sacred Heart by the Creek in Northampton for a time of worship with the residents. If you would like to fellowship with the residents and have a time of worship midweek, contact Pastor Bill for the schedule and time.
On Friday’s join Pastor Michelle with “Moments with Kids, at 10am. These can be viewed on facebook.com/StPetersChurch18080.
EDGE is taking the summer off but will be back for their regular meetings on September 12th on Monday evenings from 6-7PM. For more information, please contact Kristin at 484-5502578. The group meets at the Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale located at 4019 Main St, Slatedale. Please note NO School means NO EDGE.
Our monthly clothing ministry “The Redeemers Closet” is open on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9am -Noon, at the Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale located at 4019 Main St. Slatedale. See you in August on the 20th, come and check out all the new clothing. Please note that both clothing collection boxes are now open for donations of gently used clothing only NO toys, etc. Please do not leave clothing outside of collection boxes. If clothing gets wet, we must throw it away. Your cooperation is appreciated.
In all areas of the church’s ministries, we continue to praise God for his blessings both large and small. If you have a need, please contact Pastor Bill at 610-737-1450 to see if help is available.
Whether you are looking for a place to worship or would just like to participate in our church activities, you can always contact Pastor Bill at 610-737-1450, or check out our website: stpetersumcemerald.org.