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Slatington Library News

submitted by Louise Bechtel

The Slatington Library is open for those looking for books and/or computer use. CHANGE IN MASK POLICY. Due to the increase in Covid-19 cases, we are now asking everyone to wear a mask in the library.

Getting Started with Medicare: Join us for an informative Medicare session and learn how and when to enroll, various Medicare Health Plan Coverage options and what to consider when selecting what’s right for you. We will also discuss


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Prescription Drug Plans and answer your questions. This program will take place at the library on November 3rd, 1:30 to 3:00. It will be presented by Toni Schaller: IMO Agent, PA, UnitedHealthcare, AARP Medicare.

Thank you to everyone who purchased a Boscov’s “Friends helping Friends” pass from the library. Also a big thank you to the Walnutport Canal Association for a wonderful day at the canal. Thanks to all the “book people” who purchased books. The Book Club is planning a “Chat and Chew” on December 6th. Members will meet at a restaurant and discuss a book of their individual choice. If you are interested in joining the book club please contact the library. The Pennsylvania Medicare Education and Decision Insight (PA MEDI), formerly known as APPRISE is comprised of health insurance counselors that help you understand your health insurance options. They will be at the library on a Tuesday during Medicare open enrollment. You must call the library and make an appointment. The library has received generous donations from the community in memory of Karen Schneck. You can sign-up for a library card in our online catalog and select e-books and audio books from the Carbon Lehigh Downloadable Library. Both links are on our web page. Any questions concerning this information please contact Louise Bechtel at the Library at (610) 767-6461. Thank you.


Rochelle Weaver - 62 on October 26 Chris Grube - 67 on November 30


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One person per issue will be randomly chosen to win a FREE Birthday Cake from Scoopendorf’s Ice Cream Company, Walnutport.

Must pick up coupon at the Blue Mountain Town & Country Gazette office to receive free cake.

We are again accepting prepared gift filled shoe boxes to send to Samaritan’s Purse. If you would like to prepare a shoe box, please contact the church for a drop off time. Deadline for the boxes is November 14th.

The Monday morning Bible Study meets at 11am and are doing “Jesus.” The Monday evening Bible Study at 6:30pm, will be doing “Forward” by Dr. David Jeremiah. Please contact Pastor Bill to let him know you wish to attend so a book will be available. As with all activities of the church the Bible studies are open to all. There is no cost for the book, but donations are accepted. Coming soon watch for the start of “Grief Share.” More information to follow or contact Pastor Bill.

At this time, we are continuing with the online services along with the church being fully opened. On Friday’s join Pastor Michelle with “Moments with Kids, at 4PM. These can be viewed on facebook.com/StPetersChurch18080.

The Bible study/Sunday school hour is at 9am, followed by the regular service at 10am. Wearing of masks is not required. If you feel the need to continue wearing a mask this will be your choice. All persons entering the Church may do so through any door. There will be hand sanitizer (provided). Communion is celebrated the 1st Sunday of the month with the use of pre-packaged elements.

We will be handing out food to those in need, on Thursday from about 10am till gone. November 18th will be the LAST food truck for this year. Please check out the church and Pastor Bills Facebook pages for updates. This give away is in the Church parking lot at 7860 Center St. Everything is loose, so bring your own bags and boxes.

Our monthly clothing ministry “The Redeemers Closet” is open on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9am -Noon, at the Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale located at 4019 Main St. Slatedale. At this time, the Board is requesting that masks be worn. Please note that both clothing collection boxes are now open for donations of gently used clothing only NO toys etc. Please do not leave clothing outside of collection boxes. If clothing gets wet, we must throw it away. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In all areas of the church’s ministries, we continue to praise God for his blessings both large and small. If you have a need, please contact Pastor Bill at 610-737-1450 to see if help is available.

Whether you are looking for a place to worship or would just like to participate in our church activities, you can always contact Pastor Bill at 610-737-1450, or check out our website: stpetersumcemerald.org.

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