Idrobase Group is the most complete solution to overcome the continual challenges of the pressure water market. Passion and Innovation are the pivotal points of our evergrowing business. Since 1986, year after year, we have passed from the role of pursuers to the one of being followed, always trying to interpret the needs of an ever-changing market. We shape our future by living intensely our present, we develop strategies to look forward, we innovate and create new product lines, we always hold in due consideration the welfare of those who use our systems, preserving the environment and contributing to keep the world cleaner.
The page numbers written inside refer to the related page of the “Catalogue of Solutions 2017”
USA PAVILION - With the special appearance of the First Lady, Michelle Obama
Idrobase misting system have a prominent position at the USA Pavilion. These systems have been designed to create a visual effect of great impact at the entrance. The misting system Fog 70 Basico 18l/min. - 70bar supplies a manifold with 16 outlets that merge into stainless steel bars with 6 nozzles each. A system that combines cooling with scenic effects made by Idrotech misting systems with fog and lights. A cooling that is particularly welcome during these hot summer days.
• Fog 70 Basico module [ pag.452 ]
• UV lamp [ pag.530 ]
• Nozzle Rings made with polyamide line [ pag.506/509 ]
• Double filter kit [ pag.528 ]
// of external area
This is a misting system both scenic and refreshing, designed to keep fresh the seaweed inside the panels of the entrance structure of the pavilion. Thanks to Idrotech misting system the humidity level is always under control. The water droplets have a size of about 10 microns and immediately evaporate minimizing the effect wet.
France pavilon at Expo is characterized by Perfect Cool misting systems.
• Stelo Rinfrescante [ pag.424 ]
• Fog Eco [ pag.436 ]
• Nozzles, accessories and special fittings [ pag.518 ]
// of external area
• Fog 70 Big [ pag.454 ]
• Pipe line made of SS [ pag.510 ]
Discover Enjoy your Life range for outdoor furniture: a complete solution, a patented collection for outdoor areas. All the details that make Enjoy your Life a unique range of products: to refresh gardens, swimming pool, gazebo, hotel, bar, restaurants, beaches...
• Fog 70 Var 3 MULTI-ZONE [ pag.468 ]
• Custom made ramps nozzles with Ø12x1 SS pipe on SS frame
• Humidistats with probe for each area [ pag.537 ]
• Intercepting area Solenoid valve kit
// of a greenhouse for roses
• Fog 70 Aperto [ pag.148 ]
• SS Ø12x1 line [ pag.511 ]
• Compression fittings made of SS [ pag.512 ]
• Humidistat remote control [ pag.537 ]
// with moisture stabilisation of wine casks
• Fog 40 module [ pag.437 ]
• Humydistat kit [ pag.537 ]
• Polyamide line [ pag.506 ]
// design of fountains of mist and light
• Fog Ambiente module [ pag.462 ]
• Dosing pump [ pag. 533 ]
• Water treatment kit with filter and UV lamp [ pag.530 ]
• Nozzle Rings made with polyamide line [ pag.506 ]
// with moisture stabilisation of wine casks
• 1 Fog modul 70 bar Var 2 MULTI-ZONE [ pag.468 ]
• Water treatment kit with filter and UV lamp [ pag.530 ]
• Pause/Work timer [ pag.536-544 ]
• SS Ø12x1 line [ pag.511 ]
in a poultry farm
• Fog 70 Basico module [ pag.452 ]
• Pipe line made of SS Ø12X1 [ pag.511 ]
• Connection line pipe, from module to nozzle line, made of SS Ø14x1,5 [ pag.513 ]
• Brass compression fittings [ pag.512 ]
// in a cattle farm
• Fog 70 Basico Inox module [ pag.452 ]
• Polyamide line Inox [ pag.506-514 ]
// in a mineral rock crusher
• Fog 70 Libero [ pag.446 ]
• Tailor-made SS Ø12X1 pipe line ramps [ pag.511 ]
• Connection line to ramps, made of SS Ø14x1,5 [ pag.513 ]
• 2 Fog 70 Basico modules [ pag.452 ]
• Line and Pipe ring made of SS Ø12X1 [ pag.511 ]
• SS Ø14x1,5 connection line from module to ramps [ pag.513 ]
// on a coal conveyor belt in a power station
• Fog 70 IC Ambiente [ pag. 460 ]
• Tailor-made ramp line with SS Ø12X1 pipe [ pag.511 ]
• Connection line to ramps, made of SS Ø14x1,5 [ pag.513 ]
// in a cement factory
• 2 Fog 70 Aperto modules [ pag.448 ]
• Fans with 6/8 nozzles rings [ pag.538 ]
• Fixed line with Ø9,6 and Ø12,7 polyamide pipe [ pag.507/509 ]
• Fog 70 Libero[ pag.446 ]
• Ø9,6 and Ø12,7 polyamide pipe line [ pag.507/509 ]
• Fog 70 Var 3 [ pag.468 ]
• Polyamide line with nozzles [ pag.506/509 ]
• Dosing unit kit of chemical product [ pag.533 ]
• 1 Fog 70 Basico module [ pag.452 ]
• Polyamide line with nozzles [ pag.506/509 ]
• Dosing unit kit of chemical product [ pag.533 ]
// of cooling towers in an air conditioning system
• Fog 70 Aperto module [ pag.448 ]
• Tailor-made nozzle ramps with SS Ø12x1 pipe [ pag.511 ]
• Kit flex pipes and connections
• Fog-60 module [ pag.440 ]
• Pause/Work timer and thermostat [ pag.536-544 ]
• Treatment water kit, filter [ pag.528 ]
• UV lamp [ pag.530 ]
You can find the complete range of Fog Makers from page 476 to 494
• Fog-60 module [ pag.440 ]
• Pause/Work timer [ pag.536-544 ]
• Polyamide line [ pag.506 ]
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It is permitted to read, consult and circulate in hard copy or electronic format this catalogue for personal use only.
It is not permitted to sell, reproduce or make any alterations to this catalogue without the prior written consent of IDROBASE GROUP® Srl.
This catalogue replace the previous one Technical features, prices, data, tables and figures are just indicative. Any changes can be made by the company without prior notice.
Idrobase Group Srl
Via dell’Industria, N. 25 35010 Borgoricco (PD) Italia
T: +39 049 9335903 r.a.
www.idrobasegroup.com info@idrobasegroup.com
Recognition of maximum commercial reliability