Set Dolly C20, valves with O-rings and seal packing ø14
3x3 + 4x3
Kit Dolly H91, seal packing ø20
Fitting Cat pumps
Kit Dolly H92, complete seal packing ø20*
quantity 9x1
Fitting Hotsy pumps
*Two (2) kits are required for complete pump repair
Kit Dolly Com287, valves and caps with O-rings
Set Dolly Com80,
Set Dolly Com81, complete seal packing ø12
Kit Dolly Com61, valves + O-rings
Kit Dolly Com288, seal packing ø12
Kit Dolly Com62, seal packing ø14 quantity 5x3
Set Dolly Com67, complete seal packing ø14 quantity 6x1
Set Dolly Com63, plunger oil seals ø14x22 quantity 1x3
Kit Dolly Com76, valves + O-rings quantity 2x3 + 2x6
Kit Dolly Com77, valves + O-rings quantity 2x6 + 3x3
Kit Dolly Com83, seal packing ø14 quantity 5x3 Kit Dolly Com85, seal packing ø14 quantity 5x3
Kit Dolly Com36, plunger oil seals ø15x24x5 quantity 1x3
BLADE S 6.13 13/180G GX200+BWD
Pro Classic 5.12 12/200 T
Pro Extra 3.10 10/150 M
Pro Extra 5.12 12/200 T
Kit Dolly Com75, valves + O-rings quantity 3x6
Kit Dolly Com12, seal packing ø18 quantity 4x3
Set Dolly Com63, plunger oil seals ø14x22 quantity 1x3
Kit Dolly Com16, complete seal packing ø18 quantity 5x1
Set Dolly Com79, plunger oil seals ø14x22 quantity 1x3
Kit Dolly 123, valves + O-rings
Connecting rod, for Interpump series "44" pumps quantity 1
Kit Dolly 137, Service kit by-pass valve
Kit Dolly 88, seal packing ø15
Fitting Interpump h.p. washers
Set Dolly i3, ceramic plungers ø15x37,5
Set Dolly X997, fitting Kärcher pumps, plunger ø12
Kit Dolly X916, valves with O-ring quantity 1x3
Set Dolly X997-HL, seal packing ø12 quantity 1x6 + 2x3
Set Dolly X60, discs ø12x22 quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X997-OR, O-rings for caps and manifold quantity
8 pz
• ZX.916-3 - 2 pcs ZX.997-HL - 1 pc ZX.2541 - 1 pc
• ZX.997-OR - 1pc
• ZX.2444-025 - 1 pc
Set Dolly X916-60, valves with O-ring quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X48, h.p. seals ø12x20 quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X58, plunger oil seals ø12x20 quantity 1x3
Technical grease, for the maintenance of high pressure pumps, 25ml
Fitting Kärcher h.p. washers
HDS 5/15 UX Plus *EU HD 6/13 CX
HD 1.8/13 C Ed HD 6/13 CX Plus
HD 3.0/20 C Ea
6/15 C PLUS HD 5/11 C
6/15 CX
HD 5/12 C HD 6/15 CX PLUS
HD 5/12 C Plus HD 6/15C PLUS
HD 5/12 CX HD 7/10 CXF
HD 5/12 CX Plus HD 7/15 C 200V 50HZ
HD 5/14 C HD 7/15 C 200V 60HZ
HD 5/14 C PLUS HD 7/15 CX 200V 50Hz
HD 5/14 C PLUS+FR30 HD 7/15 CX 200V 60Hz
HD 5/14 C+FR30 HD 7/16 C
HD 5/14 CX HD 7/18 C
HD 5/14 CX PLUS HD 7/18 C PLUS
HD 5/15 C HD 7/18 CX
HD 5/15 C + FR HD 7/18CX-PLUS
HD 5/15 C Plus HDS 5/15 U
HD 5/15 C Plus +FR HDS 5/15 U Plus
HD 5/15 CX Plus HDS 5/15 UX
HD 5/15 CX Plus + FR HDS 5/15 UX Plus
HD 5/17 C XpertHD 7125
HD 5/17 C Plus XpertHD 7125 Plus
HD 5/17 CX XpertHD 7125 X
HD 5/17C PLUS XpertHD 7125 X Plus
HD 5/17C PLUS+FR30 XpertHD 7140
HD 6/13 C XpertHD 7140 Plus
HD 6/13 C Plus XpertHD 7140 X
HD 6/13 C Plus + FR XpertHD 7170
HD 6/13 C Plus Boels XpertHD 7170 X
Before ordering, check that the diameter of the plunger matches that of the pump to be repaired.
Set Dolly X017, fitting Kärcher pumps, plunger ø14
Kit Dolly X916, valves with O-ring quantity 1x3
Set Dolly X869-HL, seal packing ø14 quantity 4x3
Set Dolly X26, l.p. seals ø14x20 quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X017-OR, O-rings for caps and manifold quantity 1x4 + 1x1
Set Dolly X916-60, valves with O-ring quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X21, h.p. seals ø14x22 (black) quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X23, discs ø14x24 quantity 1x60
Technical grease, for the maintenance of high pressure pumps, 25ml
• ZX.916-3 - 2 pcs
ZX.869-HL - 1 pc
ZX.2550-3 - 1 pc
• ZX.017-OR - 1 pc
• ZX.2444-025 - 1 pc
Fitting Kärcher h.p. washers
HD 7/18C
HD 5/17 C
HD 5/17 C Plus
HD 5/17 C Plus+FR30
HD 5/17 CX
HD 6/15 C
Before ordering, check that the diameter of the plunger matches that of the pump to be repaired.
Set Dolly X59, plunger oil seals ø14x22 quantity 1x3
Set Dolly X869, fitting Kärcher pumps, plunger ø14
Kit Dolly X916, valves with O-ring quantity 1x3
Set Dolly X869-HL, seal packing ø14 quantity 4x3
Set Dolly X26, l.p. seals ø14x20 quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X869-OR, O-rings for caps and manifold quantity 11 pcs
Set Dolly X916-60, valves with O-ring quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X21, h.p. seals ø14x22 (black) quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X23, discs ø14x24 quantity 1x60
Technical grease, for the maintenance of high pressure pumps, 25ml
• ZX.916-3 - 2 pcs
• ZX.869-HL - 1 pc ZX.869-OR - 1 pc
ZX.2444-025 - 1 pc
Fitting Kärcher h.p. washers
HD 600
HD 645
HD 645 Plus
HD 650
HD 650 Plus
HD 650 SX
HD 650 SX Plus
HD 650 SXL
HD 651
HD 658
HD 675 Plus
HD 690
HD 690 Plus
HD 690 SX
HD 690 SX Plus
HD 715
HD 715 ST
K 7.35M
Before ordering, check that the diameter of the plunger matches that of the pump to be repaired.
Set Dolly X008, fitting Kärcher pumps, plunger ø18
Kit Dolly X512, valves with O-ring quantity 1x3
Set Dolly X008-HL, seal packing ø18 quantity 4x3
Set Dolly X329-60, valves with O-ring quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X27, l.p. seals ø18x28 quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X008-MM, valve with O-ring, washers and plastic forks quantity 2x2 + 1x1
• ZX.0462-3 - 2 pcs
ZX.008-HL - 1 pc
ZX.008-MM - 1 pc
• ZX.008-OR - 1 pc
• ZX.2444-025 - 1 pc
Fitting Kärcher h.p. washers
HDS 8/18-4 C HDS 7/16-4 C Classic HDS 6/14-4 C
Before ordering, check that the diameter of the plunger matches that of the pump to be repaired.
Set Dolly X9, h.p. seals ø18x26 quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X8, discs ø18x28 quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X008-OR, O-rings for caps, manifold and stainless steel pin quantity 9 pcs
Technical grease, for the maintenance of high pressure pumps, 25ml
Set Dolly X883, fitting Kärcher pumps, plunger ø18
Kit Dolly X512, valves with O-ring quantity 1x3
Set Dolly X008-HL, seal packing ø18 quantity 4x3
Set Dolly X329-60, valves with O-ring quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X27, l.p. seals ø18x28 quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X883-OR, O-rings for manifold quantity 1x3 + 1x1
• ZX.0462-3 - 2 pcs
ZX.008-HL - 1 pc
ZX.883-OR - 1 pc
• ZX.2444-025 - 1 pc
Fitting Kärcher h.p. washer
HD 7/18-4M
Before ordering, check that the diameter of the plunger matches that of the pump to be repaired.
Set Dolly X9, h.p. seals ø18x26 quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X8, discs ø18x28 quantity 1x60
Technical grease, for the maintenance of high pressure pumps, 25ml
Fitting Kärcher
Set Dolly X034, fitting Kärcher pumps, plunger ø20
Kit Dolly X512, valves with O-ring quantity 1x3
Set Dolly X034-HL, seal packing ø20 quantity 5x3
Set Dolly X24, discs ø20x30 quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X034-OR, O-rings for caps, manifold and stainless steel pin quantity 10 pz
Set Dolly X329-60, valves with O-ring quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X51, h.p. seals ø20x30 quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X034-WS, washers and discs quantity 1x2 + 1x3
• ZX.0462-3 - 2 pcs
• ZX.034-HL - 1 pc
ZX.034-WS - 1 pc
ZX.034-MM - 1 pc
• ZX.034-OR - 1 pc
• ZX.2444-025 - 1 pc
Fitting Kärcher h.p. washers
HDS 10/20-4 M
HDS 10/21-4 M
Before ordering, check that the diameter of the plunger matches that of the pump to be repaired. Technical grease, for the maintenance of
Set Dolly X28, l.p. seals ø20x30 quantity 1x60
Set Dolly X034-MM, valve with O-ring and plastic forks quantity 1x1 + 1x2
Competitor code Idrobase Group code Page
Competitor code Idrobase Group code Page
76975 + 76976 ZX.2584
00003-00053 0019.0058 (1pc) ZX.1920 (3pcs)
00003-00081 0019.0095 (1pc) ZX.0828 (3pcs)
00003-00108 0019.0123 (1pc) ZX.1920 (3pcs)
00003-00166 0019.0182 (1pc) ZX.1920 (3pcs)
00003-00166 0019.0182 (1pc) ZX.1920 (3pcs)
00003-00169 0019.0185 (1pc) ZX.2558 (3pcs)
5019.0037 ZX.0409
5019.0078 ZX.1919
5019.0667 ZX.2569
5019.0682 ZX.2570
5019.0686 ZX.2571
5025.0014 ZX.1918
5025.0030 ZX.2551
5025.0057 ZX.2552
5025.0071 ZX.2554
5019.0776 (3pcs) ZX.2563 (1pc)
3604.0073 ZX.2566
5034.0004 ZX.2562
10001-09130 5025.0103 (3pcs) ZX.2567 (6pcs)
0019.0211 ZX.2568
5027.0059 ZX.2557
8.750-001.0 ZX.2494
8.725-408.0 ZX.2495
44.0300.22 ZX.1488-1
44.0401.09 (1pc) ZX.A1487 (3pcs)
52.0400.09 (1pc) ZX.A1258 (3pcs)
KIT 23 ZX.0067
KIT 88 ZX.0155
KIT 90 ZX.0158 KIT 123 ZX.1601
KIT 127 ZX.0093
KIT 129 ZX.0164
KIT 130 ZX.0162
KIT 131 ZX.0165
KIT 137 ZX.1537
2.883-869.0 ZX.SP869
2.883-997.0 ZX.SP997
2.884-008.0 ZX.SP008
2.884-512.0 ZX.0462-3
2.884-512.0 (3pcs) ZX.0966-60 (60pcs)
2.884-883.0 ZX.SP883
Dolly Spare Parts by Idrobase Group, and in any case all spare parts in this offer, are not original spare parts, but they are high quality spare parts. Dolly Spare Parts are fitting machines and accessories of other manufacturers although made according to the technical specifications and production standards of Idrobase. The original item number, original brand name and any other reference or information about that manufacturer shall be provided for the exclusive and sole purpose of making known to the reseller and to the end-user that Idrobase product has a self-serving purpose or anyway related to the original product to which the mark refers, that is to say the sole and exclusive practical purpose of indicating the correct use of the Idrobase spare part and its destination. The references cited are purely indicative: the retailer and the final user must check on the catalog page that the item presented has the required characteristics.
2.884-916.0 ZX.916-3
2.884-916.0 (3pc)
ZX.916-60 (60pcs)
2.885-017.0 ZX.SP017
2.885-034.0 ZX.SP034
4.115-465.0 (1pc) ZX.1458 (60pcs)
5.115-431.0 (1pc) ZX.0543 (60pcs)
5.115-538.0 (1pc) ZX.1457 (60pcs)
5.115-721.0 (1pc)
6.365-053.0 (1pc)
6.365-332.0 (1pc)
6.365-333.0 (1pc)
ZX.DB997-60 (60pcs)
ZX.0651 (60pcs)
ZX.0650 (60 pcs)
ZX.0544 (60 pcs)
6.365-334.0 (1pc) ZX.2574 (3pcs)
6.365-340.0 (1pc)
ZX.2550-3 (3pcs)
6.365-377.0 (1pc) ZX.1131-C (60pcs)
6.365-393.0 (1pc)
6.365-432.0 (1pc)
6.365-438.0 (1pc)
ZX.2541 (3pcs)
ZX.0641 (60pcs)
ZX.0649 (60pcs)
6.365-477.0 (1pc) ZX.0682 (60pcs)
9.751-004.0 (1pc) ZX.2572 (6pcs)
Dolly Spare Parts by Idrobase Group, and in any case all spare parts in this offer, are not original spare parts, but they are high quality spare parts. Dolly Spare Parts are fitting machines and accessories of other manufacturers although made according to the technical specifications and production standards of Idrobase. The original item number, original brand name and any other reference or information about that manufacturer shall be provided for the exclusive and sole purpose of making known to the reseller and to the end-user that Idrobase product has a self-serving purpose or anyway related to the original product to which the mark refers, that is to say the sole and exclusive practical purpose of indicating the correct use of the Idrobase spare part and its destination. The references cited are purely indicative: the retailer and the final user must check on the catalog page that the item presented has the required characteristics.
Copyrights© to this catalogue belong to IDROBASE GROUP® Srl. Reading, reference and dissemination in paper or electronic formats for personal use are permitted. Use for commercial purposes is not permitted, nor is any type of alteration except with the written consent of IDROBASE GROUP® Srl.
This catalogue cancels and supersedes the earlier version.
This catalogue provides general information on the products supplied by IDROBASE GROUP® Srl.
It is intended for retailers, system engineers, designers and more generally, all those who are already adequately familiar with said products, the materials from which they are made, their characteristics, efficiency and operation; it is therefore not intended for consumers who, in order to handle, install or perform any operation with the goods described here, must necessarily contact qualified and skilled personnel.
Also, with regard to skilled personnel, this catalogue should be considered a mere commercial tool, not containing the necessary technical specifications - which may be obtained free of charge from Idrobase, and as such, not suitable for use as a single go-to reference tool for the design, construction or installation of any kind of system.
The illustrations, technical characteristics, functions and other information given here about individual products, systems, installations and the like are based on the current state of the art: however, only the most immediately applicable information can be reproduced here, without any consideration for the global data necessary to design, implement and install any system, which must therefore be carefully assessed by designers, system engineers and installers.
Therefore, for specific indications on all products in the catalogue, please contact our main office, where competent staff are always on hand to answer any additional queries.
All the illustrations reproduced here may be slightly different from actual products and therefore, they should simply be intended as closely representing real items.
We reserve the right to introduce changes in all the products. For this reason, too, it is advisable to directly contact our main office.
In case of doubts regarding interpretation, the original Italian text will prevail.
When a new reprint is published, the present edition will no longer be valid.
Recognition of maximum commercial reliability