Ádám Breitenstein Hello guys! First of all, I warmly welcome you, the new members of IDSA, in our association! Let me
introduce myself, my name is Ádám Breitenstein but everyone calls me Breiti. I have just started my second year in Corvinus University in the field of International Business and I joined IDSA a year ago. I first met and instantly fell in love with the world of diplomacy and Model United Nations back in secondary school where I attended my first MUN conference called KarMUN.
Since then I had the chance to debate on various conferences and event in Hungary and abroad as well. When I finished my studies in secondary school, I thought that this part of my life is also over. However in the very first day at university I accidentally came across IDSA so I didn’t waste my time and joined with some of my friends, Andris, Rimó and Toncsi, all of whom you will get to know as well soon. When I’m not at the university I like spending time with my friends, partying or doing some sports. However I’m also comfortable with sitting at home, reading, doing crosswords or watching a good movie. At the end of my introduction I just would like to mention that the world of MUNs and this organization gave me lot, here I constantly have the opportunity to develop myself both professionally and personally, while meeting amazing people every day. Now, I would like
to take my chance and help others to live this whole experience just like I did. That’s why I became a mentor and I can’t wait to meet the new generation of enthusiastic IDSA members! ;)
Bori Bretus
Dear All! My name is BorbĂĄla Bretus and I study international relations at Corvinus University of Budapest. I am a member of IDSA for one year only, but during this period of time we have organized amazing events, the Munapest 2015 Conference - where I was the Head of
Administration - we went to several camps together, we are over unforgettable evenings and social programs and I also have to mention the conferences abroad, where we usually spend time as one big family. This is what IDSA is about, starting friendships that may never end, having fun, and having professional opportunities that will contribute to your professional carrier and might determine your whole life. I hope, you are ready to become a family member of our MUN family, and we will have amazing experience and an
endless number of fun stories in the future. As an active member of our beloved organisation, the responsible for voluntary events, and as a member of the HR team, I can’t wait to share my thoughts with You, and help you to become an active member of IDSA and also a good friend.
Zsolt Csaba
My name is Zsolt, I’m one of the mentors in IDSA. In Corvinus University I study International Studies MA, I have degrees in History BA and International Studies BA, and for some time I’ve learnt Politology a little bit. I’ve been a fanatical history-fan since I could read. In every year I have a very specific interest in an era and a country which is very interesting for me at that time and I do deep research in it – and later I move on to other, new field of interests. For example I wanted to be a byzantinologist for a while. I love to talk about history any time. Besides political history I love political theory. I wrote my BA thesis about Edmund Burke, the father of conservativism. I’m also always ready to discuss theorical questions! In IDSA I have the honour to be a member of the professional team, I’m responsible for NATO. From this semester we are going to have NATO-modelling. Security politics, geopolitics are one my favourites in international relations. I’m into all kind of british things (except for cooking): history, politics, society and of course: humour! And in general: the anglo-saxon world is interesting for me. For example I always spend a lot of time following the events of the US Presidental Elections. I have some crazy hobbies which nobody cares about :D But I love to waste time for them. I look forward to meet you and help you to integrate to this friendly assocciation.
Boglárka Erdős
Hi everybody and welcome here! I'm a Bogi Erdős and I hope most of you have met me on some event of the IDSA, but I also would like to introduce myself to you in a few sentences. Everyone tells these infos, so I do not want to leave it out either: I am a student of the Corvinus University (Marketing Msc) and I'm a recruiter for an HR consulting firm. The love of my life and my hobby as well is music, which plays a key role in my life as a whole. My average Sunday morning starts with watching The Smurfs and ends with a good Pats' game in my dad's company. In 2013 I became a member of the IDSA and this summer I had the honor to become the president of this association with my 3 lovely vice-presidents and our secretary. So far, I took part in five international conferences as a delegate and in the best one (MUNAPEST <3) as the Conference Manager. In addition, I have participated in some miniMUNs and as many MUN-Clubs as I was able to. (Each was a special experience for me so far, even the random-MUN Club in the Museum Garden with some alcohol.) I think it is important to know about me that I like to do a lot of thing in parallel and I try to use my time effectively as I can. I can say, that I'm a determined and honest woman and in spite of my rough style I'm very helpful and kind to those people, who deserve it ^_^.
Nikolett Garai Greetings new members! I’d like to congratulate all of you for your successful application. Welcome on board!
My name is Nikolett Garai and I’m currently the Vice-President for Professional Affairs. I had the special honor to meet most of you already during the application period, and as such, to bother you with a couple of UN related questions. The most important thing that you have to know about me is that I joined the association 3 years ago and ever since then I’ve been passionate about the world of Model United
Nations. I study International Relations, MA at Corvinus University and sometimes I check what’s happening at my second university as I study also Engineering of Viticulture and Enology. The latter one is rather a hobby because I love wine. This is my second year when I’m a mentor. Now, my old mentees will be mentors as well. I’m really proud of them that they are willing to continue this tradition.
When I joined IDSA, there was no mentor system yet and I did not understand why people were constantly talking about MUN addiction and staff like that, so I was absolutely terrified at the beginning. Well, we, mentors are exactly here for this reason to help and guide you through the early difficulties. If you ask me what kind of things do I like besides IDSA and MUN, I would say the followings: Chopin, Henry Kissinger, red wine, grand pianos, handball, Crystal Fighters. Lastly, I’d like to warn you that being a member of IDSA is not just a very excellent opportunity to learn, engage and broaden your minds but it is a lifestyle what all members are proud of.
See you next week at pub-crawl night! Niki
András Hidvégi
I’m András Hidvégi, and first of all, let me congratulate you on becoming a member of IDSA! I have been a member of IDSA for almost a year now. Similar to the majority of the members, I also study at Corvinus University (this is my second year), however, I study Finance and Accounting, which is a bit extraordinary in our association. I like to keep a fine balance between studies and hobby, and debating, diplomacy and MUN culture is definetely a passion of mine. MUN became a part of my life in my high school years: in 2010, I participated at KarMUN (Karinthy Model United Nations, the MUN of my high school) for the first time, as a member of the staff. During the following years I managed to climb the ladder, and took part in it as a delegate, then as a chair, and finally as a member of the organising team.
Of course after graduation It was not easy to say farewell, and leave everything behind, including MUNs, so three of my friends and I (Breiti, Rimó and Toncsi, you will have a chance a to meet them, since they are mentors as well!) searched for a university level association which dealt with diplomacy and MUNs: and this is how we found, and joined IDSA. Since then (other than strengthening our own friendship) we have befriended and got acquainted with many talented and fun people, had awesome parties, and last but definitely not least, we took part in organizing Hungary’s only university-level MUN, Munapest. Last year I also tried something new, since I was a member of the Press Committee, representing, animating, and writing articles on behalf of
Al-Jazeera, which proved to be a really tough but rewarding challenge. Other than this, last year’s Munapest was really special for me: my birthday happened to be on the day of the Closing Ceremony, when the whole conference celebrated me…I have to say it was probably the best birthday present ever! Other than MUNs, my other big passion is music: I played the drums for 7 years, and now I’ve been playing the guitar for 3 years. I also like sports, such as cycling, swimming, football and volleyball. I believe I’m an open and helpful person: this is why I hope I will prove to be a reliable and inspiring mentor. I’m really looking forward to meeting you, and I honestly hope you will find IDSA just as exciting and fascinating as I do!exciting and fascinating as I do!exciting and fascinating as I do!
Imola Kovรกcs Dear All,
My name is Imola Kovรกcs, I graduated in international relations at the Corvinus University and now I'm doing my master in international business and economy. My main field of interest is the international development. Recently I'm working at ING Bank as a HR trainee which might seems to quite a different sector, but now I have the chance to gain some multidisciplinary knowledge also on the field of commercial banking and CSR. I'm also member of the Mathias Corvinus Colelgium where I'm doing a specialized training program in international relations and a leadership program. In the IDSA and also during MUNAPEST I'm responsible for PR tasks as handling the social media platforms, or design the external documents. When I participated my first MUN conference I was totally amazed not only by the professionalism of the debates but also by the great atmosphere.I hope you will feel soon the benefits of MUN and our
community, my aim will be to help you on this path both on the professional and social side. I my free time I love to be close to the nature, hiking, running or just have a walk, simply be far away from the monotony of my everyday life. I'm quite a fanatic of books and tea, so the most perfect thing is when I can combinate this two addiction of mine.
Can't wait to get to know all of you! Welcome on the board of IDSA!
Géza Kovács-Dobák Dear Mentored Members! I am Géza Kovács-Dobák, III. Year student of the Corvinus University of Budapest on international business and III. Year member of IDSA. In the previous year I have been a proactive member of the organization: I have attended 5 international conferences; in the first year I was member of the HR team; later on I led the MUN Clubs with Gabs Rácz for a year; during and before MUNAPEST I was part of the delegation issues team and the professional team at the same time, furthermore I was the president of the Economic and Social Council; last year I mentored 4 people; and last but not least I was a devoted member of the organization. I love the culture of the MUNs, and intelligent debate, which is not about wining, rather about accessing further knowledge. I had been a delegate for quite some time, these days I am rather a chairperson at conferences. I like that if a person is motivated and single-minded, ambitious, however deep down is respectful.
The most important feature from me have been told by a few: I am honest and nice. With all its negative and positive sides. My personality also includes humour whether someone is appreciating it or not. :D I like to help, but I prefer, if people are not too proud to ask for help. I have mentored 4 people in the last year and I helped all of them, as I could, sometimes even more. I also helped their social integration (happily saying, with mostly successJ ) and I don’t want it any different this year. Also interesting to know about me, is that I am a journalist and photographer at the university newspaper, furthermore a division leader. In my 3rd year I undertook a job at General Electrics and started to live on my own, self-sustaining myself. Because of other activities I had to decide, that unfortunately I cannot be as active in IDSA as I used to be. So I decided that I only take one mentored member because of my schedule. Rather having one, but doing that right. (:D) I hope I can say that my professional background is fruiting with valuable experiences, what I would be glad to pass on the new comers. I hope, that my mentored member will be just as much passionate about MUNs as me because: M.U.N. is F.U.N.! J And in case this introduction does not concludes in “sooo serious and gloomy” manner, n’shit, those who
want to get to know me should watch my last year’s funny MUNAPEST chair introduction video: https:// driv e.googl e.com/fil e/d/0Bw1l qkco95V -RWk1azVW UzFRQ Xc/v iew?usp=sharing Enjoy! :D
Gergő Molnár Greetings Apprentice, my name is Gergő Molnár, sophomore at Corvinus University of Budapest, studying International Relations. Those of you whose interest that sentence did not raise, please scroll down to the Hobbies section. So, joining IDSA as a freshman with my mates has turned out to be the best choice as an IR student, as we have gained an insight to topics relevant to our studies, as well as motivation to dig deeper into these issues considerably sooner than others in our class. But I guess it is not my job anymore to convince you of how great we are, since you have already joined us. Moreover, you are probably reading this to get to know more about me, so let’s not waste your time any longer. One of the reasons I applied to become a mentor was the effects this program had on me through my very own mentor. Miss Nikolett Garai, also studying IR and being incredibly active and helpful, has given me a unique advantage concerning professional development within IDSA and most of all, the motivation I so desperately needed. The other reason is the friendly competition we have within our little branch. But of course these are not the only causes. Besides having the basic characteristics and skills of a teacher figure, in my position, being a Co-Referent of the MUN Clubs and a Member of the Crisis Team of MUNAPEST 2016, both with my counterpart Mr Tamás Szikora, I will have the chance to share experience with my future protégé that may prove to be rather useful for people who would like to represent the international organisation modelling branch of IDSA. As a conclusion I would like to list some of the usual hobbies everyone comes up with to convince you that I am also a human being whose company can also prove to be fun sometimes. Hobbies: cooking, baking and eating, of course; watching series and movies that will surely ruin ones personality; doing krav maga, because the pain of today is the strength of tomorrow; having a great time with friends anywhere and anytime; listening to music, seriously…who doesn’t love that?
Bad news: I need to apologise, but I will not be able to attend the pub-tour, however I do know that we will
have the chance to get to know each other much better later on.
RĂŠka Nasz
Hello everyone!
My name is RĂŠka Nasz. First of all I would like to congratulate to all of you who joined IDSA, and having the chance to be part of a great community and a professional team. Briefly about myself, I am a fresh graduate; I have just finished my BA studies in Corvinus in Human Resources Admin-
istration. Recently I started working full-time as a recruiter in an HR company. After the working hours I spend most of my time, learning French, watching series like House of Cards, Suits or Walking Dead. I like to take part in volunteering such as walking the orphan dogs. The protection of the environment is another issue that I am really interested about. I joined IDSA in March, and now I am part of the sponsorship team and team leader of the Delegation Issues Team of MUNAPEST 2016. (Promotion alert: Both teams are open for the new members, so meet us and join! :)) Nowadays I am preparing for my first international conference, WebMUN where I am one of the four USA delegates from IDSA. I feel honoured and excited. :) So probably we will meet at MUN-Club every Tuesday. :) If you have any questions about me, feel free to ask. :)
Barbara Nyรกri Dear freshmen,
my name is Barbara Nyรกri, and I have met some of you, but for those who do not know me, I will share some general information of myself: I am currently studying International Relations at Corvinus University of Budapest. As a freshman it was obvious that I am going to join an associate dealing with diplomacy, and the International Diplomatic Student Association was the perfect choice. I have a brother and a sister, 3 cats and we organize
many programmes with my family. I love cooking, baking, so if you want to eat something good, I will be your partner! I also like taking photos, having fun with my friends and travelling. The first thing on my bucket list is to travel to every European country and to every continent once in my life. If I grow up... well, I would like to become an ambassador or a Member of the European Parliament, as the European Union is the field of my main interest. The reason I applied to being a mentor is because I love the IDSA, and now that we have enriched with many valuable students, I really hope that our new members will be active and be part of our society and I would like to participate in the integration of yours. If you are not sure who should you choose as a mentor and you are considering me as one, feel free to contact me and I would be really happy to have a talk with you! :)
Flóra Polákovits Hello, My name is Flóra
I try to share my time between the social sciences and the management studies which both are the field where I can imagine myself later. It is hard to decide, I change my mind kind of every second month what I really would like to do after graduating from the Uni. Restricting these two fields, my biggest enthusiasm goes to the protocol and organizational development and planning.
I met the MUN-sytem almost five years ago at my high school when the first BIMUN (the very own MUN of my high school) took place in Budapest. since then I had a chance to participate in several conferences, I could try how it works from the perspective of a delegate, a chair, a professional and organizing team member, still I am in love with them. Currently in IDSA as a professional team member I am responsible for the MUN X programs that are additional opportunities for the members of the association in order to broaden their horizon with different workshops and lectures. Nowadays my favourite expression is “soft skill”, so I am working on to help to develop your soft skill-base. Besides the studies and MUNs, I am also in love (yes, I’m in love with lots of things) with training and dancing and basically with every kind of sport that does not contain balls in it. I also work as a personal trainer and I hope this year we will start our #idsafitness activity
as well, where we already did some running competition together. When I do not train, I really like to go to theater, I prefer especially the contemporary dance pieces or just relax by any other art.
Orsi Princz
Hi! Firstly, welcome you to IDSA! My name is Orsi Princz and I am the PR&Communication vice-president if IDSA. I
have been part of the MUN-world since my high school years. I am studying HR at Corvinus university and hopefully I will finish this year. I tend to overextend myself and be a bit chaotic, but in the same time I always find time for the important things. I love IDSA, because here I can be with intelligent and ambitious people, who are not losing their easiness and coolness during the process.
If you choose me as your mentor, I will be always reachable for you, I will help as I can to integrate you to IDSA both professionally and socially.
Gábor Rácz My name is Gábor Rácz, MUN-addict since 2011. In the International Diplomatic Student Association, there’s a good chance you’ll work with me at some point as I try to invest as much effort as possible in our group — as Secretary- General of MUNAPEST, the organiser of all our MUN trips abroad and a member of our Professional Team. I am very competitive and I believe in winning over anything else; as such, I tend to view MUNs as competitions where one must ‘win’ his Committee. Having participated at 11 international MUNs as a Delegate, I’ve won Best Delegate awards at a number of Conferences, the highlight being Oxford International MUN, my proudest achievement as a Delegate to date. I also believe in doing whatever I’m doing at the highest possible level and in this regard the acquisition of a great deal
of knowledge of international relations constantly is something I am very passionate about. I believe that my experiences, knowledge and work ethic make me the BEST mentor - that is, IF your goal is becoming a great professional and doing MUNs on the very highest level on the way. WHO I’M LOOKING FOR: someone striving to become one of the very best — and wiling to work for it. There are no shortcuts but with the right guidance enormous progress can be made in a short period of time. If you’ve joined IDSA to improve your skills and do something memorable, I’m the mentor you’re looking for! WHAT I OFFER: the very best professional development possible. I’ve mentored some of our best MUN participants who started as newbies a year ago, and gained plenty of experience in the process. I’ve crafted a game plan that will turn you from a first-timer to a confident winner before the end of this school year. Expect plenty of opportunities to improve your skills through trainings available to no one else as well as debating with and advice from someone who has seen it all. To conclude, what you’ve just read may seem indicative of an enormous ego on my part — however, as Harvey Specter wisely said a few seasons ago: “It’s not boasting if it’s true.”
Kata Reinitz
Dear newbies in IDSA, It is my pleasure to introduce myself as your future mentor in our association. I am Kata Reinitz and it is my second year at the Corvinus University of Budapest as an International Relations student. I fell in love with the world of MUN last year, when I joined IDSA. Since then I have participated in DurMUN 2015 and MUNAPEST 2015 international MUN conferences, some MiniMUNs and of course in the MUN-Clubs. Apart from the UN my other field of professional interest is the EU. I have had the opportunity to take part in model EU as well, and I am an enthusiastic EU-Society Referent in IDSA. As for my free time, I am very interested in travelling, history and languagesâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; anything in connection with these is definitely for me especially when they are combined. I am also an eager musician, I play the violin and going to concerts of all types is one of my favourite programmes. Concerning sports I like swimming, but my nr.1 sport is MUN. If I wanted to tell you some hints about myself I would say, that I gratuitously love British humour and spy parody movies, along with Harry Potter books, Bastille& indie music and Finlandia. As your mentor I will do my best to help you to get familiar with the world of MUN and to become part of our lively and never resting community. I hope you will have a fantastic time in IDSA! Good luck!
Gerda Reisch Hello!
My name is Gerda Reisch. Here’s a few thing you probably didn’t know about me but you should! 1. I study Agrobusiness and Rural Development at Corvinus University of Budapest. I graduated from National University of Public Service this summer where I studied Public Administration. In spite of how it looks, I hate studying. I just like being a student, because public transport is way cheaper. And of course, my thirst for knowledge is endless. 2. I have two passion: Jim Beam&Mr Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. Nuff said. 3. I forgot my third passion which is MUN. I love crushing people with words. Just with words, I swear. I fell in love with the art of MUN in last October, when is joined IDSA and ever since I’m hooked. Sadly I’m defenitely not a pro MUNer and I never attended a foreign conference yet, but I’m eager to improve my MUN skills with You on my side. 4. I’m also the Head of the Sponsor Team. My job is to raise money for IDSA&MUNAPEST. A girl gotta
have a hobby. 5. I’m addicted to television series. My all time absolute favorite is Buffy the Vampire Slayer but my taste is wide. I enjoy the popular How I Met Your Mother, the critically praised The Good Wife, the fun Parks and Recreation and the classics like Lost. 6. I’m a reliable person and I wouldn’t just be your Mentor but I would also be your friend. If you’re cool. theater, I prefer especially the contemporary dance pieces or just relax by any other art.
Bence Rimóczi Hey guys, my name is Bence Rimóczi, and I have been a member of IDSA for a year now. When I became a member, I was amazed and at the same time glad to see how colourful, inspiring and motivated everyone was in the association, something you will discover soon too. I have decided to become a mentor to make sure that you, the new members would not feel lost in an evergrowing community like ours. I joined the team with some of my fellow friends, whom you will also find among the ranks of potential mentors, Andris, Breiti and Toncsi. Our skills as mentors are only matched by our impeccable looks and charisma. I got acquainted with the world of MUNs in my high school, - at a conference, about which you are more than likely to hear a lot after joining - where I fell in love with debating in a constructive manner in an instant. I have not stopped participating ever since, and I plan to continue to do so in my future as well. It is my second year studying International Relations at ELTE. Insofar, I enjoy my studies greatly, and I do believe I will try to acquire my master’s degree in the very same field. I aspire to become a tall and proud (well, tall I have achieved already) advocate of international rights in the United Nations. But enough about the factual details, let us delve into my very personality and interests which topic is at least a bit more colourful and interesting. First of all, I am a huge petrolhead, I love cars and everything about them. Except touring car racing. Do not even get me started on touring car racing. I am also very fond of comics, and comic book-based movies. In my spare time I try to read a lot, though this is not without any difficulties, as my studies require me to read lots of
scientific essays and papers. (I am not complaining of course, I am just saying every now and then it is nice to read about something else than the security of states and constructivism.) I do believe that should be more than enough for starters. I can’t wait to get to know you, and I hope that you will enjoy your time at IDSA at least as much as I do!
Alexandra Susanits
Dear All, I’m Alexandra, but everyone in the association calls me Szasza. I joined IDSA in 2013, almost at the very beginning. The reason I joined was that since 2011 (the first BIMUN conference) I have been in love with organising MUNs and here I had a chance to do so. But I had a chance for even more: I got to know wonderful people, a good community
and got chosen to be the secretary of the association. I took part in many organising and operative activities and of course the social life. About me, apart from IDSA: I used to go to Eötvös ózsef Secondary School, then I studied Civil engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, but now I’m in the process of changing to Corvinus, for this reason I don’t currently study at any universities, but hopefully will do so from next September. But no need to worry, I found many other things to do in this one year, because no one who knows me could ever say that I can easily let myself get bored for not having enough things to do. Now that you know the basics about me, I’m looking forward to get to know You!
Csaba Szabó Welcome everyone! My name is Csaba Szabó (a.k.a. CsabCsab). If you’re reading this, you’ve successfully became one of the new members of IDSA, congratulations! :) I study International business at Corvinus University, these months before December are actually the last before my graduation. I’m a member of IDSA since 2014, I remember the first time I encountered an MUN was in the same year, when I participated on the university-level BIMUN in Budapest as a supervisor – we had to help and entertain the Swedish delegation during their stay. After I became a member I participated on several MUN Clubs, MiniMUNs and once I managed to be a delegate on the Serbian BIMUN, which was a marvellous experience. Furthermore I was a staff member and a sponsorship manager on the recent MUNAPEST, next year I’ll be one of the Heads of Staff Team. What brought me here? Good question…partly it was a last resort-decision, but on the other hand what really caught my eye was the whole concept, the potential and the various possibilities of the IDSA. You can learn a lot from being active in our organisation: not just being an outstanding English speaker, but you’ll be able to improve your negotiation skills, persuasion skills, strategic thinking, debate skills, diplomatic protocol knowledge etc. Apart from this you’ll have the chance to make new international friends as we frequently go to numerous MUNs abroad. As a mentor I’ll be working on making your integration into our MUN community as fast and smooth as possible. Apart from that, you can turn to me every time you need help. As for the MUN perspective I’ll help you understand the „game” and make you familiarized with the rules. Personally I really like reading a lot, including interesting articles about politics and economy; – I frequently read The Economist newspaper – and books (not necessarily about hardline business). In the rest of my free time I do a lot of sports: in the recent years I’ve been doing fighting sports, now I’ve been in TRX exercises for a year and a couple of weeks ago I started doing parkour, with which I immediately fell in love with. Moreover I like watching several series and films and listening to music. I’m looking forward to meeting you!
Katalin Szalai
Greetings everyone!
I’m Kata, the vice – president of IDSA. I study sociology at Corvinus and I’ve been a member of the association since its establishment. Everybody who has participated at least at one MUN conference says that it’s addictive and I can only confirm that. Since my first one at SMUNOB I’ve been at several ones and I chaired the UNHCR at last year’s MUNAPEST. Although we have only spent four days to-
gether with the participants of the conference they grew incredibly close to me as we had lots of memorable moments together. Like the regular dancing of the Egyptian delegation or when we were thanking each other the immense work in tears. However, MUN is not only important for me because of these memories, but also because my dream is to work at UNICEF or UNHCR one day. In the future I would really like to help underprivileged children and youngsters. Apart from the professional part I’m a Harry Potter and Game of Thrones fan! :D I try to grab every opportunity to travel, be it voluntary work abroad or just visiting a friend. Beside those in my free time I simply love reading, writing, and going to concerts and to the theatre and skiing, snowboarding and dancing.
Dóri Szász Dear All,
First of all welcome to the IDSA! :) I hope that, you will fall in love with this association as fast as I did one year ago. As a mentor my job is to show you, how cool is to be our member,
All in all, I’m Dóri Szász, an always smiling (almost!) 20 years-old girl from Budapest. I’ve grown up in a big family with full of love. I’ve got 2 brothers. They taught me some boyish
stuff, so SURPRISE! I like „boyish” music and PS4. The thing is: I kept my girlish side as well. I’m obsessed with Disney movies, I know all of the songs from these. The arts are close to my heart. I’ve danced for 10 years, from ballet to tip tap dance. My favourite city is Budapest, I like to rediscover the beauty- hiding sights of it. I believe in fairies, and Santa- Claus, but I am 100% sure: here, you will find a good company to be yourself. :)
Hope to see you soon. :)
Antal Száva
Dear everyone!
My name is Antal Száva (just call me Toncsi), I’m a student at ELTE studying computer science and I have joined IDSA a year ago. Having met MUNs back in high school the organization seemed more than appealing from the very start and it just got better as time went by. We had a conference back then called Karmun and with a couple of friends from our former class (Andris, Breiti and Rimó; all of
whom will be mentors as well) we were pleased that we could continue the modeling of the UN during our university studies. In IDSA we found fun people who are super motivated about every aspect of the goals the association creates and here everybody is willing to contribute to achieving our highly set aims. On a personal note, when I can hide from my responsibilities and escape reality
just for a bit, I like watching series or going for a run. As for music I’m into electronic music, I also like attending festivals in the summer. You might wonder what an IT guy is doing in this organization, well as for that I may have pretended to be a diplomat just for a couple of days whilst applying to IDSA to get the others’ attention and trust, but hey, it worked just fine. All kidding aside, I find the state of being di-
verse very important, nowadays I’m thinking about taking up new hobbies (acting and dancing would be to my liking for example). I believe that having interest in a certain field combined with motivation is the absolute key factor in long-term development and I would like to help you with getting inspired.
Tamás Szikora Salutations, Apprentice!
First of all, congratulations on your successful accession and welcome to the International Diplomatic Student Association! You have demonstrated considerable skills already, proving that you are blessed with a keen mind, the silver-tongued demeanor of a diplomat as well as an ample amount of individual greatness that makes you stand out of the crowd – all spiced up with the perfect mix of craziness, of course. Nevertheless, your initiation is yet to begin and I would be honored to guide you along the path as you become a professional in your field of interest, whether it is the capricious world of diplomacy, the stormy seas of international business practices or something else entirely.
We mentors had access to your CV and answers, providing us the opportunity to glimpse at who you truly are and pry into your mind; to see what makes you tick. It is only fair that we – I – in turn reveal some information about ourselves… as long as it is not classified.
My name is Tamás Szikora and the Earth has completed 21 and a third full circles around our gigantic fusion plasma-powerhouse since I was born. I am attending International Relations – currently within my 2nd year there – at the Corvinus University of Budapest and I have been a member of IDSA for a year now (just a few days away from the first anniversary). A year ago I was the little freshman who had the incredible fortune to join the Association, but was still unknowing of his potential. However, the mentor I was paired with, Mr Gábor Rácz, not only introduced me to the world of Model UN but taught me the tricks of the trade, urging me to push my limits whenever I could – even if it meant pushing me into deep waters riddled with sharks. By now, the master – apprentice relationship has evolved further, and I am lucky that I can count him among my best of friends. Ambition combined with excellent teaching has landed me in the positions of MUN Club CoReferent with my dear fellow, Mr Gergő Molnár, as well as a Coordinator of MUNAPEST 2016’s Crisis Team – again, partnered with the aforementioned gentleman.
Touching background story aside, I consider myself a thoughtful, philosophical person – have to admit I often daydream more than I should – but am not afraid to say what’s on my mind (even if it may sound naïve, absurd or outright crazy). Several years ago I have been inoculated with the wonder of writing (purely in English), and since then I have become addicted to conceptualizing and implementing various ideas for novels and stories – mostly fantasy and sci-fi, but other genres as well are planned for the future. I am also an avid gamer, although as of late I haven’t had much time to blow off steam playing. Besides the usual affection for good movies and books, I love doing sports of most kinds (as long as a ball is not involved); cycling, swimming, climbing and so on. I have almost forgotten: a personal passion of mine is swordfight of the medieval and renaissance eras with two-handed longswords. One day I hope to master this sort of fencing, and although I have had to drop out due to university, I am inclined to return as soon as I have the chance.
Until we meet at last on next Thursday, here’s a bit of advice – a part of the creed of my favorite faction within my favorite fictive universe: “through passion, I gain strength; through strength, power; through power, victory.” If you know the follow-up by heart, your place is with me, young Apprentice, as together we shall rule th -… but I digress. May these words guide you as your carve your own destiny in this ever-changing world!
Again, I am delighted that you are now part of our awesome community and congratulations are in order once more! See you in less than a week!
Yours truly,
Tamás Szikora
Ingrid Török
My name is Ingrid Török and I am a fifth year undergraduate at ELTE’s Faculty of Law. I have been working for chambers specified in the subject of common law; however, a small cease in my practise was needed so I have the chance of concentrating more on my studies, IDSA and improving my knowledge regarding English Law terminology.
I have first encountered Model United Nations in 2013 participating in the International Criminal Court during BIMUN 2013. The preparation and the conference itself had both been incredibly exciting and that is also the main reason I joined IDSA in 2014. At BIMUN 2014 I participated as a member of the Staff team, which also turned out to be a great experience by the way.
I am highly thankful for having the chance of being a member of IDSA, because I have also become a member of a convergent and extremely hard-working community, where I had the chance to find new friends immediately. This is how I would like to help my future protégés as well. Since I am still in the learning progress of becoming a professional delegate, I and my protégés could explore the
world of MUN together. I wish you will enjoy life as a member as much as I do.
Christopher Roy Turner Hi! My name is Christopher Roy Turner. Yes as you can see my name is not Hungarian. The
reason behind this is that my father is Australian while my mother is Hungarian. I'm 20 years old and study International Relations at the Corvinus University of Budapest. So far nothing special, but this is about to change, so strap in and hold on tight. You'll soon find out that I do not aspire to fit into the norm of everyday life. I want to be different, I want to stand out. I want people to remember me and the things I did. Yes I know this sounds a bit cocky, but it's something I can't, nor want to change in. Furthermore something you'll discover is that I am greatly generous, I'll help anyone that I love whenever and however I can. I'll fight for that person with my fingernails, stand next to them if they make a fool of themselves and say "I don't care, you're a friend and you're not going to be left behind", if I have to I'll cross the country just to give a helping hand. You'll also find out quite quickly is that I'll make you and everyone else laugh. I love telling
stories, while I exaggerate and put all my emotions, creativity and strength behind delivering the next sentence. One of my biggest passion in life is driving, it is something I cannot explain why or how, but if you'd ask me "where I'd be right now?" I'd proudly say on a mountain road, in a car and just drive like there's no tomorrow. Now you see your job is to pick a mentor and you will, but I want you to realise one thing.
This place is a whole lot more than a couple of college kids pretending to be in the UN, and pretend to change the world. IDSA is about the people that are part of it, about how a group of kids can prove to the world that we might be small, but we'll hit hard and damn right our goal is to change the world, to impact others lives and turn it to the better. We're about the story we create together, we're about having fun, we're about living the experience and
remembering that yes, the day I joined my life changed ... and it changed forever.
Attila Uzsoky Hi, My name is Attila Uzsoky. I have been a member of IDSA for a year, and now I can even
introduce myself as a potential mentor for the newcomers. I’m studying at the ELTE University’s faculty of law. While there is something in the IDSA that we could call a “Corvinus dominance”, I can say it firsthand: it doesn’t matter where you come from, if you came here to become a member of a just as much social as professional student organization, you have come to the right place! In the past year I had the opportunity to attend an International conference in Beograd, along with many of MUN-Clubs and “MiniMUN”
events. It is my goal to make sure that those of you who become my little squires will have the opportunity to walk a similar path to the one my mentor put me on. This of course is a two –way relationship, but if you are willing then I will not disappoint you. First time it might seem a little overwhelming once you realize what kind of preparation is needed to be a truly exceptional delegate at a conference. You do not only have to be well informed
with the policy of the country you are representing, but those of your “opponents” as well. Skills are needed of course, but without knowledge to build upon it is difficult to fully participate. Not to scare you off, but lets start the weeding out early :D Well the tone has become a tad bit more serious than I intended so lets just warm it up for the end: you have come to a great place with great people, and of course we are not at the military, there is plenty of fun to be had here outside of “professional fun”. Although I’m pretty sure
you’re going to have a great look at that at Királyrét, where we will forge our new friendships in the fires of alcohol. I hope so. You better be there if you are going to be mentored by me! Anyway have fun guys/girls, I’m anxious to meet you and see how you do!
Linda Vajó Hey everyone! My name is Linda Vajó and I study International Relations at Corvinus University of Buda-
pest and this is my final year. I have always been interested in human rights, especially in children’s rights, therefore, I am writing my thesis on how the UN furthered the development of children’s rights globally. I would like to enroll on Human Rights Studies in the Netherlands, my favorite foreign country so far, after my BA graduation. I am a keen traveler. I spent my last semester in Germany as an exchange student at Frie-
drich Schiller University of Jena, where I became one of the local MUN enthusiasts (hence the German placard in my picture). I love backpacking and my two main goals in life are to travel the world and to help children become independent and happy adults. Furthermore, I love to meet new people from all over the globe and engage in exciting conversations with them about life. It is so interesting to see how people from different nationalities have a different way of thinking and yet we always manage to find a way to discuss all kinds of topics and have fun together (this summer I taught yoga on an empty street in the pouring rain to a Swiss street artist while backpacking through Europe). This is also the reason why I love IDSA. Not only do we discuss serious global issues but we manage to have a lot of fun at the same time. If I were to become your mentor, I would love to help you integrate into this wonderful community. I can’t wait to meet all of you! :)