Things That Your Website Support and Maintenance Package Should Include
Once your website is developed and launched, it is time to ensure that it stays up to date and secure. Since a lot of things may go wrong if the site is neglected, it is crucial to hire a website support and maintenance company so that it can monitor the site and update it accordingly. Many people think that website support and maintenance is majorly about fixing the bugs that usually pop up soon after launching the site. But it encompasses a lot more. Your site is the tool through which customers connect with your business and so you need to line in with the constantly evolving environment so that you don’t fall behind the market competition.
A list of what your website support and maintenance should include: • Updates and integrations: Plugins and extensions constantly run on your site and need to be updated frequently to improve the functionality and reduce any errors or issues. Leaving them un-updated means missing on improved features which may cause low performance of the site.
• Security: Monitoring any threats and attacks of your site is crucial to prevent any unauthorized access and misuse of data. Your website support and maintenance company should perform security fixes and restore the backups whenever needed.
• Continuous website monitoring: Slow speed, 404 errors or broken links can make your site perform very low, which may impact your business sales and growth. Your maintenance package should include 24x7 site monitoring so as to solve any issues as soon as they crop up.
• Analytic reports: High quality tools help to analyze the traffic and offer suggestions for design, content and etc. Monthly reports of your website will help you understand the most important metrics and take decisions accordingly.
Also Read: Website Maintenance and Support: Key Issues That You Should Continually Watch For
• Repairs and fixes: This is related to any errors, broken links or bugs. All the internal and external links should be checked. A link checker can help to identify the broken links that reduce the search engine rankings.
• Web content updation: Fresh and updated content on the site is what search engines look for. It is highly important to review the content regularly and correct the mistakes and upload new information with targeted keywords.