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How to plan a relaxing night in
By Amani Gates amagates@iu.edu
As college students, we have so much on our plate, and it can sometimes be difficult trying to put ourselves first.
The endless amounts of assignments, having to go to work so you have money on the side to support yourself, managing your mental health, dealing with relationships and friendships, the list goes on.
Planning time for yourself is something you shouldn’t feel bad about. It should be a priority. Below I have provided some tips on how to plan a relaxing night in, whether you want to spend it alone or with friends.
1. First things first, get all of your assignments done and out of the way. Then, pick a time frame when you aren’t too busy and can dedicate the majority of the day to yourself. Easier said than done.
2. Next and most importantly, figure out what you want to have for dinner that night. Think of something that brings you comfort and makes you happy. On days where I don’t feel like cooking, ordering takeout from Taste of India or Do Asian Fusion Restaurant are my go-to spots. When I do feel like cooking, I search on TikTok to find new recipes to try. I love pasta, so I try to find new pasta recipes.
Now that you have your day set and what you plan on eating, it’s time for the fun part: relaxing.
3. Take some time to debrief and journal your thoughts. When things are getting a little bit too stressful, and I have a lot on my mind, I write it out. When I journal, I vent to either my laptop or my notebook and write whatever is on my mind. Afterward, I feel so much better and more relaxed. Emotions are better out than in.
4. While doing this, you might want to listen to music and have a candle burning. It sets the mood and makes the space around you so much more peaceful.
5. After journaling, take time to feed your mind. Pick up and read a good book. I’ve been trying to read more this year, so I bought a variety of books that interest me. Currently, I am reading “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.
6. After reading a few chapters, turn on a movie or show, put on a face mask, and just do absolutely nothing for the rest of the night. Eat your meal, and enjoy life.
Although these are tips, figuring out what makes you happy and would cater to your needs at that moment is what’s important. Treat yourself and make life beautiful.