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Weeks of Welcome

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Welcome Week plans diff erent amid pandemic

By Tristan Jackson


tripjack@iu.edu | @tristan_jackso

With the threat of COVID-19 still looming, IU’s Welcome Week will look a lot diff erent compared to past years.

With move-ins being more spread out and not being able to host large events before classes start, the Offi ce of First Year Experience Programs is rebranding Welcome Week as Weeks of Welcome, said director Melanie Payne.

Normally a schedule for Welcome Week activities, such as Culture Fest and Th e Traditions of Spirit of IU, would be made by this time in the summer, but the pandemic has forced FYE to rethink the way students will be introduced to campus and their classmates.

“It really doesn’t change our purpose, and we want to fi gure out ways that will help students still feel welcome and gain their confi - dence level with campus and what’s going on,” Payne said.

FYE will be reaching out to student organizations to discuss virtual or spread out event possibilities, Payne said. She pointed out that incoming freshmen have missed out on a lot in the last few months, but she hopes they are still able to put themselves out there and become a part of IU.

“I wish it wasn’t like this for them, but it’s still going to college and it’s still Indiana University,” Payne said. “I always tell them to be resilient and put yourself out there and go meet people. I don’t think that’s any diff erent, you just have to do it a diff erent way.”

Payne encourages freshmen to download IU’s FYE app to stay up to date with plans and changes heading forward.

FILE PHOTO BY ANNA TIPLICK | IDS Top IU students sing along while waiting for Traditions and Spirit of IU to start Aug. 23 at Memorial Stadium. Students learned the IU fi ght song at the event.

FILE PHOTO BY MATT BEGALA | IDS Bottom left Audience members raise their hands during Diplo’s set at the 2018 Welcome Week Block Party in the parking lot at 13th Street and Fee Lane.

FILE PHOTO BY ALEX DERYN | IDS Bottom right Attendees of the class of 2023 freshman induction ceremony sit in their seats Aug. 21, 2019, in Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall.

IU’s guidelines on wearing, distributing face coverings for fall

By Tristan Jackson

tripjack@iu.edu | @tristan_jackso

All of IU’s campuses are requiring masks be worn on campus starting now and continuing in to the fall as students and staff return, according to a public safety advisory from IU. Here are some things to know.

Masks will be required in all hallways, elevators, public spaces, common areas, offi ce spaces and when entering all IU buildings.

A mask must also be worn in outdoor spaces where social distancing can’t be maintained.

Who is required to wear a mask?

All faculty, staff , students, contractors, suppliers, vendors and visitors must wear a mask.

Will IU be providing masks?

IU will provide two masks to all students, staff and faculty when they return to campus in the fall.

Students living in Residential Programs and Services housing can pick up their masks when they check in, and masks will be available at many buildings around campus for students not in RPS housing.

What other precautions should be taken?

In addition to masks, everyone on campus should practice social distancing of at least 6 feet, wash hands frequently with soap or use hand sanitizer when soap is not available and regularly clean and sanitize work areas. Th e advisory says everyone should also adhere to recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and governmental authorities .

CAPS director gives tips for mental wellness in college

By Lilly St. Angelo

lstangel@iu.edu | @lilly_st_ang

Th e Indiana Daily Student talked to Denise Hayes, Counseling and Psychological Services director, for tips on how to adjust to college and maintain good mental wellness. Here are her tips.

Establish a routine.

Life in college is going to look a lot diff erent than life in high school. Freshmen have to adjust to a whole new environment, communal living, meeting new friends, studying and adjusting to class formats that may be online. Hayes said writing down your routine can help you stay on track and balance all aspects of your life. She said be realistic with your routine and make adjustments as needed.

Roll with the punches.

Hayes said there is usually a time of euphoria at the beginning of a student’s college experience but then a period of disappointment. Your initial college friends may not be your forever friends, classes may be harder than you thought and you and your

IZZY MYSZAK | IDS The Counseling and Psychological Services check-in desk is seen on the fourth fl oor of the IU Health Center. CAPS director Denise Hayes suggests students download the app WellTrack to help self-monitor and improve mental health.

high school friends may not stay as close as you said you would. College may not be the fantasy you imagined, but fi nding your way is part of the journey.

Establish connections.

Making close friends takes time, but you’ll need more than just a few college best friends. Hayes said to consider all the areas in your life that you can make connections, whether

it’s someone you sit next to in class who could give you notes if you miss a class or someone you can eat lunch with. Try something new, or join a club you’re passionate about — you might just fi nd a friend.

Stay connected to your support network from home.

While adjusting to life in college, it’s tempting to ignore everyone at home who is eager to hear how you are. Hayes said it’s important to remember to keep up in contact with your support networks, whether that’s parents, grandparents, friends or mentors. They know you and care about your wellbeing, which can be a source of comfort and familiarity amidst a lot of new.

Hayes also suggested downloading WellTrack, an app that can help students selfmonitor and improve their mental health. You can log in with your IU credentials to use the app for free, and everything within the app is kept confi dential. CAPS will be open for virtual therapy appointments in the fall. Call 812-855-5711 to make an appointment or talk to a 24/7 crisis counselor.

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