Make sure your student knows about these campus resources By Ethan Moore | @ethcmoore
It’s important to make sure your child is set up for success before they move into college. Sometimes, that can mean making sure you know everything you can, so you are able to point them in the right direction when they need it. Here are just a few of the on-campus resources that your student should be familiar with before they get to campus.
cal therapy, point them to the Student Health Center. Located at the corner of 10th Street and Eagleson Avenue in the heart of campus, the center provides various medical services to students and is an important resource to make sure your child is familiar with. A complete list of the services offered at the center and which medical insurances they accept can be found on its website.
Student Health Center
Counseling and Psychological Services If your child gets sick, needs a prescription filled or has to go to physi- counseling Counseling and Psychological Services, located in
the Student Health Center, offers mental health care and counseling to students from trained professionals. Each student that pays the student health fee receives two free counseling sessions. CAPS provides individual and group counseling options, ADHD screenings, services specifically for LGBTQ students and a crisis counselor that is available 24/7. A complete list of services can be found on the CAPS website. Recreational Sports Facilities IU has two recreational sports facilities and mem-
bership for students is included in their student activity fee. The Student Recreational Sports Center, located on Law Lane, and Bill Garret Fieldhouse, located on Seventh Street, are great resources for students to make the most of. Between the two facilities, students can make use of an Olympic sized pool, basketball courts, indoor tracks, multipurpose gyms and more. Hours of operation and more details about the facilities can be found on the IU Recreational Sports website. Division of Student Affairs
Your college experience, captured in one book. The new friends you meet, the teams you cheer for, the concerts you attend, these are the moments at Indiana University that define who you are for years to come. The Arbutus yearbook covers it all. It is your IU experience, captured in one book. Look for information about portrait sessions and purchasing the yearbook this fall. More information can be found at
The Division of Student Affairs is a great general resource to make sure your child is familiar with. The division is there to help students with navigating all aspects of college life. The division provides advocates to help with academic issues, gives free legal advice to students and handles reports of harassment and discrimination. Even if they are not able to provide the service your student is looking for, they can probably point them in the right direction. Student Academic Center The Student Academic Center provides resources
to help students adjust to the college learning environment and assist in areas they are struggling with. The center provides academic coaching, peerled study groups for particular classes and even offers courses for credit that help students improve their academic performance in areas of difficulty. The center also has general tips and strategies on its website to make many different aspects of college easier. Even if your child isn’t the type to go to a study group, make sure they at least check out the online resources that the center offers.
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