1609QCA Introduction to Ty p o g r a p h y Assessment item 3: Typographic Book Jackets
Idunn Braut Joheim S5028620
Content of this digital presentation
- Idea and inspiration - Process, sketches - Pocahontas Flatnets - Cinderella Flatnet - Snow White Flatnet - Photo collage, finished products - Manifesto
I d e a
a n d
i n s p i r a t i o n
My original idea was to create a typography piece with a “quotation” from all of the fairytales, and to use this in different typographic styles as a filling in a shape representing content of the story as well. The typographic art I wanted to support with small bits of imagery I felt were relevant for the whole. I wanted the typography to be swirly, magical and “dreamy” in a handwritten style, not perfect symmetrical and with no similar letters in the artwork - all this to give fairy tale association to the viewer. I put up six pins from my pinterest board to give a little idea of what inspired the outcome.
P r o c e s s From sketch to digitalized vector I used a drawing board and pen tool for outlines and colouring, and adding details like glitter, leaves and the victorian frame. Then, Dr. Dominique Falla gave me feedback that I had to change the visual hierarchy; the faces and detalis stole the attention that was ment for the typography artwork, and she suggested I removed all coloured details, the faces of the princesses and all of the characteristics. Snow White had got to go. - So I did my best removing details, trying to make the typography stand out. I added tittles as well in the progress, by tracing and colour the original poster logo Walt Disney made. In the critique tutorial, I was told by Miss Aurelie Maron to recreate a logo in the same style as the typography and place it in the bottom right corner of the front page. Also to try to darken the background brush colourway and create white typography artwork instead of black. I tried my best to adjust my artwork to the contructive critique receieved in the tutorial. I kept Pocahontas outline in black, because it wouldn’t make sense to make her swirly black hair white and make the young soul appear old.
a captain named John Smith lead a ship of English sailors and soldiers to a new world. The mission was to plunder this new worlds riches to bring back to England. Meanwhile, in this "New World," Chief Powhattan has pledged his beautiful and playful daughter, Pocahontas, to be married to the village's greatest warrior whom Pocahontas think is too “serious� for her free spirit to marry. She has other ideas: she has seen a vision of a spinning arrow, a vision she believes tells her change is coming. Pocahontas has to choose between heart and mind..
in a faraway land, there was a tiny kingdom; peaceful, prosperous, and rich in romance and tradition. Here lived a widowed gentleman, and his little daughter, Cinderella. He felt Cinderella needed a mother's care so he married again. It was upon the untimely death of this good man, however, that the stepmother's true nature was revealed: cold, cruel, and bitterly jealous of Cinderella's charm and beauty. As time went by Cinderella was abused, humiliated, and finally forced to become a servant in her own house. And yet, through it all, Cinderella remained ever gentle and kind, for with each dawn she found new hope that someday her dreams of happiness would come true..
in a faraway land, a queen wished for a girl with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and with hair black as ebony. Sadly, the queen died after giving birth to a precious princess, who possessed all the qualities the queen had hoped for. Her daughter was named Snow White. The king married another wife: She was beautiful, but she was unable to bear the thought of anyone surpassing her beauty. Every day she asked her magic mirror, “mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” and every day the mirror answered ”you, my queen, are fairest of all” Snow White grew up to become even more beautiful than the queen. Then the queen queried her mirror, the mirror said ”you, my queen, are fair;it is true, but Snow White is a thousand times fairer than you.”...
P h o t o g r a p h s
o f
f i n i s h e d
p r o d u c t
M a n i f e s t o I decided to make book jackets of disneys’s letters in the artwork - all this to give fairy version of three well known princess stotale association to the viewer. ries: Pocahontas, Cinderella and Snow White. This republishing is Disney’s romantic, child-friendly version of the stories thereFront page fore “Walt Disney” is publisher and also My original idea was to create a typogra- set author, as agreed in the critique tutorial phy piece with a “quotation” from all of class. the stories, as a filling in a shape representing content as well. Back page The same is pretty much happening on all Snow white: Siloutte is a victorian mirror, three book jackets, with small differences representing the magical mirror of the evil according to content. A handwritten “once stepmother which she everyday asks the upon a time” in the same style as front page who the fairest of them all is, therefore also lettering on the page top, accompanied of a the quotation chose. small illustration and then the blurb which is consiting of the actual written part that Cinderella: Silouette inspired from the narrator reads out loud in movies. Pocamagical dress transformation scene and hontas is improvised because in the movie quotation from the introduction song “a there was no such thing as a book. dream is a wish your heart makes” as she Walt Disney (author and publisher) is censings when wishing to go to the royal ball. tered on the bottom of the page for a inframing sense of the blurb. Pocahontas: Sillouette and quotation from the musical scene “can you paint with all the colours of the wind” Spine Is pretty simple and same style on all three I wanted the typography to be swirly, mag- as well. Title is the same as the front page ical and “dreamy” in a handwritten style, one, a smaller illustration same as on the not perfect symmetrical and with no similar back page, -
and with Walt Disney logo’s initials on the bottom. Lettering/typography Every letter, word and glyph is hand sketched, scanned and traced in illustrator with pen tool. I’ve used quite different styles; thick, thin, swirly, “script-y”, serif, sans serif. As I said about the idea in the beginning; I wanted to give the viewer the fairy tale association with a handwritten, magical, not symetrical perfected lettering. And I felt that was supported by the different styles used. Additional non-typography elements I’ve added elements of flowers, magical pixie dust, leaves, wind swirls and small elements to fill in around the typography artwork a to enhance the conceptual meaning behind the book jackets and to give it a more whole expression. On Snow white book jacket I have added a apple symbolizing the poisoned apple, and on the back of Cinderella book jacket I have added the glass slipper. I did not add a representing element similar to the apple and glass slipper in the Pocahontas book jacket, because I already felt that I filled the illustration quota with the leaves and wind swirls.
Colour palette foreground I have decided to keep the colour palette pretty simple and reduced to black and white, with additional coloured elements in “Pocahontas”. I wanted the background to be coloured and make some letters with “transparent” filling, so the background would appear as filling. Colour palette background For all three artworks I have used the same technique with a coloured dreamy brush, drawn in a twirling pattern. I have used 3 colours on each piece for background: Snow white: dark turquoise shades +grey – representing the magic mirror of the evil stepmother, supporting quotation. Cinderella: warm pink, blue + yellow – representing the magical dress transformation scene in the Cinderella movie to support the outline which is inspired by the same scene. Pocahontas: warm autumn shades of orange, red and yellow – representing the scene where quotation is referencing, where the wind is swirling with autumn leaves in the warm sunset.