~Psychologically Grounded~ Spring/Summer 2013 By:Ieasha McCray
1. Introduction Page 2. Apparatus Era 3. Facade Esoteric 4. Force Unhinge 5. Save Soul 6. From the Ground Up 7. Pantone Colors & Numbers 8. Ending Page
Psychologically Grounded: Is all about our connection as human beings to the earth. Due to all the natural disasters and the pollution slowly deteriorating our world. Not only do we need to bring life back to our earth but we need to Save its Soul. In this lifestyle trend for S/S 2013 there are 5 categories and each one benefits us and the world in its own way. Trend 1 (Apparatus Era) Connects use back to the world by engulfing our every whim in plant life. Trend 2(Facade Esoteric) Helps connect to the world by bringing all the wonderful things from outside inside. Trend 3 (Force Unhinge) Connects by bringing in a more expanded use of geothermal energy, efficiency appliances, and climate changing clothing. Trend 4(Save Soul) connects by re-using and recycle everything to lessen the pollution and in the end produce new creative and crafty things. Trend 5(From The Ground up) connects by tieing us with the world literally from the ground up by the use of soil, incest, gemstones, and mushrooms. So follow me on a journey to various lands, and places while venturing through S/S 2013 where the world and our minds will become ONE!!
Apparatus Era Apparatus: means plants Era: means life This lifestyle trend brings plants to life Literally. In 2013 plants will engulf everything from, clothes, accessories, home exteriors and interiors, home accessories and so much more. The colors of this trend are very earthy, consisting of many shades of green, browns, and colors of beautiful flowers and trees. Plants will grow on home exteriors as if they were the foundation of the home. Plants are going to be found on the chairs that sit at the dinner table. There will be trees growing out of the tables to make it easier to get a healthy snack because it wold be less than an arms reach. There will even be plants fully covering the ceilings of homes and business. Society can literary bring their things to life with a lot of apparatus love.
Facade Esoteric Facade: means outside Esoteric: means inside This trend is an adventure of travelling outside without even leaving your home. Bringing all the fascinating and amazing things of the outdoors into everything you own. I journeyed through backyards forests, deserts, and terrines to see what amazing things outside can contribute. The color palette is breathtaking and refreshing with a lot of greens, blues, browns, whites, and so much more. The inspiration of colors came from the greens in the plants I saw on my journey, the blues from the different sky pictures I took on my journey, and the browns came from the different trees I seen in the forest.
Force Unhinge Force: means energy Unhinge: means craze Bringing an new approach to using geothermal energy, solar power, climate changing clothing and energy efficiency appliances back to life. I travelled to a lot of eco-friendly trade shows for home trends, fashion trends, and interior trends. This trend helps to bring our earth back to life by conserving energy and cutting back the pollution rate. The color palette comes from the cool blues of the hot volcanic springs, the color green comes from the geothermic core of the earth, also the use of reds and orange comes from he geothermic core of the earth. So follow me on this energy craze and let your love for your planet be unhinged.
Save Soul Save: means to recycle or re-use Soul: means life Bringing a whole new approach to how society is going to view their trash and other everyday things that people over look or throw away. There will be the use of all kinds of things to make new and creative clothing, furniture, cool accessories and so much more. All kind of colors come into play from the cool things that can be re-used and reinvented. Colors consist of rustic/ muted tones, to bright bold colors that POP!! So just follow me on a journey through trash dumps, and other disposal places so that we can SAVE THE SOUL of our earth.
From The Ground Up From the ground up: is a connection of one with the earth I journeyed to the Sahara Desert, Bug Museum in N.J., Bug Fair & Insect Zoo in LA, Rice Northwest museum of rocks and minerals to get my inspiration for this trend. This trend allows one to connect with the earth literally from the ground up. By pulling trend inspiration from bugs, soil, gemstone, mushrooms, sand and its texture, fabric, and the use of things that live close to the ground.
Pantone Colors & Numbers Apparatus Era(Page 4):
13-0859 TCX 13-6105 TCX 16-0230 TCX 13-1026 TCX DS 293-3 C DS 281-7 C PANTONE 364-U PANTONE 363-U PANTONE 7527-C PANTONE 7518-C PANTONE 382-C
Facade Esoteric(Page 10):
14-4206 TCX 19-4234 TCX 16-4020 TCX 15-5519 TCX 11-4300 TCX 11-0601 TCX 18-1660 TCX
19-1314 TCX 17-2625 TCX PANTONE 7525-C PANTONE 5125-C
Force Unhinge(Page 16):
18-3943 TCX 14-5002 TCX 13-0221 TCX 16-1459 TCX 13-4303 TCX 16-1451 TCX DS 261-5-C PANTONE 623-C PANTONE 3385-C
Save Soul(Page 20):
17-1928 TCX 16-3525 TCX 14-1228 TCX 19-3906 TCX 11-0601 TCX
12-0736 TCX 19-3832 TCX 17-1930 TCX 19-1656 TCX 18-1016 TCX 15-0955 TCX PANTONE 129-C
From The Ground Up(Page 26):
17-2625 TCX 19-2434 TCX 19-4125 TCX 12-1007 TCX 16-1325 TCX 16-1320 TCX 19-1116 TCX 16-1010 TCX PANTONE 370-U PANTONE 7481-C PANTONE 5135-C PANTONE 381-C
Now you are Psychologically Grounded.......So don’t forget to Save Souls, Let your Force be Unhinged, and Live From the Ground Up!! 33