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Safety logic solver and alarm
New SLA Multiloop and Multifunctional Safety Logic Solver and Alarm from Moore Industries.
To meet demand for Industry 4.0 factory automation solutions keeps across the United Kingdom, a new partnership was created between UK’s industrial automation distributor Routeco, and global wireless industrial automation solution provider CoreTigo.
The two companies agreed on pursuing a joint effort, leaping industrial automation forward and creating numerous new applications and capabilities. By doing so, Routeco is expending the spread of IO-Link Wireless communication in its territories, shifting machines to wireless communication, and unbinding their full capabilities.
IO-Link Wireless provides essential characteristics for advanced industrial manufacturing. From a 5 Msec low latency and deterministic nature, through scalability reliability and coexistence capabilities, it portrays must have abilities for a competitive market. IO-Link Wireless presents reliability of 1 e-9 Packet Error Rate (PER), which compared to everyday wireless communications protocols such as Wi-Fi, Zigbee and BLE (Bluetooth low energy), is 1 million times better (1e6).
Complementing Routeco’s portfolio, some of CoreTigo’s main solutions target challenges in the Packaging, Automotive, Pharmaceuticals and Metal Works. Enabling for the first time real-time control and monitoring on industrial rotating devices, IO-Link Wireless enhances and opens the door for new capabilities with Rotary Tables & Carousels, Transport Tracks, Smart Machine Tooling, Robotic End-of-Arm, Condition Monitoring and many others.
IO-Link Wireless is a deterministic, low latency (5 msec), highly-reliable and scalable universal wireless communication protocol. Based on the IO-Link IEC 61131-9 standard, it is designed for factory automation, coexisting with both wired and wireless networks.