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C O L T O N C O U R I E R WWe e eekkllyy


I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s


O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c

By Christina Romero, community member

Be a u t y p a g e a n t s h a v e become a growing cult u r a l i n s t i t u t i o n i n diverse countries, taking many c u l t u r a l f o r m s a n d a r t i s t i c expressions involving symboli s m a n d c o l l e c t i v e c u l t u r a l a g e n c y i n t h e g e n e r a t i o n s

Community pageantry institute purposes deeply linked to the cities' cultural authenticity and identity The beauty in service is defining civic duty and comm i t m e n t , s e l f - d e v e l o p m e n t , and representation; there are no fixed boundaries

P a g e a n t r y c e l e b r a t e s t h e strength and commitment of those willing to represent the community as goodwill ambassadors Judges choose symbolic representatives who represent the spirit of their locales and those that will nurture the civic s p i r i t a n d p r i d e C h a n t e l l e Angel Martinez, “Miss Colton 2022,” cultivates that authenticity for the City of Colton, CA Chantelle emphasizes the importance of collective identit y : " I n o r d e r t o r e p r e s e n t Colton, I have to be a part of Colton ” (Martinez, 2023, p 1)

During her reign, she learned she could do more than she imagined with her title; she has developed a deeper civic iden-

By Manny Sandoval


C R a m o s (D-San Bernardino) a n n o u n c e d t o d a y t h a t

C a l i f o r n i a ' s S t a t e A u d i t o r will undertake a review of w h e t h e r P r o p o s i t i o n 4 7 , approved by voters in 2014, has increased or decreased theft and drug crimes in San

B e r n a r d i n o a n d R i v e r s i d e c o u n t i e s T h e a u d i t o r w i l l also examine the measure's i m p a c t o n r e c i d i v i s m a n d u n d e r r e p o r t i n g o f c r i m e s Ramos's request for the audit was approved this week on a unanimous, bipartisan vote of 12-0 by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee

Immediately following the news briefing about the audit, law enforcement and tribal advocates gathered to share information and suggestions about how best to implement Feather Alert, a new public notification system, administ e r e d b y t h e C a l i f o r n i a Highway Patrol, to combat the state's growing rate of v i o l e n c e a g a i n s t N a t i v e American people, especially women and girls

A s s e m b l y m e m b e r R a m o s said, "We believe this measure has led to an increase in crimes, specifically property crimes in California A solid, professional review of Prop 4 7 ' s i m p a c t i s c r i t i c a l t o assessing what the impact has been in the eight years since the ballot measure's passage

Miss Colton tity that involves an intentional and active presence, shared values, and collective cultural productions with the City of Colton Chamber of Commerce, nonprofits, small businesses, foundations, civic groups, corporations, The City Of Colton, etc She spends time reading books to children and accepted an invitation from the Rialto Unified School District as a guest speaker for the Girls Club, where she received a special note from a student saying she had a super corazón (heart) Ever heard of the phrase “A Little Dirt, Never Hurts,” this Queen is not afraid of getting dirty; she participates in cleaning community parks

Students catapulted into a new sphere of living; lost in the uproar, the transition into online learning was burdensome and unfamiliar territory; it became identified with the pandemic learning style A significant challenge for Chantelle was “thrust remotely into hours of lectures before a screen ” (Martinez, 2023, p 1)

Recognizing she wanted to avoid mismanaging her purpose, she took advantage of each opportunity to help her adjust While promoting her platform, she attends the University of Redlands She is set to graduate in 2024 with a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Bachelor's degree in Race, And Ethnic Studies, Minoring in Women, Gender, And Sexuality Studies; she is the Vice Chair of the Native American Student Union and program assistant of the Proudian Interdisciplinary Honors Program

Diverse trajectories of symbolic appearances by an appointed “Miss Queen of Colton” draws upon actively engaged processes beyond the passive citizenship framework

Veteran Mr Ramirez stated, “riding with Chantelle in the Veterans Day parade was a memorable moment for him ” Chantelle’s coordinator Erlinda Armendariz Rotary Club of Colton, Calif, “Chantelle loves being miss Colton She is always there when you need her and loves helping others in her community ”(Armendariz, 2023, p 1) Advice to future nominees,

“I would encourage them to become more involved with events and organizations We all benefit from the experience gained from becoming active participants in the Colton Community ” (Martinez, 2023, p 1)

Colton City Council Recognizes Youth Football Star s

by Dr.G (Dr. Luis S. González) community writer

On Tuesday, March 21, the Colton City Council recognized two student athletes, Colton Suchil and Xavier Sandoval, Colton High School seniors who were selected to participate in the Inland Valley All-Star Football Classic

Colton and Xavier were chosen among 77 All-Star football players across the Inland Empire Each year the coaches from every high school program in the county of San Bernardino come together to select the very best at each position Colton was selected as an offensive lineman, and Xavier as a defensive back

The All-Star Football Classic was held at the Colton High School Stadium on a rainsoaked Saturday afternoon

Hundreds of families, fans and friends came out to support the game, and cheer on their favorite All-Star player

IE Sports Net on Fox Sports Radio hosted the event, and offered excellent play-by play commentary to the action on the field Both Colton and Xavier were selected to play for the East All Stars, who defeated the West All-Stars 34-7

Of local interest was the fact that the City of Colton has not had any players selected to play in the Inland Valley Football Classic for the last six years This year we had two, Colton and Xavier Being selected by the coaches in the county not only means they represented Colton High School very well, but stood out as being among the best players in the county

At the Council meeting Colton and Xavier were recognized for this unique honor, as they represent their team, their school, and the City of Colton Congratulations to Colton Suchil and Xavier Sandoval for this athletic accomplishment May their future endeavors continue to achieve success

Ramos and to determine if changes are needed That is the role of the State Auditor "

The audit will focus on statistics regarding Prop 47 crimes pre-2014 and post-2014, the impact of COVID-era public safety policies on these numbers, and the effects on recidivism in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties The audit is expected to be released in approximately six months

Supporters of the audit include San Bernardino County Sheriff Shannon Dicus, City of Redlands Interim Police Chief Rachel Tolbert, City of Rialto Police Chief Mark Kling, Sheriff's Employees Benefit Association President Grant Ward, San Bernardino Police Officers Association Vice President Jose Loera, Lauren Pettigrew Munzer, Crime Victims United Board Member, and Hispanic Coalition of Small Businesses Chairman Frank Montes

The Feather Alert, which became available in January, is a public notification tool to help law enforcement quickly notify the public about the disproportionate number of missing Native Americans and enlist their aid for timely leads to locate victims and prosecute suspects

The California Highway Patrol activates the alert at the request of local law enforcement, and it works much like an AMBER Alert

Ramos said, "I am gratified that the governor approved this bill to help stop the violence afflicting California's Native American communities The Feather Alert will aid law enforcement and families in getting the word out quickly when a Native individual is missing or endangered by alerting the public in a broad and effective manner Creating an alert or advisory system was a top recommendation from tribal leaders in May to highlight this issue "

California has the highest population of Native Americans in the nation and is among the states with the highest rates of reported cases of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People

The Feather Alert has specific criteria that must be met before activation, including the missing person being an indigenous woman or an indigenous person, local law enforcement determining that the person is in danger, and information being available that could assist in the safe recovery of the missing person

According to the Sovereign Bodies Institute, only nine percent of murders of indigenous women in California have ever been solved The Feather Alert aims to stem the tide of unsolved cases and provide more immediate support when suspected abductions or other acts of violence occur against California Indian people who suffer a disproportionate number of those crimes

In California, the Feather Alert joins other special notifications overseen by the CHP, including the AMBER Alert, Blue Alert, Silver Alert, and general endangered missing advisory

Participants in the summit on Feather Alert implementation included tribal leaders from across the State, along with representatives from the San Manuel MMIP Youth Advocacy Group Law enforcement agencies that were present include California Highway Patrol AMBER Alert Coordinator Captain Ken Roberts, Merri Lopez-Keifer, Director of Native American Affairs in the Office of the Attorney General, San Bernardino County Sheriff Assistant John Ades and San Bernardino City Police Chief Darren Goodman

By Caden Henderson

The NCAA basketball tournament has supplied us with yet another month of madness In a year where a 16 seed beat a 1 and a 15 seed made it to the second weekend, it only feels right that the final four this year is the first one to feature ever not feature a team seeded 1, 2, or 3 Instead, the 9 seeded Florida Atlantic Owls vs the 5 seeded San Diego State Aztecs and the 5 seeded Miami Hurricanes vs the 4 seeded UConn Huskies will be the two Final Four matchups With these games featuring teams very unfamiliar with each other, there is a lot to preview and prepare for before Saturday

What a ride it’s been for Florida Atlantic They won their first round game

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