7 minute read

Intellectuall y Disabled Students Left in the Dar k: Planned Par enthood’s Fight f or Compr ehensive Sex Education

By Manny Sandoval

The state of sexual education for some of San Bernardino County's most vulnerable students is "abysmal," according to many former students The plight of students with intellectual disabilities (IDD) has been a primary concern, given their increased vulnerability to exploitation and sexual abuse


Faviola Mercado, Community Education Manager at Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties, described the current system as "greatly lacking " She said, "It's required that all students be educated in sexual health The changes applied recently expanded what sex ed looks like in public schools However, this is often carried out in a haphazard manner, with some schools teaching it in health, some in PE, and some in science classes There should be a designated class that covers sex education comprehensively "

Addressing the 2016 California Healthy Youth Act, Mercado said, "The law requires that comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education be taught at least once in middle and high school But what we're seeing, particularly in the case of students with IDD, is a gross failure in its implementation "

A study shows that when young people have comprehensive information about birth control methods and safe sex, they will likely delay sexual activity Furthermore, when they engage, they tend to practice safer sex, which helps prevent unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Mercado emphasized the need for increased sexual education among students with intellectual disabilities "This population is often viewed as easy targets by predators due to their disability This could be because they are less likely to identify and effectively communicate the abuse Sometimes they're less likely to report it because they feel no one will believe them, and sometimes they do not have the words to express it "

To address this, Planned Parenthood launched the Equal Voices program, which aims to bridge the gap between the current state of sexual education and a healthier, more comprehensive understanding Equal Voices provides tailored education for youth with IDD, helping them identify healthy and unhealthy relationships, understand bodily autonomy, and effectively communicate abuse

Mercado stated that teachers, parents, and caregivers do not have to do it alone "We identify that gap and need for education We adapted our general education to suit youth with IDD Our expert educators go into the classes and teach the portion on sex ed We offer teacher development training Our educators can go and gauge the room and be able to adapt the material needed for each classroom as needed "

This education is free of cost for public schools and government agencies and is also available in Spanish for parents and caregivers

The success of Equal Voices has been monumental "It continues to increase year after year Especially after California's healthy youth act, it has continued to increase This year we have reached almost 700 people with IDD," said Mercado

Despite the California Healthy Youth Act, many students report not learning about STI prevention and symptoms, birth control, their rights, caring for their sexual health, healthy relationships, issues of sexuality or gender identity, or anything else beyond "the basic mechanics "

These students have access to more information than any generation before them Still, their STI rates are climbing, and they often report not knowing precisely what to believe when they find information online or on social media

The Equal Voices curriculum is adapted to PPOSBC's existing high school and middle school lessons The curriculum includes Healthy Relationships & Consent, Puberty & Anatomy, Pregnancy & Birth Control, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Gender & Sexual Orientation, and Online Safety & Safer Social Media

"The only difference is that they include fewer words and more pictures for PPOSBC's expert Health Educators to adapt to the class In addition, this allows them to add more or less information to each topic based on where the students are developmentally," Mercado explained

The program also focuses on topics relevant to students with adaptive needs, such as "good touch/bad touch" and the difference between public and private spaces "When the teacher identifies participants as having a higher cognitive level, PPOSBC allows a standard middle or high school presentation The content remains the same, but the Health Educator adapts the tone and delivery to meet the class's needs," Mercado added

But despite the strides made by Equal Voices, Mercado acknowledges there is still much work to be done "STI rates are rising nationwide among adolescents, and according to the CDC, a major culprit is a lack of comprehensive sexual education "

Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in this education, and PPOSBC encourages active participation "We offer a parent preview so they can view the materials before they are given the education We take that opportunity to encourage parents and caregivers to continue this education at home and be that trusted adult," said Mercado

The goal of Equal Voices and comprehensive sex education is not just to prevent sexual abuse, exploitation, and unwanted pregnancies It's also about empowering students with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their bodies and lives

May is Sex Ed for All Month, which reminds us of the importance of comprehensive sex education and the gaps in our schools' curricula that contribute to the rise in STI rates and other adverse outcomes

It is a call to action to address these shortcomings and ensure the most vulnerable students feel empowered with knowledge about their bodies

Mercado said, "We strongly believe that everyone deserves access to sexual education, and it can save a person's life " However, the fight for comprehensive, inclusive sex education is far from over, and for organizations like Planned Parenthood and advocates like Mercado, every step forward is a victory

In a world where information is abundant yet misinformation is rampant, students must have access to accurate, comprehensive, and accessible sexual education

Equal Voices is one such initiative bridging the gap Still, the collective effort of schools, parents, and society is needed to ensure that no student, regardless of their abilities, is left in the dark


Estaba trabajando en construcción cuando sufrió una grave lesión Sin saber cuánto duraría su rehabilitación, su mayor preocupación era cómo iba a pagar las facturas y mantener una vivienda

Todo cambió cuando un amigo de Antonio le contó sobre un servicio gratuito de asesoramiento sobre temas de vivienda Los asesores de este programa ofrecen asesoramiento y capacitación gratuitos sobre morosidad en temas hipotecarios, alquiler de una vivienda, preparación para la compra de una vivienda, hipotecas inversas e incluso medidas de prevención para no terminar sin un lugar donde vivir

La financiación de este servicio procede de los Presupuestos del Estado de California por medio del Acuerdo Hipotecario Nacional (National Mortgage Settlement, o NMS, por sus siglas en inglés) y está administrado por la Agencia de Financiamiento de la Vivienda de California (California Housing Finance Agency, o CalHFA, por sus siglas en inglés)

Por medio de su Programa de Asesoramiento de Vivienda del NMS, CalHFA ya ha ayudado a más de 50,000 familias a encontrar asesores de vivienda certificados por el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD, por su sigla en inglés) en todo el estado, para recibir servicios de asesoramiento de vivienda gratuitos y confidenciales

Un asesor sobre temas de vivienda trabajó con Antonio, respondiendo a sus preguntas sobre opciones bancarias y crediticias La sesión se centró en cómo podría alcanzar sus objetivos financieros incluso aunque no pudiera trabajar debido a la lesión

Trabajaron en los aspectos básicos de la creación de crédito y revisaron el proceso bancario, ya que Antonio no tenía una cuenta bancaria El asesor de vivienda le ayudó a establecer un presupuesto general para administrar sus gastos y empezar a ahorrar para alcanzar sus objetivos financieros

Además, el asesor sobre temas de vivienda le ayudó a inscribirse en un curso de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL, por sus siglas en inglés), porque el idioma era algo que Antonio quería mejorar También lo refirieron a un activista y defensor de derechos que le ayudó a presentar una solicitud de indemnización por accidente laboral

"Los californianos que trabajan duro y merecen participar en el ‘sueño americano’ no siempre tienen una ‘red de seguridad’ a la que recurrir en tiempos difíciles", dijo Tiena Johnson Hall, Directora Ejecutiva de la Agencia de Financiación de la Vivienda de California "Este programa ayuda a las personas a estabilizar su situación de vida al recibir asesoramiento y acceso a programas y recursos que de otro modo no conocerían"

Para encontrar un asesor, cualquier persona puede visitar el sitio web de CalHFA y buscar “NMS”, o ir directamente a la página de asesoramiento en https://www calhfa ca gov/community/nms/resources htm Todas las sesiones son gratuitas, y los propietarios de viviendas pueden ponerse en contacto con una de estas organizaciones aunque no vivan en la misma zona geográfica, ya que el asesoramiento se puede hacer por teléfono o por videollamada

El Programa de Asesoramiento sobre temas de Vivienda del NMS ayudó a Antonio a superar un momento difícil

Tiempo más tarde, cuando volvió a ponerse en contacto con la persona que le asesoró, para ver cómo le iba, se alegró de haber abierto una cuenta bancaria, de estar mejorando su calificación crediticia y de haber empezado un curso de inglés (ESL) en un colegio comunitario Y lo que es más importante, Antonio logró mantenerse en su hogar y mantuvo su vivienda

Johnson Hall añadió: "El asesoramiento sobre temas de vivienda es un servicio crucial que reduce el número de personas sin hogar, se enfrenta a la inseguridad en temas de vivienda y reduce los obstáculos para llegar a ser propietario de una casa, todo lo cual puede encaminar a las personas hacia el bienestar financiero Espero que toda persona que tenga problemas (de vivienda) aproveche esta oportunidad de ayuda gratuita"

Registration opens f or 5k walk/r un suppor ting mental health awar eness on May 21

Walkers and runners of all ages at the Stand Up to Stigma 5k can show their support for those dealing with mental health issues and raise their awareness of available mental health services This fifth annual race is set for Sunday, May 21, at 8 a m

Event registration is $15 for adults, $10 for students, and includes a T-shirt, runner ’s bib, food, and refreshments for the first 800 paid registrants The check-in and starting line will be across the street from the Behavioral Medicine Center at 1686 Barton Road, Redlands, California Those interested are encouraged to sign up for the family-friendly walk/run

This event aims to eliminate the stigma, bring awareness to, and treat mental health issues as any other health problem in our community After the race, registrants are invited to enjoy a post-race bash featuring a photo booth, snacks, refreshments, mental health information, and more

“Needing mental healthcare is no different than needing care from any other specialty healthcare service,” said Edward Field, MBA, vice president and administrator of the Behavioral Medicine Center “By coming together with our community, we can help reduce the stigma associated with seeking care ”

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