*Colton Courier 08/31/23

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C O L T O N C O U R I E R WWe e eekkllyy

a s t S t u d e n t s , S t a f f , a n d M o r e

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A I i n B u s i n e s s : H o w t h e I n l a n d E m p i r e C h a m b e r i s

P i o n e e r i n g t h e F u t u r e o f E f f i c i e n c y

On August 23rd, the Inland Empire Regional Chamber of Commerce ( I E R C C ) , i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h Studio D, hosted a groundbreaking briefing titled "Unlock Business Efficiency with AI" at Studio D in Downtown San Bernardino

The event aimed to shed light on the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the business landscape

Dan Perera, CEO of JXDesign, opened t h e d i s c u s s i o n w i t h a f o c u s o n t h e

Personalized Customer Experience "AI knows what you're going to buy next year," Perera remarked, citing how platforms like Instagram can predict purchasing behaviors based on user interactions "We've been engaging with bots for the past 10-15 years The more customer data collected, the more t h e i r e x p e r i e n c e i m p r o v e s " H e c i t e d Starbucks as an example, explaining how

the company uses AI to offer personalized promotions based on individual purchasing habits

P e r e r a a l s

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emphasizing the importance of data privacy and the ability for users to turn off data tracking on various apps "Companies are capturing data, using it, and selling you

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Alumni, CJUSD board members, current and former staff including Marilynn Jordan who was principal for 11 years (85-96) and Chris Lacono who was a teacher for 33 years
I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m
H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W T O R E A C H U S I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ g m a i l c o m SBVC Summer Enrollment Increases with Free Tuition and Textbooks Empowering San Ber nardino Via Financial Literacy at Studio D P g 8 P g . 4
PHOTOS MANNY SANDOVAL (Left Photo) Dan Perera, CEO of JX Design, delving deep into the ethical considerations and challenges of AI, emphasizing the balance between innovation and responsibility in the digital age (Right
Happy Labor Day to All Worker s W ho Have Helped Shape Our Society in the IE and Beyond
Photo) Edward Ornelas, Jr , CEO and president of IERCC speaking with guests and drinking a cup of coffee before the briefing started PHOTO DENISE BERVER A Mary B Lewis student sporting a customized alligator hat after school on August 16th 2023 PHOTO DENISE BERVER A student giving the school’s mascot a hug on the playground at the 75th Anniversary Celebration of Mary B Lewis Elementary School PHOTO DENISE BERVER Colton Fire Department speaking to a group of students about the specs of the fire truck, before giving them a tour

AI products," he said

Drawing parallels between the current apprehensions about AI and the fears surrounding the Com era, Perera stated, "No one is going to lose their job, but you need to learn to navigate AI to KEEP your job " He stressed the importance of adapting to AI, sharing a personal anecdote about his father's business struggles due to a lack of computer literacy

Sal Ayala, CEO of UNIKO Biz Solutions, also shared insights, emphasizing the importance of focusing on core strengths and outsourcing the rest

Gabriel Rangel, Chair of the Technology Committee at IERCC, announced his upcoming attendance at a tech conference in Dubai next month

Edward Ornelas, Jr , CEO and President of IERCC, shared his experiences with ChatGPT "I've been experimenting with ChatGPT, and it's very literal," Ornelas said "Speak to it the same way you would speak to a new employee " He emphasized the importance of clear instructions when interacting with AI tools

The Future of AI in Marketing was another hot topic Perera mentioned various AI tools, including Firefly and Jasper, and how they're revolutionizing design and marketing processes

Grand Opening of Rialto Spr outs Far mer s Mar ket Set f or Sept 1

Community News

Sprouts Farmers Market is excited to announce it will open its newest store in Rialto, CA on Sept 1 located at 1524 S Riverside Ave in Rialto, CA This is the company’s 399 store across the country A ribbon cutting will take place Friday morning at 6:45 a m The doors to the store will open at 7 a m

“The addition of Sprouts is part of our commitment as city leaders to improving the quality of life and creating new opportunities for Rialto residents I am thrilled to be able to welcome this new addition to our community,” said Mayor Deborah Robertson

Grand Opening Weekend


From Friday, Sept 1 through Sunday, Sept 3 a variety of activities will celebrate the grand opening A “pop-up party” out front will give guests the chance to taste seasonal produce from “fruit school”, play games, have their face painted, watch artists carve large produce, participate in a special “guess the weight” contest of an oversized piece of produce and more These activities are fun for the whole family and will last all weekend long

The first 200 shoppers on Fri-

day and Saturday will receive a free ‘Goodness it’s Free’ reusable goodie bag filled with special products and samples Inside the store, shoppers can taste new products while they shop from innovative brands at the Vendor Village

On Friday, Danny Seo, editorin-chief of Naturally, Danny Seo magazine, will be giving out free, signed hard cover copies of his cookbook, Naturally, Delicious Dinners thanks to Simply Organic, starting at 5:30 p m

Five lucky shoppers will win gift cards to Sprouts – four $100 courtesy of Bob’s Red Mill and one $400 from Follow Your Heart On Saturday, the first 400 shoppers will receive a $10 Sprouts gift card and beginning at 11:30 a m shoppers will be treated to a free hotdog lunch from Board’s Head, Hero Bakery and Kettle brand potato chips, while supplies last

On Sunday, beginning at noon, dog lovers will be gifted dog treats from Bundle X Joy and kids will enjoy a reusable coloring tote activity, while supplies last Plus, music and prize giveaways throughout the weekend will add to the festivities

This location will be open daily from 7 a m until 10 p m For more information and to sign up to win the pre-opening gift card, visit https://www sprouts com

Colton Lions Club Joins Dr G f or Community Clean-up

Over the last nine years, Dr G has led several clean-up efforts throughout the downtown area, south Colton, and La Loma Hills From time to time, various individuals and community groups have joined in to assist in picking up trash and, in some cases, cleaning up areas that have experienced dumping of bulk items

Last Saturday, with the help of the Colton Lions Club, about a dozen individuals set out to clean up the well-known trucking corridor that includes parts of Congress Street and Fogg Street

To the locals, this stretch of vacant land is often called the “big curve” and is well-known as a remote place where trash and illegal dumping regularly build up

Dozens of trucks and hundreds of cars pass through this corridor every day, and as a result, the build-up of trash, junk, and bulk items gets so much that a significant clean-up is in order That’s when the G-Team and local community groups are called to action to address the trash problem In just about every case, the clean-up project of the target area is a great success and makes the area noticeably better As a result, everyone wins – the area is clean, travelers see a nice corridor and nearby residents enjoy a welcoming neighborhood

Mostly, anywhere between two and five individuals come when they can on a weekday morning to help Dr G with his clean-up project But sometimes, a special clean-up project is needed for larger areas, and plans are made to include a

larger group Last week, the Colton Lions Club stepped up to help They know Dr G well and have worked with him several times on various projects

With his trash clean-up program already in place, the Lions Club’s community service goal is a good fit, and with their available manpower, large clean-up projects are possible President Cynthia Calderilla said, “Our motto is to serve, and we engage in projects that help the community ” Established in 2019, the Colton Lions Club is often seen at community events and provides individuals with food, clothes, gift cards, eyeglasses, and backpacks

This community clean-up was another way the Colton Lions Club extended a helping hand to the community Any time individuals or groups offer to volunteer, the efforts are well-received by the general public

Those who participate also experience a personal sense of local pride and contribution to our community With the success of the Community Clean-up, the Colton Lions Club has once again demonstrated that they are a driving force in the community for community service Congratulations to the Colton Lions Club

For more information about CITY TALK, various community groups and events, Colton history, the trash clean-up project, the G-Team, prayer list, history briefs, Veteran Spotlight, Church Spotlight, Business Spotlight, U S Flag Watch, neighborhood meetings, community projects, or the online live-stream programs, contact Dr G @ 909-213-3730 Questions and comments are always welcome

Page A2 • August 31, 2023 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • Colton Courier
Yo u r a d h e r e : C a l l ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n a d v e r t i s i n g.
Photo (L to R): Patty Tewell, Erik Morden, Mark Garcia, Soledad Morden, Edward Morden, Carmen Lozano , Everyln Lopez, Carlos Araiza, Melinda (resident), Matthew (resident), Dr G Council Member and Lions Club Member

Community News

As the summer travel season wraps up, Rialto Police Department reminds drivers to stay safe and be responsible by never driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs

“The community’s well-being is our top priority, so we’re asking that if you know you’ll be out drinking to have a game plan for how to get home safely,” Chief Mark P Kling of Rialto Police Department said “There is never a good excuse for driving after drinking or using drugs that impair ”

Rialto Police Department asks residents to take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your family by buckling up, avoiding distractions behind the wheel, following the speed limit, and not driving impaired

Community News

Through a continual, exhaustive investigation, the Rialto Police Department Major Accident Investigation

Team identified a 2003 Ford Expedition as the vehicle involved in the fatal hitand-run traffic collision with DeAngelo Banks

On August 15, 2023, at 4:40 p m , officers located the suspect vehicle in the 500 block of N Riverside Avenue and conducted sur-

veillance A subject later identified as Bryan Perez, was seen entering the vehicle and drove away from the location

Perez was found to be unlicensed and subsequently interviewed and arrested for being the driver that struck and killed DeAngelo Banks on August 13th Evidence was found substantiating the Ford Expedition being involved in the hit-and-run fatal collision

The Ford Expedition was

To help keep our community safe, the Rialto Police Department will have additional officers on patrol through Labor Day (Sept 4) looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs

The additional efforts to prevent impaired driving are part of a national enforcement campaign, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

In addition to patrols, Rialto Police Department will hold three DUI Checkpoints at an undisclosed location within the city of Rialto

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 13,384 people were killed in drunk-driving crashes in 2021 that’s one person every 39 minutes

Community News

While drunk driving is a significant traffic safety problem, driving while impaired is not just from alcohol Prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and cannabis products may also impair If you plan on drinking or taking medications with a driving warning label, let someone who is sober drive If you see someone driving impaired, call 9-1-1

Share your thoughts about impaired driving by participating in the Go Safely Movement, a call-to-action traffic safety survey from the California Office of Traffic Safety Take the survey at gosafelyca org

Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

recovered and towed to the San Bernardino County Sheriff ’s Department Crime Lab for processing The Rialto Police Department appreciates the assistance of local residents and business owners who cooperated and were instrumental in providing video footage vital to this crime being solved

Perez was booked into West Valley Detention Center for CVC 20001(b) (2) –Hit and Run Causing Injury or Death with a bail set for $250,000

On Monday, August 21st, at about 10:54 PM, San Bernardino Police Call Center received a 911 call regarding a shooting

Patrol officers were dispatched and found the victim on scene suffering from a gunshot wound

The victim was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced de-

Homicide detectives responded and conducted an investigation Detectives are attempting to identify the suspect(s) and motive for the shooting

Anybody with information regarding the incident is asked to contact Detective T Montez at Montez Ti@sbcity org or Sergeant E Campos at campos er@sbcity org (909)388-4955






R i a l t o P o l i c e D e p a r t m e n t E n c o u r a g e s D r i v e r s t o G o S a f e l y D u r i n g t h e F i n a l D a y s o f S u m m e r Inland Empire Community Newspapers • August 31, 2023 • Page A3 C r i m e & P u b l i c S a f e t y
Submit press releases and news tips to editor@iecn.com F a t a l H i t & R u n T
r a f f i c C o l l i s i o n o n R i v e r s i d e A v e n u e
se llaman Escuelas Comunitarias.
D H o m i c i d e I n v e s t i g a t i o n
Con la vuelta al colegio, algo nuevo está pasando en las escuelas públicas de California…

Dir ector of CSUSB Center f or the Study of Hate and Extr emism to Pr esent Latest Hate Crime Repor t to State Commission

Community News

Following on the heels of what authorities suspect was a hate-fueled murder a Southern California mountain community, the latest report by Cal State San Bernardino’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism (CSHE) shows that three of the largest percentage increases in reported hate crimes in major American cities in 2022 were against members of the LGBTQ+ community

Those findings and more will be presented Friday, Aug 25, by Brian Levin, director of the non-partisan center, when the California Commission on the State of Hate meets at Sacramento State While the meeting, open to the public, will be in person at Sacramento State, it may also be accessed on Zoom The commission’s meeting agenda is available on its website

The commission meeting begins at 10:30 a m Pacific Time, with a community forum to follow at 12:30 p m Levin, who also is a member of the commission, will present the center ’s report in the 10:30 a m session He will also share historical data on how hate crimes rise during presidential election years The presentation will be his last official act as the director of the center he founded 24 years ago before he retires from the post

Community News

The latest study by the center analyzed hate crimes reported to police in 42 major U S cities, and showed that such crimes increased 10% in 2022; another sample of 16 states showed an increase of 17% The 10 largest cities in the report showed a greater jump, up an average of 22%, “setting a second consecutive modern annual record, while smaller cities yielded more mixed results according to analysis of the latest official preliminary police data,” the center reported “In CSHE’s 2022 multi-city hate crime survey, the greatest percentage increases were directed toward those: of ‘other race/ethnicity,’ up 94%; followed by anti-LGBTQ (Mixed Group), up 52%; anti-Gender nonconforming – which covers people in drag, up 47%, anti-Jewish, up 29% and anti-Transgender up 28%,” the report said

Release of the center ’s latest report comes soon after the Aug 18 fatal shooting of Laura Ann Caldwell, who flew a rainbow pride flag outside her Lake Arrowheadarea clothing business A San Bernardino County Sheriff's report says she was shot by a man who had made “several disparaging remarks about a rainbow flag that stood outside the store before shooting Carleton ”

Levin said, “We must powerfully condemn root to

branch the vile bigotry and violence that so brazenly targets our LGBTQI brothers and sisters and those like Laura, who love and care for them At a time when our research shows horrifying increases in attacks against the LGBTQI community, Laura’s beautiful life stands as a moral counterweight and beacon of the enduring resonance of ally-ship and love ”

Levin, who stepped down from teaching in the CSUSB School of Criminology and Criminal Justice and was the California State University 2020 Wang Family Excellence Award recipient, has long been a sought-after expert in hate crimes and extremism, testifying before Congressional and state legislative bodies on the topic; sharing his expertise with local, regional, national and international news media; and presenting at professional conferences and civic and community groups That was in addition to his research for the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, established at CSUSB in 1999 CSHE examines the ways that bigotry, extremism, terrorism – both domestically and internationally – deny civil or human rights to people because of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or other relevant status characteristics

SBVC’s Summer Enr ollment Gr ows Driven by Fr ee Tuition & Textbooks

Offering all students free tuition and textbooks at SBVC likely had a significant impact on student enrollment, as was witnessed firsthand this summer when total student headcount increased by 33% over the prior summer, from 5,680 in Summer 2022 to 7,551 in Summer 2023 Out of that number, 2,244 (or 29 7%) were first-time SBVC students

Overall, SBVC finished the 2022-2023 academic year with a 6 8% increase in headcount over 2021-22, putting the college on track to reversing an enrollment decline that pummeled most colleges nationwide during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic

While it is well known that free tuition and textbooks remove financial barriers that may prevent

students from enrolling in courses, covering these costs for students on a prolonged basis may not yet be sustainable for most colleges, especially community colleges, due to limitations in federal and state funding they receive

SBVC will continue to offer free textbook rentals for all students in the Fall 2023 and Spring 2023 terms, which will save students hundreds of dollars as they continue to pursue their educational goals

"Our mission is to provide as much access to higher education as we can," said interim president Dr Linda Fontanilla "We hope that all students in our community are able to take advantage of this free textbook opportunity while it is available "

Page A4 • August 31, 2023 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers Fo l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k , Tw i t t e r, a n d I n s t a g r a m @ I E C o m m u n i t y N e w s S u b m i t s t o r y i d e a s , p h o t o s o f a n n i v e r s a r i e s , b i r t h d a y s , y o u t h s p o r t s , e t c . t o e d i t o r @ i e c n . c o m .
L o c a l S c h o o l s , C o l l e g e s , & U n i v e r s i t i e s
PHOTO SBVC An SBVC student in the computer lab during summer 2023 session 2

Will Two Envir onmental Justice Advocates Appr ove a 1.5 million Sqft. War ehouse in Jur upa Valley?

glaring example is the proposed “The District” project at Jurupa Valley in the Roubidoux community This behemoth, boasting 1 5 million square feet of industrial space, isn’t just a concern for its size but for what it symbolizes and the repercussions we know will come Our air quality in Jurupa Valley is already one of the worst in the nation And with “The District” comes the inevitable influx of hundreds of diesel trucks, each spewing toxic particulates daily

As Jurupa Valley Planning Commissioner Hakan Jackson himself said, “It’s obvious that pollution is the slow killer,” and “a lot of communities are not considering how toxic local warehouses have become with truck traffic and commerce ” This toxicity is linked to asthma, cancer, long-term lung issues, and premature deaths The stakes couldn’t be more precise, and they couldn’t be higher: the health of our community and the future generations who will inherit the decisions we make today hang in the balance

In 2015, Penny Newman advocated against a warehouse in Moreno Valley, stating, “To bring this much additional traffic, without any mitigation, to an area with the worst air pollution is criminal ” Seeing some environmental justice groups and activists remain silent is disheartening

The question then looms large: Are we gearing up for another warehouse despite the billion square feet of warehouse space the Inland Empire already possesses? A space whose vacancies, as reported by the Press-Enterprise, have tripled in the past two years?

In the beautiful hills and open space of Jurupa Valley, where the environment and outdoors are not just landscapes but a way of life, it’s jarring to think of a mammoth warehouse occupying an empty lot beside the Santa Ana River, which borders the City of Riverside

As a longtime resident of the Inland Empire, my connection with this region goes beyond my love for its equestrian trails and wildlife It’s where I, like many others, have lived and am now retired and proud to give

back and stand up for my community

I have also consistently supported and donated to Democratic candidates, believing in their promise to protect our environmental legacy Imagine the hope I felt learning that our Jurupa Valley Planning Commission had appointed two officials deeply rooted in environmental justice: Hakan Jackson and Penny Newman Their history as advocates seemed like the dawn of a new era for our community However, recent developments have cast shadows on my initial optimism

My regular attendance at local commission and council meetings has been an exercise in mounting concern A

Labor Unions, which I support, are strongly backing this project But as Mr Hakan himself has said, “The big issue is fighting for jobs versus fighting for the health of the community ” I call on Jackson and Newman to stop this warehouse with the same energy they have placed in other communities across the region We all live here, and we deserve better

Now, more than ever, we need our representatives to vote with their conscience


Inland Empire Community Newspapers • August 31, 2023 • Page A5 Op-Ed
IECN com to read more
PHOTO CITY OF JURUPA VALLEY Hakan Jackson and Penny Newman serve on the Jurupa Valley Planning Commission

to take many actions without obtaining court approval Before taking certain very important actions however the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action ) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority

A HEARING on the petition will be held on Sept 25 2023 at 9:00 AM in Dept No F1 located at 17780 ARROW BLVD FONTANA CA 92335

IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney

IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law

YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250 A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk

Attorney for petitioner:

O f f i c e ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 • C O L T O N C O U R I E R L E G A L A D V E R T I S I N G • F a x ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 4 - 0 4 0 6 CC IECN August 31, 2023 Page A7 Published in Colton Courier C-643 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230007712 Statement fi ed with the County C erk of San Bernardino 08/01/2023 The fo lowing person(s) is (are) doing business as: BEARMED 11553 FOOTHILL BLVD STUDIO 47 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91730 County of Principal P ace of Bus ness: SAN BERNARDINO GOOD VIBES WELLNESS INC 11553 FOOTHILL BLVD STUDIO 47 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91730 Inc /Org /Reg No : 5429314 State of Inc /Org /Reg : CALIFORNIA Th s business s conducted by (a/an): CORPORATION Reg strant commenced to transact business under the fict tious business name or names l sted above on NOT APPLICABLE By sign ng I declare that al nformation n th s statement is true and correct A registrant who declares as true information wh ch he or she knows to be false is gu lty of a crime (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that al informat on on this statement becomes Public Record upon f ling s/ JUSTIN EVANS PRESIDENT Not ce- In accordance with subdiv sion (a) of Section 17920 a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was fi ed in the Off ce of the County C erk except as provided in Subdivis on (b) of Section 17920 where t expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a reg stered owner A new fictitious business name statement must be f led before the expiration The f ling of this statement does not of itse f authorize the use in this state of a fict tious business name n v olation of the r ghts of another under federal state or common law (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq Business and Professions Code) Published 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31/23 Published in Colton Courier C-644 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230007222 Statement fi ed with the County C erk of San Bernardino 07/20/2023 The fo lowing person(s) is (are) do ng bus ness as: DEERLY MOTIVATED PROMOS 13502 HOLMES ST YUCAIPA CA 92399 County of Principal P ace of Bus ness: SAN BERNARDINO Mail ng address: P O BOX 311 CALIMESA CA 92320 # of Emp oyees: 0 TAMARA L THIMGAN 13502 HOLMES ST YUCAIPA CA 92399 Th s business s conducted by (a/an): INDIVIDUAL Reg strant commenced to transact business under the fict tious business name or names l sted above on JUL 18 2018 By sign ng I declare that al nformation n th s statement is true and correct A registrant who declares as true information wh ch he or she knows to be false is gu lty of a crime (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that al informat on on this statement becomes Public Record upon f ling s/ TAMARA L THIMGAN OWNER Not ce- In accordance with subdiv sion (a) of Section 17920 a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was fi ed in the Off ce of the County C erk except as provided in Subdivis on (b) of Section 17920 where t expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a reg stered owner A new fictitious business name statement must be f led before the expiration The f ling of this statement does not of itse f authorize the use in this state of a fict tious business name n v olation of the r ghts of another under federal state or common law (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq Business and Professions Code) Published 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31/23 Published in Colton Courier C-645 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230007534 Statement fi ed with the County C erk of San Bernardino 07/27/2023 The fo lowing person(s) is (are) doing business as: CARFRE 820 W TRENTON ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 County of Principal P ace of Bus ness: SAN BERNARDINO REGINA BRIANA 820 W TRENTON ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 Th s business s conducted by (a/an): INDIVIDUAL Reg strant commenced to transact business under the fict tious business name or names l sted above on JUL 24 2023 By sign ng I declare that al nformation n th s statement is true and correct A registrant who declares as true information wh ch he or she knows to be false is gu lty of a crime (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that al informat on on this statement becomes Publ c Record upon filng s/ REGINA BRIANA Notice- In accordance w th subdivis on (a) of Sect on 17920, a f ctitious name statement general y exp res at the end of f ve years from the date on which t was f led n the Office of the County Clerk except as prov ded n Subd vision (b) of Sect on 17920, where it exp res 40 days after any change n the facts set forth n the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change n the residence address of a registered owner A new f ct t ous business name statement must be filed before the exp rat on The fil ng of this statement does not of itself author ze the use n th s state of a f ctit ous bus ness name in vio at on of the rights of another under federa state or common law (see Section 14411 Et Seq Business and Professions Code) Publ shed 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31/23 Published in Colton Courier C-646 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230007786 Statement f led w th the County Clerk of San Bernardino 08/02/2023 The fol ow ng person(s) s (are) doing business as: TQ MOTORSPORTS 775 SOUTH GIFFORD AVE UNIT 27 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 County of Princ pal Place of Business: SAN BERNARDINO Mai ing address: PO BOX 11, SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 TQ MOTORSPORTS LLC 775 SOUTH GIFFORD AVE UNIT 27, SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 Inc /Org /Reg No : 202253210018 State of Inc /Org /Reg : CA This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Registrant commenced to transact bus ness under the fictitious business name or names isted above on NOV 02 2022 By s gning I declare that a l information in this statement s true and correct A reg strant who declares as true informat on which he or she knows to be fa se, s guilty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am a so aware that a l nformation on th s statement becomes Publ c Record upon filng s/ ANTHONY QUINTANILLA, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Notice- In accordance w th subdivis on (a) of Sect on 17920, a f ctitious name statement general y exp res at the end of f ve years from the date on which t was f led n the Office of the County Clerk except as prov ded n Subd vision (b) of Sect on 17920, where it exp res 40 days after any change n the facts set forth n the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change n the residence address of a registered owner A new f ctit ous business name statement must be filed before the exp rat on The fil ng of this statement does not of itself author ze the use n th s state of a f ctit ous bus ness name in vio at on of the rights of another under federa state or common law (see Section 14411 Et Seq Business and Professions Code) Publ shed 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31/23 Published in Colton Courier C-647 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230007695 Statement f led w th the County Clerk of San Bernardino 07/31/2023 The fol ow ng person(s) s (are) doing bus ness as: SKYFOX UAV, 5659 JUSTIN CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 County of Princ pal Place of Business: SAN BERNARDINO VANCE M FOX 5659 JUSTIN CT SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92407 This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): INDIVIDUAL Registrant commenced to transact bus ness under the fictitious business name or names isted above on NOT APPLICABLE By s gning I declare that a l information in this statement s true and correct A reg strant who declares as true informat on which he or she knows to be fa se s guilty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am a so aware that a l nformat on on th s statement becomes Publ c Record upon filng s/ VANCE M FOX INDIVIDUAL Notice- In accordance w th subdiv s on (a) of Sect on 17920 a f ctitious name statement general y exp res at the end of f ve years from the date on which t was f led n the Office of the County Clerk except, as prov ded n Subd vision (b) of Sect on 17920 where it exp res 40 days after any change n the facts set forth n the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change n the residence address of a registered owner A new f ct t ous business name statement must be filed before the exp rat on The fil ng of this statement does not of itself author ze the use n th s state of a f ctit ous bus ness name in vio at on of the rights of another under federa state or common law (see Section 14411 Et Seq , Business and Professions Code) Pub ished 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31/23 Published in Colton Courier C-648 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230006906 Statement f led w th the County Clerk of San Bernard no 07/10/2023 The fol ow ng person(s) is (are) doing business as: ALKALINE WATER MART 9950 FOOTHILL BLVD STE Q, RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91730 County of Pr nc pa Place of Business: SAN BERNARDINO Ma ling address: 5888 TIMBERMIST PL RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91737 # of Employees: 3 BRONEY S ENTERPRISES INC 5888 TIMBERMIST PL, RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91737 Inc /Org /Reg No : 3665920 State of Inc /Org /Reg : CA This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): CORPORATION Registrant commenced to transact business under the f ctit ous busness name or names listed above on AUG 15, 2015 By signing I dec are that all informat on in this statement is true and correct A registrant who declares as true informat on which he or she knows to be false s gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l nformation on this statement becomes Pub ic Record upon fing s/ GORDON BRONEY PRESIDENT Notice- In accordance with subdvis on (a) of Sect on 17920 a fictt ous name statement genera y expires at the end of f ve years from the date on wh ch it was filed n the Office of the County Clerk, except as prov ded n Subd v sion (b) of Sect on 17920 where it expires 40 days after any change n the facts set forth n the statement pursuant to Sect on 17913 other than a change in the resdence address of a registered owner A new fict tious bus ness name statement must be fi ed before the exp rat on The fi ing of th s statement does not of tself authorize the use n th s state of a f ctit ous business name in vio at on of the rights of another under federal, state, or common aw (see Section 14411 Et Seq Bus ness and Professions Code) Pub ished 8/10,8/17,8/24,8/31/23 Published in Colton Courier C-649 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230006908 Statement f led w th the County Clerk of San Bernard no 07/10/2023 The fol ow ng person(s) is (are) do ng business as: GORDON S AUTO SALES, 708 WEST MILL ST UNIT L STE B SAN BERNARDINO 92410 County of Pr nc pa Place of Business: SAN BERNARDINO Ma ling address: 5888 TIMBERMIST PL, RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91737 # of Employees: 1 BRONEY S ENTERPRISES INC , 5888 TIMBERMIST PL RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91737 Inc /Org /Reg No : 3665920 State of Inc /Org /Reg : CA This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): CORPORATION Registrant commenced to transact business under the f ctit ous busness name or names listed above on NOT APPLICABLE By signing I dec are that all informat on in this statement is true and correct A registrant who declares as true informat on which he or she knows to be false, s gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l nformation on this statement becomes Pub ic Record upon fing s/ GORDON BRONEY, PRESIDENT Notice- In accordance with subdvis on (a) of Sect on 17920, a fictt ous name statement genera y expires at the end of f ve years from the date on wh ch it was filed n the Office of the County Clerk except as prov ded n Subd v sion (b) of Sect on 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change n the facts set forth n the statement pursuant to Sect on 17913 other than a change in the resdence address of a registered owner A new fict tious bus ness name statement must be fi ed before the exp rat on The fi ing of th s statement does not of tself authorize the use n th s state of a f ctit ous business name in vio at on of the rights of another under federal state or common aw (see Section 14411 Et Seq Bus ness and Professions Code) Pub ished 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31/23 Published in Colton Courier C-650 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230007551 Statement f led w th the County Clerk of San Bernard no 07/27/2023 The fol ow ng person(s) is (are) do ng business as: ZACATECAS AUTO REPAIR 996 N MOUNT VERNON AVE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92411 County of Pr nc pa Place of Business: SAN BERNARDINO Mail ng address: 21518 OLD ELSINORE RD PERRIS CA 92570 # of Employees: 1 DAVID CARRASCO 21518 OLD ELSINORE RD PERRIS CA 92570 This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): INDIVIDUAL Registrant commenced to transact business under the f ctit ous busness name or names listed above on JUL 26, 2023 By signing I dec are that all informat on in this statement is true and correct A registrant who dec ares as true nformation wh ch he or she knows to be false, is gu lty of a crime (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that al information on this statement becomes Public Record upon f ling s/ DAVID CARRASCO, OWNER Not ce- In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920 a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was fi ed in the Off ce of the County C erk, except as provided in Subdivis on (b) of Section 17920 where t expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner A new fictitious business name statement must be f led before the expiration The f ling of this statement does not of itse f authorize the use in this state of a fict tious business name n v olation of the r ghts of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 Et Seq Business and Profess ons Code) Published 8/10,8/17,8/24,8/31/23 Published in Colton Courier C-651 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230007671 Statement fi ed with the County C erk of San Bernardino 07/31/2023 The fo lowing person(s) is (are) do ng bus ness as: TRUCKER COMPLIANCE CO, 16512 UPLAND AVE FONTANA CA 92335 County of Principal P ace of Business: SAN BERNARDINO # of Employees: 1 CINTIA G MADRID RODRIGUEZ, 16512 UPLAND AVE FONTANA CA 92335 Th s business s conducted by (a/an): INDIVIDUAL Reg strant commenced to transact business under the fict tious business name or names l sted above on NOT APPLICABLE By sign ng, I declare that al nformation n this statement is true and correct A registrant who dec ares as true nformation, wh ch he or she knows to be false is gu lty of a crime (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that al information on this statement becomes Public Record upon f ling s/ CINTIA G MADRID RODRIGUEZ OWNER Not ce- In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920 a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was fi ed in the Off ce of the County C erk except, as provided in Subdivis on (b) of Section 17920 where t expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner A new fictitious business name statement must be f led before the expiration The f ling of this statement does not of itse f authorize the use in this state of a fict tious business name n v olation of the r ghts of another under federal state or common law (see Section 14411 Et Seq , Business and Profess ons Code) Published 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31/23 Published in Colton Courier C-652 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230007841 Statement fi ed with the County C erk of San Bernardino 08/03/2023 The fo lowing person(s) is (are) doing business as: INLAND VALLEY MEATS 360 E VALLEY BLVD, COLTON, CA 92324 County of Principal P ace of Business: SAN BERNARDINO Mail ng address: PO BOX 190, COLTON CA 92324 RAEMICA INC 360 E VALLEY BLVD, COLTON, CA 92324 Inc /Org /Reg No : 1804397 State of Inc /Org /Reg : CA Th s business s conducted by (a/an): CORPORATION Reg strant commenced to transact business under the fict tious business name or names l sted above on JUN 23 2023 By sign ng, I declare that al nformation n this statement is true and correct A registrant who dec ares as true nformation, wh ch he or she knows to be false is gu lty of a crime (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that al information on this statement becomes Public Record upon f ling s/ TOM SERRATO CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Not ce- In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920 a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was fi ed in the Off ce of the County C erk except, as provided in Subdivis on (b) of Section 17920 where t expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner A new fictitious business name statement must be f led before the expiration The f ling of this statement does not of itse f authorize the use in this state of a fict tious business name n v olation of the r ghts of another under federal state or common law (see Section 14411 Et Seq , Business and Profess ons Code) Published 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31/23 Inland Empire Community Newspapers We are now online! Check us out for all your community news. Visit us on the web at: www.iecn.com PUBLISH YOUR FBN ONLY $45! e-Mail your form to: iecnlegals @gmail.com Mail to: P.O. Box 110 Colton, CA 92324 Or call (909) 381-9898 for more info NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF KENNETH O HART Case No PROVA2300030 To all heirs beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both of KENNETH O HART A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Karen E Mercier in the Superior Court of California County of SAN BERNARDINO THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that Karen E Mercier be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act (This authority will allow the personal representative
PUBLISHED COLTON COURIER Aug 31 Sep 7 14 2023 C-657
CN999723 HART

Empowering San Ber nardino Via Financial Literacy: J.P. Morgan Chase's Debt Wor kshop Tackles Essential Life Skills at Studio D

On Monday, August 14th, Studio D in Downtown San Bernardino was abuzz with financial insights and community engagement as J P Morgan Chase held its Managing Debt Workshop The event, aimed at bridging the gap between financial institutions and the community, was a testament to the bank's commitment to fostering financial literacy

Brad Wilson, VP and Community Manager from J P Morgan Chase shared valuable insights on managing debt Before diving into debt repayment, Wilson emphasized the importance of ensuring that you truly owe the debt to a creditor, checking that the statute of limitations hasn't expired, and verifying the legitimacy of the debt collector He further advised attendees on the nuances of negotiating with debt collectors

If full payment isn't feasible, Wilson suggested setting up an affordable payment plan, negotiating for a lower

balance, and aiming for a "paid in full" status rather than a "settled" one

The workshop also highlighted the rules that debt collectors must adhere to and encouraged attendees to report any creditor abuse to USA gov

Silva Harapetian, Chief Marketing Officer of Studio D, spoke passionately about the significance of such workshops "Financial literacy is not something we are taught in school," Harapetian said She further emphasized the unique challenges immigrant families face, respectfully stating, "Speaking as an immigrant, with immigrant parents, we sometimes have preconceived ideas of finances, banking, debt, interest, etc Sometimes, what our parents know and teach us about finances is not always efficiently aligned with our system here "

Harapetian also underscored the importance of creating an inclusive environment for financial education "It's imperative for everyone to know their options and un-

derstand how to budget, use a credit card, and more Understanding the nuances of finances and creating a safe space where like-minded people can ask questions is crucial If we do it collectively as a community, we are all better off," she added

Feedback from attendees indicated a keen interest in future workshops on building credit and additional workshops on preparing for home purchases The workshops are held monthly at Studio D and are free

The event concluded on a high note, with J P Morgan Chase gifting attendees backpacks filled with school supplies

J P Morgan Chase's initiative at Studio D is a testament to the bank's commitment to community engagement and education With workshops on debt management, budgeting, financial journey, home buying, and business banking, the bank is making strides in ensuring that financial literacy is accessible to all

Page A8 • August 31, 2023 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers
PHOTOS MANNY SANDOVAL J P Morgan Chase VP and Community Manager Brad Wilson discussing how to make a plan to repay a debt to 20+ attendees inside Studio D’s community meeting space

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