El Chicano 10 20 2016

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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Features, Lifestyle & News You Can Use!

Vol 53, NO. 44

THIS WEEK Gloria’s Corner and Words To Think About A3 & A5

Valley College celebrates 90th anniversary A7


Environmentalists skeptical of SCAQMD management plan

By Anthony Victoria

ristian Garza said his asthma attacks have become stronger due to the bad air quality in Mecca--a small town in the Eastern Coachella Valley.

“My biggest problem is when they use the word ‘incentive’,” SCAQMD cont. on next page

he election race for the 47th Assembly District seat is featuring contentious debates relating to the petroleum industry, smog pollution, and special interests.


Protestor Gullit Acevedo raising his sign that reads, “Si Se Puede (Yes We Can) during a protest outside the Mission Inn Spa and Hotel in Riverside on October 7

“I continue to support Cheryl Brown,” said San Bernardino resident Johanna Silva. “But I think both candidates make strong points.”

Disputes among both sides originate from Brown’s opposition to a provision in Senate Bill 350-legislation that would have cut the state’s petroleum use by half by 2030. Brown told the the Sacramento Bee in April she was concerned Governor Jerry Brown’s bill would hurt commuters that travel out of the district to work.


Calendar A3 Words To think About A5 Legal Notices A12 Opinion A4


Editorial: iecn1@mac.com Advertising: sales@iecn.com

As a result, the district’s constituents--residents who live in the cities of Colton, Fontana, Grand Terrace, Rialto, and San Bernardino--say they are “divided” between two candidates that provide distinctive qualities to the region.

Incumbent Cheryl Brown (DSan Bernardino) has been accused by her opponent, fellow democrat Eloise Reyes and her followers of “selling out” to special interests, while the Assemblywoman and her allies have alleged Reyes of conducting a smear campaign.


Office: (909) 381-9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406

Brown, Reyes supporters reflect on Assembly race

By Anthony Victoria

Hundreds attend expungement event in SB

Inland Empire Community Newspapers

October 20, 2016


“There are bad air days all the time,” said the 17-year-old Desert Mirage High School student. “I’ve been sent home a lot because of the air quality. There are hundreds of people who struggle with breathing, and many who don’t have the ability to find medical help for it.”

Garza and a dozen other Sierra Club My Generation organizers attended the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s monthly meeting at the Mission Inn Hotel and Spa on October 7 to urge the agency to do more for “those most affected by smog pollution.”




Sierra Club My Generation protester Mary Valdemar clenching her fist and shouting, "What do we want? Clean Air!" during a protest outside the Mission Inn Spa and Hotel in Riverside on October 7.

Besides the Assemblywoman’s opposition to SB 350, Chevron’s $1 million endorsement to an independent expenditure committee supporting Brown drew the ire of environmentalists and labor unions. Assembly on next page

Page A2 • October 20, 2016 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • El Chicano SCAQMD cont. from front Garza explained. “When a man is released from jail, you don’t give him money to continue the crime. You punish them. It’s no different with these oil companies and polluters. They have to fine them and find command and control.”

During the meeting, the SCAQMD released a revised air quality plan that intends to mandate more directives to reduce pollution. SCAQMD Deputy Executive Officer Philip Fine presented a draft of the plan during the meeting that features more regulations to cut emissions from diesel backup generators, furnaces, and other devices.

Eloise Reyes, center in red, and her supporters/volunteers.


Assemblywoman Cheryl Brown, center, with Colton Councilman Dr. Luis Gonzalez, right, and Colton Area Museum President Mike Murphy.

Assembly cont. from front

porter of Brown. Although she empathizes with Gomez-Reyes’ pollution concerns, Gonzalez said no Brown, 72, was elected into her viable solutions have been preAssembly seat in 2012 on prom- sented. ises of creating more employment opportunities, providing quality “I highly respect Eloise and her education for children, and devel- career,” Gonzalez said. “However oping transparency between local I feel she’s presenting an argument and state government agencies. without a solution.” Brown’s received endorsements from a large number of govern- Gonzalez said Brown's time in ment officials, community advo- the Assembly demonstrates she's cates, and law enforcement represented the district well. "She's pro-jobs and pro people," Gonzagroups. lez said. "Once she stops doing her Reyes, 59, currently works as an job, I'll be the first one to speak attorney and adjunct professor. up." She’s helped serve hundreds of low income residents through legal Earl Dennis and Yolanda Maraid clinics. The longtime commu- tinez, along with their six children, nity advocate has received en- volunteer time to help Reyes’ camdorsements from various paign. They disagree with Gonzaassessment of the environmental groups, labor lez's unions, and various leaders, in- Assemblywoman. cluding Senator Connie Leyva (D“[Brown] is not doing anything Chino). to help improve our environment,” Linda Gonzalez, a small business Dennis said. owner and the President of the Democratic Women of San Dennis' two sons, Isaiah EsBernardino County Club, is a sup- pinoza, 12, and Michael Espinoza,

The Air Quality Management Plan’s 15-year timeline intends to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions from approximately 425 Tons Per Day to about 250 Tons Per Day by 2031 (a 55 percent decrease), according to the revised plan’s executive summary. That means significant reductions in smog pollution from trucks, trains, cargo ships, and other transportation sources from Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties.

In addition, the agency also committed to urging oil refineries, en- A plan will be released later this ergy plants, and other polluters to month to give details on how reduce their impact on the envi- smog reduction plans will be funded. ronment.

As outlined in the revised Air Quality Management Plan, the changes came as a result of concerns expressed by public stakeholders that the initial draft, released in June, focused more on non regulatory measures that encourage (as opposed to mandating) polluters to adopt cleaner technology.

The SCAQMD acknowledges that their Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM) program, which required businesses to purchase credits to cover their emissions, may be obsolete. Many opponents claim that such credits allowed for oil refineries and other emitters to prolong installing pollution controls.


“The [nitrogen oxide] RECLAIM measure was modified to emphasize consideration of a long-term transition of the program to a command-and-control regulatory structure,” reads a small section in the Air Quality Management Plan, addressing the key revisions.

Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice (CCAEJ) Executive Director Penny Newman told the SCAQMD board they may never reach decent air standards if they continue to allow warehouse complexes, such as the World Logistics Center in Moreno Valley, to forego traffic and air quality concerns.

“We can’t meet the standard currently,” Newman said. “How can we change that if we’re bringing more and more of these developers in? I encourage this board to visit the communities impacted by this the most.”

Sierra Club My Generation Organizer Jason Martinez urges the “The AQMP should commit to SCAQMD to continue considershifting to a command and control ing public input. system that will make sure large emitters like refineries actually in- “I think they are taking small stall pollution controls, rather than steps forward, but not the steps just buying credits,” Earthjustice that are necessary to help those Attorney Adrian Martinez ex- people hurting in our communipressed to the SCAQMD on Sep- ties,” said Martinez. “We want to apply more pressure on corporatember 9. tions. Their facilities are where most of the pollution stems from. Fine said the SCAQMD has discussed “sunsetting” the program It feels like [SCAQMD] is listenwith stakeholders and working ing to the big polluters, and less to the community.” groups.

16, are both asthmatic. He said they both struggle to breathe because of the region's high levels of smog pollution.

“We’re trying to do our best to make sure Eloise gets elected," Dennis said. "She knows what it takes to bring solutions.”

Marleen Melendez, a student at San Bernardino Valley College, explained she decided to volunteer for Reyes’ campaign to learn the political process.

“It’s important we understand who is real and who is not,” she said. “We have to dig for truth.”

Fontana resident Bill Weiss said he’s undecided on Brown and Reyes, but hopes that neither candidate is dishonest or seeking office for personal gain.

“Internal corruption is a destructive force all over the world,” said Weiss. “We’re beginning to see it here. It’s a scary thing to consider for the next generation.”


Protesters hold a banner that reads, “Deadliest Air in the Nation”.

Gloria’s Corner

Gloria Macias Harrison Celebration:

This Saturday the City of Rialto will officially name its senior center the Grace Vargas Senior Center. Vargas served from 2000 to 2008. This highly admired public servant was the first female Hispanic mayor and was elected for two terms. The naming ceremony will be from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the center, 1411 South Riverside, Ave. For information and to RSVP call: 909.877.9706. Congratulations to former Mayor Vargas for this much-deserved honor.

Ballet Folklorico Flores del Desierto. The concert will be held at 4 p.m. at the Whitmer Auditorium, 777 W. Valley Blvd. at Colton High School. Legends to be honored are: Selena, Richie Valencia, Rocio Duracell, Jose Alfredo Jimenez and Juan Gabriel. For ticket information call: 909.884.3228 or visit the ticket office at the California themes important to the artist, Theatre, 562 W. Fourth Street, many of which still resonate San Bernardino. today, including his reflections on landscape and the horrors of Monday, October 24 is the war. For information call: Last Day to Register to Vote or visit: 909.537.7373 Monday, October 24 - session 2 raffma@csusb.edu of the free community workshops on Political Cartooning will continue with guest artist Save the Date: Steve Breen, editorial cartoonist the San Diego Union-Tribune. at Friday, October 21 - Montecito This session begins at 6 p.m. at Memorial Park & Mortuary and the Boys & Girls Club of Greater the Garcia Center for the Arts, Redlands-Riverside present 536 W. 11th Street, San Mansion Masquerade, a Hal- Bernardino. For information loween-themed costume ball to contact Michael Segura at MSebenefit the Boys & Girls Club gura909@gmail.com

from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. at the Burrage Mansion, 1205 W. Crescent Ave., Redlands. This is a 21and-over event and a Halloween costume is required. For ticket information call: 888.822.6535, ext. 206

Wednesday, October 26 - the Colton Main Library, 656 N. 9th Street, presents Kid's Fall Fiction Costume Party at 3:30 p.m. This free event encourages kids to dress up as their favorite fictional character and enjoy the Friday, October 21 - Gerrards many activities. For information presents Craft Beer & Wine call: 909.370.5083 Tasting Festival at the Esri cafe and outdoor area, 380 New York Thursday, October 27 - Victory Street, Redlands from 5:30 to Outreach presents Evening with 7:30 p.m. Proceeds from this the Mayor at 990 W. Mill Street, event benefit the Redlands Fam- San Bernardino. Join San ily Services Association. Partici- Bernardino Mayor Carey Davis pants must be 21 years of age or as he chats with the community older. Tickets may be purchased regarding recent developments in To RSVP call at Gerrards Market or the ticket the city. office at the University of Red- 909.384.5133. lands. Friday, October 28 - The Loma Linda Ronald McDonald’s Saturday, October 22 - San Bernardino Valley College is House presents its Annual Charsponsoring a Pancake Breakfast ity Golf Tournament at Mofrom 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. at Ap- rongo Club Golf at Tukwet plebee's, 4070 East Highland Canyon. Registration opens at Ave in Highland. Proceeds to 7:30 a.m. with a complimentary benefit the cap & gown scholar- breakfast, shotgun at 9:00a.m., ships so all graduates have the followed by luncheon/raffle/live opportunity to walk during com- auction around 2:00 p.m. For invisit: mencement 2017. To RSVP con- formation www.CLASSY.ORG/IEGOLF tact Omar Castro at

Congratulations to Eileen Gutierrez resident of Highland and retiree from the San Bernardino City Unified School District who was recently honored for her dedicated volunteer efforts in the City of Highland. Eileen and others were honored at the city's annual Volunteer Ap- ocastro@valleycollege.edu or preciation Dinner this month. call 909.384.8672 For those of us who know her, she is a tireless volunteer for her Saturday & Sunday October 22 community. - 23 - the University of California, Riverside presents its annual Art Exhibits, Theatre & Sem- Fall Plant Sale from 11:00 a.m. inars: to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday and from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Exhibits & Theatre: Sunday. Featured will be demonstrations and special classes on Now - July 31, 2017 - the native plants, composting, fall Robert and Frances Fullerton gardening and of courses pumpMuseum of Art presents Journey kin activities for adults and chilTo The Beyond: Ancient Egyp- dren. For information call: tians In The Pursuit Of Eter- 951.784.6962 or visit: nity at the Cal State San ucrbg@ucr.edu or www.garBernardino Campus, 5500 Uni- dens.ucr.edu versity Parkway in San Bernardino. Museum hours are Sunday, October 23 - the ConMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday & sulate of Mexico in San Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm., Bernardino presents the 16th Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 Annual Binational Health Fair p.m., closed on Sunday and Fri- from 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the day. The focus of this exhibit is Consulate of Mexico office, 293 the ancient Egyptians' attitude N. D Street, San Bernardino. The toward life and death. For infor- fair will offer health screenings, mation call: 909.537.7373 or dental, nutrition information and visit: raffma@csusb.edu much more.

Now - December 10 - the Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art presents "Volcanos, Wrecks, Riots, Nudes and Mythology: The Art of Edward Hagedorn" at the Cal State San Bernardino campus, 5500 University Parkway. The exhibit presents the major

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • October 20, 2016 • Page A3

Sunday, October 23 - Sinfonia Mexicana presents "Recuerdos" (Remembrance) honoring Latino Legends at their annual Dia de Los Muertos presentation. This presentation features Rafael Palomar, Melinda "La Voz Ranchera", Sinfonia Mexicana's Mariachi Youth Academy and

Friday, October 28 - InTech Center and State Senator Connie Leyva present the 2016 Young Men's Leadership Conference from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at 9400 Cherry Ave, Fontana. This free conference will feature presentations on education, civic engagement, leadership, financial literacy and life skills. A light continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. To RSVP call 909.888.5360 or email MICHAEL.TOWNSEND@SEN .CA.GOV Saturday, October 29 – A Kids Safe Trick or Treat will be held at the Garcia Center for the Arts, 536 W. 11th Street, San Bernardino from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. This event is free. For information call: 909.693.2371 or e m a i l lisset.zavala28@gmail.com

Saturday, October 29 - The Ramos family presents the annual Fundraiser Breakfast in support of Crafton Hills College 85th Fire Academy. This annual event will be held at Yum Yum Restaurant, 541 N. D Street in San Bernardino from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. Proceeds will be used to purchase Personal Protective Equipment and State Firefighter Certifications. Breakfast will be

served by the cadets.

Saturday, October 29 - The California Department of Veterans Affairs presents Free Annual Women Veterans Resource Fair & Luncheon from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the University of Redlands Orton Center. Keynote speaker is Dr. Lamest Khorshid from VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System. Information will be available on Veterans Benefits and Healthcare, San Bernardino County IDs (bring DD214), Veterans Centers and CalVet. For information call: 909.801.5961. To register oni n e : l http:/www.eventbrite.com/e/wo men-veterans-luncheon-2016registration

Monday, October 31 - Colton Community Services presents Halloween Festival from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Fleming Park, 525 La Cadena Drive. This event features crafts, games, activities, costume contests and candy. For information call: 909. 370.6153 Coming in November:

Tuesday, November 1 - Latino Faculty, Staff and Administrators Association present the 10th Annual Dia de los Muertos social gathering from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.

at the Gresham Art Gallery on the San Bernardino Valley College campus. To RSVP call: 909.384.8287

Wednesday, November 2 - Hispanic Lifestyle presents the 2016 Southern California Women Business & Wellness Expo from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Ontario Airport Hotel Conference Center, 700 N. Haven Ave Ontario. For vendor, sponsorship and ticket information call: 951.940.9099 or email RDS@Hispaniclifestyle.com

Friday, November 18 - Habitat for Humanity, San Bernardino Area, Inc. will present its 4th Annual Golf Tournament at Sierra Lakes Golf Club, Fontana. Registration starts at 7 a.m. Favorite Quote:

"We must never stop fighting for a vision of American democracy in which we strive for and encourage highest levels of voter turnout and participation." - Eric Schneiderman

To submit an event or info for Gloria's Corner please email gloharrison@me.com or online at www.iecn.com.

Call today for all your advertising needs! (909) 381-9898 Ext. 204

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OPINION&LETTERS Page A4 • October 20, 2016 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

By Anthony Victoria

Getting drunk is NOT cool

A study done by the County of San Bernardino in 2012 demonstrated that 22-percent of adolescents in the region said they believed occasionally getting drunk was alright, as long as it did not interfere with work, school, or other day-to-day responsibilities. But why should researchers even pose such a question to teenagers and young adults? I will tell you: because we are seeing more and more teenagers drinking, as well as using other substances around school campuses, neighborhood parks, alleys, and other hideouts. This is demonstrated in staggering statistics that can be found on numerous abuse center organization websites. According to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, seven percent of new female drinkers were under the age of 14. Today, the figure is at 31 percent. The World Health Organization's Program on Substance Abuse points out that 10 to 30 million children worldwide are orphaned and must support themselves by working, begging, stealing, selling sex and trafficking illicit substances. Estimates say that up to 90 percent of these street children use substances of one kind or another. According to a survey conducted by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse one in four American teens said they had a friend or classmate who had used Ecstasy, while 17 percent said they knew more than one user. The figures don’t lie. Our community continues to lose young people to the chains of the local prison system and to early graves due to the effects of substance abuse. Of the 30.7-percent of teenagers who admitted to drinking or using other drugs, how many have been incarcerated, received treatment, or are now lying six-feet deep in the ground?

This issue is one that has hit too close to home. In late 2012 a friend of mine lost her life as she was driving on the freeway after colliding with another vehicle. Her decision to drink and drive and get behind the wheel resulted in her tragic death at the tender age of 20. She left behind friends, family, and a little boy. At the beginning of that same year, I was with a friend, getting intoxicated at a nearby park. I didn’t realize I may have been at the cusp of losing my education and my job--the things I value in life. After being told by a police officer to step out of the vehicle and being frisked, we were told to sit down. I realize, that at least I was not helping out the situation by consuming alcohol with her. And yet, many young ones also find themselves with others who enable instead of help. That is why it is essential that groups such as the Colton, Rialto, and Bloomington Community Coalitions for Change and the Mental Health Systems (MHS) nonprofit organization are contributing to curbing drug and alcohol usage among teenagers and young adults. Since 2010, the Coalition for CHANGE has partnered with residents, community organizers, city officials, and law enforcement to address the issues of alcohol and drug use. Leaders like MHS’ Mirza Martinez-Andrade have witnessed tragedy and have grown frustrated of seeing young people lose their lives. The Under-21 Think-O-NoDrink-O campaign and MHS’ push to convince the Colton City Council to pass the social host ordinance have provided essential steps that has seen a change in culture in recent months. “It was very difficult at first because people didn’t understand the ordinance,” Martinez expressed. “The activities and resources we offer have helped attract more interest. People didn’t want to get near us and now we have lines of residents waiting to participate.” As a journalist, I am proud to cover the work of organizations that are continuously fighting for helping better the lives of our residents and young ones. I like to believe I have bounced back resoundingly from that l experience in 2012. No, I can say ‘getting drunk’ is not cool. My job allows me to shed light on these issues-also in the hope of helping of save lives.

Views expressed in Opinion & Letters do not necessarily reflect the views of IECN

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Vote Yes on Measure L

The San Bernardino City Charter, which determines the structure and functioning of city government, is ancient, outmoded, obsolete and hung like an anchor around taxpayers' necks for much too long. The Charter has been identified as one of the key factors contributing to the city's bankruptcy. We have the distinction of proportionally competing with Detroit for poverty. Our city is considered one of the most violent, for it's size, in California. The social and economic decline in San Bernardino did not suddenly sneak up unexpectedly from nowhere. There are reasons

why San Bernardino has fared such economic decline and diminished quality of life while surrounding municipalities have not. Ironically, we are being warned by political icons from yesteryear, like former (elected) city attorney Jim Penman, and former mayor Judith Valles, that if we pass Measure L and do away with the old charter, San Bernardino taxpayers will lose their ability to hold local politicians accountable and lose the "direct election of watchdog city officials" (The Sun, 9-25-16). One of the problems under the old charter is that the watchdogs

were not accountable to the taxpayers but actually more beholden to the public employee unions. Keeping the old charter and expecting a different and better outcome brings to mind a Latin saying: Res Ipsa Loquitur. The thing speaks for itself. Vote for change. Vote yes for Measure L

Bob Morales San Bernardino, CA

Concerned Citizen

I am a concerned citizen of district 6 in the city of Colton. I am very dismayed about the upcoming election, in which three former council members are trying to get back into office. The three candidates trying to return are: Kelly Chastain district 3, John Mitchell district 5 and Sarah Zamora district 6. They were soundly defeated out of office. Let's not bring them back. At one time or another when they were in office the city

was in the dark ages with corruption, distrust, fighting among other members and driving this city to near bankruptcy. The incumbents have fought hard to move us away from that with great success. They may have different points of view on some topics, but they worked things out together and come up with solutions that are best for Colton. Citizens of Colton please get out and vote to keep Frank

Navarro district 3, Isaac Such district 6 and newcomer Bruce Bennett district 5. We cannot afford to return to the bad days. We want to continue to move forward as this seated council has done. Rachel Warner Colton, Ca.

Smoking should be banned outdoors, in public places

Last week, the governor vetoed two bills to ban smoking at state parks and beaches, as well as community colleges and Cal State University campuses. Both bills would have improved public health for all, especially our children.

Medical professionals have long stated that there is no safe exposure to secondhand smoke.

It’s dangerous and deadly. That’s why local volunteers for the American Lung Association in California will continue to fight to make sure residents throughout the Inland Empire can enjoy the places they live, work and play without having to worry about being exposed to harmful secondhand smoke.

brated in Rialto with the passage of a smoke-free parks policy and something that has overwhelming support of the public because it’s good for the future of public health in our communities. Judy Roberts Rialto, CA

IECNInland Empire Community Newspapers E-mail us your opinions, (909) 381-9898 • FAX 384-0406 Letters are printed in the order they are received and are subject to editing for clarity. photos, announcements Deadline is Tuesdays at noon. Readers may also submit their perspectives online at iecn1@mac.com • For advertising inquiries email sales@iecn.com to iecn1@mac.com. Letters limited to RIALTO RECORD Weekly 500 words. www.iecn.com Mailing Address: P.O. Box 110, Colton, CA 92324 • Office Location: 1809 Commercenter West, San Bernardino, CA 92408

Colton Courier

Gloria Macías Harrison Bill Harrison Co-Publisher General Manager Diana Harrison Martinez Managing Editor Diana Harrison Martinez Community News Editor Yazmin Alvarez Community News Editor Anthony Victoria Advertising/Classified Sales Bruce Martinez

Published weekly on Thursday. Adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of San Bernardino County, State of California, case #73036 and therefore qualified to publish legal notices.

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Established 1910.


Established 1876.

Denise Berver Published weekly on Thursday.

El Chicano

Established 1969.

Published weekly on Thursday. Adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of San Bernardino County, State of California, case #154019 and therefore qualified to publish legal notices.

Inland Empire Established 2005.

Published weekly on Thursday. Adjudicated as a newspaper of gen- As a community newspaper of Fictitious Business Name Danielle Vasquez eral circulation by the Superior Court general circulation. & Accounting of San Bernardino County, State of Graphic Artist/Web Mgr. Michael Segura CI RCULAT IO N California, case #26583 and thereVERIFICATION BDM I Circulation nterprises fore qualified to publish legal notices. OF CALIFOR-

Inland Empire Community Newspapers Colton Courier • RIALTO RECORD El Chicano • Inland Empire Weekly

We are award-winning newspapers, having been so recognized by the Inland Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists

In addition to mail subscriptions a combined total of 20,000 copies are distributed to approximately 400 locations in Redlands, Mentone, Highland, San Bernardino, Colton, Rialto, Bloomington, Grand Terrace Loma Linda, Moreno Valley, Riverside

It’s an effort recently cele-

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • October 20, 2016 • Page A5

Words to Think About: Sigmund Freud


By G. W. Abersold Ph.D.

igmund Schlomo Freud is universally recognized as the “father” of psychology. He originated the concept of psychoanalysis, which is a clinical method of treating psychopathology. He was born on May 6, 1856 and died on September 23, 1939. His parents were of Galician Jewish ethnicity. He received an M.D. in 1881 at the University of Vienna. In 1885 he was appointed a docent in neuropathology and a professor. As a native Austrian, he set up his

practice in Vienna in 1886. He left there to escape the Nazis. He died in exile in Great Britain in 1939. As a psychiatrist Freud developed several techniques that enhanced the therapeutic process of psychoanalysis. The basic technique was the use of dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. Among the various techniques are the uses of free association, transference, formulating the Oedipus Complex, analysis of dreams, the existence of libido, erotic attachments, the primacy of the death wish, the sources of compulsion, hate, and aggression, the psychic structure of the ID, the Ego, and the Super-ego. Perhaps Freud is best known for his list of common defense mechanisms. Their primary purpose was to protect the human ego from shame and pain. His list is comprised of twelve (12) basic defense mechanisms. They are: COMPENSATION, DENIAL, DISPLACEMENT, REDENTIFICATION, INTROJECTION, PROJECTION, RATIONALIZATION, REACTION FORMATION, REGRESSION, REPRESSION, RITUAL AND UNDOING AND SUBLIMATION. For the purpose of this article I will be selective and focus only on four (4) of the twelve (12) defense mechanisms. Also, it is important to

recognize that several of the twelve overlap. Also, my understanding of these defenses is based on my Cognitive approach to Clinical Psychology. I am not Freudian, but rather of the views of Victor Frankl, Carl Rogers and William Glasser. They would be considered humanistic psychologists. Another clarification. The purpose of a defense mechanism is primarily the same as a protective vest (used by police), sunglasses (to protect the eyes,) hats, coats (to protect us from the weather,) flu shots (to protect us from illness,) on and on. The ego, our ego, is who we are. It is our self. It is fragile-our selfesteem. Above all: Insecurity. To protect, we develop defenses. The first one is COMPENSATION. It is the process whereby a person makes up for a lack or deficiency in his self-esteem-known or unknown, aware of or not aware ofa lack in his sense of self-worth. There is always a compulsive drive in its fulfillment. A person with a weak ego is always in a competitive behavior. With everyone. Unfortunately the drive is often hurtful and mean. Constantly ridiculing and minimizing the skills of others. What is the source of such actions? It often stems from the influence of a father/mother or a

grandparent. Or by being deprived of a positive influence. Living up to the pressure by compensation is very effective defensive measure to protect the self-esteem. This compulsive nature is often accompanied by another wordcompulsive/abusiveness. Activities that have a comparative edge to them, such as sports, business, theater, education, etc. This attitude often affects the offspring of the compulsive driven parent. He/she often pushes the kid to achieve where his participation was mediocre. The next defense is DISPLACEMENT. Another name for it is “transference.” The person with a weak self-esteem will accuse another person with having their own repugnant feeling. The other person is accused of being hateful, or angry, or self-serving or maladaptive. It has a boomerang effect. One writer calls it “a crooked anger,” or “dumping” on another. Usually a competitive energy. Or someone dependent upon you for financial support or under your socalled power. The classic example is the father who comes home angry at his boss and takes it out on his wife and children. The third defense is PROJECTION. It is similar to transference. It is the attributing to others of your own negative feelings. Your inferi-

ority is reflected by attacking another race, belief system or seeing members of the opposite sex as merely pawns for personal use. When referring to the male species, it is known as misogyny. Racial prejudice is a blight on any nation or person. Color or creeds are easy targets for projection. The fourth defense is RATIONALIZATION. I recently read a most provocative definition of it. “It is justifying and excusing your misdeeds or mistakes with reasons that are circumstantial at best and unfounded at worst.” It has all the benefits of being rational and logical. People that are prone to engage in this action usually excuse their own poor behavior as due to being misunderstood, prejudice on their part or being just plain liars. It is a common indictment. Rationalization is often referred to as “sour grapes.” There is an element in this DEFENSE that is close to the defense of DENIAL. It is closing your eyes to the truth. The tragedy of this defense is that it encourages the users to blame the biases, lies and conspiracies of others for any failures they have. Alibis are their stock in trade, accusers. Anger is their commodity. They are dangerous, abusers and out for success at any cost. Amen. Selah. So be it.

the June primary. He began serving in the county’s lead educational seat in Jan. 2015, having previously held the positions of assistant and deputy superintendent for the County Schools’ office since 2008. “I am passionate and committed to working collectively with our school district leaders, staff, community partners and parents to

provide all students with equal access to a high-quality education,” said Aleandre in announcing his campaign kick-off. “We have built a common vision for our children in San Bernardino County through a countywide vision to ensure all of our students have opportunities that prepare them for success, from cradle to career.” Under Alejandre’s leadership,

the County Schools’ office has focused efforts on engaging a broad cross sector of community stakeholders to improve conditions and educational outcomes for youth through a collective impact approach. “Working collectively with our school districts, interagency and business partners, community leaders and families, we are making great strides and are seeing more of our students graduate from high school prepared for the future,” said Alejandre. “Announcing my candidacy now will provide us with more opportunities to forge even stronger bonds with community officials and educational partners, continuing the momentum of seeing all

students have opportunities for success.” Alejandre began his public education career in 1989 as a classified employee in the Rialto Unified School District. He then went on to become a teacher and also served as a school site principal and district office administrator before joining County Schools. In addition to his career in public education, Alejandre has served in the United States Air Force for more than 32 years as a Lieutenant Colonel with the 701st Combat Operations Squadron. He resides in Yucaipa with his wife Barbara and is a proud father of three children, all successful public school students.

Alejandra announces candidacy to seek second term as county superintendent


ounty Superintendent Ted Alejandre, a 28-year educator and life-long resident of San Bernardino County, has announced he will seek a second term for the office of San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS). Alejandre was first elected county superintendent in June 2014 after securing a majority of the vote in

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Page A6 • October 20, 2016 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers








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Inland Empire Community Newspapers • October 20, 2016 • Page A7

SBVC celebrates 90 years of excellence


San Bernardino Valley College students Rudy Contreras, 23, and Jerry Gonzalez, 20, stacking donated books during the college's 90th Anniversary Gala on Friday October 14, 2016.


By Anthony Victoria

enerations of athletes, artists, educators, and scientists all convened for San Bernardino Valley College’s 90th Anniversary Gala last Friday night. The event was held in the college’s new 108,000 square-foot sports complex. 90 distinguished alumni were recognized by the college, and several academic departments were given boosts through monetary donations. An auction was held to raise money for the Athletic, Nursing, Instrumental Music, and Valley Bound Commitment programs. Valley College President Diana Rodriguez, who was hired by the San Bernardino Community College District in June, thanked alumni in attendance for their continuous support of the campus. “Their support has been over-

whelming for me personally and for our students and the campus,” Rodriguez said. “Alumni coming back demonstrates that Valley College is doing what it needs to

provide a quality of education to the community.” San Bernardino Valley College held its first classes in the Fall of 1926 at San Bernardino High School and Colton High School, before choosing to find a location that was of close proximity to both cities. The college’s first Administration, Life Science, Gymnasium, and Library buildings were completed for the college the following year. Alumni expressed delight with the college’s improvements within the last couple of years. “It’s exciting to see the new developments and the growth of this campus,” said Walnut Valley Unified School District Trustee Larry Redinger. Young Visionaries Chief Executive Officer Terrance Stone, who attended Valley College in the early 2000s, offered some advice to the current student body. “They should have a vision of where they want to be,” Stone said. “Students need to focus and take advantage of the classes that will help them in their field.”


San Bernardino Valley College President Diana Rodriguez.

Page A8 • October 20, 2016 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

JCPenney grand opening celebration Friday, Saturday at Inland Center Mall day, with piggy bank decoration for children as they receive 50 pennies – in celebration of the mall’s 50th anniversary. At 1 p.m. on Friday and Saturday all guests can receive a free chocolate cupcake, while supplies last. On Saturday, the center will celebrate 50 years of wonderful shopping and hand out 50th Anniversary tote bags filled with store coupons. The center also is celebrating 50 years of giving by collecting pen-


courtesy photo s/jcpenney

jcpenney san Bernardino at Inland center Mall will include a sephora beauty shop. Giveaways and gift cards will be offered oct. 21 and 22 as part of the store’s grand opening celebration. “Since opening in 1966, our mall Sephora inside JCPenney swag By Yazmin Alvarez has been the dominant retail desti- bags and 200 Salon by InStyle CPenney will mark its return nation for the greater San swag bags. “JCPenney first opened in San to San Bernardino with a cel- Bernardino region. Today we are happy to celebrate this incredible Bernardino in 1916, and although ebration Friday and Saturday milestone with our local commu- we departed for a brief period, at Inland Center Mall. we’re proud to become reacFestivities and giveaways are nity.” As part of the festivities, the comquainted with the city we first met planned Oct. 21 and 22 at the mall, will offer family-friendly panies 100 years ago,” said Paul Mut500 Inland Center Drive, as part of the retailers grand opening and the events and crafts for children, shnick, JCPenney general manshopping center’s 50th anniver- music, a DJ, face painting and a ager, in a news release. “Our team is thrilled to reward sary, Inland Center announced ear- selfie station Friday and Saturday. Celebrations begin Friday at 9:30 loyal customers – and surprise new lier this week. “Inland Center continues to be an a.m. with JCPenney’s official rib- shoppers – with an all-new store exceptionally strong platform for bon cutting ceremony, opening experience featuring an unparalpopular retail brands, and we are doors to its newest two-story , leled merchandise assortment and so pleased to welcome JCPenney 119,000-square-foot store. The excellent customer service.” Telenovela star, Maite Perroni, to our vibrant store lineup as we first 100 guests in line will receive and Sephora gift cards JCPenney also make a special appearwill celebrate our 50th anniversary,” along with a sweet treat for the ance to meet fans and sign autosaid Arun Parmar, Senior Property first 300 guests from Suite 106 graphs from 10 to 11 a.m. Friday. Manager, Inland Center, in a news Cupcakery. Festivities continue from noon to release. Giveaways also include 650 3:00 p.m., both Friday and Satur-

nies for those affected by the December 2nd tragedy from noon to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. A full 100% of the proceeds will go to the Arrowhead United Way’s San Bernardino United Relief Fund. JCPenney at Inland Center will take over the spot once occupied by Gottschalks and will be among three anchor spots — Macy’s, Forever 21 and Sears. The store includes a Disney shop, Sephora beauty store and The Salon by InStyle.

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • October 20, 2016 • Page A9

Residents using arts, social media to portray San Bernardino


Photo/Freddy CaLderon (instagram: @a.westside.story)

a photo taken by Freddy Calderon. the caption on his instagram page reads, “don’t let the sunshine and palm trees fool ya (sic)...”

By Anthony Victoria

reddy Calderon roams the streets of San Bernardino usually taking photographs of antiquated railroads, scenic landscapes, and messagescrawled walls. His latest project, featuring images of street memorials and candlelight vigils, intends to capture the gruesome brutality of street violence. The 23-year-old said doing so is about inciting motivation to deal with the city’s burgeoning issues. “They may just start talking about it,” Calderon said regarding the poverty and violence in San Bernardino. “This is a way of providing a call to action for the community to start doing something for our city.”

Calderon, along with dozens of photographers and artists, are utilizing social media platforms to show off their skills, while providing followers with visuals of the city’s landscape and people. Instagram hashtags, such as #streetvisuals #abandoned and #urban, are contributing to the creation of a “new wave” of progressive art. “I see it as an evolution of photography and social media,” said graphic designer and photographer Brandon “BZ” Aguilera. “Younger kids are now able to access equipment and learn the skills to be good photographers. It’s contributed to the new trend of photography meetups, where people come together to do what they love.” During these “meetups” photographers walk through the streets of

the city - venturing into spaces not often explored by residents. For example, Calderon said he has jumped fences and walked on railroad bridges to get the snapshots he wanted. Aguilera explained such journeys allow for photographers to evoke the spirit of the community. “What these photographers are doing is urban exploration. They’re capturing iconic images of nice buildings, while also capturing what’s ‘gritty’ in San Bernardino. This is what’s important to them.” Others, like Lizzette Olivas, prefer a more traditional style. The UCLA Studio Art graduate continues to produce her photography in film. She specializes in photojournalism and portraiture. Olivas said she hopes residents can find the human value in her photography. “I try to depict the people who are trying to survive,” Olivas said. “This is the insight of what it's like to be in poverty, to live in a place that has diminished value. No one gives us much thought. However, I think we can offer a lot of insight if they allow us to.”

Photo/Lizzette oLivas (instagram: @iediaries)

Lizette olivas’ photography aims to capture “every day” images of san Bernardino residents.

Muralist Erik Navarette agrees with Aguilera’s statement. The 23year-old Navy man devotes his time to creating abstract art from acrylic paint and spray cans. One can find his murals outside small business locations in Redlands. “Mural projects push people to Murals could contribute to im- get out and be involved,” provement of city Navarette said. “It also helps them to ask themselves what they could In the last three years, several in- do to make change.” dividuals and groups have led initiatives to create an art scene in San Bernardino. San Bernardino Generation Now, a movement of college educated millennials, led the charge by gathering residents together for several mural projects at Perris Hill and Seccombe Lake Parks. However, the lack of a city ordinance has made it difficult to produce murals on public infrastructure and businesses. Brandon Aguilera believes promural legislation can only produce one result. “It can help revitalize this city,” he said. “It will entice business owners to come into a place that’s committed to vibrancy and growth.”

On a personal level, Navarette said being involved in the arts contributes to a rise in self-esteem. It was his creativity that saved him from disorder earlier in his life. “I was getting into a lot of trouble in high school. Many of my teachers told me I wasn’t going to graduate,” he explained. “But I was constantly drawing and sketching. And since then, art has been my safe haven.”

Page A10 • October 20, 2016 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

Expungement event offers hundreds a second chance, hopeful future

Photo/MJ Duncan

Over 600 people participated in an expungement rally organized by the Steven Williams Foundation and The Way World Outreach at the church in San Bernardino on Saturday, Oct. 8. The event was unprecedented in that it brought three counties under one roof: Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties sent representatives from their Public Defender’s Offices. Alberto Martinez, right, submits an application to expunge a conviction that occurred over 10 years ago. the unprecedented event that By MJ Duncan brought three counties under one roof to help with and process apor ex-felons the ability of plications for Proposition 47 that obtaining gainful employ- reduces non-violent/non-sexual ment can be difficult due crimes from felonies to misdeto the stigma of a criminal convic- meanors, expungements and Certion; according to a Bureau of Jus- tificates of Rehabilitation. Los tice Statistics study, only 12.5 Angeles, Riverside and San percent of employers said they Bernardino Counties sent reprewere willing to accept an applica- sentatives from their Public Detion from someone with a criminal fender’s Offices. Steven Williams was employed record. On Saturday, Oct. 8 the at a well-paying job earning over Steven Williams Foundation in partnership with The Way World $12,000 a month for over a year Outreach addressed those chal- when a coworker discovered he lenges through an expungement was an ex-con and informed manrally at the church in San agement. Williams was subsequently fired and as a result lost Bernardino. Over 600 people participated in most of his possessions and fell


four months behind on his mortgage. “Prop 47 gives us a reboot and the opportunity to not be stigmatized so that we can get better jobs,” he said. “It allows us to not be afraid when we get pulled over or come into contact with any law enforcement agent, and provides us the freedom that people so often take for granted.” According to The Way World Outreach Associate Pastor Robert Cuencas, the high attendance rate is testament to the pressing need for such a service. “This proves that people are taking a vested interest and an active role in self improvement, and shows they have learned from their past indiscretions and walking upon a path of a productive and righteous lifestyle,” Cuencas said. “This is a first step for the people here to get better paying jobs and reach self-sufficiency.” San Bernardino County Chief Deputy Public Defender Thomas Sone discovered that collaborating with faith-based and non-profit organizations is the most effective means of reaching a widespread population to offer expungement services and Certificates of Rehabilitation. “We frequently go out into the community to provide legalese, and without partnerships such as these we wouldn’t have as much success or scope,” Sone said. “There are misconceptions about how an expungement works; it doesn’t remove the crime, only masks it, but it does show employers that the effort was made to go through the process and that the applicant is rehabilitated.”

Photo/MJ Duncan

San Bernardino County Chief Deputy Public Defender Thomas Sone provided assistance to the hundreds of participants at Saturday’s expungement rally at The Way World Outreach. Fernando Ramirez of San due to alcoholism. She attended Bernardino spiraled out of control the event to submit applications on drugs and alcohol as he grieved for expungement of felony DUI the death of his grandmother and charges with all three counties in divorce. His self-destruction cost an effort to hit the reset button and him his job at Mazda making increase her opportunities for em$90,000 a year when he was con- ployment. victed of wet reckless and second Hundreds of stories of convicdriving under the influence (DUI) tions that date back decades still charges. Ramirez admitted there haunt participants’ abilities of sewere positions he did not bother curing good jobs. The rally ofapplying for because of his con- fered a renewed sense of closure victions. and hope. “Today is a blessing because all The Way World Outreach Execof us here are given the chance to utive Administrator Janet Casas, better ourselves and this city,” instrumental in coordinating the Ramirez, who submitted applica- event, said a second expungement tions with Riverside and San rally is planned for next year. Bernardino Counties, said. “Now “The event was a window into I can apply for other positions, the future of our city being transeven county positions.” formed,” she said. “Our team Margie Mascorro of San loved being part of seeing hope Bernardino, a recovering alco- and gratitude in the face of every holic, destroyed two marriages, a person present.” successful business, and real estate

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • October 20, 2016 • Page A11

San Bernardino prototype Mark Cook Memorial BMX influences remain off the grid


Photo Courtesy Bryan Dworshak / Via Cajon Cowboy Courier

Mark Cook takes lead at Corona BMX Raceway just prior to dying in a 1977 crash.

By Harvey M. Kahn

efore there were XGames, free-style and inbicycle ternational motocross racing, there was Mark Cook and a group of friends from Muscoy and San Bernardino's Northend who 40 years ago were laying the groundwork for professional BMX competition. Some continued as the sport grew to become internationally sanctioned. Many considered Cook a prodigy when it came to navigating a bicycle on a speedway track. At the time of his death in 1977, he was ranked No. 3 in the nation in the 15-and-under division. He died three days after taking a hard fall while performing an off track bicycle trick on the Pacific High School campus. He was one of a handful of bicycle motocross riders who were able to perform in

free style. On his fateful day friends said he pushed his limits when he fell and banged his head. It probably happened while Cook was trying too hard to impress his large audience of Pacific HS cheerleaders and wrestling team. Cook's mother and sister want to know if people fully understand how a premature death in the family affects the survivors. Relatives say, besides being traumatic, his death "screwed up the entire family" with collateral effects numerous, devastating and long-lasting. Nancy Cook, Mark's mother became obsessed with memorializing her late son. She lobbied the City of San Bernardino to name its local racing facility the Mark Cook Memorial BMX Track. The now-defunct track was located adjacent to little league headquarters on the site of the cur-

rent Caesar Chavez Middle School. In an interview at a local Baker's Burgers, Nancy Cook detailed the fierce struggle it took to get the Mark Cook Memorial BMX Track fully up to racing standards. She recalled that it was actually easier at the time to get approval on the national level than at the local level. "We were able to get a fully sanctioned annual 'Mark Cook National Bicycle Association Race' however the San Bernardino Parks and Recreation never adequately held its end of our agreement." When Nancy Cook first got involved with the local bicycle track it was a year before her son's death. She said the original intention was to provide her three sons and all their friends with an outside activity. The track was in operation for a total of eight years.

From 1978-1982 the Mark Cook Memorial BMX Track was one of 20 prototype courses on the Southern California circuit. Nancy Cook remembered current BMX Hallof-Fame and Grand National Champion Tinker Juarez racing at her sons track. Cook family colleague Ralph Wilkinson mentioned a number of other future HOFers who raced at the San Bernardino track. "At that time there were about 10,000 kids in SoCal actively involved in BMX. San Bernardino was one of its main destinations," said Wilkinson. "I always got the impression that the city did not want the track there." He detailed times when he helped train his son and daughter and the Cook brothers by having the pre-teens practice on the difficult fire roads up and down the Cajon Pass. "They wanted to go faster. In the early 1970's, I think my garage in Muscoy was the first place to first to start modifying bicycles. Wilkinson credits those years of practice as the reason his daughter, Jane was able to win an age division grand national championship. Wilkinson said he still feels guilt that Mark Cook did not live long enough to win any nationals. "He was right there," said Wilkinson. "Mark did not live quite long enough. You had to be 16 to become a professional. He was there with Tinker, John George, Stu Thompson, and David Quinten. Mark listened to instructions, had good reflexes and was exceptional off the start. Mark inspired me to start racing and then kept motivating me. I often think if he hadn't met me that he would still be alive.

I visited him in the hospital. Oh! My God. It still hurts me." Nancy Cook, 74 and her daughter, Janice Dickey said their family are all natives of San Bernardino. His late brother Butch was also a BMX racer. They are confused that no public record exists of the Mark Cook Memorial BMX Track. Nancy Cook said records should be somewhere since the city collected parks and recreation fees, sent out planning and health inspectors, required a Franchise Tax Board license, and heard her emphatic pleas in support of a mandatory helmet law. She did say that a number of city employees volunteered at the track and was appreciative for support from the local Marine Reserves and from the San Bernardino Police Department. "I can't believe that no one even remembers our 'Annual Race for Life' as a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society," said Nancy Cook. "There are still a lot of people still around from the city. I am surprised."

Page A12 • October 20, 2016 • EC • IECN


Notice is hereby given that the RIALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ("DISTRICT") of San Bernardino County, California, acting by and through its Governing Board ("Board") will receive at the Rialto Unified School District’s Purchasing Services Office located at 260 S. Willow Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376 bids for: EISENHOWER H.S. PERFORMING ARTS & STADIUM BLDGS. Bid No. 16-17-006

up to, but not later than 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 22, 2016

There will be a mandatory pre-bid conference on Monday, October 31, 2016 AND Friday, November 4, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. (attend one) at Eisenhower High School, 1321 N. Lilac Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376 (meet at EHS south student parking lot near marquee on Baseline). Failure to attend one of the conferences will result in vendor being automatically disqualified from submitting a bid. There will be no exceptions.

Award of this bid by the Rialto School District Unified Governing Board will be contingent upon one hundred percent (100%) eligible funding of this project by The DISTRICT. Even after award of the contract, the Rialto Unified School District may or may not proceed with the project, in whole or in part. Execution of the project, in part or in whole, is solely at the discretion of Rialto Unified School District. CONTRACTORS wishing to bid, do so solely at their own risk. The Rialto Unified School District is not liable or responsible for any costs, loss, fees, or expenses, of any kind, associated with bid and/or a decision not to proceed with the project, even after award of the contract. By submitting a bid, each Bidder agrees to bear all of its own costs, fees, expenses, and losses, of any and all kind, should the Rialto Unified School District cancel the project.

Licenses: The DISTRICT requires that Bidders possess the following classification(s) of CONTRACTOR’S license:

License C-27 B or C-8 04 – Masonry C-29 05 - Structural Steel C-51 07 - Gypsum & Plaster C-9 & C-35 08 - Casework C-6 09 - Roofing C-39 10 - Sheet Metal C-43 11 - Glass & Glazing C-17 12 - Ceramic Tile C-54 13 - Acoustical C-2 14 - Flooring C-15 15 - Painting C-33 16 - Specialties B 17 - HVAC C-20 18 - Plumbing C-36 19 - Electrical C-10 20 - Fire Sprinklers C-16 21 - Doors & Hardware C-28 or D-16 & D-24 38 - Theater Rigging C-61 & D-34 or D-48 Category 02 – Landscaping 03 – Concrete

Work in these Categories includes all work as required to complete the entire project as noted anywhere within: the Project Manual, the drawings, or issued addenda.

All bids shall be prepared and submitted on the bid forms furnished by the DISTRICT. Each bid shall be accompanied by the security referred to in the contract documents. All Bids must be sealed and clearly state on the Lower Left Side of the bid envelope the Bid Title and Bid Number.

Sealed bids will be received at the Rialto Unified School District’s Support Services Lobby located at: 260 S. Willow Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376 up to, but no later than 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 22, 2016, and will be publicly opened and read

Office (909) 381-9898

aloud at the Purchasing Services Office.

Each bid must conform with and be responsive to all pertinent Bidding and Contract documents. Copies are on file and open for public inspection at the DISTRICT’S Facilities Planning Office.

The DISTRICT’S Project Plan holder List will be generated exclusively from the roster of CONTRACTORS securing Bid Documents from the DISTRICT’S authorized reproduction firm, A & I Reprographics, or the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER via download. CONTRACTORS may, at their expense, obtain the documents necessary to a bid (“Bid submit Documents”) from A & I Reprographics at (909) 5140704, or e-mail a request to bid@aandirepro.com. Additionally, CONTRACTORS may secure the Bid Documents via free Procore download by e-mailing a request to Karen Anderson, karen@neffcon.com. Bids must be submitted to the DISTRICT on the Contract Bid Forms, which are part of the bid package for the Project. Reference bid documents will also be placed in the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER’S office, and can be viewed at McGraw-Hill Construction’s website at www.construction.com/projectcenter. For information regarding this project, prospective Bidders are requested to contact Doug Worrel, Neff Construction, Inc., doug@neffcon.com, 1701 S. Bon View Avenue, Ontario, CA 91761, (909) 947-3768.

The DISTRICT has obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work for the San Bernardino County area for each trade, craft, classification, or type of work needed to execute the contract. Holiday rates shall be paid as specified in the collective bargaining agreement applicable to each particular trade, craft, classification, or type of work employed on the project.

Copies of schedules of rates so determined are available on the Internet (http://www.dir.ca.qov/DLSR/ PWD) and are on file and available at the Purchasing Services Office address noted above. In accordance with Section 1773.2 of the California Labor Code, the CONTRACTOR and any Subcontractor(s) shall post a copy of the determination of prevailing rate of wages at each job site. The schedule of per diem wages is based upon a working day of eight (8) hours. The rate for holiday and overtime work shall be at time plus one-half. The CONTRACTOR and any Subcontractor(s) shall pay not less than the specified prevailing rates of wages to all workers employed by them in the execution of the contract.

Pursuant to Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1, all CONTRACTORS and subcontractors that wish to submit proposal or, be listed in a bid, or enter into a contract to perform public work must be registered with the California Department of Industrial Relations. No bid will be accepted nor any contract entered into without proof of the CONTRACTOR’S and subcontractors’ current registration with the California Department of Industrial Relations to perform public work. If awarded a Contract, the Bidder and its subcontractors, of any tier, shall maintain active registration with the Department of Industrial Relations for the duration of the Project. This Project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. It shall be the proposer’s sole responsibility to evaluate and include the cost of complying with all labor compliance

• EL CHICANO LEGAL ADVERTISING • Fax (909) 384-0406 requirements under this contract and applicable law in its proposal. –SB 854.

Rialto USD has determined that this project is subject to the prequalification requirements set forth in Public Contract Code Section 20111.5 and/or 20111.6. Accordingly, bids shall not be accepted from any person or entity not previously prequalified by the DISTRICT. The master list of prequalified CONTRACTORS and subcontractors can be found on the DISTRICT’S website.

If this Project includes work that will be performed by mechanical, electrical or plumbing (“MEP”) subcontractors (CONTRACTORS that hold C-4, C-7, C-10, C16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43 or C-46 licenses), such MEP CONTRACTORS must also be prequalified. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that all MEP subcontractors holding any of the licenses listed above are properly prequalified before submitting a bid. This prequalification requirement applies even if the subcontractor is designated to perform work that does not require one of the licenses listed above, but the subcontractor holds one of the licenses listed above.

Prequalification packets must be returned to the DISTRICT Facilities Office by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 10, 2016. Contact the Facilities Office for an application packet, or download from the DISTRICT’S website. Completed packets are to be delivered to Rialto USD Facilities Department at 625 W. Rialto Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376, attn.: Cheryl Decker. In accordance with provisions of Public Contract Code Section 22300, substitution of eligible and equivalent securities for any monies withheld to ensure performance under this contract would be permitted at the request and expense of the CONTRACTOR.

Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier’s check or bid bond executed by an admitted surety insurer in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid price, payable to the DISTRICT. A Payment Bond and Performance Bond will be required prior to the execution of the Contract. The Payment Bond and Performance Bond shall be in the form and amount set forth in the Contract Documents.

No Bidder may withdraw their bid for a period of one hundred and twenty days (120) calendar days after the date set for the opening of bids. The DISTRICT reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any irregularities or information in any bid.

Rialto Unified School District is an "Equal Opportunity" employer.

First publication: Thursday, October 20, 2016 Second publication: Thursday, October 27, 2016 Pre-Bid Conference: MANDATORY Monday, October 31, 2016 OR Friday, November 4, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. Deadline for Final Written Questions: Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. Response to written questions, issue last addendum: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. Bids Due: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. The awarded bid shall be determined on the base bid, and other conditions, listed in the “Information to Bidder” of the Project Manual. PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 10/20/16,10/27/16 E-7513


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE, hereinafter referred to as “City,” will receive at the stated location prior to the Bid Deadline established below, sealed Bids for the Contract for construction of the Work generally described as: GUNNERSON STREET REHABILITATION FROM LAKESHORE DRIVE TO RIVERSIDE DRIVE CIP PROJECT NO. 4530 FEDERAL-AID PROJECT NO. STPL 5074 (017)

The project, in general, is the rehabilitation of Gunnerson Street from Lakeshore Drive to Riverside Drive. The method of repair includes, but is not limited to, cold milling the existing asphalt pavement to variable depths and repaving with an asphalt overlay. The project will also include minor storm drain improvements. Signing and striping per Caltrans standards and specifications. Adjustment of water or gas valves to grade, raise manhole covers to grade and other ancillary improvements relative to a removal and reconstruct overlay project. Bid Opening: Wednesday, November 9, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. 130 S. Main Street, Lake Elsinore, CA

A mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for 1:00 p.m., on October 26, 2016, at City Hall 130 South Main Street, Lake Elsinore, California 92530.

The City contracts with PlanetBids, Inc. to administer its Online Bidding System. PlanetBids requires potential vendors and bidders to register and log-in to its website (www.planetbids.com) in order to download contract and bid proposal documents, thereby assuring a means of notifying vendors and bidders are identified as “Planholders” of all subsequent information and addenda issued by the City. Although the plans, specifications, and bid documents may be obtained from other electronic sources, including the City’s website (www.Lake-Elsinore.org), only the electronic documents downloaded directly from PlanetBids will be considered to be official documents of the City of Lake Elsinore.

Each bid shall be made on the proposal form furnished in the Specifications and enclosed in an envelope supplied by the bidder, bearing the title of the work and the name and address of the bidder. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to ensure that the bid is received in proper time in the City Clerk’s Office at 130 S. Main Street, Lake Elsinore and by the time hereinabove set forth. Any bid received after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids may be returned to the bidder unopened.

Specifications documents may be obtained through the City’s website at www.lakeelsinore.org under the Bids/RFPs section, there will be a non-refundable charge of $20.00. A prospective bidder obtaining the form of Proposal by mail must provide to the City Engineer the firm’s name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, a contact person and a valid email address in order to assure that they are listed as a “Plan Holder” in order to be informed of all subsequent information and addenda issued by the City. Addenda will be delivered by email only to those that provide the required information to the City Engineer and PlanetBids. Receipt of any subsequent information and addenda must be acknowledged by a bidder in their submitted Proposal.

All bids must be made in accordance with and as directed in the Specifications, and all bidders shall comply with Federal, State and local laws applicable thereto.

All work shall be completed within Sixty (60) Working Days from the date of commencement of work specified in the Notice to Proceed.

Contractor shall pay the City a sum of $500.00 per day, for each calendar day delay in finishing the work in excess of 60 working days prescribed above. No facsimile bids shall be accepted by the City.

The City has determined that a Class A or Class C-12 (Earthwork and Paving) Contractor’s license is necessary to bid this project. In addition, the preparation of traffic control plans shall only be performed by a Class A and Class C-31 licensed contractors. All subcontractors shall be properly licensed. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations.

Bidders are advised that, as required by federal law, the City is implementing Disadvantaged Business Enterprise requirements for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE). Section 2, “Proposal Requirements and Conditions,” under subsection titled “Disadvantage Business Enterprises (DBE)” and Section 5, “General,” under subsection titled “Performance of Subcontractors” of these special provisions cover the DBE requirements The DBE contract goal for this project is 5.8%

The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and/or waive any informality on a bid. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of sixty days (60) days after the date set for the opening thereof.

For further information, please contact Brad Fagrell, City Engineer by email at bfagrell@Lake- Elsinore.org or by phone at (951) 674-3124 Ext 212 and copy Nicole McCalmont, Senior Engineering Technician, at nmccalmont@lakeelsinore.org or by phone at (951) 674-3124 Ext 245. October 20, 2016. Susan M. Domen, MMC, City Clerk Published El Chicano 10/20/16 E-7514

LIEN SALE Notice is hereby given pursuant to sections 3071 and 3072 of the Civil Code of the State of California, the undersigned will sell the following vehicles at lien sale at said address(s) at said time(s) on: Thursday, November 3, 2016 to wit: YEAR MAKE VIN LICENSE STATE 97 VANH YE2TA76B6V2029130 To be sold by: BILL & WAG'S INC., 1516 S BON VIEW AVENUE, ONTARIO, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA 91761 (06:00 PM) YEAR MAKE VIN LICENSE STATE 09 HOND 5FPYK16569B101622 To be sold by: BILL & WAG'S INC., 1516 S BON VIEW AVENUE, ONTARIO, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA 91761- (06:00 PM) Said sale is for the purpose of satisfying lien of the abovesigned for towing, storage, labor, materials and lien charges, together with costs of advertising, and expenses of sale. Clear Choice Lien Service, Inc. P.O. Box 159009 San Diego, CA 92175 CNS-2936381# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 10/20/16 E-7515

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Inland Empire Community Newspapers • October 20, 2016 • Page A15

Loma Linda doctors teach healthy habits to kids

Courtesy Photo

Loma Linda Family Medicine doctors visited H. Frank Dominguez Elementary School on Tuesday, Oct. 18 to encourage students to live a more active lifestyle. Lauren Simon, MD; pediatric residents Jonathan Smits, MD, and Rachel Davidge, DO; and family medicine resident Cory Mitchell, MD, read “Henry Gets Moving,” a children’s book about an overweight hamster that makes healthy diet and exercise lifestyle changes to over 60 third graders.


By MJ Duncan

s part of a service grant project to address pediatric obesity in the community, Loma Linda Family Medicine doctors visited H. Frank Dominguez Elementary School to inspire children to live a more active lifestyle. Lauren Simon, MD, director of primary care sports medicine; pediatric residents Jonathan Smits, MD, and Rachel Davidge, DO; and family medicine resident Cory

Mitchell, MD, read the story “Henry Gets Moving,” a children’s book by Pierre Rouzier, MD, and Chaz Nielsen about an overweight hamster that makes healthy diet and exercise lifestyle changes, to over 60 third graders and their teachers. The kids actively participated in story time, reading about Henry the hamster and how he learned how to eat better. “What are we going to do to get healthy?” Simon asked the third graders. To which many replied,

“Eat vegetables!!” “Let's all get moving and eat healthy!” the doctors read from the book. One student asked how long they should exercise, and the doctors informed them that at least 60 minutes a day was best for them and at least 30 minutes per day for their parents and all adults. Smits said that pediatric obesity is something he sees everyday and needs to be addressed. “This book is a way to learn about and adapt changes that will keep these chil-

dren and their families from comorbidities,” he said. After the story was read, each child was given a copy of the book to take home as well as a Team Henry backpack filled with items that encourage healthy living. The book was read in English, with text in Spanish. The doctors, along with Brandon Henry, MD, who recently graduated from the Loma Linda University pediatric residency program, worked together to acquire the items in the backpack, which included: a wearable Henry pin/button, a "Move like Henry" silicon wristband, a small kick ball, Team Henry collapsible water bottle, sidewalk chalk, WIC cookbook for children and parents, healthy snacks, and a packet of family games to get kids moving. Information on the SACHS clinic was also included in the backpack as a resource for parents who may benefit from it. After leaving the elementary school, the team headed a few blocks west to the new SACHS clinic at the Loma Linda University Health – San Bernardino Campus. There they read to children and their families in the lobby of the pediatric clinic. The kids were also given backpacks to take home. The obesity reduction event was made possible by the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Foundation Humanitarian Service Grant. The team of Loma Linda University Health physicians was one of five recipients from across the country to receive a $2000 grant from the

AMSSM to perform a humanitarian service project. “This project is a great example of how the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Foundation supports the humanitarian work of our members; doing what we can at the grass roots level in reaching out to educate and promote health and safety for our patients in our communities,” said AMSSM Foundation president, Margot Putukian, MD. “Providing young children with great educational information about the role of exercise and nutrition in decreasing obesity and improving their health is inspirational,” Putukian added, “and the AMSSM Foundation is incredibly fortunate that our members are able to ‘pay it forward’ in their communities. Congratulations to Dr. Simon and her colleagues, as well as Dr. Rouzier with his wonderful book, in representing AMSSM and making a difference in the lives of our patients and communities.” “It is humbling for our team to have received this grant,” said Simon. “It’s great to be able to partner with the school to be able to teach these children how to be healthy in a fun, interactive way.” Overall, 200 backpacks were put together. Over 70 backpacks were given to the children and staff at the elementary school; many more were handed to children at the SACHS clinic, and the remaining ones will be handed out to those who come through the pediatric and family medicine clinics at Loma Linda University Health – San Bernardino Campus.

Page A16 • October 20, 2016 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

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