El Chicano 11 10 2016

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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Features, Lifestyle & News You Can Use!

Vol 53, NO. 47


Gloria’s Corner and Words To Think About A3 & A5

4th graders create water resistant mats for homeless A7

Groups striving to impact disenfranchised voters


By Anthony Victoria

he transformation of Inland politics will come down to the mobilization of historically disenfranchised voters, according to nonpartisan grassroots and nonprofit leaders that worked to increase voter participation in this year’s election. Groups such as the Inland Congregations United for Change, the Center for Action and Community Environmental Justice, and the California Partnership formed a coalition to address low voter turnout in the area. as Inland Known Empowerment, volunteers-mainly adolescent youth and young adults--made phone calls and canvassed neighborhoods to reach a demographic they say struggles to have a voice in politics. “Overtime it's become clear that regardless of the issues [organizations] are working on, the revolving issue is the imbalance of power,” explained Inland Empowerment spokesperson IE Empower. cont.on next page


Inland Empowerment members Michael Gomez Daly, left, and Cesar Gomez, right.


Gloria’s Corner A3 Words To think About A5 Legal Notices A12 Opinion A4


Editorial: iecn1@mac.com Advertising: sales@iecn.com

Voters weigh in on historic presidential election



By Anthony Victoria


Office: (909) 381-9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406

November 10, 2016

President-elect Trump

New KaBoom! playground built at Seccombe Lake Park

Inland Empire Community Newspapers




Arroyo Valley High School students and youth organizers with Inland Congregations United for Change helped engage with over 35,000 voters during this election season.


nland voters on Tuesday went to the polls to cast their presidential, federal, state, and local election choices after months of deliberation. As they left their designated polling locations, voters expressed their thoughts and opinions of an election season that dealt with contentious issues, such as immigration, gun control, abortion, environmental pollution, and police brutality. After months of hearing vitriolic attacks from Republican candidate Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton directed towards each other, Donna Ferrell, 53, of San Bernardino chose to vote for the Clinton because of her policy experience. “She’s proved that she could be a good leader,” Ferrell said. Despite her choice, Ferrell did admit that she was conflicted due to Clinton’s controversy with her email server and foreign policy mishaps. “This has been the most mind changing experience for me as a voter,” said Ferrell. “It required a lot of critical thinking and decision making for the first time.” James Conrad, 31, of Riverside said he refused to vote for neither Clinton or Trump. “I don’t like Trump, but I like Hillary a lot less,” he said. “She scares me. I think this election has proven that neither party is efficient enough to run this country. We need better options.”

Page A2 • November 10, 2016 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • El Chicano

ICUC reaches over 35,000 voters in GOTV effort

IE Empower. cont. from front

Deborah Phares. “If we want to create the kind of change we want to see, we have to get at that imbalance of power.” The imbalance of power Phares mentioned implies that issues dealing with education, mass incarceration, health, and public safety seldomly benefit working class communities. San Bernardino County’s Community Indicators Report from last year reported that 16 percent of families live in poverty, about 5,000 juveniles were arrested in 2013, 54 percent of adults ages 18-64 lack health insurance coverage (Latinos were the highest group to be uninsured at 25 percent), and nearly three quarter of adults are overweight (Four out of 10 students in San Bernardino County schools are considered

overweight or obese). Phares believes the key to mobilizing disenfranchised voters is to help them believe that they are part of the decision making process. “This is the beginning of building a movement,” Phares said. “We’re inviting residents to become voters and participate as voters. We believe that they matter.” Cesar Gomez, a community organizer with California Partnership, believes the collaboration with the different organizations “We’ve all worked at different capacities on different stuff, but not as a united force,” he said. “Now this united force will be able to come in contact with folks that perhaps have never been reached before. These are minorities, first time voters, and nonvoters are our priorities.”

Images of the Week


Inland Congregations United for Change Executive Director Tom Dolan, center, speaking to phone bankers at the Headquarters Co-Working space on November 7.


By Anthony Victoria

nland Congregations United for Change organizers hosted a party at the Headquarters Co-Working Space in Downtown San Bernardino on Election Night to commemorate their efforts in reaching out to thousands of voters. “This election, our volunteers focused on talking to voters who are often ignored,” said ICUC executive director, Tom Dolan. “Because of this strategy, our members gained support for propositions that will support

public education, juvenile justice reform and health care for vulnerable families in the state.” About 35,000 people were reached in the get-out-the-vote effort, according to Dolan. “Absent our strategy of engaging voters who political parties and candidates typically ignore, and our commitment to mobilize people of faith, this election cycle would have been markedly different,” he said. Among the people who walked through neighborhoods and made phone calls to engage with voters were high school and college students, as well as formerly

incarcerated residents. Arroyo Valley High School student Angela Saldana, 16, believes student involvement in election efforts has encouraged her to be more civically engaged and critical of politics. “This shows that the youth voice matters,” said Saldana. “Even though we can’t vote, these residents are choosing to vote for things that affect us now and that will affect us years from now. We have to be informed and involved.”

Quote of the Week

“I don’t like Trump, but I like Hillary a lot less. She scares me. I think this election has proven that neither party is efficient enough to run this country. We need better options.” -Riverside resident James Conrad on the Presidential election


Top to bottom: Donna Ferrell casting her vote; The Ferrell family signing into their polling place; Riverside resident James Conrad demonstrating support for Paul Chabot.

Gloria’s Corner

Now - December 10 - the Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art presents "Volcanos, Wrecks, Riots, Nudes and Mythology: The Art of Edward Hagedorn" at the Cal State San Bernardino campus, 5500 University Parkway. The exhibit presents the major themes important to the artist, many of which still resonate today, including his reflections on landscape and the horrors of war. For information call: 909.537.7373 or visit: raffma@csusb.edu

Gloria Macias Harrison Veterans, their Families and History: The month of November is National Military Family Month and the San Bernardino County Museum is commemorating men and women in uniform by welcoming members of the military and their dependents for free during the month courtesy of the San Bernardino County Museum Association. The Museum is opening two special exhibits: Over Here, Over There: In Times of War (Now to January 15, 2017) documenting sacrifices made by soldiers on the front line and their families on the home front. The public is invited to bring a cherished vet (parent, grandparent, neighbor) to the museum on November 22 from 11:00 to 3:00 p.m. to video their story to include in the exhibit. The other special exhibit is Tuskegee Airmen and the Great Western Migration 1940-1970 (Now to December 29). This is a traveling exhibit from the University of California Riverside Archives that focuses on the migration of these African-American military fighter and bomber pilots who ended up in California, Washington and Oregon. This migration is one of the most pivotal moments in AfricanAmerican history

November 5 - 27 - the Redlands Footlighters presents Wait Until Dark at its theater 1810 Barton Road, Redlands. Written by Frederick Knott and adapted by Jeffrey Hatcher, this new take on the classic thriller is directed by Patricia McQuillan. Performances at 8:00 p.m. on November 11, 12, 18, 25, & 26 and at 2:00 p.m. on November 6, 13, 20, & 27 for tickets call the box office 909.793.2909 or visit http://redlandsfootlighters.org November 14, 21 & 28 - Free Community Workshops on Political Cartooning Session 2 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Garcia Center for the Arts, 536 W. 11th Street, San Bernardino. For information contact Michael Segura at msegura909@gmail.com

November 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, & 20 - the Homespun Players perform Spanish playwright Federico Garcia Lorca's the House of Bernardi Alba at the Garcia Center, 536 W. 11th Street, San Bernardino. Performances are at 8:00 p.m. on November 11, 12, 18 & 19 and at 6 p.m. on Sundays November 13 and 20. For reservation call 909.888.6400 or pay at the door. Checks and cash will be accepted.

Now to November 13 - the Rialto Community Players present Fools a play by Neil Simon at the Sandra R. Courtney Playhouse, 150 East San Bernardino Ave. Directed by Pelve Dimyana Pelev, this delightful play is performed on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. with a Sunday matinee at 2:00 p.m. For tickets and reserArt Exhibits, Theatre & Semvations call 909.873.8514 or visit inars: the web site www.rialtocommuExhibits & Theatre:

Now - January 15 - San Bernardino County Museum presents Over Here, Over There: In Times of War. This exhibit not only honors those who made sacrifices made by the soldiers in the conflict but also those making sacrifices on the home front.

Now - July 31, 2017 - the Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art presents Journey To The Beyond: Ancient Egyptians In The Pursuit Of Eternity at the Cal State San Bernardino Campus, 5500 University Parkway in San Bernardino. Museum hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm., Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., closed on Sunday and Friday. The focus of this exhibit is the ancient Egyptians' attitude toward life and death. For information call: 909.537.7373 or visit: raffma@csusb.edu

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • November 10, 2016 • Page A3

Friday, November 18 - Habitat for Humanity, San Bernardino Area, Inc. will present its 4th Save the Date: Annual Golf Tournament at Sierra Lakes Golf Club, Fontana. Thursday, November 10 - the Registration starts at 7 a.m. To San Bernardino City Unified register on line visit www.HABISchool District presents the Fifth TATSB.org Annual Community Gathering for Excellence will be held in the Friday, November 18 - counOrange Pavilion at the National cilman Andy and Ann-Marie MeOrange Show, 690 South Arrow- lendez present Jarrito Fiesta head. Doors open for the event at honoring Aztlan Artwork at the 8 a.m. with program at 9:00 a.m. Riverside Art Museum, 3425 This year the event focuses on Mission Inn Ave, Riverside from the partnerships with institutions 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. For information of higher education in the region, and to RSVP call: 951.203.6678 visit the city and county schools. or Keynote speaker is Jim Clifton, INNOREHAB@AOL.COM CEO of Gallup. To register go to: Saturday, November 19 - the http://bit.ly/2bq526s. Inland Empire Chapter of ChildFriday, November 11 - the City Help presents the Sixteenth Anof Colton presents its Veterans nual "Forest of Hope" - "Jazz Day Celebration starting with a in the Park" Luncheon & Tree Prayer Ceremony at 8:00 a.m. At Presentation at the National OrVeterans Park, 292 East O Street, ange Show Events Center Valenfollowed by a Parade from O cia Room, 689 S. E Street, San down La Cadena ending at E Bernardino. Finds from this Street. A Veterans Day Ceremony event go to the treatment and prewill begin at 11:00 a.m. At Flem- vention of child abuse. Social ing Park, 525 N. La Cadena fol- hour and tree viewing starts at lowed by a reception at the 11:00 a.m. with program followColton Women's Club, 295 N. 7th ing. Music and performances by Street. The day's celebrations Teen Music Workshop and "The will end with two Open Houses Children" from the Merv Griffin from 2:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Village are featured as well as American Legion Post, 1401 Vet- opportunity drawings for trees, erans Way and the Veterans of silent and live auctions and door Foreign Wars, 1789 8th Street. prizes. To RSVP and information For information on the day's ac- call Helga Krause 909.200.9463 tivities call Dr. G at or Peggy Brier 909.936.2130 909.213.3730 or LSG85@aol.com Saturday, November 19 - the Unforgettables Foundation and Saturday, November 12 - the the Businesswomen's Association Elks Lodge, I Love San of San Bernardino County presBernardino and I Love San ent the 4th Annual Bachelor Bernardino TV present the Inau- Auction at the Redlands gural Picante Festival from 10 Speakeasy on State. 27 men ages a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, 23 to 73 were selected to partici1073 N. My. Vernon. This free pate in this for fun fundraiser for entrance event features family the two organizations. For ticket fun, spicy food, jumper for kids, and information contact Tim DJ music and a vendors village. Evans at 909.335.1600 or email tevens@theinforgettables.com Sunday, November 13 - the Rialto Business Professional Saturday, November 19 Women's group presents its An- Hauli Wailele Film/Art Foundanual Boutique and English Se- tion, The Living Museum of Calcret Garden High Tea from 1:30 ifornia Indian Culture & Global to 4:30 p.m. at the Senior Center, Center and Art Space on E pres1411 S. Riverside Ave Rialto. ent Celebrate San Bernardino! The event includes a light meal, Art & Music Festival from 12 refreshments and pastries. This p.m. to 12 a.m. at the Sturges scholarship fundraising event Center for the Arts, 780 N. E benefits young women in the Street. community. For information on vendor space and tickets contact Saturday, November 19 - there Trescina Hernandez at famous- will be a Thanksgiving Turkey girl29@sbcglobal.net Giveaway and Resource Fair at Rialto Middle School, 1262 W. Rialto Ave starting at 11:00 a.m. nityplayers.com

This event is based on a first come, first served. For information call: Lizette Lopez 909.723.1695

Saturday, November 19 - the Society of San Humane Bernardino Valley presents its Annual Santa Paws Pet Photos and Holiday Boutique from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at its facility, 374 W. Orange Show Road, San Bernardino. For information visit: www.hssbv.org or call: 909.386.1400 ext. 224

Sunday, November 20 - the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation presents Free Family Health Clinic from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Indian Springs High School, 650 N. Del Rosa Drive, San Bernardino. On a first come, first serve basis, attendees will receive medical and dental services, acupuncture and pharmaceutical information. For information call 909.447.7799

Coming in December: Friday, December 2 - the City of San Bernardino presents Honor, Reflect, Rebuild at California State University, San Bernardino Coussoulis Arena at 6:30 p.m. This event is in remembrance of the victims of the terrorist attack at the Inland Regional Center 2015. For information call the Mayor's Office 909.384.5133 Favorite Quote:

"We can begin by doing small things at the local level, like planting community gardens or looking out for our neighbors. That is how change takes place in living systems, not from above but from within, from many local actions occurring simultaneously." -Grace Lee Boggs

To submit an event or info for Gloria's Corner please email gloharrison@me.com or online at www.iecn.com.

OPINION&LETTERS Page A4 • November 10, 2016 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

By Yazmin Alvarez

Holiday food drives, services and volunteer opportunities


he season of giving is here, and many are giving back to those in

need. From food drives to wellness checkups, here are a few noteworthy events offering assistance or chance to help throughout the month:

• Health and legal clinic Crosswalk Church in Redlands is offering a free health clinic Thursday evenings through Dec. 1 along with a free legal clinic every third Thursday. The clinic is scheduled to run 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. As part of the event, a free dinner will be served beginning at 6:30 p.m., followed by a brief presentation on health and nutrition. At 7 p.m. those seeking medical care will be triaged. Services offered through the Crosswalk Clinic include: health education, hot meals, food bags, nutrition counseling, physical therapy evaluations and treatment, referrals to community resources and more. Services will vary weekly. The clinic is an effort to help brings gaps in care that have been assessed within its 1-mile radius. To learn more contact clinic@crosswalkvillage.com.

away and Resource Fair Nov. 19 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Rialto Middle School, 1262 W Rialto Avenue, Rialto Young Visionaries Youth Leadership Academy is reaching out to the community to help feed families this Thanksgiving by offering 500 holiday food bags. Donations of food items to help feed a family of four and volunteers to help sort and box food items are needed. Suggested Thanksgiving food basket items: - Cans of gravy - Cans of cranberry sauce - Cans of chicken broth - Packages of stuffing mix - Packages of rice - Boxes of mac’n’cheese - Boxes of instant mashed potatoes - Packages of cornbread/cakes - Cans of beans, corn, fruits and mixed vegetables To donate or volunteer, visit www.yvyla-ie.org or call 909723-1695.

•Mary’s Mercy Center Food drive and pet food drive The Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley will be assisting Mary’s Mercy Center with their annual Mary’s Table food and toy drive by collecting food for people as well as pets, and new toys for children. Going on now through November 22 the Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley’s Veterinary Clinic and Administrative Office will have collection barrels available to drop off items. Donations will also be collected at the Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley’s Annual Santa Paws Pet Photos & Holiday Boutique on Saturday, November 19, Mary’s Table is open six days a week and serves approximately 7,000 meals each month. During their holiday celebration over 1,000 meals are given out. Food items and toys can be dropped at the Humane Society of San Bernardino offices at 374 W. Orange Show Road in San Bernardino. For more information, 909386-1400. Have a food drive or holiday community event? Send information to iecn.yazmin@gmail.com or call 909-381-9898 ext. 207.

Views expressed in Opinion & Letters do not necessarily reflect the views of IECN

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It truly amazes me

It truly amazes me how all of these celebrities, rappers, musicians are causing an uproar on the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. They blindly support the crook Hillary Clinton and can’t understand why anyone would disagree with their opinion. I

wish they would get the hint, we are not lemmings who blindly follow what celebrities say and do. Most of us could care less on what their political views are. And to all of those celebrities who vowed to leave the country, GO! No one really cares. Do us all a favor and please leave! The

country would surely be better off without all of you self-absorbed narcissists. Gary B. Leibelt Colton

We need to repair our crumbling roads, highways The July/August issue of the Automobile Club of Southern California’s Westways Magazine sported an editorial from its CEO titled, “It’s time to fix California’s roads.”

The piece cited an increase in the hazards caused by potholes and other dangers to motorists from our deteriorating roadways, and the need to effect legislation — or better enforce it — to ensure that transportation taxes are actually used on our

state’s transportation needs.

Parallel articles in USA Today and the Los Angeles Times have mirrored these same concerns. The Auto Club article urges people to contact the governor and their state representatives and request that transportation funds be properly used for their intended purposes and not diverted so that California roadways may provide our citizens with smoother and safer motoring.

I sustained three losses this summer on Southern California freeways, all from neglectful maintenance leading to an abundance of debris and disrepair.

Others who have noticed the worsening state of our roadways or have their own sad motoring tales to tell would do well to follow that advice. Bill Olinger, Loma Linda

Issue is land ownership

“When the government fears the people, there is liberty; when the people fear the government, there is tyranny,” is a quotation attributed to Thomas Jefferson.

The heart of the Oregon trial is that the defendants were protesting the federal government’s role in governing federal lands. Protection against these actions is found in the Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments.

A common example of how the government or a non-profit en-

vironmental group — treating the rancher as the enemy because they consider them harmful to the environment — offers to buy a rancher’s place, which usually hasn’t been for sale. When the rancher refuses to sell, the harassment begins. Ranches located in the West with Bureau of Land Management or U.S. Forest Service grazing permits suddenly face animal unit month reductions, additional allotment restrictions, the fencing off of water sources,

requirements to build extra miles of fencing, and other ploys.

The majority of western land is controlled by the federal government, leaving little private land available as an alternative.

As of today, we now have a shortage of ranchers. Does anyone care? Fred Reiner, Granada Hills

IECNInland Empire Community Newspapers E-mail us your opinions, (909) 381-9898 • FAX 384-0406 photos, announcements Letters are printed in the order they are received and are subject to editing for clarity. Deadline is Tuesdays at noon. Readers may also submit their perspectives online at iecn1@mac.com • For advertising inquiries email sales@iecn.com to iecn1@mac.com. Letters limited to 500 words. RIALTO RECORD Weekly www.iecn.com •Thanksgiving Turkey Give-

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 110, Colton, CA 92324 • Office Location: 1809 Commercenter West, San Bernardino, CA 92408

Colton Courier

Gloria Macías Harrison Bill Harrison Co-Publisher General Manager Diana Harrison Martinez Managing Editor Diana Harrison Martinez Community News Editor Yazmin Alvarez Community News Editor Anthony Victoria Advertising/Classified Sales Bruce Martinez

Published weekly on Thursday. Adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of San Bernardino County, State of California, case #73036 and therefore qualified to publish legal notices.

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Established 1910.


Established 1876.

Denise Berver Published weekly on Thursday.

El Chicano

Established 1969.

Published weekly on Thursday. Adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of San Bernardino County, State of California, case #154019 and therefore qualified to publish legal notices.

Inland Empire Established 2005.

Published weekly on Thursday. Adjudicated as a newspaper of gen- As a community newspaper of Fictitious Business Name Danielle Vasquez eral circulation by the Superior Court general circulation. & Accounting of San Bernardino County, State of Graphic Artist/Web Mgr. Michael Segura CI RCULAT IO N California, case #26583 and thereVERIFICATION BDM I Circulation nterprises fore qualified to publish legal notices. OF CALIFOR-

Inland Empire Community Newspapers Colton Courier • RIALTO RECORD El Chicano • Inland Empire Weekly

We are award-winning newspapers, having been so recognized by the Inland Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists

In addition to mail subscriptions a combined total of 20,000 copies are distributed to approximately 400 locations in Redlands, Mentone, Highland, San Bernardino, Colton, Rialto, Bloomington, Grand Terrace Loma Linda, Moreno Valley, Riverside

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • November 10, 2016 • Page A5

Words to Think About: The Power of a Dream


By G. W. Abersold Ph.D.

hat causes my dreams? What I ate the day before? What’s going on in my life? What I read or watched on TV? I’ve been a cop, a mountain climber, a fireman, a minister, a boxer, a sailor. But last night I had an unusual dream. I was confronted with two words. Why and when. “Why am I tempted or tried; why the world situations, etc.” I lost the answers. But then WHEN gave me answers, by way of several human examples: Mandela, Edison, Apostle Paul, my

Dad, Pope Francis, Henry Ward Beecher, and Norman Cousins. What happened in my dream still amazes me in my awakening hours. The words they said to me. I never met Nelson Mandela; but I’ve read what he said to President Bill Clinton when the President asked him what he had learned while incarcerated for 27 years-unjustly. Mandela acknowledged that at his release he was bitter and angry. But he said, “I let it go. I forgave all who had been responsible for my imprisonment. Then I realized real freedom.” The message shook me but I didn’t awaken. Then Thomas Edison came to my dream. This great inventor gazed at his laboratory burning to the ground, with all his notes and inventions. Especially his work on the “light bulb.” When asked if he had lost everything he had searched for; his response stimulated my dream. “No, I still have my memory of one thousand ways that won’t work.” Just thinking about it thrills my awake mind. Then I dreamed of the man that I have mixed emotions about. I admire him and I don’t. I both like him and dislike him. The Apostle Paul. He didn’t like women and I do. He believed in slavery, and I

don’t. He didn’t get along with men and I do. He believed in pre-destination and I don’t. But then, I came up with some of the most sublime words in the Bible. In Philippians 4:11 he says, “I have learned to be content in all situations.” What a challenge for all mankind. The complete acceptance of life. Then, in Romans 8:28 he says, “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.” It’s a great promise with a realistic condition. They are worth all my reservations. My Dad often comes to my mind and my dreams. He never said much but was a preeminent doer. The Great Depression brought poverty and unemployment. My grandmother and I were dependent upon him. His job became non-existent. Here is what I remembered in my dream. He worked on the WPA, he planted and raised beans, corn and strawberries. And sold them and used them for barter. He grew horseradish, ground it, bottled it and sold it door to door. He got me a used bike and I delivered newspapers. His creativity in putting food on the table was amazing. I cannot say enough about Pope

Francis, no wonder he was in my dream. Last May I met a man, Jose, who worked on a cruise ship. He had attended the Pope’s first parish when Jose was a kid. He said, “We called him ‘the bull. He had been a bouncer in a bar before being a parish priest. Nobody messed with him.” The Vatican is finding that out today. With all that he has accomplished in a few months, I am most impressed in what he believes. Especially two very meaningful truths. The first one is, “I am not God.” This was said in response to his views on homosexuals. He refused to be a judge for anyone-including you and me. The second phrase of the Pope’s is the title of his latest book, “Mercy is the Name of God.” Throughout Roman Catholicism this year is”the year of mercy.” I love it. Why? Because you and I need it. Most readers will not know the name of Henry Ward Beecher. He was a great preacher in the 1800’s. His sister was Harriet Beecher Stowe. Both were advocates of the freedom of all slaves. But in this venue, I quote a famous statement that I’ve cherished for years. “God asks no one if they will ac-

cept life. That is not our choice. Our only choice is what we will do with the time we have.” It is a phrase I repeat often. It is a challenge and a demand. Every minute we live is vital. We are responsible for how we use it. The choice is always ours. The last segment of my dream is a statement by Dr. Norman Cousins. He is a favorite of mine. He was one of my graduate mentors. He was a fountain of creative information. In case you don’t remember him, in the 60’s he was diagnosed as terminally ill. Through laughter, positive emotions and mega Vitamins C, he became well. In many articles he advocated that all people should work with their physician. But in my dream, he kept repeating my favorite phrase; “No one knows enough to be a pessimist.” He meant by that; no doctor, no minister. No friend, no specialist, exactly no one. He based his observation on the hundreds of terminally ill people that he personally knew that got better. They had all been diagnosed as incurable. Upon awakening from my dream, I immediately awakened Stella and told her about the dream. Amen. Selah. So be it.

Hank Greenberg retired after the game. A flyer promoting the game said local KCSB-TV broadcast the game with play-by-play by Ernie Peeler. The teams came back in the spring of 1949 to play before 4,000 fans and VIP's like Bing Crosby, Branch Rickey, Frankie Frisch, Leo Durocher, and John "Chief" Meyers. After the 1949 season Lemon brought another all-star team to San Bernardino to play the Satchel Paige Negro League All-Stars with players like "Cool Papa" Bell, Buck O'Neil, Elston Howard, and Larry Doby who had just been purchased by Cleveland. Ralph Kiner and Dick Williams also played. Lemon would assemble teams of local all-stars. Gordon Maltzberger, Dee Fondy, Jack Wilkins, Ray Fortier, Ben Gregory, John Fiscalini, Bob Bundy, Del Crandall and Jerry Waitman. He would combine them with his Cleveland teammates; Ray Boone, Mike Garcia, Minnie Minoso, and Bobby Avila. The lefthanded batting Lemon electrified the hometown crowd in 1949 by blasting two home runs over the scoreboard. Sachel Paige returned to San Bernardino with his all-stars in 1950 to play an exhibition against a Lemon team. San Bernardino Mayor James Cunningham proclaimed Oct. 18, 1950 as "Bob Lemon Day." Local promoter Stan Newlin of the Argonaut Club

raised the finances to arrange the game. Only 950 fans showed, Paige could not pitch as advertised and from then no reports of those great all-star games could be found. San Bernardino High School graduate Mel Nelson told that Perris Hill Ball Park was a stop for many "barnstorming off season games" that matched local allstars against big league professionals. "I played in one of those games in 1954 but not against Bob Lemon or Satchel Paige. "Nelson later earned World Series rings in 1965 with Minnesota and 1968 with St. Louis. "When I was in the Angels organization, Bob Lemon was a pitching coach in 1963 and later was my manger in Triple-A Hawaii." Nelson was a teammate of Paige at Triple-A Portland in 1961 and played against him in the Triple-A International League. After his retirement as a player, Lemon often came back again to San Bernardino as a roving pitching coach for the 1961 expansion Los Angeles Angels, who came to play their Triple-A Hawaii Islanders in spring training games. Lemon managed the Angels B team in 1962 at Perris Hill Ball Park. He worked up to major league manager in 1970 with Kansas City, then White Sox, and then Yankees for five years. Lemon was named American League Manager of the Year twice and won a World Series ring as manager of the 1978 Yankees.

Spirit of late Cleveland Indian's World Series champion Bob Lemon must continue to wait --San Bernardino native won two games for Cleveland in 1948 Fall Classic


Bob Lemon (Left) greets new Cleveland Indian's teammate Larry Doby in 1948. Doby had just been signed after playing for Kansas City Monarchs of the Negro League.


By Harvey M. Kahn

hen the Cleveland Indians last won a Major League Baseball World Series, Bob Lemon led them to the 1948 crown. Before he died, Lemon left many one-ofkind stories. He remains the only San Bernardino native to be selected into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame. He would not have made it to Cooperstown if not for the wise decision by Cleveland manager Lou Boudreau who insisted that Lemon turn in his fielder's glove and become a pitcher. In his biography, Lemon says he strongly opposed the change since he wanted to play every day. He could play third, shortstop, and actually made the Indians as a centerfielder. But Boudreau realized that Lemon was not a consistent hitter. Boudreau's wise choice led to Cleveland's 1948 World Series championship as Lemon finished the season with a 20-14 record, including pitching ten shutouts, 20 complete games and throwing a no-hitter. Lemon topped off the season by winning two games in the World Series against the Boston Braves. In winning the 1954 American


Courtesy Photo

Satchel Paige played a number Bob Lemon (Left) pictured with of exhibition games at Perris Ronald Reagan in 1952 movie Hill Ball Park with Bob Lemon. still of "The Winning Team" the story of Grover Cleveland ing on a consistent basis. Claude Alexander and had a small Anderson said Earl Lemon bought the best equipment available for role. his son. Bob Lemon went on to play 13 League championship, Lemon major league seasons, all being in was part of what is called the Cleveland. He did not start his cagreatest starting rotation in basereer until he was 25 after serving ball history. It included fellow three years in the Navy. He won hall-of-fame members Bob Feller 20 or more games seven times and Early Wynn. Mike Garcia was from 1948 to 1958 and was an allthe fourth member and often star seven times. Using his sharp pitched better than his great teambreaking sliders and sinking fastmates. Along with Feller and ball, he compiled a 207-128 Lemon, Cleveland's 1948 staff record with a career 3.23 ERA and had Gene Bearden and another three times was named Baseball hall-of-fame member Satchel Pitcher of the Year. Paige. He ranks number two all-time Lemon was a standout as a among pitchers with 37 career pitcher/shortstop at Long Beach home runs. In his first five years Wilson High School, good at Cleveland he didn't lose his hitenough to be named the 1938 ting touch by averaging .280 in Southern California Player of the 480 at-bats and struck out only 45 Year. The late reporter Claude Antimes. In his last season in Douderson said Lemon moved from ble-A, he hit .286 with 21 home San Bernardino when he was runs and 80 RBI's. He was elected about 12. Anderson said he played to the Baseball HOF In 1976. local city recreation sandlot baseLemon remained loyal to San ball in the pre-Little League era. Bernardino during his entire baseHis father, Earl owned an ice ball career. One week after wincompany in San Bernardino and ning the 1948 World Series, he bought a home on 21st and D pitched four innings in a benefit Street. Earl lemon was one of the all-star game at Perris Hill Basebest semi-pro players in the ball Park (now Fiscalini Field). greater San Bernardino Valley Just before that 1948 season where he played on the San Lemon appeared at Perris Hill Bernardino Colts and then the Baseball Park in an exhibition Elks from 1914 to 1921. Unlike game with the Indians against the his son, Earl never tried his strong St. Louis Browns. Bob Feller and arm as a pitcher. Like his son, he Lou Boudreau played and HOFer could not hit Major League pitch-

Page A6 • November 10, 2016 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

Jordan Pachot joins great corp of CBL quarterbacks in establishing "grand daddy" records Fuller's 604 yards in one game in 2005 and Cajon's Angel Reyna's 527 yards in 2002. Carson-Frye and other record keepers note that statistics are provided by high schools based on an ungoverned honor system. Therefore high school records are not held in the same esteem as colleges and professionals. The CIF record book lists only the top ten single game passing yards and Cal-Hi Sports could not supply any up-to-date records at this time. Sanchez says all the new passing yards are due to the good coaching in the CBL. "There's more hard work being put in and there is special training," says Sanchez. "Passing is the big trend now. I'm amazed at how easily quarterbacks are completing passes of 40 or 50 yards." Carson-Frye says the game itself has changed. "There was a time in football when an incomplete pass was a turnover. The emphasis now is on passing because the rules have changed. You flood the zone with receivers and there's not enough defenders to stop the pass. In the past, quarterbacks weren't so good." Former Citrus Valley quarterback Chris Shiley, who's records Pachot is surpassing, attributes the use of the spread offense to the recent passing yard totals. "On every pass play there

is now at least one receiver open for a split second." Shiley is not surprised that Pachot broke all his CVH passing records. "Sooner or later it would be done. I think it is great. His dad, Gavin has been an offensive coordinator and his brother (Kellen) is one of his receivers. Jordan understands the game." Shiley was the last of a long line of exceptional running quarterbacks out of the CBL and his school rushing records from that position should stand for many years. Shiley now attends RCC where he runs the sprints and relays. He added that better coaching, diet, and conditioning make for a better modern day athlete. He feels that digital goggles are also helpful by letting quarterbacks practice in 3D simulated games. Others like Mark Tennis, editor of Stockton-based Cal-Hi Preps says more passing yardage is due to the spread and no-huddle offenses. He says more and more schools are using those approaches putting the defense at a disadvantage. "It used to be that 470 yards was the line we used to get into the book. We may have to raise it to 490 or 500 yards." Tennis said that there has been several 500 passing games this season. "I expect at least one or two tonight."

Photo/Harvey Cohen

Quarterbacks Nathan Martinez (Left) of Yucaipa High School and Armando Herrera of Redlands East Valley are close to breaking most of San Bernardino County's single season and career passing records. Herrera could become the CIF-Southern Section all-time passing yards leader. With at least two games left, Herrera needs 349 yards to become No.1. Martinez tied Angel Reyna's county record on Oct. 28 by throwing seven TD's in a game.


By Harvey M. Kahn

igh School quarterbacks in the Citrus Belt League have local sports historians scratching the their heads. At 120-years-old, the CBL is considered the grand daddy of Southern California prep football. Never in the league's history has there been such production from the quarterback position. Jordan Pachot of Citrus Valley High is the latest example. Pachot set a CBL record when he threw for 492 yards on Oct. 21 against Yucaipa. This comes during the same season that league rival Armando Herrera of Redlands East Valley could become the all-time California Int e r s c h o l a s t i c Federation-Southern Section's career passing yardage leader. Yucaipa has a strong-arm quarterback of its own in Nathan Martinez who has eclipsed most of that school's passing records. In Yucaipa's 66-44 win over Citrus Valley, Martinez and Pachot combined for over 800 yards passing. Martinez set a CBL record last week when he threw seven touchdown passes at Eisenhower. Redlands High also has an accu-

rate quarterback in lefty Steven Garcia who is finally getting some playing time as a senior and has immediately produced with 23 touchdowns and over 2,000 yards. Others like Herrera and Cajon's Jayden Daniels excelled immediately putting up numbers as freshmen that would have been unheard of ten years ago. Herrera is closing in on his fourth CBL championship while leading Redlands East Valley. As a freshman last year, Daniels led Cajon to a co-CBL title by directing it to a decisive 37-17 win at REV. Although he is down some this season, Daniels passed and ran for 3,200 yards and 31 touchdowns last season in earning All-CIF honors. The recent emergence of the outstanding crop of CBL quarterbacks has surprised historians Al Sanchez and Harry Carson Frye, who have over 100 years experience combined tracking the CBL. Both are graduates of Redlands High which is the longest running member of the CBL dating back to about 1892. "The CBL is the grand daddy of all high school leagues in Southern California," said CarsonFrye. Sanchez said he's never seen anything like all the passing

quarterbacks in the CBL. "I used to think that 250-300 yards passing was special. When I saw the 492 yards, I thought it was unreal," said Sanchez, a member of the Redlands HS Hall of Fame. Sanchez has seen all the top CBL quarterbacks dating back to Ken Hubbs, Roger Chaney, Brian Billick and Chris Ault. Sanchez could not confirm that Pachot's 492 was a passing record, but he has never witnessed anything close to that amount since he began keeping stats in 1954. Carson-Frye, who has a high school data base that goes back to 1892, was more confident about Pachot's new CBL record. "The CBL was always known as a smash mouth, grind it out league. It was run, run, run," said Carson-Frye. He listed the old rushing teams of the CBL's past like Fontana, Riverside Poly, Chaffey, Pomona, Santa Ana, Colton, and San Bernardino. "Pacific passed a little with Chris Ault, maybe he'd get 200 yards. But all the quarterbacks just handed off or ran out of the wildcat. The 492 should be a record." The San Andreas League has the top single game all-time passing leaders in San Bernardino County with Robert


Citrus Valley HS sophomore quarterback Jordan Pachot sets new Citrus Belt League single game passing record with 492 at Yucaipa.

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • November 10, 2016 • Page A7

4th graders create water resistant mats for homeless

By MJ Duncan

People who are homeless don’t like to lay on the dirt,” noted Parkside Elementary 4th grader Bob Cline. “With these mats they don’t have to sleep on the floor anymore.” Approximately 33 students from Tina Gauthier’s fourth grade class at Parkside invested hours upon hours on a project


Ashley Ramirez, 11, demonstrates how light and easy the plastic mats can be transported.

that kept nearly 3,000 plastic bags out of landfills and transform them into light, easily transportable and water resistant mats. Students worked on them during the after school program and at home during evenings and weekends. “The project gave children the opportunity to help their community and become aware of their own environment,” said Gauthier. “It allowed us to talk about the needs of others. Some students were in that situation, and the others embraced them telling them that regardless of their unfortunate circumstances they still cared about them.” Students created the slogan “You Matter” that was written on a tag and attached to each completed mat. It takes about 500 plastic shopping bags to crochet one mat. The project that fostered compassion and charity launched in September and six mats have been completed thus far. Vicki Lee, Homeless Liaison for the San Bernardino City Unified School District, distributed those mats to homeless individuals. “So many people don’t understand homelessness, and to see that the students are sympathizing and actively working to give back is amazing,” Lee said. “The individuals I gave the mats to received them with love and were


Nearly a dozen 4th graders from Parkside Elementary demonstrated how they turned plastic bags into mats for the homeless during the annual Community Wellness & Resource Fair on Saturday at the New Hope Family Life Center in San Bernardino. Pictured from left: Katie Ramirez, Karmah Harris, Bob Cline, Noah DeLaTorres, Jose Regalado, Chloe Becker, Halani BurdenWebb, Young Visionaries Youth Leadership Academy President/CEO Terrance Stone, and Ashley Ramirez. really grateful.” Nearly a dozen students from Gauthier’s class demonstrated how to make the mats during the Annual Community Wellness & Resource Fair on Saturday at the New Hope Family Life Center in San Bernardino. Each of them was extremely excited and enthusiastic about their project because

of its positive impact to someone in need. “I care about the homeless and want to be able to help them,” said Ashley Ramirez, 11. Bob Cline echoed similar sentiments. “This took a lot of time, but very worth it because it was for a good purpose.”


Bob Cline, left, and Noah DeLaTorres, 4th graders from ParkElementary School, side demonstrated their class project of keeping plastic bags out of landfills and turning them into water resistant, light and easily transportable mats that were distributed to the homeless.

Page A8 • November 10, 2016 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

New KaBoom! playground built at Seccombe Lake Park


Target associate Deanna Flores helping shovel wood chips inside the new playground area at Seccombe Lake Park.


San Bernardino Mayor Carey Davis takes a photo with Norton Elementary School students during the KaBoom! playground build at Seccombe Lake Park on November 4.


By Anthony Victoria

oughly 400 Norton Elementary School students were wide-eyed Friday when seeing the new playground they helped design at Seccombe Lake Park in San Bernardino. The volunteers, comprised of the Parks and Recreation Department, Target associates, city officials, and residents, worked together to construct the 1,200 square foot recreation ground near the baseball fields at the park. And while the playground won’t be officially opened to the public for a few days, residents believe it will bring joy and pride back to a community that has seen an array of crime and blight. “This is the start of rebuilding this community,” said Jesus Luna, whose two children attend school at Norton. “Hopefully families will be able to help bring back life and pride to this park.” The project was led by KaBoom!--the nonprofit organization that aims to bring balanced and active recreation to children in impoverished areas. Since 1996, the organization has built an estimated 2,500 playgrounds across the U.S. and organized six playground builds in San Bernardino. For six weeks, volunteers from the previously mentioned organizations met to organize the event’s logistics, such as garnering more volunteers and ensuring supplies and other necessities were in order. Preparation for the build began on Wednesday. Besides helping build the playground, which features a swing set, monkey bars, and a slide, the 150 or so volunteers assisted in constructing four shade structures, eight picnic tables,wooden trash can bin holders, and the seating on about 50 benches throughout the park. Parks and Recreation Director Jim Tickemyer confirmed that new LED lights were installed around

the playground and baseball field area for safety reasons; special restraints will make it difficult to steal electrical wire and shatter lighting covers. He also said fencing will be installed to minimize vandalism. “We’ve taken considerable steps to protect our investment,” he said. Tickemyer believes the new im-

provements and construction of the playground will contribute to boosting the morale of residents. “From the feedback I’ve received, the community has been itching to have something to back up,” he said. “These people are very excited to see something positive going on at this park.”

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • November 10, 2016 • Page A9

Redlands Community Hospital to host 22nd annual ‘Handling the Holidays’ memorial service and grief seminar


By Yazmin Alvarez

edlands Community Hospital is hosting a memorial service and grief seminar this weekend to offer support to those who have lost a loved one as the holiday season approaches. The 22nd annual ‘Handling the Holidays” event, which includes a dove release, is planned from 2 to 4 p.m. Nov. 13 at the hospital’s Weisser Education Pavilion, 350 Terracina Blvd in Redlands. For those who are already experiencing the overwhelming stress of bereavement, the additional strains of the holidays can create unbearable pressure, and the service offers an opportunity to connect families with support services offered at the hospital, according to a hospital news release. “This celebratory event allows our staff a chance to reconnect with the families they’ve grown so close to and honor the lives of loved ones who has passed,” said Dr. Regan Douty, hospice medical director at Redlands Community Hospital, in the release. “Our bereavement team offers continued contact and support to families long after they’ve experienced a loss, especially during the holidays when many are often caught in a predicament between the need to grieve and the pres-


County Committee Seeks Applicants For 4-Year Appointment

he San Bernardino County Committee on School District Organization is seeking applicants to fill an open seat for appointment to a four-year team in the Third Supervisorial District that encompasses the area from Barstow to Redlands. Applicants, who must be registered voters in the Third Supervisorial District, should apply to be considered for the appointment by the county superintendent. County Committee members cannot be employed by a school district in any county, community college district or county superintendent office. The 11-member committee deals with school district organization issues, including number of trustees, trustee and school district boundary areas, and unification. The Third Supervisorial District includes the communities of Angelus Oaks, Barstow, Big Bear, Forest Falls, Grand Terrace, Highland, Joshua Tree, Loma Linda, Lucerne Valley, Mentone, Morongo Valley, Oak Glen, Redlands, 29 Palms, Yucaipa and Yucca Valley, as well as portions of Colton and San Bernardino. The county superintendent will make the appointment, not the County Board of Supervisors. The interest form for applying for the committee position can be downloaded from the County Committee site: http://www.sbcss.k12.ca.us/images/Documents/governance/Count y-Committee/CoCmteInterestForm2016Nov.doc . For more information about the committee or application, contact Angel Arrington at 909.386-9615 or via email at angel_arrington@sbcss.k12.ca.us.

sure to get into the holiday spirit.” This year’s presenter, Steven G. Kay, will share his story of losing his 12-year-old daughter to cancer in 1993 and how his loss led him to become a nationally certified bereavement facilitator. Kay serves as the pulpit minister for the Redlands Church of Christ, chaplain for hospice at Redlands Community Hospital, and volunteers as a chaplain for the Redlands Fire Department. The memorial service and seminar are free and open to the public. The Hospice Program at Redlands Community Hospital is a local, non-profit, communitybased program that has To learn more about the hospital’s hospice programs or to learn more about the event, call 909-335-5643 or visit, www.Redlands Hospital.org.

courtesy photo/redlands community hospital

‘handling the holidays’ will offer support on bereavement during the holiday season.

courtesy photo/peretz partensky

redlands community hospital will host its 22nd annual ‘handling the holidays” memorial service and grief seminar nov. 13. the event will include a special dove release in honor of loved ones.

Page A10 • November 10, 2016 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

Obituary Charles Ernest Engel


e was born in Colton, California to Charles Paul Engel and Gertrude Engel (Tillmans), the youngest of three children. During his early years he enjoyed music, especially playing the trombone. After graduating from Colton HS and attending San Bernardino Junior College, he joined the Navy as part of the V12 Officer Training program. During that program and after much prayer was led by God to apply for further training in medical school. After an honorable discharge from the Navy, he graduated from USC medical school. After completing his residency, he opened a general medical practice in the Colton Memorial Medical Building with his brother, Walter. During the Korean War, he enlisted in the Air Force service as surgeon at the Warren AFB in Cheyenne, Wyoming. After an honorable discharge and a surgical residency at Wadsworth Veterans Hospital / UCLA, he returned to continue his medical practice as a General Surgeon in Colton, California. During his more than 40 years medical practice in that community, Dr. Engel became a Fellow of American Board of Surgery and was on staff at Community Hospital of San Bernardino, St. Bernadine’s Hospital of San Bernardino and at Loma Linda University Hospital. Charles and wife June retired to Absarokee, Montana in 2011 and attended the Absarokee Evangelical Church. Charles life was filled not only with his medical practice, but also with

many family times and vacations including those to East Rosebud Lake, Montana where he enjoyed a summer cabin for many years. Charles took pleasure in music wherever he was, playing trombone and leading an orchestra in high school; forming and leading in the first Navy V--12 band in Minneapolis, Minnesota; playing trombone in polka band in the AF in Cheyenne, Montana and Doctors Symphony in Hollywood; singing in the CBMC quartet and leading congregational singing in multiple churches over the years. He also became a pilot, and used his Cessna single engine plane to transport family on vacations, as well as serve on many missions projects. Above all, Charles was dedicated servant of his Lord Jesus Christ, sharing with his patients in prayer before and after surgery, traveling on medical missionary trips to Mexico, Guatemala, Bangladesh and Abudabi, member and chairman of the Christian Business Men’s Committee (CBMC) of San Bernardino, member of the CBMC Quartet and member and leader in churches wherever he attended. His quick smile, sense of humor, helping hand to those in need, dedication and love for his family and love for the Lord are a testimony that will be long remembered. Charles is survived by his wife, June (Taylor) Engel, his children Dr. Richard Engel, Charles Engel and Teresa (Engel) Flowers, and seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren.


Inland Empire Community Newspapers • November 10, 2016 • Page A11







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Page A12 • November 10, 2016 • EC • IECN

San Bernardino International Authority Notice Airport Inviting Bids Prospective bidders are hereby notified that the SAN BERNARDINO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY ("AUTHORITY" and/or "Owner") will receive sealed bid proposals for the 3 rd street roadway and infrastructure project, from victoria ave. to palm ave. , EDA Grant number 07-01-07130 (the "Project"). The complete Bid shall be submitted in a sealed envelope with the Bidder’s name, the project name, project number, and the words "Sealed Bid - Do Not Open" clearly marked on the outside of the mailing envelope. Bids may not be submitted by facsimile or electronic telecommunication. Bids submitted via USPS or other courier service must have the project name and project number and the words "Sealed Bid - Do Not Open" clearly marked on the outside of the mailing envelope. All Bids shall be submitted by delivery to the AUTHORITY at the address provided below and will be received until 10:00 AM on Wednesday, December 7, 2016 . Bids will be publicly opened and read at that time. Any bids received after the specified date and time will be and returned rejected unopened. The address for delivery of Bids is: SAN INTERNABERNARDINO TIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY Attention: Clerk of the Board 1601 E. 3rd Street San Bernardino, California 92408 The selected contractor shall construct all improvements in accordance with the project plans and specifications and the request for proposals specific to this bid package. The value of this project is estimated at $2,750,000. Any questions or communications shall be in writing. Written questions regarding details of the project will be accepted until Friday, November 25, 2016 at 10:00 A.M . Written questions must be directed to Roberto Ramirez, Senior Project Manager , Cordoba Corporation at rramirez@cordobacorp.com . Contract Documents may be obtained from the AUTHORITY at 1601 E. 3rd Street, San Bernardino, California 92408, upon payment of a $350.00 nonrefundable fee and are also available for free download on the website, AUTHORITY's www.sbiaa.org . Make all checks payable to "SAN BERNARDINO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY." A full list of all requirements regarding this project can be found in the project specifications. All information, addendums, and notices regarding this Project will be posted to the AUTHORITY website. It is the sole responsibility of all perspective respondents to check the website for any pertinent information that may be issued. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at 1601 E. 3rd Street, San Bernardino, CA 92408 on Friday, November 18 th , 2016 at 10:00 AM . Each Bidder must be licensed in the State of California and qualified to perform the Work described in the project specifications. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 3300, the contractor must possess the following classification of contractor's license: CLASS “C”. No contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works contract unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5. Each Bidder, and each subcontractor listed by the Bidder in the bid proposal, must be registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Labor Code § 1725.5. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or bid bond for ten percent (10%) of the maximum amount of the bid. Said check shall be made payable to the SAN BERNARDINO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY and when delivered with a proposal, shall constitute a guaranty that Bidder will, if an award is made to them in accordance with the terms of said Bidder's proposals: execute a contract on the AUTHORITY’s standard form, together with Labor Code Certification thereon; furnish contract performance and payment bonds with a corporate surety or sureties satisfactory to the AUTHORITY, each for not less than one-hundred per-

Office (909) 381-9898 cent (100%) of total bid price; furnish certificates of insurance evidencing that all insurance coverage required by the contract has been secured. The bid bond, performance bond, and payment bond must be obtained from sureties listed on the Department of the Circular 570 Treasury’s approved list. This is a “public work” project and each CONTRACTOR to whom a contract is awarded must pay the prevailing rates and post copies thereof at the job site. In addition, it is also the responsibility of each CONTRACTOR to follow all requirements of the State of California Labor Code as it relates to public works contracts. Before work can begin on a public works contract, the CONTRACTOR shall submit a Public Works Contract Award Information Form (DAS 140) to an applicable apprenticeship program that can supply apprentices to the site of the public work. The CONTRACTOR must request dispatch of required apprentices from an Apprenticeship Program for each apprentice able craft or trade by giving the Apprenticeship Program. The CONTRACTOR is to use a Request for Dispatch of an Apprentice Form (DAS 142) to submit his/her written request. Bidders are hereby notified that the prevailing rate of per diem wages, as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations, applicable to the work to be done for the locality in which the work is to be performed in compliance with Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California on file in the are AUTHORITY’s principal office at the address listed above and will be made available to any interested party upon request. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and by the enforcement Department of Industrial Relations. This project is funded through the Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration and is subject to the provisions of the Davis–Bacon Act. The Davis-Bacon rates current as of 10 days prior to the bid opening will be applicable to the contract. The AUTHORITY reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive any irregularity or to award the contract to other than the lowest bidder consistent with the award of the contract to the lowest responsible bidder. Bidder may not withdraw their bid for one hundred and twenty (120) days after bid opening. Pursuant to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, tree removal shall occur during bird non-nesting season (September 15 to February 1). SAN BERNARDINO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY San Bernardino, California By: \s\ Jennifer Farris, Clerk of the Board CNS-2942971# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 11/10/16 E-7519


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the San Bernardino City Unified School District is seeking competitive proposals from qualified Service Providers to provide lit/managed fiber optic network services to connect the District's data centers to the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (the District’s ISP) as follows: · (4) 10Gbps minimum circuits between SBCUSD Data Center 1 located at 793 N E Street, San Bernardino, CA, 92410 and SBCSS located at 601 North E Street, San Bernardino, CA, 92410; and · (4) 10Gbps minimum circuits between SBCUSD’s planned Data Center 2 located at 4030 Georgia Boulevard, San Bernardino, CA, 92407, and SBCSS located at Chaffey Joint Union High School District, 211 West Fifth Street, Ontario, CA 91762. Sealed proposals will be received in the Board of Education BID BOX located in the main Foyer at SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, 777 North F Street, San

• EL CHICANO LEGAL ADVERTISING • Fax (909) 384-0406 Bernardino, CA 92410, on or before Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 10:00 A.M.

Proposal forms on which the RFP must be presented, specifications, terms, conditions, and instructions required for bidding may be secured at above department or downloaded from the District website at http://www.sbcusd.k12.ca.us/b ids.aspx. San Bernardino City Unified School District is also required to post this RFP on the USAC EPC portal. Form 470 has been posted and is available for download at http://www.usac.org/sl/tools/erate-productivitycenter/default.aspx.

Proposer shall possess, at the time of proposal submittal, a C-7 License for equipment install and a C-10 License for cabling work, along with any certifications required by District to perform work.

This RFP is subject to the provisions of Education Code Section 45125.1. Contractor’s employees are required to submit fingerprints to the Department of Justice where employees may come into contact with students at any school site and Senate Bill 854 which requires that all contractors and subcontractors who bid or work on any public works project must register and pay an annual fee to the Department of Industrial Relations.

Any clarifications or corrections to this RFP shall be made by written addendum. Addenda will be posted on the District’s website referenced above. It is the bidder’s sole responsibility to periodically check the site for any amendments and respond accordingly. All questions or request for clarification must be submitted email to via evangelina.ramirez@sbcusd.k 12.ca.us

Publication Date: November 10, 2016 Proposal Due Date: December 21, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.

Eva Ramirez, Buyer, Purchasing Services San Bernardino City Unified School District, San Bernardino, CA (909) 381-1131 CNS-2942556# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 11/10/16 E-7521 SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 777 North "F" Street San Bernardino, CA 92410 Notice Inviting Proposals RFP No. 16-08 Workers' Compensation Third Party Administration (TPA) Services

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that San Bernardino City Unified School District (hereinafter referred to as “District”), is seeking proposals from well qualified Workers’ Compensation Third Party Administrators (TPAs) to provide third party claims administration and managed care cost containment services for the District’s workers’ compensation program. All interested TPA firms are invited to submit proposals.

Proposals may be submitted up to but not later than: Friday, December 9, 2016 at 11:00 AM Bidders who are desirous of securing a copy of the Request for Proposal (RFP) may do so via download from the District’s web site at: h t t p : / / c a - s a n bernardinoschools.civicplus.c om/Bids.aspx?CatID=16 Proposals must be received at the PURCHASING DEPARTMENT, BID BOX, located in the main foyer lobby area at San Bernardino City Unified School District, 777 North F Street, San Bernardino, CA 92410. Proposals will be opened at the above stated time and place. All proposals must be clearly marked on the outside of a sealed envelope with the Bidder’s company name and the RFP number. It is the Bidder’s sole responsibility to ensure that its proposal is received at the correct location by the time of opening. No Bidder may withdraw its proposal for a period of 90days after the date set for the opening of proposals. Local, minority and Disabled

Businesses are Veteran encouraged to respond. The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any irregularity or informality in a proposal or in the proposer’s process. Proposer’s evaluation and ranking will be based upon a comprehensive review and analysis of the requested information to determine which proposal best meets the needs of the District. The District will be the sole judge of the suitability of the received Workers’ Compensation Third Party Claims Administration Services proposals. Selected and ranked proposers shall abide by the District’s decision. Any questions regarding this RFP are to be directed to the attention of Debra Love, Purchasing Director at debra.love@sbcusd.com. Contact with any other district employee, agent or officer of the District, without prior written consent of the Purchasing Department is grounds for disqualification. Clarifications or corrections to this RFP shall be made by written amendment. Amendments will be posted on the District’s website. It is the bidder’s sole responsibility to periodically check the site for any amendments and respond accordingly. Debra Love, Purchasing Services Director (909) 381-1126 Publication Date: November 10, 2016 Non-Mandatory Conference: Pre-bid November 17, 2016 @ 10:00am Due Date: Proposal December 9, 2016 @ 10:00am CNS-2943535# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 11/10/16 E-7520


RFP No. 16-09 Districtwide WAN Connections

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the San Bernardino City Unified School District is seeking sealed proposals from qualified Service Providers to provide private, dedicated, lit/managed fiber optic network services to connect all sites with the District's two data centers. The District is seeking 10Gbps minimum upload and download to each elementary school and 10Gbps minimum upload and download to each middle school and 40Gbps to each high school with expectations that this service is upgradeable to 40Gbps and even 100Gbps for certain sites that only need 10Gbps today. Proposals will be received in the Board of Education BID BOX located in the main Foyer at SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, 777 North F Street, San Bernardino, CA 92410, on or before Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 11:00 A.M. The District will host a nonmandatory job walk on November 14, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. to show the MPOE and MDF areas of schools site.

Proposal forms on which the RFP must be presented, specifications, terms, conditions, and instructions required for bidding may be secured at above department or downloaded from the District website at http://www.sbcusd.k12.ca.us/b ids.aspx. San Bernardino City Unified School District is also required to post this RFP on the USAC EPC porta. Form 470 has been posted and is available for download at http://www.usac.org/sl/tools/erate-productivitycenter/default.aspx.

Proposer shall possess, at the time of proposal submittal, a C-7 License for equipment install and a C-10 License for cabling work, along with any certifications required by District to perform work.

This RFP is subject to the provisions of Education Code Section 45125.1. Contractor’s employees are required to submit fingerprints to the Department of Justice where employees may come into

contact with students at any school site, and Senate Bill 854 which requires that all contractors and subcontractors who bid or work on any public works project must register and pay an annual fee to the Department of Industrial Relations.

Any clarifications or corrections to this RFP shall be made by written addendum. Addenda will be posted on the District’s website referenced above. It is the bidder’s sole responsibility to periodically check the site for any amendments and respond accordingly. All questions or request for clarification must be submitted via email to evangelina.ramirez@sbcusd.k12. ca.us

Publication Date: November 10, 2016 Job Walk: November 14, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. Due Date: Proposal December 21, 2016 at 11:00 a.m.

Eva Ramirez, Buyer, Purchasing Services San Bernardino City Unified District, San School Bernardino, CA (909) 381-1131 CNS-2942565# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 11/10/16 E-7522 City of Banning Request for Proposals 16012 for Design Services for Improvements to Community Services Facilities

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals shall be received by the City of Banning to wit: The City Clerk, P.O. Box 998, Banning, California 92220-0998, on or before the hour of 10:00 a.m. on December 6, 2016.

It shall be the responsibility of the offeror to deliver his proposal to the City Clerk’s office by the announced time. Delivery Location: City of Banning, City Hall, 99 East Ramsey St. (City Clerk’s Office), Banning, California 92220.

The Proposals shall be to the attention of City Clerk in a sealed envelope identified on the outside with the Offeror’s Business Name, Proposer Identity— Request for Proposals 16-012 for Design Services for Improvements to Community Services Facilities and the due date. Proposals will not be publicly opened.

FEDERAL FUNDING CLAUSE: This project is being financed with Community Development Block Grant from the U.S. funds Department of Housing and Urban Development (24 CFR Part 570), and subject to certain Federal requirements. Information pertaining to the Federal requirements is on file with the County of Riverside Economic Development Agency.

The Request for Proposals (RFP No. 16-012) may be downloaded from the City of Banning website at http://ci.banning.ca.us/bids.as px.

If you have additional questions, please contact Jennifer McCoy, via e-mail at jmccoy@ci.banning.ca.us

CITY OF BANNING, CALIFORNIA Dated: 11/10/16 /s/Jennifer McCoy Purchasing Manager

Published El Chicano November 10, 2016 E-7518


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Veterans Ride Omnitrans Free on Veterans Day


n appreciation for the contributions of the men and women who have served in our nation’s armed forces, Omnitrans again is offering free bus rides to US military veterans on Veterans Day, Friday, November 11. Veterans just need to show a veteran-status ID when boarding any Omnitrans bus including freeway express and local bus routes, the sbX rapid line, or OmniGo community shuttles. Accepted veteran IDs include those issued by US Departments of Defense or Veterans Affairs, San Bernardino County Veterans Affairs, and the California Department of Motor Vehicles. “We’re pleased to honor our veterans with free rides on Veterans Day,” said Omnitrans CEO/General Manager P. Scott Graham, himself a veteran of the US Marine Corps. Omnitrans provides ongoing fare discounts for military veterans. A one-way trip is $0.75 for veter-

ans, compared to $1.75 regular fare; a veteran day pass is $2.25 compared to the regular rate of $5. Discounted veteran 7-day and 31-day bus passes are also available. Since Omnitrans introduced a veteran fare in January 2015, an increasing number of retired military personnel have taken advantage of the discount. Boardings attributed to veterans in 2015 averaged 13,061 per In 2016, veteran month. monthly boardings are averaging 15,131 year-to-date, an increase of 16%. All Omnitrans bus routes will be running regular schedules on November 11. The Veterans Day free ride offer is not applicable to Access service for persons with disabilities. Personalized trip planning assistance is available through the Omnitrans information center, at 800-9-OMNIBUS (800-9666428), or online at www.omnitrans.org.

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • November 10, 2016 • Page A15

Page A16 • November 10, 2016 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

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