6 minute read
CSUSB Student David Murillo Awarded Pr estigious Gold water Scholar ship
from *El Chicano 05/11/23
Community News
Cal State San Bernardino chem- istry major David Murillo has been awarded a Goldwater Scholarship, one of the oldest and most prestigious national scholarships in the United States for natural sciences, engineering and mathematics
Murillo, an Adelanto resident, is one of 413 Goldwater Scholars named for 2023 Since 1989, the Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation has awarded 10,283 scholarships, according to their website
Named for the late Arizona Sen Barry Goldwater, the Goldwater Scholarship Program seeks to identify, encourage and financially support college sophomores and juniors who show exceptional promise of becoming the nation’s next generation of research leaders in these fields
The characteristics the Goldwater Foundation seeks in a Goldwater Scholar include: strong commitment to a research center in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering; effective display of intellectual intensity in the sciences, mathematics and engineering; and potential for a significant future contribution to research in their chosen field
Murillo, who is also pursuing a minor in
Community News
The Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley (HSSBV) is hosting a “golf tournament” at the Topgolf location in Ontario (1050 N Archibald Ave) on Sunday, June 25, 2023 from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Registration for full 6 person teams, as well as individuals and smaller groups, is now open Registration is $100 per person and includes the following: tournament play and entry, breakfast, one drink ticket and one complimentary raffle ticket physics, said he has always enjoyed learning and gravitated toward the natural sciences, but had difficulty choosing a specific science
“It was an introduction to organic chemistry class that sparked my interest in chemistry,” Murillo said “I continue in chemistry as I enjoy the principles that govern the interactions of molecules and utilizing those principles to guide the design of materials for bettering the environment and fighting climate change ”
Initially, Murillo went to Victor Valley Community College to get a degree and join the workforce quickly, but after serving as a chemistry tutor and participating in a short computational chemistry winter internship at Victor Valley, Murillo changed his mind

“I knew I wanted to stay in school, learn more and continue on a path where I could learn more every day,” Murillo said “For that reason, I came to CSUSB to attain a bachelor ’s degree My experience here as a learning assistant, researcher, student and club officer has strengthened my conviction in this path ”
Murillo’s short-term goals are to continue to get good results in research and in his academic studies Over the summer he will be conducting research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as part of the MIT Summer Research Program In the fall semester, he will be focusing on applying to graduate schools, research and contribute to the campus community and the greater community by working with CSUSB’s Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) chapter to promote diversity in science
His long-term goals include completing a doctoral degree in chemistry or material science
“I would like to teach at a university level at a primarily undergraduate institution that serves disadvantaged and underrepresented students in science,” Murillo said “I’m not sure where I’ll end up, but ideally, a CSU in Southern California would be my choice Ultimately, it depends on where a position is available As long as I can continue to research, educate and foster student growth, I’d be happy anywhere ”
He credits chemistry and biology professors Renwu “John” Zhang and Kimberly Cousins as mentors and helping foster his growth as an academic
Murillo said Zhang was a valuable source of knowledge in helping him develop his independence as a researcher and cultivate his skills as a lab manager, researcher, and mentor to other research students Cousins, who is also the department chair, had a great influence on him as a professor, research consultant and encouraged him to apply for the Goldwater Scholarship, working with him to develop his research essay
In addition, he said the Center for Advanced Functional Materials and the CREST II grant greatly influenced his college career by providing opportunities to him at Victor Valley and here at CSUSB
Murillo said that being a CSUSB student is to be at a campus “with a diverse student body with people that come here from all walks of life at different stages of their life There are plenty of opportunities to advance your academic and professional career, but also opportunities to meet new people ”
He said he would tell students considering coming here that “CSUSB provides faculty that care about their students and will work with you to find opportunities to explore your interests and fund your studies ”
Learn more about the Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation at its website
Visit www hssbv org/Upcoming-Events for more information and to download the registration forms You can also call 909386-1400 ext 224 for more information
All money raised at the HSSBV Par-Tee for Paws Top Golf Tournament helps support the Humane Society’s Humane Education and Cruelty Investigation Programs Help us prevent pet over population and come enjoy a morning of fun!
This event is also sponsored by Nexgard, Paulson Orthodontics, Dances with Dogs Training Center, Computer Options, Caston, Inc and the Ashbaker Family
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E-8522 nity at all school sites across the District Vendors who are desirous of securing a copy of the RFP documents may do so by logging into the District s website at: https://sbcusd com/bidpostings RFP responses must conform and be responsive in accordance with the RFP Documents posted through the District s OpenGov website portal Proposals must be submitted electronically up to but not later than Friday June 2 2023 at 2:00 p m , at https://sbcusd com/bidpostings Contract award is contingent upon availabil ty of funds Local, Minority and Disabled Veterans Bus nesses are specifica ly encouraged to respond The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to accept or reject any item, to withdraw a line item or entire RFP and to waive any irregularities or informait es in the Bid document(s)
The District may award any all or none of this RFP
By: Laura Cardenas Director
777 North F Street San Bernardino, CA 92410
RFP 22-39 Youth Enrichment Programs
(Expanded Learning -
Creative Before & After School Programs)
GIVEN that the San Bernardino City Unified School District of San Bernardino County State of California, acting through its Governing Board, hereafter referred to as the District , is soliciting electronic proposal submittals through its OpenGov e-Procurement web portal in response to
RFP No 22-39 Youth
Enrichment Programs
(Expanded Learning -
Creative Before & After School Programs) to provide expanded learning opportunities before and/or after school that contributes to the improvement of student academic achievement and overall student success
Vendors who are desirous of securing a copy of the RFP documents may do so by logging into the District s website at: https://procurement opengov com/portal/sb cusd
RFP responses must conform and be responsive in accordance with the RFP
Documents posted through the District s OpenGov website portal Proposals must be submitted electronically up to but not later than June 2 2023 at 1:00 P M at https://procurement opengov com/portal/sb cusd Contract award is contingent upon availability of funds Local Minority and Disabled Veterans Businesses are specifically encouraged to respond The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, and to accept or reject any item to withdraw a line item or entire RFP and to waive any irregularities or informalities in the Bid document(s) The District may award any, all, or none of not be granted If no written objection is timely filed the court may grant the petition without a hearing
Date: MAY 25 2023 Time: 8:30 am Dept: S29
The address of the court is: same as noted above (To appear remotely check in advance of the hearing for informat on about how to do so on the court s website To find your court s website, go to www courts ca gov/findmy-court htm ) A copy of this Order to Show Cause must be published at least once each week for four successive weeks before the date set for hearing on the petition in a of Purchasing Services Publication: Thursday May 11 2023 Request for Clarif cation:
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