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E L C H I C A N o WWe e eekkllyy

By Manny Sandoval

Th e I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s


(IECN) marks a significant transition as Gloria Macias Harrison, former owner, and publisher, has announced the sale of the community news organization to long-standing employees Denise Berver and Manny Sandoval

IECN has a rich history in the Inland Empire, with the Colton C o u r i e r b e g i n n i n g i n 1 8 7 6 , Rialto Record in 1910, and El Chicano in 1968 El Chicano, f o u n d e d b y B i l l a n d G l o r i a Macias Harrison, was estab- lished to change the negative p e r c e p t i o n o f M e x i c a n Americans and Chicanos in the a r e a , e d u c a t e t h e p u b l i c o n community issues, and provide a voice for the underserved and underrepresented Starting as a project of the U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a , E l Chicano became an indepen- dent press in 1969 and has publ i s h e d a w e e k l y n e w s p a p e r every week for 54 years

Gloria Macias Harrison said, “We wanted to change the publ i c ’s p e r c e p t i o n o f M e x i c a n Americans and Chicanos in our area; while educating the public IECN cont on next pg

San Ber nardino City Unified School District Employee Appr eciation Awards


By Ricardo Tomboc

On May 9th, the San Bernardino C i t y U n i f i e d S c h o o l D i s t r i c t (SBCUSD) held an Employee Appreciation Awards Ceremony at the Indian Springs High School Performing Arts Center

It was a standing room only as guests and award recipients took every seat The

SBCUSD Board held its Board Meeting, w h i c h awards ceremony

A special Golden & Crystal Apple Award was issued to several employees

In addition, the National Board-Certified Teachers were recognized, and Dr Amy Aguirre was awarded for her achievements

Numerous employees were also given Service certificates for their longevity and a Certificate of Recognition from the San Bernardino 5th District Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr for their service

Among those receiving recognition was SBCUSD Police Chief Joseph Paulino for his 25 years of Service and Mr Jamie Rios for his 30 years of service to the district

IECN on issues that affected the progress of our community

Today, I’m proud to have published a newspaper every week over the past 54 years that reflect our communities and their issues I’m very proud to hand over the legacy of IECN to Denise Berver and Manny Sandoval, who grew up with the newspaper and understand the spirit behind the publications ”

Berver, a 28-year employee and former Legal Advertising Manager, and Sandoval, Managing News Editor, will now serve as co-owners and publishers of the respected publication

A Colton native and IECN employee since her senior year of high school, Berver has built a strong reputation within the organization and community through her competence, efficiency, and trustworthiness

Berver said, “I learned the business from the publisher, especially Bill Harrison I operate like Bill does, ensuring everything runs smoothly for years I look forward to advancing our publication and utilizing technology to expand and maintain our community ties I accept the legacy and look forward to modernizing ”

Manny Sandoval, who began writing for IECN as a 19-yearold student at San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC), expressed his passion for the publication, stating, “Initially, I became inspired to write and passionate about spotlighting non-profit organizations when I was just 12 years old after experiencing the loss of my younger brother to cancer My mom encouraged me to get out there, and it truly was a form of therapy that has since turned into a full-fledged career For the past decade, it has been rewarding and a privilege to shine a light on the initiatives being executed and positive news across the Inland Empire ”

Sandoval continued, “I’m looking forward to continuing the legacy, collaborating and partnering with KVCR, SBVC’s Department of Film, TV, and Media, and Colton High School’s Pepper Bough to elevate our digital and print news coverage in the cities of San Bernardino, Colton, Rialto, and beyond ”

Bill and Gloria Macias Harrison are proud of the opportunities they have provided young people through their newspapers, stating, “We are very proud of serving our communities and the lives we have affected for people who have worked with us The opportunities we provided to people over the years have landed former employees in PR, communications, national news companies, and government organizations We’re happy to have been part of this for over five decades We look forward to future collaboration with the IECN and remaining active in our community ”

As the new co-owners and publishers of IECN, Berver and Sandoval aim to preserve the legacy of the news publications while embracing modernization and new technologies Both SBVC and California State University, San Bernardino alums are committed to maintaining the strong community ties the publication has built

As IECN embarks on its new chapter, the communities it serves can look forward to an ongoing commitment to providing positive community news, highlighting local issues, and championing balanced stories that matter to the residents of the Inland Empire With the combined experience, passion, and dedication of Berver and Sandoval at the helm, the future of IECN looks brighter than ever

For more information about the Inland Empire Community News and its transition, visit iecn com or follow them on social media @iecommunitynews

SBCUSD 2023 High School Graduation Inf or mation

Community News

Arroyo Valley High School

Graduation: Thursday, June 1, 6 p m , San Manuel Stadium, 280 South E Street, San Bernardino

Graduates: 580*

Valedictorian: Ari Ixcoy

Salutatorian: Consuelo Huidor

Cajon High School

Regalia and Scholarship Ceremony: Wednesday, May 24, 6 p m , Cajon High School gymnasium

Graduation: Friday, June 2, 10 a m , Glen Helen Amphitheater, 2575 Glen Helen Pkwy, San Bernardino, CA 92407

Graduates: 615* (includes 77 International Baccalaureate diploma candidates)

Valedictorians: Yusef Anteur, Ramsey Doueiri, Samantha Penaloza Cabrera, and Riley Snyder

Salutatorians: Mackenzie Cervantes, Tyler Dearing, Gina Murphy, Isabelle Romo, Adam Schulte, and Vanessa Zaragoza

Indian Springs High School

Senior Academic Awards: Thursday, May 18, 6 p m , Indian Springs Performing Arts Center

Graduation: Thursday, June 1, 6 p m , Indian Springs Athletic Complex

Graduates: 350*

Valedictorian: Dulce Acevedo

Salutatorians: Gabriel Garcia Molina, Amy Castaneda, and Adam Figueroa Arias

Inland Career Education Center (formerly San Bernardino Adult School)

Graduation: Monday, May 22, 11 a m , California

Theatre of Performing Arts, 562 West 4th Street, San Bernardino

Graduates: 125* (includes high school diploma and GED certificate graduates)

Middle College High School

Senior Crossing: Thursday, May 18, 6 p m , San Bernardino Valley College Auditorium, 701 S Mt Vernon Avenue, San Bernardino

Graduation: Thursday, May 25, 6 p m , San Bernardino Valley College Greek Theater, 701 S Mt Vernon Avenue, San Bernardino

Graduates: 48* (includes 22 students who will also earn an A A degree from San Bernardino Valley College, 40 students who will also earn a Golden State Seal Merit Diploma, and 22 students who will earn a Seal of Biliteracy)

Valedictorians: Bianca Galvan, Brianna Perez, Tyler Phan, Sheik Sahadat, and Jacob Vargas Lopez

Salutatorians: Venus Fernandez, Nicole Martinez, Kara Piña, and Daniel Suarez

Pacific High School

Senior Award and Scholarship Assembly: Thursday, May 18, 5 p m , Pacific High School Gym

Graduation: Thursday, June 1, 6 p m , at San Bernardino Valley College

Graduates: 196*

Valedictorian: Lizbeth Rodriguez Flores

Salutatorian: Kyliegh Jhae Enriquez

San Andreas High School

Scholarship Ceremony: Friday, May 19, 10 a m , San Andreas High School

Graduation: Thursday, June 1, 6 p m , California Theatre of Performing Arts, 562 West 4th Street, San Bernardino

Graduates: 297*

City of San Ber nardino to Temporaril y Close Per ris Hill Par k and Meadowbr ook Par k f or Maintenance

Community News

The City of San Bernardino has announced that two of its parks, Perris Hill Park and Meadowbrook Park, will be temporarily closed beginning Monday, May 15 in order for the parks to undergo repairs, maintenance, and cleanups Meadowbrook Park is expected to be closed from May 15 until May 19

Perris Hill Park is expected to be closed from May 15 until May 31, The Jerry Lewis Family Swim Center and pickleball courts at Perris Hill Park will remain open

"Both parks have significant maintenance and repair issues, as well as health and safety issues that require inspection and sanitation," said interim City Manager Charles McNeely "The maintenance and cleanup work being performed in the coming weeks will make the parks safer and healthier for all to enjoy,"

The work to be performed includes: mosquito testing and treatment; chemical application for weeds; tree removals; tree trimming; pressure washing of sidewalks, common areas, gazebos, shade structures and hardscapes; Signage replacement; parking lot deep-sweeping and re-striping; bathroom deep-cleaning and sanitizing; painting and touch up of restroom exteriors; graffiti abatement, playground sanitizing and inspection; tree planting; installation of mural art on utility boxes and restroom exterior walls; gate repairs; and trash can repair or replacement

The City of San Bernardino temporarily closed Blair Park and Seccombe Lake Park in the past year to conduct similar work

The parks will be closed to all patrons, including homeless individuals, Notices announcing the closures were posted at the parks on Thursday, May 11 Shelter beds and additional resources are being identified by City Housing and Homeless staff in partnership with nonprofit organizations

The 14-acre Meadowbrook Park is located at the intersection of Second Street and Sierra Way Perris Hill Park encompasses over 64 acres and is located at 1165 Highland Avenue

Never Stop Grinding Impact Hosts Fir st Annual Juneteenth Celebration in Rialto: A Night of Unity, Fr eedom, and Cultur e

By Manny Sandoval

The City of Rialto, in partnership with community organization Never Stop Grinding Impact (NSG), is hosting its first annual Juneteenth celebration on June 23rd at Margaret Todd Park The event, part of the city's summer-long "Movies in the Park" series, promotes unity, freedom, and cultural awareness

"We will be screening Wakanda Forever because it's a black-themed film that coincides with black culture and history," said Darious Harris, founder and CEO of NSG Impact The film will be showcased as part of the event, and families are encouraged to bring chairs, blankets, and snacks to enjoy the movie under the stars

Tameka Grayson, NSG's chief operating officer, highlighted the importance of including an educational element in the celebration "We also wanted to integrate an educational element, so we'll be reading Juneteenth A Children's Story at the event, as literacy is a pillar of Rialto Unified School District, which is one of our community partners So we're encouraging kids to read something different while telling the Juneteenth story in a kid-friendly way," Grayson said

The event serves as a reminder of the significance of Juneteenth, commemorating the end of slavery in the United States and its recent recognition as a national holiday "We want to make sure people know this event is for everyone to celebrate culture and a fun way to get the community out," Grayson added

Harris emphasized the importance of bringing the Juneteenth celebration to Rialto "Juneteenth represents unity, freedom, and equity So it's important to bring it to my city," he said "I want my kids to appreciate how far we've come and understand our ancestors' struggles It's about teaching them humility and not taking anything for granted "

The event will feature food, vendors, music, youth activities, games and giveaways, and art Registrations for the giveaways can be made on the NSG Impact website However, it's first come, first served, and registration does not guarantee items

In addition to the movie screening, the event is part of an eight-week series running every Friday throughout the summer (excluding the week of July 4th), starting on June 2nd at Rialto City Park

The IEHP-sponsored event is open to all residents, not just those of Rialto The Juneteenth Celebration of Culture will occur on June 23rd, from 5 - 11 PM at Margaret Todd Park The movie starts at sundown For more information, call (909)421-4949

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