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[New] San Ber nardino Seeks Volunteer s f or its Januar y 26 Homeless Point-In-Time Count

Community News

The City of San Bernardino is asking members of the community to volunteer for its annual homeless Point-in-Time Count (PITC) on Thursday, January 26, from 5:30 am to 10:00 am Participants will convene at the San Manuel Stadium parking lot, home of the San Bernardino 66ers, located at 280 South “E” Street


“The Point-in-Time Count has a direct impact on our city’s funding to address homelessness and volunteer turnout is critical to the count’s success,” said Mayor Helen Tran “I will be there on January 26th and hope to see everyone there to help San Bernardino address homelessness ”

The PITC is a Federally mandated activity created to identify the number of unhoused individuals throughout the nation The results of the count are used in determining funding allotments for programs and services in local communities PITC surveys will occur throughout San Bernardino County on January 26

“The Mayor and City Council recently adopted a comprehensive homeless action plan to serve our San Bernardino’s most vulnerable residents,” said Cassandra Searcy, Deputy Director of Housing and Homelessness “A complete count is essential to strategically implement the plan and volunteers are critical to the Count’s success ”

Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and may include anyone who would like to help address homelessness in San Bernardino, such as social service providers, educational institutions, faith-based organizations, local businesses, civic/nonprofit organizations, neighborhood associations, current and formerly homeless individuals, and community members

To register to be a volunteer, please visit: https://sbchp sbcounty gov/community- projects/point-in-time-count/

A “smart” phone/device will be needed to conduct the count Volunteers are asked to participate in an on-line virtual training session where safety guidelines will be discussed, and instructions provided on how to use the survey mobile app

For more information, please contact Ashley Esquivel, San Bernardino Homeless Services Coordinator, at (909) 384-7272 extension 3372

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