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E L C H I C A N o WWe e eekkllyy

Community News

In front of thousands of c h e e r i n g f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s , S a n B e r n a r d i n o Va l l e y C o l l e g e g r a d u a t e s crossed the stage on May 24 in the San Manuel Stadium, signifying their successful transition f r o m s t u d e n t s t o Wo l v e r i n e alumni


This year ’s ceremony honored the 1,698 students comprising the college's 96th graduating class, who have earned their associate degrees, certificates or completed transfer requirem e n t s , r e c e i v i n g a t o t a l o f

2,721 degrees and certificates

Graduates included those who met all requirements in fall

2022, spring 2023 and summer

2 0 2 3 s e m e s t e r s T h e t o p degrees and certificates were

C S U g e n e r a l e d u c a t i o n f o r transfer, basic peace officer, biological & physical sciences, social & behavioral sciences, and psychiatric technology

L e d b y Vi c e P r e s i d e n t o f Instruction, Dina Humble, the ceremony featured a keynote a d d r e s s f r o m D r L o u i e F Rodriguez, SBVC Hall of Fame Alumnus and Vice Provost at U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a , R i v e r s i d e H i s i m p a c t f u l address highlighted the importance of the local community, r e m i n d i n g s t u d e n t s , SBVC cont on next pg

Two Sets of Twin Doctor s Graduate fr om LLU School of Medicine and Phar macy

Two sets of local twins achieved their life-long dream of becoming d o c t o r s a f t e r g r a d u a t i n g f r o m o m a L i n d a U n i v e r s i t y S c h o o l s o f Medicine and Pharmacy on the same day

Three commencement ceremonies with 437 graduates were held on Sunday, May 28, kicking off the university’s graduation season Five other schools and the San Manuel Gateway College will follow on Sunday, June 11

The Bathan Twins

Twin sisters Lauren and Karen Bathan grew up in Loma Linda Their parents are also LLU alums: their mother, a nurse practitioner, and their father, a physical therapy assistant “Although our parents first influenced us to have a healthcare career, we decided to become doctors to lead patient care,” Lauren said

Karen, older by one minute, says she and her sister only applied to LLU School of Medicine “We wanted to be here,”

Karen said “The culture of compassion and practice of whole person care was the perfect foundation for how we want to practice medicine ”

Both sisters have a passion for mission service and are excited to continue to help the medically underserved locally and abroad

The Sunday commencement ceremony marked the second time the Bathan twins g r a d u a t e d f r o m L L U w i t h i d e n t i c a l degrees They completed their undergradu a t e p r o g r a m i n C l i n i c a l L a b o r a t o r y Science at LLU School of Allied Health Professions

The Chan Twins

Similarly, twin brothers Christopher and L u i s C h a n a t t e n d e d L L U S c h o o l o f P h a r m a c y a f t e r g r a d u a t i n g f r o m University of California Riverside with bachelor ’s of science degrees in biology

Originally from Chino, the duo is the first in their family to attend university


“Excellence is about your community It’s about our communities Your community needs you ”

Class of 2023 graduate Daniel Hinojosa delivered the student speech during the ceremony He shared his story of struggle and triumph adversity, including dropping out of high school, post-traumatic stress after military service, addiction and mental health issues He said he hopes his story will inspire others to keep going and never give up on their dreams

City of San Ber nardino Receives SCAG Sustainability Award f or Its Clean F leet Policy

Community News

The City of San Bernardino has received the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Sustainability Award for Alternative Fuels and Infrastructure for its Zero Emission First – Clean Fleet Policy

The City was recognized at SCAG’s regional conference, held in Palm Desert Mayor Helen Tran and Council Member Damon Alexander were on hand to receive the award

“We are pleased and honored to be recognized by SCAG for our Clean Fleet Policy,” said San Bernardino Council Member Damon Alexander, who also sits on the SCAG Regional Council “It not only speaks to San Bernardino’s commitment to sustainability but is a roadmap to make a difference ”

The award was one of seven sustainability awards presented by SCAG recognizing excellence and innovation to improve mobility, livability, prosperity, and sustainability SCAG is the nation’s largest metropolitan planning organization, encompassing six counties (Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura), 191 cities, and 19 million people in an area covering more than 38,000 square miles

San Bernardino’s Clean Fleet Policy was unanimously adopted by the City Council on December 7, 2022 It serves as the City’s first initiative to reduce emissions from its daily operations

The policy establishes a framework for transitioning the City’s fleet from gas powered vehicles to zero to low-emission vehicles

The policy represents San Bernardino’s commitment to environmental responsibility

The core objectives of San Bernardino’s Clean Fleet Policy include:

• Procure new and replace existing fleet vehicles with alternative fuel vehicles, with a focus on procuring all electric vehicles

• Optimize the fleet size by eliminating unused or underused vehicles through review and evaluation of vehicle utilization and redundancy reports

• Limit the procurement of gasoline and/or diesel-powered vehicles

• Execute a plan to expand the network of charging stations city-wide

• Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pol-


“We knew in high school we wanted to become doctors,” Luis said “After volunteering at Pomona Valley Medical Center in college, we knew pharmacy was the right career path for us ”

Born to immigrant parents from China and Hong Kong, the brothers are practicing Buddhists They say they applied to LLU because it was California's only faith-based academic health sciences center “We chose LLU School of Pharmacy after interviews with other schools because everyone was so welcoming here,” Christopher said “The faculty truly cared about our success we weren’t just another candidate like other places ”

The Chan twins say attending weekly chapel services throughout their program was essential to their student experience and, ultimately, their success “Having the opportunity to integrate our faith practice as part of our studies helped us get through,”

Luis said “Although our religions are different, we are connected to God and believe in the mission to Make Man Whole ”

The Best Thing

Both sets of twins agree the best thing about going through a doctoral program together is the built-in support network, study partner and assignment accountability “And second helpings of treats when they confuse you for the other twin and offer you more,” Luis said

What’s Next

Lauren is pursuing an InternalMedicine Pediatrics (Med-Peds) specialty and has been matched to a residency program at University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria At the same time, Karen will complete an Internal Medicine residency at Kaiser Santa Clara in Northern California

School of Entr epr eneur ship to Host Camp f or High School Students

Community News lutants through the elimination of fossil fuel combustion

Decrease costs associated with fleet vehicle operations, which can be reinvested into the community

The Clean Fleet Policy is the first of a series of strategies and initiatives the San Bernardino intends to pursue to support the City’s efforts to achieve net zero emissions in its operations

Gr oundbr eaking Cer emony f or Welcoming Resource

Community News

The San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) is proud to announce the groundbreaking ceremony for the highly anticipated Welcoming Resource Center, a $45-million transformative project set to streamline services for families and breathe new life into the downtown area This state-of-the-art, threestory facility will serve as a hub for supporting and empowering families within our community, fostering a sense of unity and providing essential resources for every child’s educational journey

The groundbreaking ceremony will take place at 10 a m on Wednesday, May 24 at the site of the future Welcoming Resource Center, located at 736 North E Street in San Bernardino District officials, community and parent leaders, and members of the public will come together to celebrate this monumental occasion and mark the beginning of a renaissance for the downtown area The project is slated for completion in December 2024

The Welcoming Resource Center aims to provide a centralized space that offers a wide range of resources and services to students, families, and community members

This dynamic facility will house various departments and programs, including Family Engagement, Enrollment and Placement Services, Specialized Programs, and much more It was families who lobbied SBCUSD for a place to call their own

The center will provide comprehensive support services for families, such as parent education workshops, counseling, and assistance with navigating school-related processes

The construction of the Welcoming Resource Center is not only a testament to the San Bernardino City Unified School District's commitment to empowering families but also a catalyst for revitalizing the downtown area, said Superintendent Mauricio Arellano The District's investment in this project demonstrates its dedication to community development and ensuring that all families have access to the resources necessary for their success

“The Welcoming Resource Center will be a beacon of hope and opportunity for our families,” Arellano said “This project represents our commitment to providing comprehensive support and resources to empower every student and family in San Bernardino and Highland We are also excited to contribute to the revitalization of our downtown area ”

The groundbreaking ceremony signifies a significant milestone in this ambitious project, and the San Bernardino City Unified School District welcomes the school community to join them in celebrating this momentous occasion

The School of Entrepreneurship from the Jack H Brown College of Business and Public Administration at the California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) will be hosting the UpStarters Discovery Camp on campus so high school students can get a first-hand look at the college experience and get a taste of entrepreneurship this summer

The UpStarters Discovery Camp will run from June 20-22, 2023 Student guests will get the chance to stay in the newest dorms at CSUSB and receive 20 hours of intense entrepreneurial insights, develop skills to learn to Think Like an Owner™, and tips for getting the most out of college from a Top 50 Princeton

Review ranked academic program Students will also have the opportunity to engage with local entrepreneurs from different industries

“This is a rare opportunity for students to get a taste of the college experience on campus in our new dorms,” said Stacey Allis, assistant director of the IECE and lecturer at the CSUSB School of Entrepreneurship

“They will learn real-life skills in innovation and entrepreneurship to apply to any professional level position ”

The two nights and three dayprogram at CSUSB is $299 per person For more information visit https://entre csusb edu/content/udc To Register visit https://iece ticketleap com/2023 udc/

County Wins 160 Awards fr om National Association of Counties

Community News

San Bernardino County’s diverse array of public service projects and programs won a record-breaking 160 Achievement Awards from the National Association of Counties (NACo), topping the recordbreaking and nation-leading 82 national awards the County earned last year

"This is very exciting news for the county and the people that we serve," said Board of Supervisors Chair Dawn Rowe "I am very proud of the dedication and innovation our more than 22,000 employees bring to their jobs each day These awards show we are working hard at the county to serve our residents "

The 160 awards from NACo’s 2023 Achievement Awards program cover every aspect of service provided by San Bernardino County, including emergency response, homeless services, health care, social services, public safety, animal care, recreation and culture, transportation, services for children and seniors, public information, management of public funds, and economic development

The projects and programs recognized by NACo included the Curtain of Courage memorial to the victims of the December 2, 2015 terrorist attack, the County’s redesigned website, improvements to the County’s Big Bear Alpine Zoo, the DocuPet Animal Care program, the County’s diversity program, the annual Point-in-Time Count of the county’s homeless, and the efforts to attract the movie industry to the county’s vast number of filming locations

Each year, NACo’s Achievement Awards are given to honor innovative, effective county government programs that strengthen services for residents They are granted in 18 categories that reflect the vast, comprehensive services counties provide

Community News

The Changing Lives Association in association with Music Changing Lives, the California Endowment and the Institute for Public Strategies is excited to announce the second annual State of the Youth Conference (SOTY), Creativity and Sustainability™, to be held Thursday, June 22, 2022 through Saturday, June 24, 2022 from 8:45 a m to 3 p m at the San Bernardino Valley College in San Bernardino, California

This event is open to all youth living in the Inland Empire and Los Angeles County, ages 13-34, at no cost Registration is required; space is limited to the first 150 registrants More than 70 students have already registered SOTY will empower and set participants up for success by featuring workshops, panel discussions, team building activities, and live entertainment Local colleges and employers will share information on education and job opportunities while thought-leaders from across the country will offer valuable insight to equitably lift up the voices of the next generation of leaders by addressing the racial, economic, and social issues that are important to them

The vision is simple: create civically engaged leaders through artivism, a practice which combines activism with creative expression to foster diverse thinking while creating real change and impact

Workshops over the three-day conference will focus on leadership, civic engagement, policy change, entrepreneurship, creating generational wealth, career readiness, college pathways, health and wellness including the prevention of alcohol and substance misuse, mental health, mindfulness, nutrition, creative expression, family dynamics, and


The ultimate goal of the conference is to create real change and impact, driven by youth across the Inland Empire and Los Angeles county Participants looking for the support of an advisor for ongoing growth and development after the conference can also apply for a mentorship program

To register for the conference and view the conference schedule, please visit https://www mus i c c h a n g i n g l i v e s o r g / s o t y Conference organizers are grateful for the outcry of support from their community They are no longer in need of speakers but volunteers are still in needed for the event If you are interested in donating to assist funding the conference and other endeavors facilitated by Music Changing Lives, please contribute by clicking this link: https://www musicchanginglives org/donate or to volunteer, call MCL staff at 951992-0721

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