5 minute read

Foundation Brings

Ma gical Encounter with Animatr onics to Loma Linda Univer sity Childr en’s Hospital

Community News


Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital patients and their families had a chance to see, look, and feel a variety of animatronic creations up close on Wednesday, July 12

The Garner Holt Foundation, recognized for its work in designing and manufacturing animatronics for major clients like Disneyland and Universal Studios, transformed a room in the hospital into an interactive space Garner Holt, founder and president of Garner Holt Productions, Inc , was present at the event, bringing along two animatronic birds that brought joy and wonder to the young patients

"It's a great thrill for us," says Holt "The Garner Holt Foundation was created to work with underserved kids, foster kids, and kids in hospitals, and it warms my heart to bring the excitement that kids see in theme parks and bring our world to them ”

One of the highlights of the visit was a STEAM workshop, allowing families to unleash their creativity by building a robotic creature called a BrushTronic Bug There was also a video showcasing the intricate process of creating animatronics, allowing viewers to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the artistry and engineering behind these remarkable creations

The Garner Holt Foundation's visit to Children's Hospital held significant meaning for one family Michael Burke, 18, is a former Children's Hospital patient who was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma, a rare form of soft tissue cancer, at the age of 17 He underwent a year-long medical journey, which included surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation Michael is now in remission and joined his parents on the Garner Holt Productions team as a tour guide

During the visit, he expressed his gratitude for the op- portunity to give back to Children's Hospital and share the magic of his workplace

"I think the biggest thing I want to do is inspire kids going through the same thing as I was," said Burke "Keep a positive attitude and keep smiling, no matter how difficult the journey may be "

The event highlights the resilience and strength of young cancer survivors like Michael, as well as the compassion and collaboration between healthcare professionals and community partners who go above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of their patients and create uplifting experiences for young patients

"Being in the hospital can be one of the more challenging times,” said Peter Baker, senior vice president and administrator at Loma Linda University Children’s Health “It's really amazing to see the reaction on the patient's face, what today means, the partnerships around child care, and bringing joy and happiness to our kids ”





El 6 de abril de 2020 se promulgó el presupuesto del año fiscal (FY) 2020 para el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano que inc uye fondos suplementarios de ayuda alivio y seguridad económica por el coronavirus (Ley CARES)

A la ciudad de San Bernardino se e asignaron

$2,003,529 en fondos de la ronda 1 CV de Subvención en

Community Development

B ock Grant (CDBG) y

$1,702,135 en fondos CDBG-

CV en la ronda 3 Se propone una enmienda sustanc al que afectará el Plan de acción anual del año fiscal 2020-

2021 (FY20 -21 AAP) que permite a la Ciudad asignar

$1 100 981 de fondos CDBG-

CV 1 y 3 no gastados a un refugio de emergencia provisional para ayudar a familias e individuos sin hogar brindándoles instalaciones de refugio temporal Esta es la segunda enmienda sustanc al de la Ciudad a sus fondos CV

En concreto se reprogramarán los siguientes fondos:

CDBG CV 1 - Administración no gastada y fondos del pro- grama: $764 771

CDBG CV 3 - Fondos de administración no gastados:



NOTIFICA que habrá una

Audiencia Públ ca para revisar y aprobar a Segunda

Enmienda Propuesta FY2021 AAP como lo requiere

HUD La reunión se levará a cabo el Miércoles 16 de Agosto de 2023 a las 7:00 p m en 555 West 6th Street San Bernardino CA 92410

Las copias de esta Enmienda

Sustancial FY20-21 AAP estarán disponibles al público para su revisión y comentarios desde el unes 17 de ju io de 2023 hasta el martes 15 de agosto de 2023 en los siguientes lugares:

1 Departamento de Desarrollo Económico y Comunitar o de la C udad de San Bernardino 201 N E Street 3rd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401; o

2 Página web: https://www sbcity org/city ha ll/community economic deve lopment/housing/publ c notic es; o 3 Ciudad de San Bernardino, Oficina del Secretario Municipal 201 N E St San Bernardino CA 92401; o 4 Bib ioteca Centra Norman F Feldheym 555 West 6th Street San Bernardino CA 92410

Todos os comentarios escritos re acionados con esta Enm enda Sustancial FY20-21 AAP deben enviarse a más tardar a las 11:00 a m del 15 de agosto de 2023 a,

A a atención de: Trina Perez analista de gestión sénior, Departamento de Desarro lo Económ co y Comunitario

Le invitamos a llamar al (909)

384-7272 x3063 si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este borrador de enmienda sustancia


El objetivo de a Ciudad es cumplir con la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabi itación de 1973 enmendada a Ley

Amer cans with Disabilities Act (ADA) de 1990 y la Ley de Enmienda de la ADA de 2008 la Ley de Vivienda Justa y la Ley de Barreras

Arquitectónicas Con todo respeto Si necesita documentos públicos en un formato accesib e, a Ciudad hará los esfuerzos razonables para acomodar su solic tud Si neces ta adaptaciones re acionadas con a d scapacidad para asistir o part cipar en una audienc a o reunión, inc uidos los servicios o ayu- contract amount

12 TIME FOR COMPLETION The work shall be completed forty-five (45) ca endar days foowing rece pt of a wr tten Notice to Proceed from the C ty

13 RETENTION The City withholds five percent (5%) of each progress payment as retent on Pursuant to Cal fornia Public Contract Code section 22300 the successful b dder may substtute certain secur t es for money withhe d by the City to ensure performance of the contract At the request and expense of the contractor securities equiva ent to the amount w thheld sha l be deposited with

Pre-Qualification: The San Bernardino City Unified School District ( D strict ) has determined that contractors on future projects ( Contractor(s) or Firm(s) ) must be prequalified prior to submitting a b d or proposa on a project This form must be completed by:

• Contractors that intend to bid or propose to perform work under a C-4 C-7 C-10 C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C38 C-42 C-43 and/or C-46 license (s) and that intend to bid or submit a proposal

Pre-qua fication application packages are available on the District s websitehttps://sbcusdfacilities com/tr a n s f o r m i n g - s c h o o l s / b i dopportunities/ and must be submitted prior to 4:00pm on Tuesday July 11 2023

Notices to pre-prequalification applicants will be provided no later than Tuesday July 18, 2023 with a complete list of prequa ified contractors to be published on the District s website by the fo lowing day

Prospective bidders are encouraged to submit prequalification packages as soon as possible so that they may be notified of pre-qual ties or informalit es n any b d


14 2023

Published by: Mal ory Crecelius City C erk

Published El Chicano Ju y 20 2023 E-8557

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