17 minute read

[New] C a d e n C e n t e r

and pr edicting the final week of the NFL r egular season

Week18 For some teams, the week will mean go big or go home


For others jockeying for better seeding, it’ll determine what their path is to the Super Bowl

There are a lot of crucial matchups involving playoff-hopeful teams that are sure to bring plenty of drama, and a breakdown of each possible scenario is needed

Let’s start with the NFC We’ll start at the top where four teams still have a shot at the #1 overall seed and the coveted first round bye

The simplest solution to this matter is simple; the Eagles finally get their clinching win and eliminate any other scenario

However, if they lose, the door is open for the Cowboys, 49ers, and Vikings

If all three of these teams were to win and everybody ends up at 13-4, the 49ers would own the tiebreaker and become the #1 overall seed

However, if they lose, the door opens up for the Vikings

If they also then lose, the Cowboys winning would get them not only the

NFC East division crown, but also the #1 overall seed, sending the Eagles all the way down to the 5 seed and on the road for the first round of the playoffs

We then look down the playoff picture and see the Giants at the 6 seed, locked to their place, which brings up the 7 seed which is a 3 team race between the Packers, Lions, and Seahawks

Similar to the Eagles, if the Packers win next week against Detroit, they are in and there’s nothing else to it

However, if the Lions beat the Packers, the Packers are eliminated Then, combining that Lions win with a Seahawks loss, would mean the Lions are in

Add the Lions win with a Seahawks win, however, and the Seahawks get the final spot

Expect the Packers-Lions game to be Sunday afternoon or night in order to add to the suspense even more

How I predict the NFC playoff bracket will look like in seeding order is: 49ers, Cowboys, Vikings, Buccaneers, Eagles, Giants, Packers:

Moving on to the AFC, where’s there’s also traffic at the #1 spot

At the time I’m writing this article, the Bills and Bengals have not yet played their Week 17 Monday night game:

However, no matter the result of that game, the Bills only need to finish with the same record as the Chiefs or better to become the #1 seed, as they own the tiebreaker

If the Bengals lose to the Bills, their 1 seed hopes are dead

However, if they win, they’d need another win in Week 18, as well as for the Chiefs to lose in Vegas, to secure the spot Those are the only 3 teams in play for the #1 spot

Moving down to the battle for the #4 seed and the AFC South, the Titans and Jaguars will face off in basically a playin game

Whoever wins goes to the playoffs and whoever loses is out, very similar to the Chargers vs Raiders Sunday night clash last year

In the event of an unlikely tie in that game, the Jaguars would go through

As for the 5 seed, the Chargers can clinch that with a win in their week 18 game

If they lose, however, the Ravens can snatch it with a win in their game

This 5 seed is crucial, as whoever earns it will most likely be favored to beat the winner of Jags vs Titans

Now, let’s talk about the 7 seed, which is down to the Patriots, Dolphins, and Steelers, and the Jaguars if they do not secure the division title

The Patriots can end the chaos with a win against the Bills, but given the circumstances, that seems unlikely, so let’s once again address the other scenarios

The first team to have dibs on #7 if the Patriots lose is the Dolphins, who can clinch with a win

If they both lose, the Steelers are up next, and a win would put them in Lastly, if the Jags lose vs the Titans, losses from all the aforementioned teams would miraculously get them through

How I predict the AFC playoff bracket will look like in seeding order is: Chiefs, Bengals, Bills, Jaguars, Chargers, Ravens, Steelers

This week 18 is sure to be full of games to remember, and fans across the nation will surely grow some grey hairs watching their team play for possibly the last time this season

I’ll be back next week after all the chaos with my full playoff preview and my predictions

TO BIDDERS / INVITATION TO BID Not ce s hereby given that the governing board ( Board ) of the San Bernardino City Unified School District ( District ) will receive sealed bids to construct the following project: F23-01 Exterior Paint – Belvedere, Hillside & Lytle Creek Elementary Schools ( Project or Contract ) Contractors must submit sealed bids on or before 2:00 p m , Thursday, February 9, 2023, at the District Office – Bid Box located at 777 North F Street San Bernardino California 92410 at or after which t me the District will open the b ds and pub icly read them aloud Any claim by a Bidder of error in its bid must be made in comp iance with Public Contract Code § 5100 et seq Any b d that is submitted after this time shall be non-responsive and returned to the Bidder The District is not responsible for Bids that are received after the deadline noted above The Project consists of but not lim ted to the fol owing scope: Exterior Pa nt at 3 Sites: Belvedere H ls de & Lytle Creek E ementary Schools All b ds shall be on the form provided by the District Each b d must conform and be responsive to all pertinent Contract Documents ncluding but not limited to the Instructions to Bidders To bid on this Project, the Bidder is required to possess one or more of the following State of California Contractor L censes: Class C-33 or Class B

The Bidder s license(s) must be active and in good standing at the time of the bid opening and must remain so throughout the term of the Contract As security for its Bid each Bidder shall provide with its Bid form a bid bond issued by an admitted surety nsurer on the form provided by the District, • cash, or a cashier's check or a certified check drawn to the order of the San Bernardino City Unified School District n the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total b d price This bid security shall be a guarantee that the Bidder shall within seven (7) calendar days after the date of the Not ce of Award enter into a contract with the District for the performance of the services as stipulated n the bid

The successful Bidder shall be requ red to furnish a 100% Performance Bond and a 100% Payment Bond if it is awarded the contract for the Pro ect The successfu Bidder may substitute secur ties for any monies w thheld by the District to ensure performance under the Contract in accordance with the provisions of Public Contract Code § 22300

The successful Bidder and its subcontractors shall pay all workers on the Project not less than the genera prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for ho iday and overtime work as determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations State of Ca ifornia for the type of work performed and the locality in wh ch the work is to be performed with n the boundaries of the D str ct pursuant to Labor Code § 1770 et seq Prevailing wage rates are on file w th the District and are avai able to any interested party on request or at www dir ca gov/oprl/statist i c s a n d d a t a b a s e s h t m l Bidders and Bidders subcontractors shall comp y with the registration and qua fication requirements pursuant to Labor Code §§ 1725 5 & 1771 1

A non-mandatory pre-bid conference and site vis t w ll be held on Tuesday January 17 2023 at 9:30 a m starting at Belvedere ES 2501 Marshall B vd H gh and CA 92346 and continue to Hillside ES and Lytle Creek ES All part cipants are required to sign in at the Main Office Contract Documents are ava lable on Thursday January 5 2023 and may be viewed and ordered through Crisp Imaging P anwell Service onl ne by clicking on PUBLIC PLANROOM' at www crispimg com Contract Documents are a so available for purchase for one hundred dollars ($100 00) Th s fee is refundab e if the Contract Documents are returned in clean condit on to Cr sp Imaging no later than five (5) calendar days after the date of the bid opening Cr sp Imag ng 3180 Pullman Street Costa Mesa CA 92626 Phone: (866) 632-

Dodge document we@mhfl com

Phone: 1-800-393-6343 Fax: 1-877-836-7711

The Blue Book Building & Construction Network Public Plan Room: www thebluebook com 800 E Main St P O Box 500 Jefferson Valley NY 10535

TJ Downey tdowney@thebluebook com Phone: (800) 431-2584 Ext 3177 Fax: (914) 243-4936

CMD GROUP Public Plan Room: www cmdgroup com 30 Technology Pkwy S Ste 100 Norcross GA 30092

M chael Lunan mike lunan@cmdgroup com

Architectural Source Relat ons Specia ist Reed Construction Data (770) 209-3414

In addition Contract Documents are avai able for rev ew at the fo owing bui ders exchange

The District s Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or waive any irreguarity in any bid received If the D strict awards the Contract the security of unsuccessful Bidder(s) shall be returned w thin sixty (60) days from the time the award is made

Unless otherwise required by aw no Bidder may withdraw ts bid for ninety (90) days after the date of the bid opening

The District sha l award the Contract if it awards it at al to the lowest responsive responsible B dder based on: The base bid amount only


First Publicat on Thursday January 5 2023

Second Publ cation Thursday January 12 2023

Pre-B d Conference and Job Walk Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 9:30AM

RFI Due Tuesday January 24 2023 at 4:00PM

Addendum Due Friday January 27 2023

Bid Opening Thursday February 9, 2023 at 2:00PM

Tentative Board Meeting March 21 2023

NOA Issued (Tentative) March 22 2023


PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 1/5, 1/12/23 E-8442

Ti den-Coil Constructors s the awarded Lease-Leaseback

General Contractor for the followng project:

San Bernardino City Unified School District

San Bernardino High School –Cardinal Child Development Center

Bid Submissions: B ds must be submitted on or before 2:00 pm on February 2, 2023

P ease submit your proposal to Tilden-Coil Constructors using the SmartB d submit proposal feature through your secure proect link

To become a plan ho der and obtain a secure project link


Notice Of Public Sale Of Goods To Satisfy Lien

AUCTION LOCATION: 13032 Slover Ave , Fontana, Ca 92337

In accordance w th the provisions of the California Commercial Code Sections 7201-7210 notice is hereby given that on Thursday January 19 2023 at the hour of 10:00am of said date, at 13032 Slover Ave , City of Fontana County of San Bernardino, State of CA, the undersigned will sell at public auction for cash in lawful money of the United States, the articles hereinafter descr bed be onging to or deposited w th the undersigned by the persons hereinafter named at Clutter, INC Said goods are being held on the accounts of: Prepared US

All other goods are described as pal ets of KN95 Mask sanitizer wipes anti-bacterial w pes and the unknown The auction w ll be made for the purpose of satisfy ng the lien of the undersigned on said personal property to the extent of the sum owed, together with the cost of the sale For information contact Clutter INC Terms: Cash only with a 15% buyer s premium Inspection at sale t me Payment and removal day of sale Auction conducted by American Auctioneers, Dan Dotson & Associates (800) 838-SOLD (909) 790-0433 or www americanauctioneers com Bond #FS863-20-14 C utter, INC CNS-3655439# PUBLISHED RIALTO RECORD 1/5 1/12/23 R-3693

Third St , San Bernardino, CA 92415

IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing Your appearance may be n person or by your attorney

IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code or (2) 60 days from the date of maiing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the Californ a Probate Code

Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a credtor You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law

YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court If you are a person interested n the estate you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code sect on 1250 A Request for Special Notice form s available from the court clerk

NOTICE Extra Space Storage wil hold a publ c auction to sel persona property described below belong ng to those indiv duals isted be ow at the ocat on indicated: 10192 Linden Ave Bloom ngton CA 92316 January 24 2023 @ 11:30 am Alfredo Salazar: Couch, M n fridge, auto head lights Car bumber and car seats; Carlos Mendoza: Matresses boxes; Ange a Fountain: boxes The auction wi l be l sted and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made with cash only and pa d at the above referenced facil ty in order to comp ete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up unti the w nning bidder takes possession of the persona property CN992335 01-24-2023 Published Rialto Record Jan 5 12 2023 R-3699

Present name: Jocelyn Denise Rivera to Proposed name: Jocelyn Denise Saldana THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause if any why the petition for change of name should not be granted Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that ncludes the reasons for the objection at east two court days before the matter s scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the pet tion should not be granted If no written objection is timely f led the court may grant the petition without a hearing

NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 1/13/2023 Time: 8:30 am Dept: S16 The address of the court s: same as noted above A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be pub ished at east once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hear ng on the petition in the fo low ng newspaper of general c rculat on printed in this county: El Chicano Newspaper (IECN) INLAND EMPIRE COMMUNITY NEWS Dated: DEC 09 2022

JOHN M PACHECO Judge of the Superior Court Published E Chicano 12/15,12/22,12/29/22,1/5/23 E-8434

Pre-Bid Conference: non-mandatory pre-b d conference wi l be held at 10:00 am on Tuesday January 10 2023 at: 1850 N E Street San Bernard no CA 92405

Requests for Information (RFI s): Requests for nformation for this project is due by 4:00 pm January 20 2023 B dders are required to nd cate the project name n the tit e of your request submiss on Submit a l requests for nformation to Mathew Sh eh mshieh@ti den-coil com

Pre-Qualification: The San Bernard no City Unified School District ( District ) has determined that contractors on future projects ( Contractor(s) or Firm(s) ) must be prequalif ed prior to subm tting a bid or proposal on a pro ect This form must be comp eted by:

* Contractors that ntend to bid or propose to perform work under a C-4 C-7 C-10 C-16 C-20 C34 C-36 C-38 C-42 C-43 and/or C-46 l cense (s) and that ntend to bid or submit a proposal

Skilled and Trained Workforce: Respondents are adv sed that this pro ect must conform to the rev s ons of the Californ a Education Code Section 17407 5 mandated by AB 418 As such a subcontractors are required to prov de a "Sk lled and Tra ned Workforce" Published El Chicano January 5 12 2023 E-8443

NOTICE Extra Space Storage wi l ho d a pub ic auction to sell personal property descr bed be ow belonging to those ind vidua s l sted below at the location indicated: 3285 N Locust Ave Rialto CA 92377 on January 25 2023 at 10:30 am Marcos Torres Household Goods; Teareatha Johnson, Househo d Goods; Jonathan Suarez, Household Goods; Susana Cervantes, Househo d Goods; Jimm e Johnson Household Goods The auction wil be isted and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced faci ity n order to comp ete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may resc nd any purchase up unt l the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property CN992797 01-25-2023 Pub ished R a to Record Jan 5 12 2023 R-3695


To all heirs beneficiaries creditors contingent creditors and persons who may other-wise be interested in the will or estate or both, of MARGARET ZUNIGA TORRES

A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Gavino Torres in the Superior Court of Ca ifornia County of SAN BERNARDINO

THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that Gavino Torres be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent

Attorney for petitioner: CYNTHIA VELASCO ESQ SBN 306140 GREENACRE LAW LLP 700 FLOWER ST STE 1000 LOS ANGELES CA 90017 CN992606 TORRES Published Rialto Record Dec 29, 2022, Jan 5,12, 2023 R-3690

NOTICE Extra Space Storage wi l ho d a pub ic auction to se l personal property descr bed be ow belonging to those individua s listed below at the ocat on nd cated: Fac lity Address 13475 Baseline Rd Fontana CA 92336 Date Janaury 24 2023 Time of Sale 10:30 AM Jessie Hubbard General Descr pt on of PropertyOffice items and personal paperwork; T mothy Wilford Kamotto General Description of PropertBoxes; Brian Icamen, General Description of Property-Boxes insurments and personal Items ; Brittany Powel General Descr ption of Property-Bags boxes and tots The auction wi l be listed and advert sed on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facil ty in order to comp ete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may resc nd any purchase up unt l the w nn ng bidder takes possession of the personal property CN992907 01-24-2023 Published R a to Record Jan 5 12 2023 R-3696

NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll hold a public auction to sell personal property described below beonging to those nd viduals l sted below at the location indicated: 18777 Bloomington Ave Bloomngton, CA

NOTICE Extra Space Storage wi l hold a pub ic auction to se l persona property described below belonging to those indiv duals isted be ow at the ocat on ndicated: 313 S R vers de Ave R alto CA 92376 January 24th 2023 11:30 AM Monique Ramirez Boxes antiques mattres; Hal M Ector, Household items; Enrique Regalado Misce laneous items; Andrew V cent Ayon King mattres small couches small tables photography equ pment; Pearla Rubio Bed set; Alan Gamez Sectional microwave boxes; R chard Silas 2 Bedroom furniture, refrigerator, TV, household items, boxes, clothes The auction w ll be l sted and advertised on www storagetreasures com Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facil ty in order to comp ete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up unti the w nning bidder takes possession of the persona property CN992336 01-24-2023 Published Ria to Record Jan 5 12 2023 R-3700

NOTICE Extra Space Storage wi l hold a pub ic auction to se l persona property described below belonging to those indiv duals isted be ow at the ocat on ndicated: Fac lity Address 13473 Foothil Blvd Fontana CA 92335 Date January 25, 2023 Time of Sale 10:45 AM V ctoria Banks Unit appears to contain: Bed chairs tab e hol day decor and mechanic items The auct on wil be isted and advert sed on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facil ty in order to comp ete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up unt l the w nn ng bidder takes possession of the persona property CN992908 01-25-2023 Published Ria to Record Jan 5 12 2023 R-3697

NOTICE Extra Space Storage wil hold a publ c auction to sel persona property described below belong ng to those indiv duals isted be ow at the ocat on indicated: 14750 Foothi l Blvd Fontana Ca 92335 on January 24, 2023 at 10:00 am Tammie Evans Description of Goods: doll house strol er dresser mattress boxes bags toys; Steven Loera Descr ption of Goods: mattress bags bicycle clothes boxes lamp, fan, car parts, car jack, AC; Ruth Negrete Descr ption of Goods: chair fridge tv boxes totes tv stand; Mayra Rivas Description of Goods: mattress fridge bags boxes totes toys chair fan rug; Ern e Viscarra Description of Goods: couch, tab e fridge bags boxes fi es clothes totes drum set cooler luggage; Connie Lemus Description of Goods: bags totes, boxes tool boxes tires min fridge; Den se Butler Description of Goods: bags, boxes, clothes, persona papers luggage; N cho as Cabrera Description of Goods: fr dge tv boxes totes toys, hand tools, tool boxes, vacuum luggage adder tables The auct on wil be l sted and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made with cash only and pa d at the above referenced facility in order to comp ete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up unti the w nning bidder takes possession of the persona property CN992329 01-24-2023 Published Rialto Record Jan 5 12 2023 R-3694


Pursuant to the California Self-Service Storage Facility Act (B&P Code 21700et seq ) the undersigned will sell at public auction, January 13th,2022 on personal property including but not limited to business equipment electronics furniture clothing tools and/or other miscellaneous items ocated at:

A-AMERICAN SELF STORAGE (formerly known as Space Place) 220 W Valley Blvd Rialto CA 92376 @ 10AM via Storagetreasures com STORED BY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS: Patricia Clayton Sandy Hernandez Melony Mclachlan Angela Musgrove Luis Ponce Stephanie Wright

All sales are subject to prior cancellation Terms, rules and regulations available at sale By A-American Storage Management Co Inc (310)914-4022

Published Rialto Record 12/29/22 1/5/23 R-3689 planetbids com/ PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DATE: February 16 2023 by 2:00 P M CNS-3655812#

PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 12/29/22, 1/5/23 E-8441

THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval Before taking certain very important actions however the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action ) The inde-pendent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority

A HEARING on the petition will be held on January 17 2023 at 9:00 AM in Dept No S35 located at 247 W


Willow Village Apartments Waitlist will re-open 02/29/2023-03/29/2023

Applications will be accepted Mon-Fri 1p-4p 1150 N Willow Ave Rialto CA 92376 Ph: 909-874-3430

Pub ished R alto Record 12/29/22 1/5 1/12 1/19 1/26 2/2 2/9 2/16 2/23 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23/23 R-3692

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