10 minute read

Ob i t u a r i e s

Michelle Elaine Gates Baeza

fentanyl (which have been linked to cartels), and possibly even policing retailers who violate the ban


California is one of the leading states of fentanyl overdoses, and mark my words; it will get worse

Taking these things into consideration does this ban truly protect our kids and communities - or does it put them at further risk; I would say the latter These are the unintended consequences of a poorly planned policy that uses a blanket approach

My question to all of the 92 California legislators who supported Senate Bill 793 and the ban of flavored tobacco is - what is your plan now?

*These are not the views of Inland Empire Community News

Car men Neg r ete

Community News

Michelle Elaine Gates Baeza 74 passed away peacfully at home surrounded by her family on December 17, 2022

Born Michelle Elaine Jackson on July 19, 1948, at Fort Mason in Hampton Virginia, she spent her early years in Newport News Virginia surrounded by a large extended family and her beloved grandmother "Big Momma" Michelle's favorite memories as a teenager were her times in Washington State, France, and finally in California as an "Army Brat"

A graduate of Centennial High School in Compton California, Michelle called the Inland Empire home for over 45yrs Early in her professional career, Michelle was employed as a Building Technician for San Bernardino County and was actively involved in the community as a volunteer with the Parent Teachers Association, Consumers Rights, National Girls Scouts of America, and National Boy Scouts of America

Michelle was a member of the Inland Area Urban League, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and served as Chairman of the Westside Planning Area Council Education Committee In 1980, at the age of 31, Michelle ran for the City of Rialto School Board and in doing so, she set an example for other young women that they could strive to be leaders At the end of her professional career, she was employed by

Southern California Edison (SCE) as a Mapping Specialist where she continued to lead by example, working with committees to organize annual SCE family events

Michelle was recognized for her community involvement as the recipient of the PTA Mother of the Year Award

Michelle's hobbies included long walks in the Loma Linda Hills as a member of the Loma Linda Lopers You could often find Michelle walking the track at Frisbee Jr High School When Michelle was not walking with friends, you could see her at the Route 66 Classic Car Show driving her beloved 1953 DeSoto

The center of Michelle's life and love were her husband Frank Baeza of 44 years; her daughter and son-in-law, Kimberly Michelle Gerrard (Gates) and Paul Gerrard; her son and daughter-in-law, Kareem Brandon Gates and Jamie Gates; 9 grandchildren; her brother Robert Jackson and wife Allyson; her 2 additional surviving brothers; her 2 nieces and 1 nephew; her large and loving Baeza Family; the Lomax Family; the Gates Family; and her circle of friends in the Inland Empire, Georgia, Texas, Virginia, Cleveland, and England

Michelle touched so many lives with her warmth, intelligence, dignity, and spirit

Our beloved Sister, Cousin, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, and Friend was deeply loved and will be forever missed

Memorial Service: Friday, March 10, 2023, at 10:0AM Saint Catherine of Siena Church, 339 N Sycamore Ave in Rialto

Community News

Born January 4, 1933, Carmen passed away on February 25, 2023 at the age of 90

Carmen is survived by her children, Tina Morales, Bonnie Sanchez, Barbara Torrez, and Jimmy Negrete, 17 grandchildren, 37 great-grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandchildren

Preceded in death by her husband, Art Negrete and her sons, Daniel Negrete and Richard Negrete

Funeral services will be held on Thursday, March 9th at 1pm at Church of Fire in Christ located at 12354 Mt Vernon Ave, Grand Terrace, CA 92313


Borrador del Plan de Acción

Anual del 2023 para HUD


PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que el Ayuntamiento de la

C udad de Fontana (Ciudad) ha preparado el Borrador del Plan de Acción Anual del 2023-2024 (AP por sus siglas en inglés) para sus Programas de Subsidios Globales para el Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG, por sus s glas en nglés) Asociación para Inversiones en Viv endas (HOME, por sus sig as en nglés) y Subsid o para Soluciones de Emergencia (ESG por sus siglas en ng és) La Ciudad recibirá las siguientes asignaciones de fondos de HUD para el año del programa de 2023-2024

• CDBG: $1,978,958 CASA: $738 533

• ESG: $175 340

El Borrador del Plan de Acción

Anual dentifica los ob etivos anuales y proyectos que la C udad f nanciará de acuerdo con e Plan Consol dado 20202024 Como parte del P an de Acción

Anua de 2023-2024 la C udad propone financ ar los siguientes objetivos anuales:

• Servicios de vivienda justa Servicios públicos para residentes con ingresos bajos

• Servicios para la prevención de personas sin hogar

• Desarrollo de viviendas de alquiler asequible

Admin stración del programa

En cumplimiento con el Plan de Part cipac ón Ciudadana aprobado por la C udad y la mplementación de la reguación 24 CFR 91 105 por parte del Plan Conso idado por la presente se notifica que a Ciudad de Fontana ha preparado el Plan de Acción para el año fiscal 2023-2024

Se requiere que una copia del Plan de Acción esté disponible al público para su rev sión y comentarios por un periodo de treinta (30) días E borrador del Plan de Acc ón estará disponible para revis ón pública a partir del 13 de marzo de 2023 hasta e 11 de abril de 2023

SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS que el Plan de Acción se presentará al Ayuntamiento para su comentario público y aprobación el 11 de abr l de 2023

FECHA: 11 de abri de 2023

HORA 7:00 p m

LUGAR: Ayuntamiento de la C udad

8353 Sierra Avenue

Fontana CA 92335

En esta reun ón el Ayuntamiento recibirá comentarios públicos sobre el borrador del P an de Acción Anual que se presentará al Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los Estados Unidos ( HUD ) Las reuniones del Ayuntamiento se retransm ten por televisión en KFON Canal 3 o en directo en ive fontana org



Copias del borrador del Plan de Acción Anual estarán disponibles para la rev s ón pública en los siguientes ugares: Sitio web de la ciudad https://www fontana org/622/F ederal-Grant-Programs

Se invita a público a presentar comentarios por escrito sobre el documento Todos los comentarios re ativos al borrador del documento deberán presentarse al Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Fontana, Departamento de Vivienda no más tarde de las 4:00 pm 11 de abril 2023

Preguntas y comentarios por escr to sobre el documento pueden ser dirigidas a la Sra

Mary Aguilar Especial sta de Proyectos, Departamento de Vivienda en 8353 S erra Avenue Fontana CA 92335 También puede llamar al (909) 350-6606 o enviar un correo electrónico a housing@fontana org con cualquier pregunta o comentario sobre el Plan de Acción




Es la intención del Ayuntamiento cumpl r con la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabil tación de 1973, según enmendada la Ley de Americanos con Discapacidades (ADA) de 1990 y la Ley de Enmienda

ADA de 2008 a Ley de

Vivienda Justa la Ley de Barreras Arquitectón cas y e Plan de Dominio L mitado de Ing és (LEP) adoptado por e Ayuntam ento de a ciudad en todos los aspectos Si necesita documentos públicos en un formato accesible e Ayuntam ento hará todos los esfuerzos razonables para satisfacer su so citud Si, como part cipante en esta reunión necesita asistencia especia más al á de o que norma mente se proporc ona incluyendo ayudas o servicios auxiliares, la Ciudad tratará de acomodarlo de todas las maneras razonables Por favor póngase en contacto con Mary Aguilar Gonzales en el (909) 350-6786 al menos 48 horas antes de a reunión para nformarnos de sus necesidades y determinar si la adaptación es factible La Ciudad no discrimina ni discriminará por motivos de raza color religión (credo) género expresión de género, edad, or gen nacional (ascendencia) discapac dad estado civi orientación sexual, condición militar u otra condición de clase proteg da en n nguna de sus actividades u operaciones

Germaine McC ellan Clave

Secretario municipal

Publicado: 13 de marzo de 2023

CNS-3676743# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 3/9/23 E-8477

Notice Inviting Proposals RFP No 22-32

Next Generation Endpoint Detection and Response Solution

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the San Bernardino City Unified School District of San Bernard no County State of Californ a, acting through its Governing Board hereafter referred to as the District is solicit ng electronic proposal submittals through its

OpenGov e-Procurement web portal in response to RFP No 22-32, Next Generation Endpoint Detection and Response Solution for the D stricts permanent and substitute employees Vendors who are desirous of securing a copy of the RFP documents may do so by logging nto the D strict s website at: h t t p s : / / p r o c u r e m e n t o p e ngov com/porta /sbcusd RFP responses must conform and be responsive in accordance with the RFP Documents posted through the District s OpenGov website portal Proposals must be submitted electronically up to but not later than March 29 2023 at 11:00 a m

Contract award is contingent upon availabil ty of funds

Local, Minority and Disabled Veterans Bus nesses are specifically encouraged to respond The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to accept or reject any item to withdraw a line item or entire RFP, and to waive any irregu arities or informalit es in the Bid document(s)

The District may award any, all or none of this RFP

By: James Soto, Buyer

1st Publication: March 9 2023 Request for Clarification: March 20 2023 at 11:00 a m Virtual RFP Opening: March 29 2023 at 11:00 a m https://meet google com/tyuhxpr-gbf CNS-3676905# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO

3/9/23 E-8478

Petitioner or Attorney: Crystal Rene Syed, 6933 Stonecrop Ln , Fontana, CA 92336 Superior Court of California County of San Bernardino 247 West 3rd St San Bernardino, CA 92415


Case Number: CIV SB 2301812 TO ALL INTERESTED PER-


Extra Space Storage w ll hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals l sted below at the location ind cated: 18777 B oomington Ave Bloomington CA 92316 March 22 2023 at 9:45 AM

Randy Hernandez bed photography eqiupment couch display rack m sc home; Tracey Burns couches dinning room, boxes, bed; Terrell Sheff eld tvs queen bed boxes; Jennifer Iloilo, boxes, crysta s toys furniture hope chest round chair; A ejandra Aldrete House stuff; Sylvia Herrera-Patterson Couches bed hutch and boxes; Mark Kunza computer collectable items; Laureen Lemon, House-hold items The auction w ll be isted and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possess on of the personal property CN993929 03-22-2023 Pub ished Rialto Record Mar 2 9 2023 R-3752


Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to se l personal property descr bed below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indicated: 17197 Valley B vd Fontana CA 92335 March 21 2023 at 9:45 am Va arie Rae Nation, house-hold stuff misc goods; Jerry Mills king bed comp station tv vcr house hold items dresser fied organ zations and agencies to prov de a proposed plan for the provision of Clubhouse and Community Connections activities The Contract period will be for a five (5) year period beginning on July 1, 2023 through June 30 2028

A proposal conference will be held via WebEx on: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 @ 10:00 a m (Local time)

Please view the RFP in ePro for the WebEx login details and the RFP contact information which can be accessed as deta led below The complete RFP document can be accessed via the County s on ine Electronic Procurement Network System ePro located at: http://www sbcounty gov/purchasing/ In order to do business with the County, you must be registered on the ePro system For assistance contact Purchasing at (909) 387-2060 Once you access the ePro system you are able to view and print the RFP Have a copy of the RFP available to you dur ng the Proposal Conference Completed proposa s are due on or before 4:00 p m local time on Tuesday April 18 2023 CNS-3672075# PUBLISHED

SONS: Petitioner: Crystal Rene Syed has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Crystal Rene Monson to Proposed name: Crystal Rene Reyes THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted If no written object on is timely filed the court may grant the petition without a hearing


Date: 4/3/2023 Time: 8:30 am Dept: S23 The address of the court is: same as noted above A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four success ve weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county:

Rialto Record Dated: FEB 17 2023 BRIAN S MCCARVILLE Judge of the Superior Court Published Rialto at 10:30 am Sabbra Thomas, Househo d Goods; Christina We r Household Goods; E ias Arce Household Goods; Teareatha Johnson, Househo d Goods The auction will be listed and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur-chase up until the winning bidder takes possess on of the personal property CN993035 03-22-2023

Pub ished Rialto Record Mar 2 9 2023 R-3751

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