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Escuelas Comunitarias de California


La toma de decisiones compartida con educadores, familias, estudiantes y comunidades. Apoyar a los estudiantes según el nivel en que se encuentren. Con clases preparadas basándose en sus necesidades académicas y la cultura de la comunidad. Brindando asesoramiento, centros de bienestar, guarderías y educación para madres y padres.



Antonio* estaba trabajando en construcción cuando sufrió una grave lesión Sin saber cuánto duraría su rehabilitación, su mayor preocupación era cómo iba a pagar las facturas y mantener una vivienda Todo cambió cuando un amigo de Antonio le contó sobre un servicio gratuito de asesoramiento sobre temas de vivienda Los asesores de este programa ofrecen asesoramiento y capacitación gratuitos sobre morosidad en temas hipotecarios, alquiler de una vivienda, preparación para la compra de una vivienda, hipotecas inversas e incluso medidas de prevención para no terminar sin un lugar donde vivir

La financiación de este servicio procede de los Presupuestos del Estado de California por medio del Acuerdo Hipotecario Nacional (National Mortgage Settlement, o NMS, por sus siglas en inglés) y está administrado por la Agencia de Financiamiento de la Vivienda de California (California Housing Finance Agency, o CalHFA, por sus siglas en inglés) Por medio de su Programa de Asesoramiento de Vivienda del NMS, CalHFA ya ha ayudado a más de 50,000 familias a encontrar asesores de vivienda certificados por el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD, por su sigla en inglés) en todo el estado, para recibir servicios de asesoramiento de vivienda gratuitos y confidenciales

Un asesor sobre temas de vivienda trabajó con Antonio, respondiendo a sus preguntas sobre opciones bancarias y crediticias La sesión se centró en cómo podría alcanzar sus objetivos financieros incluso aunque no pudiera trabajar debido a la lesión Trabajaron en los aspectos básicos de la creación de crédito y revisaron el proceso bancario, ya que Antonio no tenía una cuenta bancaria El asesor de vivienda le ayudó a establecer un presupuesto general para administrar sus gastos y empezar a ahorrar para alcanzar sus objetivos financieros Además, el asesor sobre temas de vivienda le ayudó a inscribirse en un curso de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL, por sus siglas en inglés), porque el idioma era algo que Antonio quería mejorar También lo refirieron a un activista y defensor de derechos que le ayudó a presentar una solicitud de indemnización por accidente laboral

"Los californianos que trabajan duro y merecen participar en el ‘sueño americano’ no siempre tienen una ‘red de seguridad’ a la que recurrir en tiempos difíciles", dijo Tiena Johnson Hall, Directora Ejecutiva de la Agencia de Financiación de la Vivienda de California "Este programa ayuda a las personas a estabilizar su situación de vida al recibir asesoramiento y acceso a programas y recursos que de otro modo no conocerían"

Para encontrar un asesor, cualquier persona puede visitar el sitio web de CalHFA y buscar “NMS”, o ir directamente a la página de asesoramiento en https://www calhfa ca gov/community/nms/resources htm Todas las sesiones son gratuitas, y los propietarios de viviendas pueden ponerse en contacto con una de estas organizaciones aunque no vivan en la misma zona geográfica, ya que el asesoramiento se puede hacer por teléfono o por videollamada

El Programa de Asesoramiento sobre temas de Vivienda del NMS ayudó a Antonio a superar un momento difícil Tiempo más tarde, cuando volvió a ponerse en contacto con la persona que le asesoró, para ver cómo le iba, se alegró de haber abierto una cuenta bancaria, de estar mejorando su calificación crediticia y de haber empezado un curso de inglés (ESL) en un colegio comunitario Y lo que es más importante, Antonio logró mantenerse en su hogar y mantuvo su vivienda

Johnson Hall añadió: "El asesoramiento sobre temas de vivienda es un servicio crucial que reduce el número de personas sin hogar, se enfrenta a la inseguridad en temas de vivienda y reduce los obstáculos para llegar a ser propietario de una casa, todo lo cual puede encaminar a las personas hacia el bienestar financiero Espero que toda persona que tenga problemas (de vivienda) aproveche esta oportunidad de ayuda gratuita"

* nombre ficticio del cliente

Community News

The Oak Glen Growers Association recently honored Brian Kloepfer, San Bernardino County Flood Control Supervisor, with the prestigious Citizen of the Year award in recognition of his unwavering dedication and outstanding contributions to the community Brian’s tireless efforts in going above and beyond his call of duty, both in his 25-year career with the County and as a compassionate resident, have significantly impacted the lives of those around him

Brian firmly believes in the mantra that serving the community is not merely a responsibility but a way of life As an employee of the County, Brian understands the integral role that public servants play in enhancing the wellbeing of their fellow citizens Brian’s dedication to the community extends beyond his professional duties, as evidenced by his selfless acts and the positive impact he has made

Following the El Dorado fire, the Oak Glen area experienced heavy rainfall, leading to mudslides, debris flows, and flooding These catastrophic events severely threatened the residents, businesses, and homes of the small town Recognizing the need for immediate action, Brian rallied a group of 40 volunteers and worked tirelessly to assist a resident trapped in there home when fire pumps were clogged from debris

For Brian, lending a helping hand and supporting neighbors and the community is not an extraordinary act but an essential part of being a responsible citizen He firmly believes that if everyone realizes the significance of community involvement, collective well-being will thrive Brian’s humble approach to his contributions reflects his genuine desire to make a positive difference in the lives of those around him “I work for the County, and the County works for its citizens,” Brian said “Everything we do is for the community The sooner everyone realizes the importance of helping their neighbor, helping their community, the better we will all be ”

Brian’s well-deserved recognition as the Citizen of the Year by the Oak Glen Growers Association highlights his exceptional dedication and steadfast commitment to serving the community His tireless efforts and willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty have impacted the lives of numerous individuals, particularly during times of crisis Brian serves as an inspiration and a reminder of the power of community engagement and one person’s positive influence on an entire community As we honor Brian’s achievements, let us also embrace his message of supporting and uplifting our neighbors, for it is through collective efforts that we can build stronger and more resilient communities

Successful Gr oundbr eaking Cer emony f or Santa Ana River Enhanced Recharge Phase 1B Mar ks Milestone in Water Suppl y and Envir onmental Pr eser vation

Community News

Over 30 years in the making, regional agencies celebrated the groundbreaking of the latest water infrastructure and environmental preservation project in the San Bernardino Valley The San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, Western Municipal Water District, Riverside Public Utilities, and the San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District held a joint groundbreaking ceremony on June 2, 2023, for the Santa Ana River Enhanced Recharge Phase 1B project

This momentous occasion represents a significant milestone in the collaborative efforts to enhance regional water supply reliability while simultaneously preserving and enhancing habitat for multiple endangered species

"Infrastructure projects of this magnitude require a complex collaboration between technical engineering, environmental stewardship, funding commitments, and regulatory approvals The partnerships in the Santa Ana River Enhanced Recharge project demonstrate the power of collaboration to address our region's water challenges,” said Paul Kielhold, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District Board President

The Santa Ana River Enhanced Recharge Phase 1B partner agencies have united their resources, expertise, and shared commitment to enhance water supply reliability within critical endangered species habitat Phase 1B aims to bolster the regional water supply infrastructure and provide long-term sustainability for the communities within the region

“Wet winters like the one we have experienced, highlight the need for preparation We need infrastructure, like these recharge basins, to capture storm water when it is available during the wet years to have reliable water supplies in the dry period,” said Craig

Miller, General Manager of Western Municipal Water District

The Santa Ana River Enhanced Recharge project exemplifies the dedication and perseverance of the project partners in their pursuit of water supply reliability and environmental sustainability Once completed this project will allow for up to 80,000 acre-feet per year of recharge in the Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin, a source of supply for over 700,000 people

“Project partners have diligently worked to incorporate measures that enhance the habitat of endangered species within the Santa Ana River Basin,” said Betsy Miller Vixie San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District General Manager “By employing sustainable practices and utilizing advanced ecological engineering, the project creates a harmonious balance between water resource management and the preservation of biodiversity

The groundbreaking ceremony included representatives from the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, Western Municipal Water District, Riverside Public Utilities, and the San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District to celebrate this significant milestone

During the program, Tommy Beaudreau U S Deputy Secretary of the Interior provided a video message to the audience commending the partner agencies for their collaborative approach to regional projects and creative solutions to protect species such as the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat Additionally, Representative Pete Aguilar highlighted the importance of water infrastructure projects and the positive impact this project will have on the region

“The successful completion of the Santa Ana River Enhanced Recharge Phase 1B groundbreaking ceremony represents not only a momentous occasion but also a symbol of hope and progress in the realms of water supply reliability and environmental conservation,” said Heather Dyer The project partners remain committed to the successful completion of the project, ensuring a sustainable and prosperous future for the communities they serve

Sunrise Ranch Community Workshops

Master Plan

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Considerations for Master Plan can include: info@sbvmwd.com

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