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WELCOMING BROCHURE Institute of Development Research and Development Policy


In the first days of the arrival and before you receive a student card you will need to buy a ticket. For a journey up to 3 stations you can buy a “Kurzstrecke”-Ticket from one of the machines at the U-Bahn station. Don’t forget to stamp it in small orange boxes which are located at the entrance of the station or on the platform!! In order to make travelling a bit cheaper you can buy a ticket valid for four trips (4er-Ticket). If you are going to travel a lot during one single day another good option is to purchase a TagesTicket, which is valid from the time of validating it until 3am the next day. If you are travelling be aware of the different fare zones (Zone A – D). On each schedule you will find in which zone your destination is located. The semester student card (Semester Ticket) that you will receive is valid for the entire VRR transport network (reaching approximately from Dortmund to Düsseldorf), however, be aware that you are allowed to use only the second class of the regional trains, UBahn, S-Bahn and local busses. For travels within North Rhine-Westphalia (outside the VRR transport network) you will have to print a separate ticket (NRW-Semester-Ticket) and present it in case of a ticket control. This is included in your semester fees and can be obtained at the RUBIcon computers in the university’s administrative building or online through your university account. If you wish to know about the schedule of buses, trains, U-bahns, S-bahns you can access the following websites: www.vrr.de or www.bahn.de - both have an English version too! If you need to call a taxi, you can use the following number: 0234-333000, be aware that taxi prices are significantly higher than public transport or taxis in most of your home countries. If you want to do something fun like travelling outside the NRW region over the weekend the ‘Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket’ is your best bet. The ‘Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket’ allows up to 5 people to travel to cities outside NRW. You need to pay 37 EUR when the ticket is purchased online or from ticket machines and 39 EUR when purchased at the counter. It is valid for unlimited railway travel throughout Germany on Saturdays and Sundays, but be aware that only regional trains such as S-Bahn, RB, RE as well as U-Bahn, trams and local buses are allowed, but it is not valid for long-distance trains such as ICEs, IC, EC. The ticket is valid from midnight until 3am the next day. And never forget to fill in your name on the ticket when you are beginning your journey! If you are planning to travel in one of the neighbouring regions (Länder) you can also choose to purchase a ‘Länderticket’ for the specific region. The same rules apply as for the ‘Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket, except that they are also valid on weekdays. In addition, the price for the ticket is lower and you can also opt for a cheaper single ticket or the 5-people ticket. With this ticket you can either discover the Saarland and Rheinland-

Pfalz (Rheinland-Pfalz Ticket), Hessen (Hessen-Ticket) or Lower Saxony, Bremen and Hamburg (Niedersachsen-Ticket). For more information check: www.bahn.de Another option, especially for long-distance travels in Germany as well as in Europe, is car sharing (Mitfahrgelegenheit). This means that someone is offering free seats in his car and shares the costs for fuel - this accounts normally to 5-8€/100km per person. Lifts are normally offered from between all major cities and sometimes also to smaller towns, just check the offers and decide which one you want to take. The use of the website is free of charge. Make sure to ask for the exact meeting point and end of the travel as well as the kind of car so that you will find your lift. This is also a great opportunity to meet a lot of different people and have nice conversations while travelling. At the same time better never stand your lift up without giving a call sufficiently in advance. For finding a lift check: www.mitfahrgelegenheit.de In case that you want to travel a bit further away or you prefer to take the plane, do not miss the opportunity of special fees for students. STA-Travel is a specialized travel agency for young people and they have an office right on the Campus, just next to the main library. Here you can also buy an International Student Card (ISIC-Card) which will allow you to get special fares for museums, restaurants etc. all around the world. The card is also required if you want to purchase discounted student tickets via the STA-Travel website. Another way of getting cheap flights is to search via swoodoo.com. This website compares a large number of different companies and finds the cheapest ones for your itinerary. For more information and booking check: www.statravel.de and www.swoodoo.com Another option for travels within Europe can be companies offering bus trips. Rainbow Tours offers low cost bus trips (e.g. for skiing, beach holidays, sightseeing etc.). The quality is comparatively low as is the price, but it is worth having a look at their offers when you are interested to come around. www.rainbowtours.de Another option is the Russian travel agency ‘Viktoria Reisen’ that offers cheap organised trips all over in Europe. Just check their website for information on the most recent offers:www.viktoria-reisen.com/de/ If you are rather interested in discovering Europe on your own, you can also opt for different bus companies such as www.eurolines.de.

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The choice of dormitories is one of the most difficult when you are in another country. AKAFÖ (www.akafoe.de) is the organization at the University, which helps to provide accommodation for students. However, there are other ways of looking for accommodation such as advertisements on the walls of the Uni and the following websites can be also helpful: www.wggesucht.de and www.studentenwg.de. Here you can mainly find ads for flat shares (Wohngemeinschaft or simply WG), a very common way for German students to find housing at affordable prices. Be aware that in most cases you need to be in the city in order to present yourself to your futures flat mates. If you decide to look for accommodation with AKAFÖ be aware that in order to get a good room you must send your application form via Internet some time before (at least three months). AKAFÖ’s website provides pictures and 3D models of rooms available for renting. Refer to the following AKAFÖ link: www.akofoe.de Other student houses close to the Uni which are managed privately of by some kind of organization/association include: Haus Michael [http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/haus-michael/Englisch/index.htm] Roncalli Haus [http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/roncalli/] Martin Luther King Haus & Rosa Parks Haus [http://www.parks-haus.de/] Laerholzstrasse Students Haus [http://www.studentenhaus-laerholzstrasse.de/] In case you do not have any other place to go you can always try to get a room in Papageienhaus. [http://www.swh-bochum.de/en/default.htm?uid=1210802942] Attached to this brochure you will find necessary vocabulary to fill in the form to apply for dormitory online.

HEALTH INSURANCE AND VISITING THE HOSPITAL One very important thing, which you may already be aware of is your health insurance. It may be in the form of a card or a document, please keep it handy at any time. Your health insurance guarantees you access to health care in every health centre. Please be aware that in as much as your health insurance covers most of the common or major illnesses, depending on your insurance one or two specialized therapies may be exempted. But don’t worry – most of the cases are covered and if anything is not, your Doctor would advice you properly. Please note that when you are ill or need some check-up the first point of call is the general practitioner (Hausarzt). Only if they are unable to treat you they would transfer you to a specialized doctor or to the hospital. The hospital is for emergency cases, so please visit the Hausarzt first if yours is not a real emergency. Below are the easiest, fastest, and well-known health centres that you can visit.

When visiting the doctor you will be asked once for every quarter of a year to pay an amount of 10€ as a surgery fee (Praxisgebühr). Therefore it is also important to visit your Hausarzt first in order to avoid to pay the surgery fee more than once since he will refer you to the specialist. Here are some locations where you can go in case of any illness – Hausarzt: Dr. Besser at the Unicentre (and there are many others in Bochum) – Augusta Krankenhaus: You find this in the Bochum town centre. (and there are many others in Bochum) – Specialised health centres for dental care, ear care, eye care, physical therapies on the leg/arms or any part of the body, etc. you can find at the ‘Buscheyplatz” just around the Uni-Centre.You can also refer to the following websites in order to find a suitable doctor for your specific needs: www.gelbeseiten.de http://gesundheit.nrw.de/content/e224/e349/e350/e355/frameset

LIBRARY As a registered student of the Ruhr-Universität you have access to all the departmental/ specialized libraries and the main university library. Aside the books on shelves the libraries also have online services and E-books where you can look for any book or journal article you want and read it online. You also have the opportunity to look for books in other libraries in Germany if you don’t find it in the Ruhr-Universität and order them to be sent to the Ruhr-Universität (Fernleihe). You can also borrow books directly from the library, but please renew or send it back before the submission date else you will have to pay a fine. The key word to note when searching for a book or using the library resource is: Opac (Online Public Access Catalogue) this is where you start your search. Since all the libraries are networked, you can access the Opac in almost all the libraries on campus as well as online from home. You are allowed to carry your laptops to the libraries. You are also allowed to use the computers in the Libraries. There are two types of computers in the libraries: those on the open floor for searching for books and materials cannot be used for personal tasks like typing, etc. But there are others that one can use for his personal studies. In case of any doubt please check with the library staff and they should be kind to help you. If you can’t speak German just speak English and someone who speaks English may come to your aid. For further information visit: http://www.ub.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/digibib/UB_engl. htm

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Language trainings If you wish to learn or improve your German you can attend some of the free German courses offered by the University at the FNO building. There are also possibilities for learning German through a tandem partner. A language tandem is an opportunity to be paired with a native German speaker to improve your language skills and at the same time to get to know about the country and its people by communicating with each other. In order to find a language tandem partner you can go to the sixth floor of the GB building and register yourself. For more information check: www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/slf/sgl/tandem/ Computer centre Information concerning Internet connection in your room or wifi at the campus can be acquired through Rechenzentrum. The Rechenzentrum provides the necessary IT and computer facilities for research and teaching. Their services include, computer courses, applications software, installation of departmental connections, and access to international networks. At the same place you can purchase antivirus programs and other software such as SPSS at discounted prices. For more information check: http://www.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/ Residential Registration If you are staying more than two months you shall register with the Municipal Authorities at the Rathaus or at the B端rgerburo at the Uni-Centre within a week of your arrival. The relevant addresses you can find on: www.bochum.de (there is an English version)

SPORTS If you care about health and belly, you should practice some sports for free or at a very cheap price of around 10 EUR, depending on the chosen training. However, it is important to register in the first day of the class. As many people are willing to enrol themselves you might not find a place later. The fitness centre is located right behind the Mensa. If swimming is what you want there is a swimming pool around the Uni-Centre. You can also enrol for swimming lessons. All information about the different sports and training as well as all relevant information with regard to the registration can be found on the website of the university sports (Hochschulsport): http://dbs-win.rub.de/hss/hss_newcd/index.php

ENTERTAINMENT For students who love to dance there are many clubs at the Uni, the dances include modern, Jazz, Salsa, Ballroom, etc. One of the nice places to enjoy various types of music is the Kulturcafé located right at the centre of the university. The various student houses also offer bar services where you can meet with your fellow housemates and friends and have a drink at affordable prices. The most popular place in Bochum to go out for a drink, eating, dancing or concerts is the Bermuda Dreieck (located around Kortumstraße at 5min walking distance from the Hauptbahnhof). Over 60 bars, restaurants and clubs are located around here thus you can find everything that suits your personal preferences. Good options are for example Apartment 45, Riff and Sam’s. For more information check: www.bermuda-dreieck.de or simply go there and check it out by yourself. If you want to spend your spare time taking a walk in the nature are you can go to the Kemnader See (not during the winter), city park (Stadtpark) or the botanic garden (Botanischer Garten) at the University. Other options that are accessible by public transport are the area around the city of Münster (Münsterland) and the rather ‘mountainous’ region ‘Sauerland’. Bochum has also several option for cineastes. Sometimes you can find movies in the original language with German subtitles (Original mit Untertitel: OmU) or the original version without German subtitles (OV=Originalversion).. Check the website www.kino. de/kinoprogramm/bochum/ for a list of the cinemas and the week’s program. The city also offers some other cultural sites such as museums, a philharmonic orchestra, a planetarium and theatres. A comprehensive list of locations and a search for upcoming events can be accessed via: ww2.bochum.de/kulturportal/index1.htm And you should not miss the famous German Christmas markets (Weihnachtsmarkt) in cities like Köln, Dortmund, Essen and Münster. Do also not forget about the possibility to travel around within the state of North RhineWestphalia to discover the nearby cities.

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In your first days you will certainly want to buy some kitchen utensils or furniture. A good option is the flea market (Flohmarkt), which is located close to the University. There you can find second-hand TVs, Radios, printers and other electronics. Be prepared to negotiate since the prices for the items are not fixed. For your daily shopping (food and drinks) you can choose from a large number of different supermarkets. Cheap options are Aldi, Lidl, Penny, Netto and others. Supermarkets with a wider array of products are for example Rewe, Edeka, Real and Toom, these are however more expensive. There are specific drugstores such as Schlecker, Rossmann, dm etc. If you are looking for specific food and products from your region, you can find them in different Asia Shops (e.g. Daily Asia Shop, Brückstrasse 40; Se-Cheng Phi Y Import, Kortumstraße 130) and Afro Shops (e.g. in Universitätsstraße right behind the Hauptbahnhof) or directly at the Uni-Center. If you are interested in shopping you can either opt to go to the city centre or take the bus to go to the Ruhrpark shopping mall located at 20 min bus ride from the Hauptbahnhof. For more information check: www.ruhrpark.de If you wish to cut your hair you can do it for example at any Unisex saloon at the UniCenter or Bochum city centre for about 12€.

SENDING MAIL If you want to post a letter, send some presents or souvenirs from Germany to your home country the Post Office (Deutsche Post) is located at the Uni-Center. The charge you pay for mailing letter or the parcel depends on the size and/or weight of the envelope/parcel. A bigger envelope or parcel cost more than smaller ones. You can also calculate the price in advance using the official website www.post.de. The students from Central Asia, Caucasus or Russia can send their presents of parcels for reasonable prices through an Russian Shop called “SMAK” located on the crossroad of Markstraße and Semperstraße, which is close to the Auf der Papenburg student house.

TELEPHONY As side the Open Telephone Shops at the Uni-Centre where you can buy cards or make calls directly, a cheaper option is to download Skype or SMS Discount to your computer and buy credits online (Skype: 11,50€ for 10€ of talk time; SMS Discount: 12,50€ for 10€ of talk time). This enables you to be in touch with your family, relatives and friends. An easy and fast way to get in touch and to be in touch is to get a cell phone (in German called “Handy”). This can be got from any cell phone shops in Uni-Centre or Bochum city centre e.g. at the famous electronic supermarket ‘Saturn’. To buy a phone you have two options: to sign a contract, where monthly deductions are made from your account (duration of the contract normally 24 months) or buy without a contract (‘prepaid’). The available networks include: O2, T-Mobile, Vodafone, etc. The rates do not vary much, but before deciding for a specific contract or prepaid tariff. However, be aware that making a call from your network to your country can be expensive and calls within the same network or to landlines normally are significantly cheaper than calls to other networks. Just take your time and compare before buying or signing a contract.

BANKING SERVICES You will definitely need a bank account in Germany. There are varieties of banks where you can have your own account. The closest bank is Sparkasse located at the Uni-Center. The convenient option is to open a student bank account, where you do not pay for service charges. To open a student account you need to show your “Studentenbescheinigung”, passport and German residential address document. Beside Sparkasse there are other banks like Deutsche Bank, Postbank, Volksbank, and Commerzbank in the city centre. If you want to transfer money from one bank to a different bank you may have to pay a fee (check with your bank first). The same applies when using ATMs that are not from your bank or an accredited member of a bank group. Thus, be aware which ATM you use since it can easily cost you some 5€ per withdrawal. A good option for getting a credit card is to open a second bank account with DKB Bank, which offers a VISA-Card free of charge and does not charge any fees for worldwide withdrawals. You can then transfer money from your other bank account to the VISA card. This might be especially interesting when you are doing your field research, during the summer school in South Africa or when travelling within Europe.

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Catholic and Protestant Churches are located at the Uni Centre, where religious services are offered and several cultural events for students are organised. At Riemke Markt there is an African Church Vineyard International, where church services are held in English. For those interested in joining ceremonies held in German and to meet other students refer to the specific Protestant and Catholic student groups (Evangelische Studierendengemeinde, Katholische Hochschulgemeinde), which also offer additional events such as weekend seminars or social and psychological assistance. Since Muslims are the third strongest denomination in Germany, there is also a wide range of mosques that you can go to in Bochum. The most convenient places to go to are either the prayer room located on the campus in the NA building (4th floor) or the mosque around Wasserstraße/Querenburger Straße. Also Buddhists and Jews have their proper institutions in Bochum. A synagogue can be found in downtown Bochum on Castroper Straße next to the Planetarium. Buddhists can refer to the Buddhist Center Bochum located at Dorstener Straße 102, while the nearest Temple is located in Hamm, 40 minutes train ride from Bochum. For more information also check the website: www.study-in-bochum.de/studentisches_leben/religion-lang-en-media.html


LINK LIST WITH ADDITIONAL USEFUL WEBSITES General information on study life in Bochum www.study-in-bochum.de Source for a wide range of information for incoming students Accomodation for Travellers www.djh.de German Youth Hostels, Online Hostel Search and Booking Online Dictionaries www.dict.leo.org Online Dictionary, German-English/French/Spanish/Italian/Chinese www.dict.cc Online Dictionary, German-English

Online shopping www.amazon.de Online Shop for Books, Electronic Articles and more. Cheap Shipping Rates www.unimall.de Online Shop for Electronic Articles with special prices for students (with Enrolment Certificate) www.ebay.de Online Auctions, Interesting Offers of Second-Hand and New Products Newspapers and News on TV www.epo.de News and general Information about German and International Development Cooperation www.spiegel.de Most Read German Online News Journal (English version available) www.faz.net Online Version of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“-Newspaper (centre-right) www.sueddeutsche.de Online Version of the “Süddeutsche Zeitung“-Newspaper (centre-left) www.taz.de Online Version of the “Tageszeitung“-Newspaper (left) www.tagesschau.de Online News Portal of Germans most important television news-magazine (public broadcasting) www.zeit.de Online Version of the weekly “Zeit”-Newspaper

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Entertainment www.kino.de Online Cinema Schedule and information about movies www.eventim.de Online Ticket-Shop for cultural events, esp. Concerts www.qype.de Rating portal for all kind of restaurants and shops; useful for finding the right place to go to for shopping, having a drink, etc. … www.prinz.de Online magazine with the actual schedule of cultural events Others www.vhs.de Volkshochschule, offers training courses in several fields as well as language classes www.gelbeseiten.de The ‘Yellow Pages’ listing a large number of contacts for shops, doctors, enterprises etc..


AKAFÖ (Studentenwerk) Administrative department at a university in Bochum which is responsible for running the Mensen and Cafeterien on the university campus as well as the distribution of rooms in the student dormitories and their maintenance. In addition, the Studentenwerk offers culture projects and psychological counseling to students in need. Angaben zum Studium Information about your field of study Angaben zur Person Personal Information ausfüllen fill in Balkon Balcony

Behinderung Disability Cafeteria The place where small meals and beverages are sold as opposed to the Mensa. The main advantage of the Cafeteria is that it is normally opened longer than the Mensa. Einzelappartment Apartment for a single person (one room, a kitchenette and a separate bathroom with a shower and a toilette). Einzelzimmer Single room Einzugsdatum Date of moving in Fachbereich Field of study Fachsemester Number of semesters completed in your field of study Fahrradstellplatz Bicycle stand Flur Corridor Geburtsdatum Date of birth Geburtsort Place of birth GEZ-Geb端hren Radio / Television licence fees. You are obliged by law to register your radio and TV-sets at Geb端hreneinzugszentrale. The required registration form can be obtained at banks and savings banks. If you have a notice from the Social security office (Sozialamt) stating that you are in need, you can be exempted from these fees.

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Handy Mobile telephone Hausmeister The technical staff in the dormitory, helping you with dormitory problems, requests, and emergencies Heimatanschrift Home address Hochschule University Hochschulsemester Number of semesters completed at the university Internetzugang Access to the internet. Almost every dormitory is equipped with a connection to the network, the price of which is included in the rent price. Jahr Year Kaltmiete Basic rent. “Kaltmiete“ refers to the sum that you have to pay without those additional costs added on (for example water, heating or electricity ). The kinds and amount of these additional costs depend on the apartment and its location. Remember: pay close attention to the final amount you‘ll be asked to pay every month. Kaution Security deposit. The amount usually ranges from one to three months rent. You will get this money back when you move out of the flat, along with any interest the deposit earned while it lay in the bank. Keller Cellar (basement). Here you may find a laundry room ( with washing machines and dryers), lockable storages, fitnessroom and so on. Komplett möbliert Furnished (a bed, a wardrobe, a table/desk and a bookcase).

Kündigung Tenancy termination Kündigungsfrist Period of notice. In general the landlord makes a tenant agreement with the student over the period of stay that is indicated on the housing application. Depending on the contract you have a period of 1 up to 3 months notice, counted from the last day of the month. If you fail to follow the period of notice the landlord has the right to keep the deposit. Männlich Male Meldepflicht Everybody staying in Germany should have a registration in Einwohnermeldeamt (local authority for the registration of residents in a municipal district). All people have to register (Anmeldung) within one week of moving into a new apartment or home in Germany and remove their registration (Abmeldung) before living the district. Mensa Name for the main cafeteria at the university. The meals are subsidized by the Studentenwerk AKAFÖ and are thus less expensive. Normally there is always one vegetarian meal on the menu. Miete Rent. As our tenants you pay an inclusive rent: that means that the additional costs like electricity, gas, water and refuse are included in this price and there are no additional final payments at the end of year. Rent prices are often described as either „cold“ or „warm.“ Mieter Tenant Mietobergrenze Rent price up to... („Rent ceiling“)

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Mietvertrag Lease agreement. Make sure you completely understand any lease agreement before you sign it. With your signature, you are consigning yourself to the countless rules and regulations set out in all the legalese and fine print in the lease. Before you legally commit yourself to something that might not be in your best interests, consult a friend or colleague. Mindestvertragsdauer The minimum amount of time for which the rent agreement is valid. Monat Month M端ll Waste. Waste disposal is carried out with almost scientific precision in Germany. Every city has containers for glass, recycled paper and tin. Hazardous waste, such as batteries and neon tubes, is gathered at special locations. Beverages are often sold in returnable bottles and are brought back to the store after consumption. Garbage disposal is thorough and colorful. Plastic belongs in yellow bags, paper in blue ones, and the rest goes into gray bins. Nachmieter Next tenant. If you want to terminate the lease agreement earlier, you may be responsible for finding a new tenant. Nachweis 端ber Eink端nfte Proof of income. Name Last Name Nebenkosten Additional costs (services and running costs). Always ask about them. Parken Parking PLZ (Postleitzahl) Zip

Pro Monat Per month. Rent is usually paid on a monthly basis. Quadratmeter Square metres. One square metre is about 10.76 square feet. Raum Zimmer Reinigung Cleaning Schaden Damages. Tenants are responsible for damages, mutilation, destruction or defacing of rooms, furniture or equipment in the rooms. Residents will be charged for burns, stains and scratches, breakage, use of nails, thumbtacks, screws, tape, and any other documented damage. Schlafzimmer Bedroom Schlüssel Key. Please carry your key with you at all times. It is pertinent that every time you leave your room that you shut your door and do not leave it propped open. Semesteranschrift Address in Bochum Semesteranzahl Number of semesters Staatsangehötigkeit Nationality Straße Street Strom(kosten) Electricity (cost of)

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Tag Day Teilmöbliert Partly furnished (a wardrobe, a table/desk and a bookcase, but not a bed). Always ask Telefon Telephone Telefonkosten Telephone costs. Almost all rooms and flats have telephone points. Arrangements for rental should be made directly with a telephone company . Please note that telephone costs are not included in the rent! Tutor Students who help you to solve your problems while staying in Bochum Umzug Moving to a new place unmöbliert not furnished Untermieter Subtenant, lodger. It is a the person to whom a tenant gives the allowness to occupy a rental unit (mostly while going abroad for a short time as part of their studies). Unterschrift Signature Vollmöbliert see Komplett möbliert Vorname First name Warmmiete „Warm“ means that the rental price includes the additional costs

Wartezeit Waiting time. Waiting time is usually about one semester –less if you do not state a preference and accept the first room offered to you. Waschmaschine/Trockner Washing machine/Dryer. They are mostly situated in the cellar (Waschkeller/ Waschraum) and can be used by the tenants for a small fee. In AKAFÖ-dormitories you have to have a special Sparkasse-Card to use them. Weiblich Female Wohnfläche Living space or floor area. Wohngemeinschaft (WG) („Living community“). Shared flats or people sharing an apartment or house without necessarily being related or emotionally attached. The Wohngemeinschaft often serves the purpose of saving money by sharing the cost for utilities, but often implies a specific lifestyle and sometimes takes the place of the family. Wohnheimwunsch Dormitory Preference Wohnung Flat, apartment Wohnzimmer Living room, sitting room, lounge Zentrale Lage Central, near the city centre Zimmer Room ZKDB Zimmer, Küche, Dusche, Bad. Zwischenmieter see Untermieter

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CONTACT INFORMATION Institute of Development Research and Development Policy Building GB, Room 1/59 Universitätsstr. 150 D-44801 Bochum Germany Imprint Phone: +49-(0)234 / 32-22418, -22243 Fax: +49-(0)234 / 32-14-294 E-Mail: ieeoffice@ruhr-uni-bochum.de

Text by IEE-Student Council (E-Mail: iee-fachschaft@rub.de) Implementation by Jens Blank (Jens.Blank@rub.de) Picture Copyrights Frontpage picture by André Schuster Fotografie (http://www.andreschuster.com/)

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