IEEE Boston Digital Reflector November 2020

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The Reflector, November 2020

Entrepreneur’s Network – 7:00PM, Thursday, November 17

Building A Cohesive Team Location: Webinar

You have validated your business idea, have a co- Co-Founder of Diversify Thinking. founder, now you need to build a team. Building a team for your Start-up can be a daunting task that can make Ryan Sylvia, Chief Executive Officer, or break the company. It is also a time for reflection. Envisage Inc. What tasks or positions will the co-founders keep while Envisage is a trusted partner to many growing the company? What roles do you need to hire clients for delivering on complex techfor? How do we determine the best candidate? How do nology solutions. Our resources provide we ensure diversity when hiring? How do we engage hands on expertise and strategic conand onboard employees during the COVID pandemic? sultation that enable firms to complete These questions and more will be discussed and anprojects efficiently and more effectively. swered in this Webinar. For more than a decade now, we have demonstrated our expertise and proven our capability Agenda: through a passion for delivering quality solutions, out5:30 – 6:45 – Networking on 7:00 - 7:10 PM - ENET Chairperson's announcements come certainty and transparency to our partners. Ryan 7:10 - 7:25 PM – eMinute Pitch - Up to 3 Startup com- received a BA degree in Psychology and Economics from Williams College panies’ presentations 7:25 - 8:10 PM - 4 expert speakers on the night's topic 8:10 - 8:30 PM – Moderator and Audience Q & A with STEPHEN ZARUBAIKO, ESQ. LAW OFFICE OF STEthe speakers PHEN ZARUBAIKO 8:30 – 9:00 PM - Networking on (all times are USA Eastern Daylight time) (all times are Stephen Zarubaiko is a Business, International Business and Immigration Law Attorney with a law practice USA Eastern Daylight time) in North Andover, MA. Attorney Zarubaiko works with A question and answer session will follow the panel emerging companies and business development issues discussion, and panelists will be available afterward for in the US and overseas. He is Licensed in Massachusetts and New York. He received his law degree from responses to individual questions. Suffolk University Law School and his BA in Russian with an International Relations Concentration from the Panel Members Melissa Jurkoic, Chief Customer Expe- University of New Hampshire. h t t p s : / / w w w. l i n k e d i n . c o m / i n / s t e p h e n - z a r u rience Officer, addapptation With over two decades’ experience as a baiko-2408271/ technologist, her mix of technical savvy Allyn R. Gardner, Principal Brookside and business strategy is unique for a Coaching Partners former software engineer. Melissa’s fusion of technology and conversational A Career Management Consultant with techniques connect with both technical proven success assisting others to and business audiences to lead stratemanage their careers and achieve their gic initiatives to the best outcomes. goals. Highly skilled at using dialogue Driven by her passion to increase the number of and perspective to help clients gain a women in STEM, she volunteers extensively to educate better understanding of their strengths and encourage women and girls to pursue careers in and achieve optimal performance in their careers. An technology. Melissa’s slogan is Empowering women effective workshop facilitator who engages, motivates, to succeed in technology while transforming your busi- and informs clients. An empathetic listener who delivers ness strategy into tangible outcomes. Melissa is also objective feedback and provides additional perspective

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