IEEE Boston Section Digital Reflector October 2021

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The Reflector, October 2021

Antennas and Propagation Society – 1:30PM, Friday, October 22

Antennas, Arrays & Calibration: Beam Forming and Beam Steering Speaker:

Prof. Dr. Levent Sevgi - IEEE APS Distinguished Lecturer – IEEE Fellow


U-Mass Lowell, Southwick 240 (virtual options will also be made available, check back later on vtools for details)


[3] L. Sevgi, Ç. Uluışık, “A Matlab-based Visualization Package for Planar Arrays of Isotropic Radiators,” The antenna is an electromagnetic IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 47, 1, pp. (EM) radiator that emits radio frequency 156-163, Feb 2005. power. In other words, it is a transducer [4] L. Sevgi, “The Antenna as a Transducer: Simthat converts voltage [V] to the electric ple Circuit and Electromagnetic Models,” IEEE Antenfield [V/m] (or vice versa). This IEEE nas and Propagation Magazine, 49, 6, pp.211-218, Dec AP-S DL talk will focus on electromag- 2007 L. Sevgi, S. Çakır, G. Çakır, “Antenna Calibration netic radiators, antennas, antenna arrays [5] and calibration. First, antenna as a trans- for EMC Tests and Measurements,” IEEE Antennas and ducer will be discussed and its circuit and electromag- Propagation Magazine, 50, 3, pp.215-224, Jun 2008 S. Eser, L. Sevgi, “Open Area Test Site (OATS) netic models will be reviewed. Fundamental antenna [6] terms and concepts will be summarized. Then, differ- Calibration,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magaences between communication and EMC antennas will zine, 52, 3, pp.204-212, Jun 2010. S. Çakır, R. Hamid, L. Sevgi, “Loop Antenna Calbe given. Finally, antenna calibration will be explained. [7] In the second part, formation of antenna arrays will be ibration,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, presented and their beam forming and beam steering 53, 4, pp:243-254, Oct 2011. capabilities will be shown via a simple, MATLAB-based ARRAY virtual tool. Any 2D array (i.e., linear, planar, circular, etc.) may be designed by the user and its 2D Prof. Dr. Levent Sevgi is a Fellow of the IEEE. He reand 3D radiation characteristics can be investigated ceived his B. Eng., M. Eng., and PhD degrees in Elecusing this tool. Beam forming capabilities for different tronic Engineering from Istanbul Technical University locations, number of radiators, as well as for operat- (ITU) in 1982, 1984 and 1990, respectively. In 1987, ing frequencies can be visualized. The package may while working on his PhD, he was awarded a fellowbe used as an educational tool in many undergradu- ship that allowed him to work with Prof. L. B. Felsen at ate antenna lectures. It may also be used to validate Weber Research Institute / New York Polytechnic Uniand verify the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and versity York for two years. His work at the Polytechnic method of moments (MoM) packages in public domain concerned the propagation phenomena in non-homoor, for example, the ones supplied in [3]. Moreover, the geneous open and closed waveguides. user may improve package and add novel features by using the supplied source codes. He was with Istanbul Technical University (1991–1998), TUBITAK-MRC, Information Technologies Research Institute (1999–2000), Weber Research Institute / NY References [1] L. Sevgi, Electromagnetic Modeling and Simula- Polytechnic University (1988–1990), Scientific Retion, IEEE Press – John Wiley (EM Wave Series), NJ, search Group of Raytheon Systems Canada (1998 – 1999), Center for Defense Studies, ITUV-SAM (1993 April 2014. [2] L. Sevgi, Complex Electromagnetic Problems –1998 and 2000–2002) and with University of Massaand Numerical Simulation Approaches, IEEE Press – chusetts, Lowell (UML) MA/USA as a full-time faculty (2012 – 2013) and with DOGUS University (2001-2014). John Wiley & Sons, May 2003.

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