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Advertise with Us Information/Call for Articles

Call for Articles

Now that the Reflector is all electronic, we are required. A maximum length of two to three pages expanding the content of the publication. One of would be best. the new features we will be adding are technical, professional development, and general interest To ensure quality, technical submissions will be rearticles to our members and the local technology viewed by the appropriate technical area(s). Procommunity. These will supplement the existing fessional/interest articles will be reviewed by the material already in our publication. Publications Committee for suitability.The author Technical submissions should be of reasonwill be notified of the reviewers’ decision. able technical depth and include graphics and, if The Reflector is published the first of each month. needed, any supporting files. The length is flexible; The target submission deadline for the articles however, a four to five page limit should be used should be five weeks before the issue date (e.g., as a guide. An appropriate guide may be a techni- June 1st issue date; article submission is April 27). cal paper in a conference proceeding rather than This will allow sufficient time for a thorough review one in an IEEE journal or transaction. and notification to the author.

Professional development or general interest ar- We are excited about this new feature and hope ticles should have broad applicability to the en- you are eager to participate! gineering community and should not explicitly Submissions should be sent to; promote services for which a fee or payment is ieeebostonsection@gmail.com

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IEEE Boston Section is the largest, most active, and technically diverse section in the U.S. Comprised of Engineers, scientists and professionals in the electrical and computer sciences and engineering industry

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