C losed-Form Localization for Distributed MIMO Radar Systems Using Time Delay Measurements
Abstract: This paper presents two closed-form localization algorithms, a general algorithm and a colocated algorithm, for distributed multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar systems. In distributed MIMO radar systems, range sum measurements are used to estimate the location parameter. For this, the range sum error minimization is actually employed to be degenerated into two cases for time-ofarrival (TOA) passive localization, one by employing the distance estimate between the target and the receiver (the general algorithm) and the other by subtracting the distance measurement between the target and the transmitter after the time-delay estimation (the colocated algorithm). The resulting positioning accuracy of the general and colocated techniques is found to perform better than that of the existing closed-form weighted least squares (WLS) algorithm and attain the CramĂŠr-Rao lower bound (CRLB).