Concurrent Cross-Technology Communication Among Heterogeneous IoT Devices

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Concurrent Cross-Technology Communication Among Heterogeneous IoT Devices

Abstract: The exponentially increasing number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the data generated by these devices introduces the spectrum crisis at the already crowded ISM 2.4-GHz band. To address this issue and enable more flexible and concurrent communications among IoT devices, we propose B 2 W 2 , a novel communication framework that enables N-way concurrent communication among Wi-Fi and Bluetooth low energy (BLE) devices. Specifically, we demonstrate that it is possible to enable the BLE to Wi-Fi cross-technology communication while supporting the concurrent BLE to BLE and Wi-Fi to Wi-Fi communications. We conducted extensive experiments under different real-world settings, and results show that its throughput is more than 85X times higher than that of the most recently reported cross-technology communication system, which only

supports one-way communication (i.e., broadcasting) at any specific time.

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