E xpectation Propagation for Near-Optimum Detection of M IMO-G F DM Signals
Abstract: Generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) as a nonorthogonal waveform aims at diverse applications in future mobile networks. To evaluate its performance, its capacity limits are of particular importance. Therefore, this paper analyzes its constellation-constrained capacities for cases where the channel state information (CSI) is unknown at the transmitter and perfectly known at the receiver. In frequency selective channels, GFDM may provide advantage over the conventional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) scheme. In order to achieve near-capacity performance, the interaction of data symbols in time and frequency combined with multiple antennas (MIMO) challenges the design of GFDM receivers. This paper, therefore, applies expectation propagation (EP) for systematic receiver design. It is shown that the resulting iterative MIMO-GFDM receiver with affordable complexity can approach optimum decoding performance and outperform MIMO-OFDM in a rich multipath environment. Simulations are also used to illustrate the impact of channel delay spread on the constellation-constrained capacities and on the performance of the novel receiver algorithm.