Factorization Algorithms for Temporal Psychovisual Modulation Display
Abstract: Temporal psychovisual modulation (TPVM) is a new information display technology which aims to generate multiple visual percepts for different viewers on a single display simultaneously. In a TPVM system, the viewers wearing different active liquid crystal (LC) glasses with varying transparency levels can see different images (called personal views). The viewers without LC glasses can also see a semantically meaningful image (called shared view). The display frames and weights for the LC glasses in the TPVM system can be computed through nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) with three additional constrains: the values of images and modulation weights should have upper bound (i.e., limited luminance of the display and transparency level of the LC); the shared view without using viewing devices should be considered (i.e., the sum of all basis images should be a meaningful image); and the sparsity of modulation weights should be considered due to the material property of LC. In this paper, we proposed to solve the constrained NMF problem by a modified version of hierarchical alternating least squares (HALS) algorithms. Through experiments, we analyze the choice of parameters in the setup of TPVM system. This work serves as a guideline for practical implementation of TPVM display system.