Throughput Optimization for Wireless Powered Interference Channels
Abstract: This paper studies a general multi-user wireless powered interference channel (IFC) under the harvest-then-transmit protocol, where the communication in channel coherence time consists of two phases, namely wireless energy transfer (WET) and wireless information transfer (WIT). In the first phase, all energy transmitters (ETs) transmit energy signals to information transmitters (ITs) via the collaborative waveform design, while in the second phase, each IT transmits an information signal to its intended ET using the harvested energy in the previous phase. The aim is to jointly design the WET-WIT time allocation, the (deterministic) transmit signal at the first phase, and the transmit power of ITs in the second phase to optimize the network throughput. The design problems are non-convex and hence difficult to solve globally. To deal with them, we propose efficient iterative algorithms based on alternating projections; then, the majorizationminimization technique is used to tackle the non-convex sub-problems in each iteration. We also extend the devised design methodology by
considering imperfect channel state information and non-linearity in energy harvesting circuit. The proposed algorithms are locally convergent and can provide high-quality suboptimal solutions to the design problems. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms under various setups.