I’m Ivone, a Creative Designer from Binus University. Transferring my colorful thoughts into visual art and design has always been my passion. I love to explore different design areas and have a positive attitude to taking on new challenges. Currently, i’m striving for professional development and i hope to have a work experience with you. Hope you are enjoying my works! :)
Name : Ivone El Nadine
2016 - 2020
Bina Nusantara University DKV Creative Advertising Bachelor of Arts | GPA: 3.32
2013 - 2016
SMAN 7 Tangerang
: Tangerang, May 2nd 1998
: Based in Tangerang, ID 15148
Art & Design
Informal Education
2013 - 2015
English First
Indonesia (Native) English (Intermediate)
Digital Imaging
Social Media Content
Contact (+62) 81385522982 ivoneln98@gmail.com @ielnadine | @ponipone linkedin.com/in/ielnadine issuu.com/ielnadine (Portfolio)
Software Adobe:
Experience & Achievement 2016 - 2020
UKM STAMANARA BINUS University STRADA member (Traditional Dance)
2016 - 2018
Campus Goes to School Coordinator of the Design, Decoration & Documentation Division
Pekan Keanekragaman Budaya Nusantara & Kreativitas Pelajar BINUS University Organizing Committee
Craft Competition FLS2N Banten Participant
2013 - 2015
Pensi “STARFEST” Member of the Design, Decoration & Documentation Division
2013 - 2014
Student Council of SMAN 7 Tangerang Head of English Club Division
Works 2020 - Present Sept - Dec 2019
Freelance Graphic Designer Intern at Blibli.com as Creative Designer Creating and developing Key Visual (KV) into various derivative design for Blibli promotional on website, mobile app, and social media.
Feb - June 2019
Intern at Metamorphosys Studio as Junior Graphic Designer Conceptualizing visuals based on client brief Work individually or in teams to produce attractive and on-brand graphic design materials for various media Have involved on brand project such as: CIMB, INDOFOOD, ZURICH, TRANSPARK, GT RADIAL, OISHI, BRI, PT.PP, and many more.
Dalam proyek kampanye ini, saya bekerja dalam kelompok yang beranggotakan tiga orang untuk membuat materi kampanye susu Anlene Ready to Drink. Kami melakukan riset terhadap produk, kompetitor, dan target audiens sebelum melanjutkan ke strategi kreatif dan pengembangan ide dari kampanye yang kami lakukan. Proyek ini dibuat untuk mengkampanyekan bahwa susu Anlene tidak hanya untuk menguatkan tulang khususnya bagi orang yang sudah lanjut usia, tapi juga memiliki kandungan MoveMax yang dapat memberi energi maksimal untuk kegiatan sehari-hari target audiens yang merupakan wanita karir maupun ibu rumah tangga yang sibuk beraktivitas setiap harinya.
Ideation, , Layout.
EL MODA Fashion Magazine
Phase Client Tools
: Group Assignment : Kuotie House : Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Premier & Lightroom Scope of Work: Photography, Videography, Content Planner, Ideation, Layout, Motion.
To You To Me adalah brand aksesoris manik-manik handmade yang berdiri sejak 2020. Pada proyek ini, saya mengambil bagian dalam seluruh proses branding, foto dan video produk, editing, dan pembuatan konten media sosial.
Reach me at :
(+62) 81385522982
@ielnadine |