1 minute read

Comparación de datos y conclusiones ………………………………… Pág.27


Wars have always been something where people die, and that's it. We don’t usually get into details of why that amount of people have died and that's something I’ve always wanted to know about to fulfil my curiosity. A thing I didn’t have very clear, was, what caused the demographic factors to plummet even after the war had ended, which didn’t really make sense. So I wanted to prove what else could cause this, so investigating a bit, I thought that maybe the historical context was what made in the after war period the country re-established or bury themselves. My method was practically theoretical, meanwhile I also made some graphics of data I had recovered, so all the hard work was destined towards looking for information. My results pointed out, through my study of the demographics of the country of each war before, during and after the conflict, that my hypothesis had been confirmed. All the wars, at least the ones I’ve studied, count with an historical context that makes a difference between ending a war with a political and social stability that will probably make the country grow and ending a war with a dictatorship and repression that will destroy the country. In conclusion, I’ve established that the post war situation depends on a huge amount of the historical context that comes around with the war. Which implies that in war, it doesn’t only depend on your country winning or losing, it also depends on who really wins and their intentions for making the country better.



El presente trabajo pretende ser una búsqueda exhaustiva de información y su posterior comparación, de cara a analizar cómo el contexto histórico y el desenlace de un conflicto bélico, son claves en el desarrollo futuro de la demografía del país donde se desarrolla. La investigación se desarrolló alrededor de seis guerras: la guerra de secesión, la guerra civil rusa, la guerra civil griega, la guerra de Vietnam, la guerra Serbocroata y la guerra de Afganistán. Las cuales fueron seleccionadas debido al gran impacto que tuvieron, no solo en el país donde se desarrollaron, sino a nivel mundial. De todas ellas, se recopiló información sobre su contexto histórico, político y social, y su demografía, tasas de natalidad y mortalidad, población y crecimiento poblacional.

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