FACT SHEET 4 Experienced Teacher 6 Q&A Updated 8 March 2011
Colb6 ET6 37md
The following addresses frequently asked questions with regard to applying for ET6:
KEY ISSUES Know your rights Everyone eligible to apply should do so
Q. What is the cut off date for applying for ET6? A. Applications must be submitted by: First school term day on or after 31 March each year, or First school term day on or after 30 September each year. Q. Where can I access the application forms for ET6? A. Diocesan employing authorities - from their website. Religious Institute (RI) schools – from your principal/employer. Q. Where do I lodge my ET6 application? A. Diocesan Schools – send to the employing authority: RI schools – with your employer/their representative.
ACTION Apply for the classification if you believe you are eligible – even if you have a PAR or other additional responsibilities
Q. Will I be notified if I am eligible to apply for ET6? A. No. It is incumbent upon the employee to calculate if they are eligible to apply. Q. Does my Principal determine if I am to receive the ET6 classification? A. No. Your Principal may or may not comment on the content of your application. Your professional referees may comment on the content of your application as they think appropriate. The panel will make a recommendation to the employing authority. Q. Who determines to approve ET6 classification? A. Every application will be assessed by a Validation Panel. The panel will make a recommendation to the relevant employing authority to apply or not apply the classification level. Q. If my application is rejected can I appeal? A. Yes, there is an appeal process. Q. I currently have a PAR position: can I apply for ET6? A. A PAR or Senior Administration incumbent may apply for recognition of ET6 status provided they have held the classification Experienced Teacher 4 (Band 3 Step 4) for at least four years.
CONTACTS IEUA-QNT Phone: (07) 3839 7020 Fax: (07) 3839 7021 Freecall: 1800 177 937 Email Enquiries: enquiries@qieu.asn.au Internet: www.qieu.asn.au
Q. I am a part time teacher. Can I apply for ET6? A. Provided you meet the eligibility requirements your status as a part time employee does not prevent you from applying for ET6. Q. I am employed on a casual basis, can I apply for ET6? A. Under the transitional arrangements it may be possible for some who are employed on a casual basis to apply. This will require assessment on a case by case basis. Q. Where can I get more information? A. Your employer’s website, The QIEU website – www.qieu.asn.au