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PRELIMINARY 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6.




Superannuation Funds Superannuation Contributions Salary Sacrifice Income Protection Long Service Leave and Pro rata Long Service Leave Employee Profesional Development and Study



Wage Increases No Further Claims

NON SALARY BENEFITS 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6.


Introduction Aims of the College Acknowledgment Objectives of Agreement Joint Consultative Committee

WAGES 3.1. 3.2.


Title Application Date and Period of Operation Single Bargaining Unit Disputes – Procedures for Prevention and Settlement Individual Flexibility

Full Time Staff - All Categories Teaching Staff - Other Than Full Time Non-Teaching Staff - Other Than Full Time Notice of Termination

AGREEMENT INITIATIVES 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 6.8. 6.9. 6.10. 6.11. 6.12. 6.13. 6.14. 6.15. 6.16. 6.17. 6.18. 6.19. 6.20.

Position Descriptions Professional Development and Training Employee First Aid Certificates Positions of Added Responsibility Leave Entitlements Cost Saving Workplace Health and Safety Dress Code School Officers Senior Teacher Recognition of Employee Commitment Requirements for College Staff Preparation and Correction Time for Teachers Anti-Discrimination Introduction of Changes Redundnacy Payment of salaries Jury Service Public Holidays Annual Leave - Non Teaching Staff

2 7.





Variation, Renewal or Replacement of Agreement


Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 Schedule 5 Schedule 6 Schedule 7 Schedule 8

Wage Rates Leave Entitlements Cornerstones/Statement of Faith School Officer Employment Arrangements Greenkeepers Employment Arrangements Teacher Employment Arrangements Senior Teacher Positions of Added Responsibility (PAR)





Title This agreement shall be known as the Hillcrest Christian College Enterprise Agreement 2010.


Application This Agreement shall apply to Hillcrest Christian College Limited (ACN 010 381 334), its employees and to the Unions signatory to this Agreement.


Date and Period of Operation This Agreement shall commence operation seven (7) days after approval by Fair Work Australia and shall remain in force until 30 April 2011.


Single Bargaining Unit For the purposes of negotiating and establishing this Enterprise Bargaining Agreement, a Single Bargaining Unit was formed and comprises employee representatives from Hillcrest Christian College Limited and the Independent Education Union of Australia – Queensland and Northern Territory Branch for and on behalf of all Unions Party to this Agreement, on the one hand and the Employer Representatives of Hillcrest Christian College Limited and their Industrial Adviser on the other.


Disputes – Procedures for Prevention and Settlement Subject to the Fair Work Act 2009, any grievance or dispute between the parties covered by the Agreement which arises from or is related to matters affecting the working conditions of Employees or any other industrial matter pertaining to the relations between the College and Employees shall be dealt with in the following manner. This shall exclude those disciplinary processes for which a specific procedure is provided for in the College’s Child Protection Policy.


The matters to be dealt with in this procedure shall include all grievances or disputes between an Employee and the College in respect to any industrial matter and all other matters that the parties agree on and are specified herein. Such procedure shall apply to a single Employee or to any number of Employees.


In the event of an Employee having a grievance or dispute the Employee shall, in the first instance, attempt to resolve the matter with a member of the College executive or other person designated by the Headmaster, who shall respond to such request as soon as reasonably practicable under the circumstances. Such discussions may take place in the company of a colleague of their choice or, if they so wish, the Employee(s) may nominate a representative to discuss such grievance or dispute on their behalf.


If the grievance or dispute is not resolved under subclause 1.6.2 hereof the Employee or the Employee’s nominated representative shall refer the matter to the Headmaster and/or the Headmaster’s agent. Such discussion should, if possible, take place within 24 hours after the request by the Employee or the Employee’s nominated representatives.


If a grievance or dispute in relation to a matter arising under the Agreement is unable to be resolved at the workplace, and all agreed steps for resolving it have been taken, either party may refer the grievance or dispute to Fair Work Australia for resolution by mediation and/or conciliation.


The parties agree that in the event that the grievance or dispute remains unresolved after the steps outlined in clauses 1.5.2, 1.5.3 and 1.5.4 have been completed, Fair Work Australia is empowered to arbitrate the grievance or dispute wherever it is permitted to do so by the Fair Work Act 2009.


If a recommendation is necessary the parties shall agree to the procedural powers in relation to hearings, witnesses, evidence and submissions that Fair Work Australia may exercise in the

4 particular dispute. These powers shall be all that are necessary to make the recommendation effective and do all such things as are necessary for the just resolution of the dispute.



Should the parties be unable to agree on the procedural powers that Fair Work Australia may exercise in the process of a particular dispute as allowed for in clause 1.5.5, Fair Work Australia may make a recommendation as to the appropriate procedural powers having regard to clause 1.5.5.


It is a term of this Agreement that the decision of Fair Work Australia made under subclause 1.5.5 will bind the parties subject to either party exercising a right of appeal under the Fair Work Act 2009.


Fair Work Australia will have all the powers prescribed in clause 1.5.5 hereof. To avoid doubt, the only right of appeal shall be due to an error of law contained in Fair Work Australia’s recommendation.


Whilst all of the above procedure is being followed normal work, free of any bans, limitations or stoppages and the status quo existing before the emergence of the grievance or dispute shall continue except in a case of a genuine health and/or safety issue.


Except in the case of termination, the employment relationship continues whilst the above procedure is being followed and may include continued payment to the Employee notwithstanding that the employee may not be on site.


Discussions at any stage of the procedure shall not be unreasonably delayed by any party, subject to acceptance that some matters may be of such complexity or importance that it may take a reasonable period of time for the appropriate response to be made.

Individual Flexibility 1.6.1

An employer and employee covered by this enterprise agreement may agree to make an individual flexibility arrangement to vary the effect of terms of the agreement if: a)

the agreement deals with 1 or more of the following matters: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)


c) 1.6.2


arrangements about when work is performed; overtime rates; penalty rates; allowances; leave loading; and

the arrangement meets the genuine needs of the employer and employee in relation to 1 or more of the matters mentioned in paragraph (a); and the arrangement is genuinely agreed to by the employer and employee.

The employer must ensure that the terms of the individual flexibility arrangement: a)

are about permitted matters under section 172 of the Fair Work Act 2009; and


are not unlawful terms under section 194 of the Fair Work Act 2009; and


result in the employee being better off overall than the employee would be if no arrangement was made.

The employer must ensure that the individual flexibility arrangement: a)

is in writing; and


includes the name of the employer and employee; and


is signed by the employer and employee and if the employee is under 18 years of age, signed by a parent or guardian of the employee; and


includes details of:

5 (i) the terms of the enterprise agreement that will be varied by the arrangement; and (ii) how the arrangement will vary the effect of the terms; and (iii) how the employee will be better off overall in relation to the terms and conditions of his or her employment as a result of the arrangement; and e)

states the day on which the arrangement commences.


The employer must give the employee a copy of the individual flexibility arrangement within 14 days after it is agreed to.


The employer or employee may terminate the individual flexibility arrangement: a)

by giving no more than 28 days written notice to the other party to the arrangement; or


if the employer and employee agree in writing — at any time.




Introduction Hillcrest Christian College places emphasis on the development of the whole person using God’s Word as the standard of truth, based on the Foundation Statement “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who would build it” (Psalm 127:1).


Aims of the College The Mission The mission of Hillcrest Christian College is to provide quality education and deliver to society young people who: 2.2.1

Have discovered the truth of the Gospel of Jesus and are prepared to live this truth in the service of God.


Have knowledge to discern what is good and have the skills and the spirit to commit themselves to action for a better society.


Demonstrate self discipline, integrity and compassion in their lifestyle.

Are prepared for success in personal life, in further education and in employment. 2.3.

Acknowledgment The staff and management acknowledge that Hillcrest Christian College has a prime purpose which places emphasis on the development of the whole person using God’s Word as the standard of truth. The Parties of the Agreement acknowledge and work towards the achievement of the College’s Aims, as identified in Clause 2.2. The Cornerstones of Foundation and our Statement of Faith are included as Schedule 3.


Objectives of Agreement The agreed objectives of this Agreement are: 2.4.1

to maintain the distinctive Christian ethos of the College;


to provide a framework for management, employees and unions to work together towards improving productivity and efficiency in order to maximise learning outcomes for students;


to encourage a consultative and participative approach to implement increased and sustained improvement in performance across all areas of operation of the College;




to encourage a culture of continuous improvement which is conducive to a flexible work organisation able to respond to changing demands in education;


to improve the effectiveness of support services in contributing to the provision of quality teaching and learning;


to develop management systems and work practices that contribute to the effective management and resourcing processes of the College through continued awareness of increasing pressures on operating costs and encouragement of optimum resource usage; and


to share equitably the benefits of enhanced service delivery among employees and the College community.

Joint Consultative Committee 2.5.1

The parties agree that a Joint Consultative Committee shall be convened to address issues and provide advice to the College regarding matters which may arise from this agreement.


The objectives of the Joint Consultative Committee are:



to provide a co-operative approach to the implementation of the terms of this Agreement;


to provide a mechanism for employees to have input into decisions that affect their working lives, thus providing a more satisfying work environment;


to assist in the planning and implementation of any changes that may occur in work practices; and


to recommend items to be included in the renewal of this agreement.

The Parties agree to form a Joint Consultative Committee, and determine its charter including allocation of time for meetings. The Joint Consultative Committee will reflect the staffing structure of the College and would generally include: (a)

two (2) persons appointed by the College Employing Authority;


one (1) Union member elected by the QIEU College Chapter;


four (4) members, one elected from each of the following areas: Primary and Secondary Teaching, School officers and another; and


when appropriate, other relevant personnel may be co-opted for input on specific issues.




Wage Increases 3.1.1

Teaching Staff The rates of pay shown in Schedule 1 shall apply to teachers covered by this Agreement in consideration of the matters specified in this Agreement as from the dates indicated. 2% from 1 April 2010; 2% from 1 October 2010; 2% from 1 April 2011. In addition, the parties agree that it is the intention of the employer to maintain wage increases at parity with Education Queensland teachers over the life of this agreement.


Non Teaching Staff

7 The rates of pay shown in Schedule 1 shall apply to non teaching staff covered by this Agreement in consideration of the matters specified in this Agreement as from the dates indicated. 2% from 1 April 2010; 2% from 1 October 2010; 2% from 1 April 2011. In addition, the parties agree that it is the intention of the employer to maintain wage increases at parity with Queensland Catholic Sector Schools equivalent staff over the life of this agreement. 3.2.

No Further Claims The Parties to this Agreement undertake that for the duration of the agreement no further claims will be made on the College and by the College on the staff in respect to wages or working conditions.




Superannuation Funds Choice of superannuation fund is offered to all permanent employees of the College. If an employee does not nominate a fund, the default fund will be Christian Super.


Superannuation Contributions 4.2.1

The parties recognise that an increased employer contribution combined with an employee copayment, delivers a substantial benefit to the employee’s superannuation savings.


The parties recognise that any additional superannuation contributions from employees is a matter of employee choice within the options available. The payment to be made by employing authorities will be subsumed into any payment mandated by Superannuation Guarantee Charge legislation, if any such payment is mandated.


The employing authority shall make available to all employees the following contribution options as from the 1 January 2007: Employee 0% 3% 4% 5%



Employer 9% 10.75% 11.75% 12.75%

Total 9% 13.75% 15.75% 17.75%

An employee’s voluntary superannuation co-payment may be before tax in accordance with the salary packaging provisions.

Salary Sacrifice In lieu of salary increases provided in Part 3 of this Agreement a permanent full time employee may choose to have the additional payment credited to an approved school superannuation fund. This arrangement may be altered only once per annum at no cost to the College.


Income Protection Income Protection Insurance is provided for all eligible staff as detailed in the staff handout provided by the Business Manager. The cover provides for 75% of current income up to the age of 65 years after a thirty day waiting period. The cost of this cover is met by the College.


Long Service Leave and Pro rata Long Service Leave The Provisions for Staff of Hillcrest Christian College allow for employees to accrue 1.3 weeks of Long Service Leave for each completed year of service.

8 All Employees who have seven (7) years of continuous service may access their entitlement to Long Service Leave. Continuous service is deemed to be continuous employment with the College. For the purposes of calculating entitlement to leave, continuous service will have regard to periods of part-time employment, where such periods contribute to entitlement on a pro-rata basis. Periods of leave without pay, granted for periods in excess of 1 week, do not count as service in terms of calculating entitlements to Long Service Leave, but will not break continuity. The College encourages staff to access Long Service Leave in full school term blocks. Shorter periods of Long Service Leave shall be subject to mutual agreement between the employer and employee on a case by case basis. Where a teacher’s accrued Long Service Leave does not cover a full school term, the parties can consider the use of unpaid leave to meet the balance of the term. Where so requested, and the employer so agrees, leave may be taken on half pay for periods of not less than two months, at a time which is mutually convenient to both employer and employee. Leave requested and so granted on half pay may not be split into non-consecutive periods. Long Service Leave does not have any regard for and is not affected by any Public Holidays which fall due during a period when an employee is on leave. An employee who completes seven (7) years' continuous service shall be granted a pro-rata payment in lieu of Long Service Leave upon resignation, death, termination, or total and permanent incapacity, but not in the case where employment is terminated for misconduct. 4.6.

Employee Professional Development and Study The parties acknowledge the importance of ongoing professional development and training. In addition to the regular College program of professional development, an employee shall be entitled to make application for paid study leave and/or employer sponsored formal study. Such arrangements shall only apply to employer approved study relevant to the employee’s position. Study leave of up to 2 days per year may be taken, by agreement between the employee and the employer, in order to attend lectures, study or sit for examinations.




Full Time Staff - All Categories A person who is required to attend the College or other place of employment for the maximum hours and maximum number of weeks per year as set by this Agreement shall be deemed to be full time staff.


Teaching Staff - Other Than Full Time 5.2.1

Part-Time Part-time teachers’ rates of pay will be increased by the same percentage as proposed for full time teaching staff during the term of this Agreement. A part-time teacher in a secondary school is a person working at school with a maximum teaching load of 18 hours and has continuity of employment. A part-time teacher in a primary school is a person working at a school with a maximum teaching load of 22 hours and has continuity of employment. These hours are equivalent to 0.86 of full time for teachers in secondary and primary teaching respectively. That is, a person working less than a full load but does not have a break in the engagement. Part-time teachers may be requested to undertake, but not exceed, a full teaching load in the case of occasional absence of another teaching staff member. This practice will not exceed 20 consecutive working days.

9 Part-time teachers shall be allowed time for corrections, assessments or evaluation at the rate of not less than one (1) hour for every five (5) hours worked. This time shall be paid at the rate prescribed herein. A part-time teacher shall be deemed to have completed a year of service, for the purpose of this clause, and this clause only, when the aggregate amount of time paid, in respect of work performed, is 1230 hours. Provided that, at the date of signing, employees who have accrued 1000 hours shall be deemed to have completed a year of service. Further, it is provided that where an employee does not have their part-time hours increased on a continuing basis beyond the quantum of hours worked at the date of signing, then such an employee who accrues 1000 hours shall be deemed to have completed a year of service. Rate of Payment A part-time teacher shall be paid at the appropriate rate as prescribed by this Agreement for a teacher of equivalent teaching experience and academic qualifications. The rate of payment for part-time teachers shall be calculated by dividing the fortnightly rate of salary prescribed for a teacher of equivalent teaching experience and academic qualification by 53. Part-time teachers employed in accordance with this provision shall accrue a pro rata entitlement to sick leave and paid vacation period based on the average weekly hours of employment. The leave loading of 17½% on four (4) week’s salary will be paid on the pro rata accrual. Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally engaged, that employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that day. 5.2.2

Supply Teacher A supply teacher shall be employed on an intermittent basis to relieve a teacher absent from duty or to meet a short term staffing need. A supply teacher shall be employed for a minimum period of three (3) hours in any one engagement. There shall be a minimum payment of three (3) hours for each day so employed. Where a supply teacher is required to perform duties over and above their classroom teaching duties, they shall be remunerated in accordance with the section “Rate of Payment”. Remuneration for a supply teacher shall be based on the appropriate Award scale in accordance with the formula in the section “Rate of Payment”. Provided that payment for preparation and correction in accordance with Part-Time Teaching Staff shall not apply to supply teachers in respect to the first two (2) days of any one engagement. A supply teacher shall be deemed to have completed a year of service, for the purpose of this clause, and this clause only, when the aggregate amount of time paid for is 1230 hours. Rate of Payment A supply teacher shall be paid at the appropriate rate as prescribed by this Agreement for a teacher of equivalent teaching experience and academic qualifications. Hourly rate equals the annual salary prescribed divided by the annualised hours normally worked by a full time teacher in the school, plus a casual loading of 23%. A supply teacher shall not be entitled to payment for public holidays or other pro rata entitlements.


Fixed Term Teachers A fixed term teacher is one engaged to work up to, but not exceeding, a full teaching load with a specified commencement and cessation date. “Fixed Term Appointee” is defined as a Teacher appointed by the College for a fixed time period. Without limiting the application of the foregoing, an identifiable short term need could include:

10 -

Special projects Special Government grants Filling the position of a specified Teacher who is on nominated leave from the school Filling the position of a Teacher arising from a resignation, where such position is declared vacant and no suitable permanent Teacher is available.

Fixed term appointees will be employed for a period no greater than 12 months and shall not be regarded as probationary Teachers. Provided that if the identifiable short term need exists after the 12 month period, the fixed term appointment may be re-negotiated. Any agreement reached between a school and an individual Teacher as prescribed by this clause shall be in writing, signed by both parties, and shall clearly identify the terms, conditions and specific duration of the appointment. Rate of Payment A fixed term teacher shall be paid at the appropriate rate as prescribed by this Agreement for a teacher of equivalent teaching experience and academic qualifications and shall be paid the proportion of the annual salary which relates to the period worked. Fixed term teachers shall accrue pro rata entitlements of sick leave, paid vacation leave and long service leave based on the number of hours worked divided by the annualised quantum of hours worked by a full time teacher multiplied by the hours of entitlement. The leave loading of 17.5 % on four (4) weeks salary will be paid on the pro rata annual leave accrual. Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally engaged, that employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that day. 5.3.

Non-Teaching Staff - Other Than Full Time 5.3.1

Part-Time A part-time employee is an employee engaged to work a constant number of ordinary hours of less than 38 hours per week on the basis of 52 weeks per annum.


Term Time A term time employee is a continuing employee engaged to work 38 ordinary hours per week, but less than 52 weeks per year, or less than 38 ordinary hours per week and less than 52 weeks per year. The interruption of continuous employment due to the school term vacation shall not terminate the employment. The person will recommence work no later than the first day of each term or upon the return of the teaching staff for the preparation of the following term or as otherwise mutually agreed between employer and employee.


Fixed Term A fixed term employee is one engaged to work 38 hours or less per week with a specified commencement and cessation date.


Rate of Payment - Part-Time, Term Time, Fixed Term A person employed under the categories outlined in this clause shall be paid at the appropriate rate as prescribed for the category or level under this Agreement, based upon: The hourly rate is equal to the rate of pay prescribed for a full time employee divided by 38.

11 A person employed under these categories shall accrue pro rata entitlements of sick leave, annual leave of four (4) weeks and long service leave based on the number of total ordinary hours worked divided by the number of ordinary hours worked by a full time employee in twelve (12) months multiplied by the hours of entitlement. The annual leave loading of 17½% on four (4) weeks will be paid on the pro rata accrual. Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally engaged, that employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that day. Where an employee and their employer agree in writing, part-time employment may be converted to full-time, and vice-versa. If such an employee transfers from full-time to part-time (or viceversa), all accrued entitlements shall be maintained. Following transfer to part-time employment accrual will occur in accordance with the provisions relevant to part-time employment. 5.3.5


Casual Staff (a)

A casual employee is a person engaged and paid as such and who is employed by the hour for a maximum period of 20 working days on any one engagement.


Rate of Payment A casual employee shall be paid at the prescribed weekly rate of payment as appropriate for a full time employee performing the same or similar task divided by 38 plus 23% loading with a minimum payment of 2 hours for each day's engagement.


casual employee shall not be entitled to payment for public holidays or other pro rata entitlements.

Notice of Termination 5.4.1

Teaching Staff – Full Time Except where otherwise mutually agreed between the employer and the employee or as required by legislation and except as hereafter provided, a full time teacher’s service may be terminated by one [1] calendar month’s notice, preferably in term time by either party, provided that in lieu of such notice one months pay shall be paid or forfeited.


Teaching Staff – Part Time Notice of termination for part time teaching staff shall be as per the arrangements for Other Staff in clause 5.4.3.


Other Staff (a)

Notice of termination by employer (i)

Except where otherwise mutually agreed between the employer and the employee, in order to terminate the employment of an employee, the employer shall give the following notice: Period of Continuous Service

Period of Notice

Not more than 3 years

2 weeks

More than 3 years but not more than 5 years

3 weeks

More than 5 years

4 weeks


Employees over 45 years of age at the time of receiving the notice and with not less than two years’ continuous service shall be entitled to an additional one week’s notice;


Payment in lieu of notice shall be made if the appropriate notice is not given. Provided that employment may be terminated by part of the period of notice specified and part-payment in lieu of notice.




In calculating any payment in lieu of notice the ordinary time rate of pay for the employee concerned shall be used.


This period of notice shall not apply in the case of dismissal for misconduct or other grounds that justify instant dismissal or in the case of casual employees or employees engaged for a specific period of time or for a specific task or tasks.

Notice of Termination by employee An employee, except where otherwise mutually agreed between the employer and the employee, is also required to give the employer notice as per 5.4.2 (a) (i) above. If an employee fails to give this notice, the employer shall have the right to withhold monies due to the employee with a maximum amount equal to the ordinary time rate for the period of notice.


Certificate of employment An employee, upon termination of the employee's services for any reason whatsoever, shall be provided by the employer with a certificate of employment signed and dated by the employer containing the following particulars: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

the full name and address of the employee; a description of position in which the employee was engaged; the dates on which the employee commenced and ceased employment in each of the positions; the address of the workplace at which the employee was so engaged; the classification levels in which the employee has been employed and the duration at each level since the 27 February 1995; and periods of leave without pay taken during the period of employment with the employer.




Position Descriptions The parties to this Agreement are committed to developing position descriptions where not currently existing, for all employees as appropriate. This development will be undertaken through a process of consultation, having regard for the following issues, where appropriate:



clarification of current positions;


consultation regarding future role changes;


acknowledgment of current flexibility in roles of all employees; and


clarification of atypical duties of all employees.

Professional Development and Training The Parties are committed to enhancing the skills of employees through the provision of both internal and external professional development and training, within the resource capacity of the College and with regard to: 6.2.1

the employee appraisal process;


the Aims and Cornerstones of Foundation of the College;


the needs of the College;


the personal goals of employees as related to their work; and


the appropriateness to the employee’s position.

13 6.3.

Employee First Aid Certificates The parties acknowledge the value of teachers and other selected staff obtaining and maintaining Senior First Aid Certificates. It is recognised that this commitment involves a shared responsibility for the completion of First Aid training. Staff will be responsible for this cost as part of their professional development requirements. The College will provide the time and venue every three years (annually for CPR) to facilitate updating as a group.


Positions of Added Responsibility The employment arrangements for Positions of Added Responsibility are contained in Schedule 8 of this Agreement.


Leave Entitlements The basic leave entitlements of the College are set out in Schedule 2 of this Agreement.


Cost Saving The Parties agree to implement improved management practices, including cost centre budgeting over the life of the Agreement to reduce school operating costs as a proportion of overall costs. Specific attention will include, but not be limited to, the following areas:



telephone costs;


photocopying costs;


maintenance costs;


cleaning costs;


use of overhead projectors;


energy costs;


payroll costs;


rework; and


security costs.

Workplace Health and Safety The parties agree, as part of the continued monitoring of the operation of this Agreement that, where appropriate, Workplace Health and Safety issues will be addressed, to maintain a healthy and safe working environment in line with the Hillcrest Christian College policy.


Dress Code The standard of dress will vary depending on such issues as job requirements, weather conditions and changes in student activities. As an indication of appropriate dress code for the College, the following principles are to be considered: 6.8.1

teachers are significant role models for the students in their charge, so their dress and grooming should take this into account;


the College has established standards of dress and grooming for students; staff should reinforce this with their own appearance; and


neatness and modesty in appearance reflects the image of the College in the community.

14 6.9.

School Officer Classification The provisions of Schedule 4 - School Officer Classification of this Agreement will operate from, and be implemented by 1 July 2007.


Senior Teacher The conditions for the Senior Teacher classification are contained in Schedule 7 - Senior Teacher and shall operate as from 1 January 2006.


Recognition of Employee Commitment The Parties to this Agreement agree that participation in planning, pastoral and curriculum matters is an important element in maintaining the efficient and effective operation of the College. The Employer recognises the professional commitment of employees who often provide their services, on a voluntary basis, in excess of ordinary hours of work. Further, the parties are committed to identifying initiatives to reduce the incidence of workplace stress associated with workload. Where identified, employee concerns regarding work intensification or unreasonable workloads shall be referred to the School Consultative Committee in an effort to identify joint solutions to such concerns.


Requirements for College Staff Employees of Hillcrest Christian College are representative of the college and as such must not act, subject to the provisions of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991, in a way that they know or ought reasonably to know is contrary to their employer’s Christian ethos . The employer’s ethos are identified at clause 2.1 and in schedule 3 of this agreement.



Preparation and Correction Time for Teachers 6.13.1

Secondary Teachers – A minimum amount equal to 20% of actual contact time (excluding assembly time) shall be allocated to preparation and correction time.


Primary Teachers – A minimum amount of two (2) hours per week shall be allocated to preparation and correction time.


Where preparation and correction time cannot be provided due to the absence of a relieving teacher or another factor beyond the control of the classroom teacher, the parties shall identify mutually agreed measures to compensate the classroom teacher.

Anti-discrimination 6.14.1

It is the intention of the parties to this Agreement to prevent and eliminate discrimination, as defined by the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 as amended from time to time.


Accordingly, in fulfilling their obligations under the grievance and dispute settling procedure in this Agreement, the parties must take reasonable steps to ensure that neither the Agreement provisions nor their operation are directly or indirectly discriminatory in their effects.


Under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 it is unlawful to victimise an employee because the employee has made or may make or has been involved in a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment.


Nothing in this clause is to be taken to affect: (a)

any different treatment (or treatment having different outcomes) which is specifically exempted under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991;


an employee, employer or registered organization, pursuing matters of discrimination, including by application to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission/AntiDiscrimination Commission Queensland.

15 6.15

Introduction of changes 6.15.1

Employer's duty to notify (a)

Where an employer decides to introduce changes in production, program, organisation, structure or technology, that are likely to have significant effects on employees, the employer shall notify the employees who may be affected by the proposed changes and if requested their nominated representative/s.


'Significant effects' includes termination of employment, major changes in the composition, operation or size of the employer's workforce or in the skills required; the elimination or diminution of job opportunities or job tenure; the alteration of hours of work; the need for retraining or transfer of employees to other work or locations and the restructuring of jobs:

Provided that where the Agreement makes provision for alteration of any of the matters referred to herein an alteration shall be deemed not to have significant effect. 6.15.2


Employer's duty to consult over change (a)

The employer shall consult the employees affected and if requested their nominated representative/s about the introduction of the changes, the effects the changes are likely to have on employees (including the number and categories of employees likely to be dismissed, and the time when, or the period over which, the employer intends to carry out the dismissals), and the ways to avoid or minimise the effects of the changes (e.g. by finding alternate employment).


The consultation must occur as soon as practicable after making the decision referred to in clause 6.15.1.


For the purpose of such consultation the employer shall provide in writing to the employees and if requested their nominated representative/s concerned all relevant information about the changes including the nature of the changes proposed, the expected effects of the changes on employees, and any other matters likely to affect employees, provided that the employer shall not be required to disclose confidential information, the disclosure of which would be adverse to the employer's interests.

Redundancy 6.16.1

Consultation before terminations (a)

Where the employer decides that the employer no longer wishes the job the employee has been doing to be done by anyone, and this is not due to the ordinary and customary turnover of labour, and that decision may lead to termination of employment, the employer shall consult the employee directly affected and if requested their nominated representative/s.


The consultation shall take place as soon as it is practicable after the employer has made a decision, which will invoke the provisions of clause 6.16.1(a) and shall cover the reasons for the proposed terminations, measures to avoid or minimise the terminations and/or their adverse affects on the employees concerned.


For the purpose of the consultation the employer shall, as soon as practicable, provide in writing to the employees concerned and if requested their nominated representative/s all relevant information about the proposed terminations including the reasons for the proposed terminations, the number and categories of employees likely to be affected, the number of workers normally employed and the period over which the terminations are likely to be carried out:

Provided that the employer shall not be required to disclose confidential information, the disclosure of which would be adverse to the employer's interests. 6.16.2

Transfer to lower paid duties




Where an employee is transferred to lower paid duties for reasons set out in clause 6.16.1 the employee shall be entitled to the same period of notice of transfer as the employee would have been entitled to if the employee's employment had been terminated under clause 6.16.1.


The employer may, at the employer's option, make payment in lieu thereof of an amount equal to the difference between the former amounts the employer would have been liable to pay and the new lower amount the employer is liable to pay the employee for the number of weeks of notice still owing.


The amounts must be worked out on the basis of:



the ordinary working hours to be worked by the employee; and


the amounts payable to the employee for the hours including for example, allowances, loadings and penalties; and


any other amounts payable under the employee's employment contract.

Transmission of business (a)



Where a business is, whether before or after the date of insertion of this clause in the Agreement transmitted from an employer (transmittor) to another employer (transmittee), and an employee who at the time of such transmission was an employee of the transmittor of the business, becomes an employee of the transmittee: (i)

the continuity of the employment of the employee shall be deemed not to have been broken by reason of such transmission; and


the period of employment which the employee has had with the transmittor or any prior transmittor shall be deemed to be service of the employee with the transmittee.

In this clause, 'business' includes trade, process, business or occupation and includes a part or subsidiary (which means a corporation that would be taken to be a subsidiary under the Corporations Law, whether or not the Corporations Law applies in the particular case) of any such business and 'transmission' includes transfer, conveyance, assignment or succession whether by agreement or by operation of law and 'transmitted' has a corresponding meaning.

Time off during notice period (a)

Where a decision has been made to terminate an employee in the circumstances outlined in clause 6.16.1(a), the employee shall be allowed up to one day's time off without loss of pay during each week of notice for the purpose of seeking other employment.


If the employee has been allowed paid leave for more than one day during the notice period for the purpose of seeking other employment, the employee shall, at the request of the employer, be required to produce proof of attendance at an interview or the employee shall not receive payment for the time absent. For this purpose a statutory declaration will be sufficient.

Notice to Centrelink Where a decision has been made to terminate employees in the circumstances outlined in clause 6.16.1 the employer shall notify Centrelink as soon as possible giving all relevant information about the proposed terminations, including a written statement of the reasons for the terminations, the number and categories of the employees likely to be affected, the number of workers normally employed and the period over which the terminations are intended to be carried out.


Severance pay (a)

In addition to the period of notice prescribed for ordinary termination, an employee whose employment is terminated for reasons set out in clause 6.16.1(a), shall be entitled to the following amounts of severance pay: Period of Continuous Service

Severance Pay


Less than 1 year` 1 year but not more than 2 years More than 2 years but not more than 3 years More than 3 years but not more than 4 years More than 4 years but not more than 5 years More than 5 years but not more than 6 years More than 6 years but not more than 7 years More than 7 years but not more than 8 years More than 8 years but not more than 9 years More than 9 years but not more than 10 years More than 10 years but not more than 11 years More than 11 years but not more than 12 years More than 12 years (b)

(Weeks’ Pay) Nil 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

'Weeks' Pay' means the ordinary time rate of pay for the employee concerned: Provided that the following amounts are excluded from the calculation of the ordinary time rate of pay: overtime, penalty rates, disability allowances, shift allowances, special rates, fares and travelling time allowances, bonuses and any other ancillary payments.


Superannuation benefits The employer may make an application to Fair Work Australia for relief from the obligation to make severance payments in circumstances where:



the employer has contributed to a superannuation scheme which provides a particular benefit to an employee in a redundancy situation; and


the particular benefit to the employee is over and above any benefit the employee might obtain from any legislative scheme providing for superannuation benefits (currently the federal Superannuation Guarantee levy) or an award based superannuation scheme.

Employee leaving during notice An employee whose employment is terminated for reasons set out in clause 6.16.1(a), may terminate such employment during the period of notice, and, if so, shall be entitled to the same benefits and payments under this clause had such employee remained with the employer until the expiry of such notice: Provided that in such circumstances the employee shall not be entitled to payment in lieu of notice.


Alternative employment (a)

The College, in a particular case, may amend the general severance pay prescription if the College obtains acceptable alternative employment for an employee.


Should the employee dispute the College’s amendment to the severance pay prescription or the applicability of the alternative employment, the employee may access the Dispute Resolution process contained in this Agreement.

6.16.10 Employees with less than one year's service This clause (2.9) shall not apply to employees with less than one year's continuous service and the general obligation on employers should be no more than to give relevant employees an indication of the impending redundancy at the first reasonable opportunity, and to take such steps as may be reasonable to facilitate the obtaining by the employees of suitable alternative employment. 6.16.11 Employees exempted This clause (6.16) shall not apply: (a)

where employment is terminated as a consequence of misconduct on the part of the employee; or




to employees engaged for a specific period or task(s); or


to casual employees.

Payment of Salaries Salaries shall be paid fortnightly (except where otherwise mutually agreed between the College and the majority of employees) by Electronic Funds Transfer (“E.F.T.�) into an account/s nominated by the employee. Payment by a means other than E.F.T. shall be at the discretion of the College.



Jury Service 6.18.1

An employee, other than a casual employee, required to attend for jury service during their ordinary working hours shall be reimbursed by the employer an amount equal to the difference between the amount paid in respect of their attendance for such jury service and the ordinary pay the employee would have been paid if the employee was not absent on jury service.


Alternatively, by agreement, fees (other than meal allowance) received by the employee to attend jury service will be paid to the employer and the employer will continue to pay the employee their ordinary pay for the time the employee was absent on jury service.


Employees shall notify their employer as soon as practicable of the date upon which they are required to attend for jury service and shall provide their employer with proof of such attendance, the duration of such attendance and the amount received in respect thereof.


If the employee is not required to serve on a jury for a day or part of a day after attending for jury service and the employee would ordinarily be working for all or part of the remaining day, the employee must, if practicable, present for work at the earliest reasonable opportunity.


"Ordinary pay" means the rate of pay that an employee would normally expect to receive for working ordinary hours on an ordinary day of the week, including any over-award payment. "Ordinary pay" excludes overtime, penalty rates of all types - including those attaching to working ordinary hours (for example) on a Saturday, disability allowances, shift allowances, special rates, fares and travelling time allowances, bonuses and other ancillary payments of a like nature.

Public Holidays 6.19.1

An employee who would ordinarily be required to work on a day on which a public holiday falls is entitled to full pay for the time the employee would ordinarily have been required to perform work on that day.


All work (that is required by the employer) done by an employee on: -

the 1st January; the 26th January (Australia Day); Good Friday; Easter Saturday (the day after Good Friday); Easter Monday; the 25th April (Anzac Day); Labour day; The Birthday of the Sovereign; Christmas Day; Boxing Day: or any day appointed under the Holidays Act 1983 (Qld), to be kept in place of any such holiday;

will be paid at the rate of double time and a-half with a minimum of 4 hours. 6.19.3

Double time and a-half For the purposes this clause, where the rate of wages is a weekly rate, "double time and a-half" means one and one half day's wages in addition to the prescribed weekly rate, or pro rata if there is more or less than a day.

19 6.19.4

In respect of teaching staff, work done on any other holiday shall not be deemed overtime or be paid for at an increased rate.


Annual show All work done by an employee in a district specified from time to time by the Minister by notification published in the Industrial Gazette on the day appointed under the Holidays Act 1983(Qld), to be kept as a holiday in relation to the annual agricultural horticultural or industrial show held at the principal city or town, as specified in such notification, of such district shall be paid for at the rate of double time and a-half with a minimum of 4 hours. In a district in which a holiday is not appointed for an annual agricultural, horticultural or industrial show, the employee and employer must agree on an ordinary working day that is to be treated as a show holiday for all purposes.



Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this clause, by mutual agreement between the College and the majority of employees affected, another day may be substituted for any of the above holidays.

Annual leave – Non Teaching Staff 6.20.1

Every employee, other than teaching staff and casual employees, shall be entitled to accrue an amount of paid annual leave for each completed 4 weeks of continuous service with the employer, of 1/13 of the number of nominal hours worked by the employee for the employer during that 4 week period. [Note: for a full time employee this equates to 4 weeks’ leave per annum.]


Such annual leave shall be exclusive of any public holiday which may occur during the period of that annual leave.


If the employment of any employee is terminated, the employee’s untaken annual leave must be paid at a rate that is no less than the rate determined in accordance with clause 6.20.4 at that time.


Calculation of annual leave pay - In respect to annual leave entitlements to which clause 6.20 applies, annual leave pay (including any proportionate payments) shall be calculated as follows: (a)

In no case shall the payment by the employer to an employee be less than the sum of the following amounts: (i) (ii)




The employee's ordinary wage rate as prescribed by this Agreement f or the period of the annual leave (excluding weekend penalty rates): A further amount calculated at the rate of 17.5% of the amounts referred to in clauses 6.20(a)(i)

The provisions of clause 6.20.4(a) shall not apply to any period or periods of annual leave exceeding 4 weeks.

An employee must take an amount of annual leave during a particular period if: (a)

The employee is directed to do so by the employer because, during that period, the employer shuts down the business, or any part of the business, in which the employee works; and


At least that amount of annual leave is credited to the employee; or


At the time of the direction is given, the employee has annual leave credited to him or her of more than 1/13 of the number of nominal hours worked by the employee for the employer during the period of 104 weeks ending at the time the direction is given.

In the case of a direction given in terms of clause 6.20.5(a) and (c) the amount of annual leave that the employee is directed to take is less than, or equal to ¼ of the amount of credited annual leave of the employee at the time the direction is given.

20 6.20.7


Annual leave shall be taken by school officer employees during school vacation periods unless otherwise agreed between the employer and employee.

SAVINGS CLAUSE The existing conditions and accrued entitlements of employees at the date of signing, shall not be reduced as a result of this Agreement coming into effect.




Variation, Renewal or Replacement of Agreement Subject to satisfactory implementation of this Agreement the Parties agree to re-open negotiations by 1 February 2011 with a view to negotiating a replacement Agreement. Further the Parties agree to monitor the implementation of the Agreement through the SBU and identify issues suitable for negotiation in a replacement Agreement. The Parties agree that this Agreement may be varied by amendment in circumstances where all Parties genuinely agree that a variation is necessary. Any amendment to this Agreement will be subject to the same consultation and approval process as that used for the Agreement. This clause will operate pursuant to the Fair Work Act 2009.

21 9.

SIGNATORIES Signed for the Hillcrest Christian College Limited (ACN 010 381 334):

In the presence of:

________________________________ (signature)

___________________________ (witness to sign)



(print name)

(print name)

________________________________ (position, title, office etc)


________________________________ (address)

AND Signed for the Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch

In the presence of:

_________________________________ (signature)

_____________________________ (witness to sign)



(print name) _________________________________ (position, title office etc)


________________________________ (address)

(print name)


Classification Band 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Band 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Band 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Base Rate as at 01 Jan 2010 Per Per Fortnight Annum $1,792.74 $46,771.30 $1,845.23 $48,140.18 $1,909.29 $49,810.97 $1,977.25 $51,584.57 $2,033.73 $53,058.41 $2,146.71 $56,005.02 $2,259.46 $58,947.30 $2,372.44 $61,894.99 $2,485.63 $64,847.00 $2,579.55 $67,298.00 $2,674.24 $69,768.48 $2,768.27 $72,221.64 $2,862.74 $74,685.62

2% Increase as at 01 April 2010 Per Per Fortnight Annum $1,828.60 $47,706.70 $1,882.10 $49,103.00 $1,947.50 $50,807.20 $2,016.80 $52,616.30 $2,074.40 $54,119.60 $2,189.60 $57,125.10 $2,304.60 $60,126.20 $2,419.90 $63,132.90 $2,535.30 $66,143.90 $2,631.10 $68,644.00 $2,727.70 $71,163.80 $2,823.60 $73,666.10 $2,920.00 $76,179.30

2% Increase as at 01 October 2010 Per Per Fortnight Annum $1,865.20 $48,660.80 $1,919.70 $50,085.10 $1,986.50 $51,823.30 $2,057.10 $53,668.60 $2,115.90 $55,202.00 $2,233.40 $58,267.60 $2,350.70 $61,328.70 $2,468.30 $64,395.60 $2,586.00 $67,466.80 $2,683.70 $70,016.90 $2,782.30 $72,587.10 $2,880.10 $75,139.40 $2,978.40 $77,702.90

WAGE RATES - SENIOR TEACHERS Base Rate as at 01 Jan 2010 Per Fortnight Per Annum $91.66 $2,390.40

2% Increase as at 01 April 2010 Per Fortnight Per Annum $93.50 $2,438.20

2% Increase as at 01 October 2010 Per Fortnight Per Annum $95.40 $2,487.00

2% Increase as at 01 April 2011 Per Fortnight Per Annum $97.30 $2,536.70

2% Increase as at 01 April 2011 Per Per Fortnight Annum $1,902.50 $49,634.00 $1,958.10 $51,086.80 $2,026.20 $52,859.80 $2,098.20 $54,742.00 $2,158.20 $56,306.00 $2,278.10 $59,433.00 $2,397.70 $62,555.30 $2,517.70 $65,683.50 $2,637.70 $68,816.10 $2,737.40 $71,417.20 $2,837.90 $74,038.80 $2,937.70 $76,642.20 $3,038.00 $79,257.00

WAGE RATES - SCHOOL OFFICERS STAFF Base Rate as at 01 Jan 2010 Classification Level 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Level 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Level 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Level 4 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Level 5 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Level 6 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Level 7 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Per Week $690.32 $705.92 $721.62 $737.54 $752.82 $774.58 $784.44 $784.44 $806.20 $827.85 $850.35 $878.47 $902.24 $927.28 $956.89 $1,009.00 $1,071.71 $1,071.71 $1,120.11 $1,168.60 $1,217.10 $1,253.71 $1,278.65 $1,302.21 $1,325.66 $1,349.22 $1,372.88

Per Hour $18.17 $18.58 $18.99 $19.41 $19.81 $20.38 $20.64 $20.64 $21.22 $21.79 $22.38 $23.12 $23.74 $24.40 $25.18 $26.55 $28.20 $28.20 $29.48 $30.75 $32.03 $32.99 $33.65 $34.27 $34.89 $35.51 $36.13

2% Increase as at 01 April 2010 Per Week $704.10 $720.00 $736.10 $752.30 $767.90 $790.10 $800.10 $800.10 $822.30 $844.40 $867.40 $896.00 $920.30 $945.80 $976.00 $1,029.20 $1,093.10 $1,093.10 $1,142.50 $1,192.00 $1,241.40 $1,278.80 $1,304.20 $1,328.30 $1,352.20 $1,376.20 $1,400.30

Per Hour $18.50 $19.00 $19.40 $19.80 $20.20 $20.80 $21.10 $21.10 $21.60 $22.20 $22.80 $23.60 $24.20 $24.90 $25.70 $27.10 $28.80 $28.80 $30.10 $31.40 $32.70 $33.60 $34.30 $35.00 $35.60 $36.20 $36.90

2% Increase as at 01 October 2010 Per Week $718.20 $734.40 $750.80 $767.30 $783.30 $805.90 $816.10 $816.10 $838.70 $861.30 $884.70 $913.90 $938.70 $964.70 $995.50 $1,049.80 $1,115.00 $1,115.00 $1,165.40 $1,215.80 $1,266.20 $1,304.40 $1,330.30 $1,354.90 $1,379.20 $1,403.70 $1,428.30

Per Hour $18.90 $19.40 $19.80 $20.20 $20.60 $21.20 $21.50 $21.50 $22.00 $22.60 $23.30 $24.10 $24.70 $25.40 $26.20 $27.60 $29.40 $29.40 $30.70 $32.00 $33.40 $34.30 $35.00 $35.70 $36.30 $36.90 $37.60

2% Increase as at 01 April 2011 Per Week $733.00 $749.00 $766.00 $783.00 $799.00 $822.00 $832.00 $832.00 $855.00 $879.00 $902.00 $932.00 $957.00 $984.00 $1,015.00 $1,071.00 $1,137.00 $1,137.00 $1,189.00 $1,240.00 $1,292.00 $1,330.00 $1,357.00 $1,382.00 $1,407.00 $1,432.00 $1,457.00

Per Hour $19.30 $19.80 $20.20 $20.60 $21.00 $21.60 $21.90 $21.90 $22.40 $23.10 $23.80 $24.60 $25.20 $25.90 $26.70 $28.20 $30.00 $30.00 $31.30 $32.60 $34.10 $35.00 $35.70 $36.40 $37.00 $37.60 $38.40


WAGE RATES - SERVICES STAFF Base Rate as at 01 Jan 2010 Gardens/Grounds/Bus Maintenance/Grounds Bus/Grounds

Per Week $827.11 $693.39

2% Increase as at 01 April 2010

Per Hour $21.77 $18.24

Per Week $843.70 $707.30

Per Hour $22.20 $18.60

2% Increase as at 01 October 2010 Per Week $860.60 $721.40

Per Hour $22.60 $19.00

2% Increase as at 01 April 2011 Per Week $877.80 $735.80

Per Hour $23.10 $19.40

WAGE RATES - OTHER STAFF Base Rate as at 01 Jan 2010 Other Staff Chaplain Counsellor

Per Week $1,039.56 $1,351.02

Per Hour $27.36 $35.55

2% Increase as at 01 April 2010 Per Week $1,060.40 $1,378.00

Per Hour $27.90 $36.30

2% Increase as at 01 October 2010 Per Week $1,081.60 $1,405.60

Per Hour $28.50 $37.00

2% Increase as at 01 April 2011 Per Week $1,103.20 $1,433.70

Per Hour $29.10 $37.70




TYPE OF LEAVE A1 Maternity Leave

WITH/ WITHOUT PAY As from 1 January 2009, with pay for first eight weeks from date of confinement after completion of 12 months service.

COMMENTS The conditions for unpaid maternity leave shall be as per the Fair Work Act 2009.

ACTION REQUIRED Apply on form with medical certificate attached.

The employer funded eight weeks paid maternity leave will be in addition to the federal government’s implementation of a national paid parental leave scheme on 1 January 2011. A2 Paternity Leave

3 days with pay. Without pay as per the Fair Work Act 2009.

Apply to Principal.

Additional leave without pay may be granted in some circumstances. A2 Leave without pay for travel, study, child-rearing.

Without pay.

Normally for a full year only.

Applications are due approximately mid year prior to the year in which the leave is required. Applications should be sent by letter.

A3 Missionary Leave, Australian Volunteers Abroad, Bible College.

Without pay.

Up to 1 year

Apply by letter, including a letter of verification from sponsoring organisation.

A4 Long Service Leave.

With full or half pay, as

See Clause

Apply on form.

26 per entitlement.


General leave approved in this area can have either a preventative or a healing aspect for the teacher. Where such leave exceeds two days at any one time, a medical certificate is required from a properly accredited medical officer. Applications for normal sick leave should be made on the "Application for Teachers Leave of Absence Form" and submitted to the Principal. WITH/



B1 Sick Leave: (1) Normal.

With pay up to the limit of entitlement. Accrues at the rate of 10 days per College year.

(2) Teachers in their first year of substantive service following their initial teacher training.

Five (5) extra days of sick leave with pay under special circumstances.



Sick leave / personal leave arrangements shall be in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009.

Apply on form. A medical certificate is required for absences in excess of 2 days. Apply on form with attached letter of explanation.

SECTION C: ABSENCES ARISING FROM DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS AS A TEACHER From time to time there are duties and obligations in teaching which require the teacher to be away from the College setting but which enrich either the College programme or the professional life of the teacher. Often College needs and/or College concessions allow teachers to be absent for short periods during term time. This section addresses such requests. In general the approval can be given by the school Principal.





C1 Attendance at in-service activities conferences, seminars, etc.

With pay

Apply to Principal.

C2 Receipt of Degree or Diploma by teacher.

With pay

For the period of the Apply to Principal. Award granting ceremony and for reasonable travel time.


Observation Visits

With pay, plus travel costs, if approved.

C4 Attendance at field camps or schools as a compulsory part of external study.

If approved, up to 5 days without pay.

Leave approved by Principal. Application should be as Apply on form and attach a early as possible. The letter explaining the relevance study programme must of the course and enclose a be aimed at improving copy of document from the academic qualifications tertiary institution stating the of a teacher and be requirement. relevant to that person's role as a teacher.

27 C5

Without Pay

Exchange Teaching

Application should be as Apply by letter to the Principal. early as possible. The Board approval must be exchange program must obtained (at least in principle) be for the mutual before any plans or benefits of the arrangements are entered into. employees and the College and in no way compromise the standards of teaching within the College.

SECTION D: ABSENCES ARISING FROM DUTIES AND INTERESTS AS A CITIZEN The involvement in the community beyond the traditional College setting is seen as important. This concept is supported, but within 2 clearly established rules: * the educational programme of students is a paramount obligation for all teachers; * these activities and interests do not commit the College to increased costs either directly or indirectly.



D1 Attendance at Court as a witness, complainant or defendant.

Leave with pay may be granted up to a maximum of 3 days per annum. In special circumstances, leave without pay may be granted if additional leave is required.


Leave is granted in accordance with the requirements of the Court.

Jury duty


ACTION REQUIRED Apply to Principal using the form. Attach a letter held explaining the circumstances.

Employer shall continue to pay the employee during leave for jury duty. Employee shall pay to the employer any monies received from the Government/Court in reference to such jury duty.

Application form with a copy of Court notification attached.


2009. In general, Special Leave covers those occasions when a teacher is called upon to act urgently because of obligations and interests of a personal nature. This leave is to cover circumstances which cannot reasonably be delayed to non-College time. All special leave is awarded on its merits. Explanation of the need by letter is essential. The Fair Work Act 2009 provides a definition of “immediate family”. TYPE OF LEAVE


E1(a) Bereavement of Spouse or Child

Up to 5 Days with pay on each occasion. One day with pay on each


ACTION REQUIRED Apply to Principal using form.

28 TYPE OF LEAVE E1(b) Bereavement of other family members

WITH/WITHOUT PAY occasion. Up to 3 days on each occasion if necessarily involved in funeral arrangements or long distances.



Conditions of access to carers leave, definition of family members etc, shall be in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009.

Apply on Sick Leave form.

Additional leave may be granted for E1(a) and E1(b) according to individual needs. E2 Illness in family - Carers Leave

An employee can access personal leave to provide care and support for a member of their family or household.


As for E2.

As for E2.

E4 Wedding of daughter, son, sister, brother.

Normally 1 day per occasion with pay.

Apply to Principal.


Normally 1 day with pay for actual wedding but up to 3 days in exceptional circumstances, e.g. long distances.

Normally arranged in non-College time.

Apply to Principal.

Normally one day with pay for adoption procedure. Leave without pay may be granted for period up to 12 months for undertaking care of an adopted child under 2 years of age.

Conditions as for Maternity leave without pay.

Apply to Principal.

Employee’s own marriage.

E6 Formal adoption of a child.

E7 Graduation of spouse, son or daughter.

Leave without pay up to one day plus essential travel.

Apply to Principal.

E8 To meet overseas.

Leave without pay up to one day plus essential travel.

Apply to Principal.

Leave without pay, depending on the circumstances

Apply to Principal.



E9 Illness or death of any relative or friend other than a member of the teacher's immediate family.




F1 Examination for a tertiary award relevant to the

Morning or afternoon College session with pay as appropriate on the day



29 Employee’s College.




F2 Travel, study and other activities: (1) Accompanying spouse on extended travel. (2)

For other reasons.

of the examination plus time for essential travel.

Without pay.

(1) Apply by letter to Board.

Normally without pay, if approved

(2) Apply by letter to Board.


First Cornerstone The first cornerstone of the foundation is our belief that the College has a spiritual ministry to its students and an evangelistic outreach into the community. The most important subject that is taught every day is God and the most important book that is used is the Bible. Our objectives are to be good stewards of the time that the Lord has given us, to minister to the children in the college, to bring each child to a personal saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and to train them in the fundamental truths of the faith. This spiritual training is provided in every area of the college life, so that the child is presented with a totally Christian world view, and will come to understand that man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Second Cornerstone The second cornerstone of the foundation is our philosophy of education which is God-centred and not man-centred. All knowledge and wisdom has its foundation in the ultimate and absolute standard of truth - the Bible. This standard is to be applied in every textbook in every class and subject by every teacher. The objective is the production of individuals who are articulate, knowledgeable and of sound character - who know and willingly serve God and are able to make decisions for themselves and function as responsible and free members of a free society. Therefore the college will address spiritual development as well as the intellectual, social and physical development of students. Third Cornerstone The third cornerstone of the foundation is academic excellence. The College has the responsibility to offer the best in Christian education recognising that it must produce a good product to stay in business. Fourth Cornerstone The fourth cornerstone is high personal standards of conduct. We believe that high academic standards are incompatible with low moral, dress and conduct standards. We believe that the Lord called our College into existence and that He will bless our efforts as we adhere to the standards of morals, conduct and dress of which He approves. These standards apply to everyone in the College - students, staff, administrators and board members.


We believe in the Divine inspiration, the infallibility and supreme authority of the Old and New Testaments in their entirety and that the Holy Spirit so moved the writers that what they wrote are authoritative statements of truth for all matters of faith and conduct. We believe there is one God in whom there are three equal Divine Persons, revealed as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and who in His own sovereign will created the heavens, the earth and all that is contained within the Universe. We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternally existing, only begotten Son of the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. As God He became flesh and dwelt among us: as man He was God. We believe all men are in a fallen, sinful and lost condition through the rebellion of Adam and Eve, who were created without sin, and in this state of depravity are helpless to save themselves and are under the condemnation of God to eternal punishment in Hell. We believe that salvation from the penalty and consequences of sin if found only through the substitutionary, atoning death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

31 We believe it is the Holy Spirit alone who convicts men of sin; leads them to repentance; creates faith within them and regenerates and fills those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord. It is the indwelling Spirit who bestows the Gifts of the Spirit and manifests the Fruit of the Spirit in the believer. We believe Christ died for our sins, was buried, and on the third day rose from the dead: that He appeared to men who touched Him and knew his bodily presence and that He ascended to His Father. We believe the Lord Jesus Christ will return in person with His saints and that the full consummation if the Kingdom of God awaits his return. We believe those who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit will receive a resurrection body at the return of Jesus Christ and be forever with the Lord, while those who have not believed will be resurrected to stand at the Judgement Seat of God to receive His judgment and eternal condemnation to Hell. We believe in the actual existence of Satan who is the father of all evil and opposed to God although ultimately subject to the purposes of God and destined to be confined forever to Hell. We believe the Church is the Body of Christ composed of all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, which finds its visible manifestation in the local community of believers and ministers through the co-operative exercise of God-given gifts by the entire membership. Each local community of believers is competent under Christ as Head of the Church to order its life without interference from any authority whether civil or ecclesiastical. We believe there are two ordinances instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ: Baptism by immersion of all believers as a prerequisite for church membership; The Lord’s Supper which is a memorial and proclamation of the Lord’s death until He returns.




Title This Schedule is known as the School Officers' Employment Arrangements.


Schedule coverage 1.2.1

This Schedule shall apply to those employees employed at the College who are not employed as teachers but whose duties are ancillary to and/or involved in the educational process: and who may have been described as teacher aides, librarians, library aides, laboratory assistants, audio-visual aides, scientific personnel, school secretaries, school assistants, school officers and other non-teaching employees; but excluding persons employed as grounds-persons; nurses; builders; carpenters; manual labourers; estate hands; bus drivers; cleaners; cooks; domestics; kitchen hands; laundresses/seamstresses; domestic housemaids; housekeepers; school maintenance assistants, waiters; and boarding supervisors who are not teachers.


Notwithstanding clause 1.2.1, this Schedule shall not apply to those employees employed at the college who may be commonly described as bursars, school accountants and managers.


Partial Exemption (a)

As an alternative to being subject to all schedule clauses, a full-time employee remunerated in excess of the highest level prescribed in this Schedule for a Level 7 employee, may mutually agree in writing with the employer not to be bound by Part 4, namely: -

hours of work; breaks; overtime; shift work; and weekend work.


A copy of the terms of the agreement will be supplied to the employee.


There will be taken to be mutual agreement for the purposes of clause 1.2.3(a) if the employer employed a School Officer and remunerated that employee at a level in excess of the highest level prescribed for Level 6 in this Schedule prior to 15 November 2004.


The overall terms and conditions of employment agreed under this clause must not be less favourable than the provisions of this Agreement as a whole for an employee classified as Level 7 and the employee shall not be disadvantaged by the agreement, taking into the consideration the rate the employee would otherwise have been paid to the maximum of Level 7 under the Schedule, had the employee not entered into such agreement.


For any agreement entered into under this clause there will be no requirement for the employer to keep particulars of the employees' starting and finishing times each day.


If an employee considers that the employee has been disadvantaged by the agreement, this issue must be addressed between the employer and the employee in the manner prescribed in the Procedure for Preventing and Settling Disputes in this Agreement. No claim for unpaid wages resulting from this clause may be made to Fair Work Australia until the Procedure for Preventing and Settling Disputes under this Agreement has been concluded.


If the employee subject to an agreement under this clause is required to work on a public holiday, the employee is entitled to either time off in lieu of the time worked on the public holiday to be taken at a mutually agreed time or extra time (equal to the time actually worked on the public holiday) added to the employee's annual leave entitlement.

33 (h)

The employer or an employee may withdraw from an agreement to be paid in accordance with this clause by the giving of the quantum of notice required by clause 1.12 of Schedule 2 (General Conditions – All Employees).


Classification process 2.1.1

The employer shall determine the classification of a position through the following process. (a)

An analysis is to be undertaken to establish the skills and responsibilities required for each identified position and a position description written for each position.


Each position is classified by reference to the classification criteria set out in clause 2.1.2 using the position description developed in accordance with clause 2.1.1(a).


Employees are appointed to a position at the appropriate level within the structure and to a step in the level according to experience based on years of service as defined in clause 2.3.1.


If at any time an employee or the employer considers that the skills and responsibilities as required by the employer for a position have altered or do not reflect the classification determined, a review of the classification applicable to the position is to be undertaken in accordance with clause 2.1.1 and an appropriate classification determined. However, except in exceptional circumstances such as a change in the skill and/or responsibility required, or a change in the conditions under which the work is performed, no employee shall be permitted to seek a reclassification of their position on more than one occasion in a 12-month period.


Where a disagreement arises as to the outcome of a classification review, it will be dealt with under the grievance procedure contained in this Agreement. At any meeting specified in the Grievance Procedure the person who made the decision about the classification review shall, wherever possible, participate.


Classification criteria (a)

Classification criteria are guidelines to determine the appropriate classification level under this Schedule and consist of characteristics and typical duties and skills.


The characteristics are the principal guide to classification as they are designed to indicate the level of basic knowledge, comprehension of issues, problem and procedures required, the level of autonomy, accountability supervision/training involved with the position. The characteristics of a level must be read as a whole to gain an understanding of the position and the performance requirements. Isolated characteristics should not be used to justify the classification of a position.


The typical duties/skills are a non-exhaustive list of duties/skills that may be comprehended within the particular level. They reflect the competencies of a particular level. They are an indicative guide only and at any particular level employees may be expected to undertake duties of any level lower than their own. Employees at any particular level may perform/utilise one such duty/skill or many of them depending on the particular work allocated to them. Typical duties/skills should not be used as the primary determinant in classifying employees but may be useful if the characteristics of a level cannot be easily applied in an individual instance. Some of the Characteristics have been included in the Typical Skills/Duties at each level. Where there is inconsistency between the Characteristics and the Typical Skills/Duties, the Characteristics will prevail over the Typical Skills/Duties.


The key issue to be looked at in properly classifying an employee is the level of initiative, responsibility/accountability, competency and skill that an employee is required to exercise in performing the employee's work within the parameters of the characteristics, read as a whole, of the position.




It should be noted that some typical duties/skills appear at one level only while others appear at more than one level. Because of this, the classification or reclassification of a position needs to be done by reference to the specific characteristics of the level. As an example, because an employee may be utilising a skill comprehended at a higher level than that to which the employee has been appointed, the employee assumes the level of initiative, accountability/responsibility, skill and competency envisaged by the characteristics of the higher level.


Level 1 in the structure may be applied as a level at which employees learn and gain competency in the basic skills required by the employer. In the event that the increased skills/competency are utilised by the employer, progression through the structure may be possible.

Wage Relativities Level





1 2 3 4

88 90 92 94


1 2 3

96 99 100


1 2 3 4

105 107 109 110


1 2 3

112 115 118


1 2 3

122 125 128


1 2 3 4 5

132 139 146 154 161


1 2 3 4 5

163 166 169 172 175

Reclassification Process For School Officers 2.3.1

A school officer may request a reclassification of their position. Such a request may be made either in relation to the classification level of an existing position or where the classification level of the position has been changed.


Except in exceptional circumstances no employee shall be permitted to seek a reclassification of their position on more than one occasion in a 12 month period.


The employee shall make any such Request for Reclassification, in writing, to the employer.


The employer shall consider the Request for Reclassification and notify the employee in writing of the decision regarding the employee’s request.






If after receiving the employer’s notification, the employee believes that their position has not been classified at the correct level, the employee may refer the matter to the Enterprise Bargaining Committee for consideration.


Should the matter remain unresolved following discussion at the Enterprise Bargaining Committee, the employee may initiate a grievance in the terms of clause 1.6 (Disputes – Procedures for Prevention and Settlement).


Where an employee initiates a grievance, the preliminary steps prior to the involvement of the employee’s Union will be deemed to have been exhausted.

Incremental advancement 2.4.1

Each level of the structure has varying pay steps which provide for yearly service increments within a level. Such increments are payable subject to satisfactory performance but will not be unreasonably withheld by the employer without due process.


For the purposes of establishing the entitlement of an employee to a yearly pay increment a year's service shall constitute 1976 hours of duty.


Progression from one level to a higher level is either by appointment to such higher level as a result of vacancy at that level or the employer requiring an employee to perform at a higher level in accordance with the classification criteria set out in clause 2.1.2.


An employee may be appointed to a higher level without having progressed through all paypoints within a lower level.

Recognition of previous service for salary purposes 2.5.1

Recognition of years of service for salary purposes shall include all previous service as a school officer within the non-government education industry at or above the classification level of the position to which the employee is appointed on.


The provision of documentary evidence of previous employment as a school officer shall be the responsibility of the employee in accordance with clause 2.7.1 of Schedule 2.


Notwithstanding the above other forms of documentary evidence may be accepted at the discretion of the employing authority.

Juniors The rates of pay for junior employees at Level 1 only shall be as follows:

15 and under 16 years of age 16 and under 17 years of age 17 and under 18 years of age 18 and under 19 years of age 19 and under 20 years of age 20 and under 21 years of age

Percentage of appropriate adult minimum rate % 45 50 55 65 75 85

Juniors appointed to level 2 positions or above shall be paid the appropriate rate for that level. 2.5

Allowances A first aid allowance is payable to School Officers subject to the following conditions: 2.5.1

School Officers who are appointed to positions classified at levels 1, 2 or 3 and are required to be aware of a student or students with medical conditions and are able and required to participate in the administration of medication or emergency treatment to such student or students on the basis of treatment regimes advised by parents, will receive an allowance at the rate of $10.70 per week.

36 2.5.2

School Officers who hold a QAS first aid qualification (or equivalent) and are appointed as a first aid officer will be paid an allowance at the rate of $10.70 per week.


A School Officer will only be entitled to receive one of the allowances prescribed in either 2.5.1 or 2.5.2 but not both. Such allowance will be absorbable into payments made above the minimums allowed for in this Agreement.


Contract of employment 3.1.1 Each employee other than a casual employee shall be advised in writing at point of engagement and at other times when varied in accordance with this Schedule, the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

The nature of engagement as either full-time or such other category. If not full-time, the weeks the employee is to be employed. The days of the week the employee is to be employed. The normal starting and finishing time for each day's employment. The duration of the engagement in respect of employment for a fixed period.

3.1.2 Subject to clauses 2.6 and 2.7, the employer may vary the terms of engagement of any employee other than a casual employee by providing 2 weeks' notice of such changes unless it is mutually agreed between the employer and employee for a shorter period of time. 3.2



Hours of work 3.2.1

The ordinary hours of work for an employee shall not exceed 38 hours per week.


Such ordinary hours of work shall be worked continuously (except for meal breaks) between 7.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays inclusive.


The normal starting and finishing times of ordinary hours shall be established at the point of engagement and may only be varied by the employer with 2 weeks' notice, or shorter period by mutual agreement.

Overtime 3.3.1

Except as provided in clause 6.2.2, all time worked outside of the hours prescribed in clause 6.1.2 and the normal starting and finishing times shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half for the first 3 hours and double time thereafter.


Time in lieu (a)

Where the employer requires an employee to work either before the normal starting times or after the normal finishing times contained in clause 6.1.2 up to a maximum of 2 hours on any one day the employee may be granted time in lieu for the equivalent hours worked to be taken at a mutually convenient time or receive payment at the rate of time and one half for the time worked.


Where the employer requires the employee to work more than 2 hours before the normal starting times or more than 2 hours beyond the normal finishing times on any one day, the employee may receive payment at the rate of time and a half for the first hour and double time thereafter for time worked beyond the first 2 hours or receive payment in accordance with clause 6.2.1 for the full period so worked.


Any accrued time in lieu not taken within 6 months of its accrual shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half.

Rest pauses 3.4.1

Full-time employees shall receive a paid rest pause of 10 minutes' duration in the first half and the second half of each day worked.

37 3.4.2

Employees other than full-time who work a minimum of 4 consecutive ordinary hours but no more than 6 consecutive ordinary hours on any one day shall receive a rest pause of 10 minutes' duration. Employees who work in excess of 6 consecutive ordinary hours (excluding the meal break) on any one day shall receive a rest pause of 10 minutes' duration in the first half and the second half of the period worked.


Such rest pauses shall be taken at such times as will not interfere with continuity of work where continuity is necessary.

6.3.4 Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the employer and the employees agree the rest pauses may be combined. 3.5

Meal break An employee shall be entitled to an unpaid meal break of not less than half an hour and not more than one hour per working day.

38 3


Competency of Employee Level 2

Level 3

Competency at this level involves application of knowledge and skills to a range of tasks and roles

Competency at this level involves application of knowledge with depth in some areas and a broad range of skills

There is a defined range of contexts where the choice of actions required is clear

There is a range of roles and tasks in a variety of contexts

Level 4

There is a wide variety of tasks and roles in a variety of contexts.

Level 5

Competency at this level involves self directed development and application of professional knowledge with substantial depth in some areas

Competency at this level involves the use of initiative in self directed development and application of expert knowledge with extensive recognised expertise in some areas

A range of technical and/or other skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts.

A broad range of professional skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts.

A breadth and depth of professional skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts.

There is some complexity in the extent and choice of actions required

There is complexity in the ranges and choice of actions required

Competencies are normally checked within well established routines, methods and procedures

Competencies are normally used within routines, methods and procedures

Competencies are normally used within a variety of routines, methods and procedures

Competencies are normally used independently and both routinely and non routinely.

Discretion and judgement are required for self and/or others in planning, selection of equipment, work organisation, services actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.

Discretion and judgement are required in planning and selecting appropriate equipment, service techniques and work organisation for self and/or others.

Some discretion and judgement are involved in selection of equipment, work organisation, services, actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.

Level 7

Competency at this level involves self directed application of knowledge with substantial depth in some areas

There is limited complexity of choice

Limited discretion and judgement about possible actions is involved

Level 6

A proportion of competencies involve complex, specialized or professional functions.

A high proportion of competencies involve significant scope and/or complex, specialized or professional functions.

Competencies are used independently and are substantially non-routine with initiative being exercised in the application of professional practices

Duties of an innovative and/or critical nature are undertaken without professional direction and initiative is exercised in the application of professional practices

Significant discretion and judgement are required in planning, design, professional, technical or supervisory functions related to services, operations or processes for self and/or others.

Significant discretion and independent judgement are required within constraints set by management.


Supervision of Employees’ Work Level 2

Level 3

Works under direct and/or routine supervision depending on function.

Works under limited supervision.

Work is intermittently checked.

Work may be checked in relation to overall progress

May take the form of general guidance where working in teams is involved.

May take the form of broad guidance.

May involve detailed instructions in some situations;

May involve a level of autonomy when working in teams.

Level 4 Work is carried out under general supervision.

Progress and outcomes sought are under general guidance.

Level 5 Works under general supervision and/or broad guidance depending on function.

Level 6

Level 7

Works under broad guidance.

Work is usually performed under general guidance with limited or no professional supervision.

Work is usually measured in terms of the achievement of stated objectives to agreed standards.

The general quality of work is monitored by school management and is subject to stated objectives and professional standards.

May be less direct than at lower levels and usually be related to task methodology and work practices. May involve a level of autonomy in accordance with a broad plan or budget strategy.


Supervision of Others Level 2 An employee at this level will have no supervisory responsibilities

An experienced employee may assist others by providing peer support in the completion of routine tasks

Level 3

Level 4

Peer assistance may be provided to others.

The work of others may be supervised

An employee may have limited responsibility for guidance of the work of others

Responsibility for the work and organisation of others in limited areas.

Team co-ordination may be required

Teams may be guided or facilitated.

Training of subordinate staff may be required.

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Responsibility for the planning and management of the work of others may be involved

Responsibility for the supervision and monitoring of the work of others and of workflow in the area of responsibility may be involved.

Responsibility for the setting and achieving of objectives by a work section and its staff may be involved.

Leadership and development of teams and responsibility for outcomes may be required. Supervision and training of lower level staff may be involved.

Responsibility for assessment, training and development and performance counselling of staff may be required.


Levels 1 to 7 Qualifications Matrix Level 1 Level 2 Junior Certificate is the minimum formal qualification. No experience is required.

Junior Certificate is the minimum formal qualification. No experience is required.

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Tertiary qualifications at Certificate level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required or such knowledge, qualifications and experience that are deemed by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position.

Tertiary qualifications at Certificate level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required or such knowledge, qualifications and experience that are deemed by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position.

Tertiary qualifications at Associate Diploma/Diploma level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required by the employer or knowledge, qualifications and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position.

Relevant formal qualifications at degree level are required.

Level 7 Formal qualifications at degree level are required, along with relevant post graduate qualifications or extensive and relevant experience as required by the employer to reflect higher levels of professional outcomes.

42 4

Typical Duties/Skills Employee Assisting Student Learning Level 2 Level 3

2.1.1 Assist developmentally appropriate student learning, either individually or in groups, under the direct supervision of an academic staff member where limited discretion and judgement are involved. 2.1.2 Under direct supervision of a higher level officer or members of the academic staff prepare and clear away materials for display/use in classrooms or libraries. 2.1.3 Perform within well established routines tasks associated with the mass production of printed material including collating, stapling, binding, folding, cutting, etc 2.1.4 Under direct and /or routine supervision, perform tasks of limited complexity, associated with classroom learning experiences, such as assisting teachers in preparing, implementing and supervising learning programs. 2.1.5 Support students in relation to their physical needs.

3.1.1 Assist developmentally appropriate student learning, either individually or in groups, where some discretion and judgement are involved in evaluating and assessing (under the supervision of an academic staff member(s)) the learning needs of students. 3.1.2 Within routines, methods and procedures carry out liaison between the school, the student and the student’s family where some discretion and judgement are involved. 3.1.3 Support students in relation to their physical needs where some discretion and judgement are involved.

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

4.1.1 Assist developmentally appropriate student learning, either individually or in groups, under the general supervision of an academic staff member(s). Employees at this level are required to exercise discretion and judgement to modify education programmes to meet the learning needs of specific students. 4.1.2 Carry out liaison between the school, the student and the student’s family where discretion and judgement are required in relation to planning, actions and achieving outcomes. 4.1.3 Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures provide significant assistance in the enrolment, family liaison and placement of overseas students.

5.1.1 Apply a range of technical and other skills involving the selfdirected application of knowledge gained through formal studies/qualifications applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. This may include: developing the framework for and providing the instruction to students (within a structured learning environment) under the general supervision of an academic staff member(s); providing pastoral ministry and support for students. 5.1.2 Under broad guidance, supervise the operations of the school’s processes and activities in relation to overseas students. This may include: enrolment; family liaison; and placement.

6.1.1 Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree. This may include: the gathering, analysis and interpretation of data; or preparation of reports and the consequent giving of advice to other professional staff to assist student learning; or providing pastoral ministry; or providing counselling and/or guidance support for students. 6.1.2 Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer’s area of expertise or qualification.

7.1.1 Undertake more complex professional activities involving the selection and application, based on professional judgement, of new and existing techniques and methodologies requiring the exercise of professional independence combined with competence derived from extensive experience and/or additional study. 7.1.2 Undertake supervisory responsibilities which may include on the job training, staff assessment and performance counselling in relation to staff in lower level positions. 7.1.3 Operate and be accountable for the quality of output of a section or function within the school.

Laboratory Employees Level 2 2.2.1

Provide science program assistance where limited discretion and judgement are involved


Maintain science equipment, materials and specimens not requiring a depth of knowledge or technical skills.


Under the direct supervision of an academic staff member(s) prepare and maintain laboratory teaching areas including routine setting up and dismantling of items of equipment for use in experimental, observational and teaching activities


Assist in the demonstration of experiments and scientific equipment under the direct supervision of an academic staff member(s).

Level 3

Level 4

3.2.1 Provide science program assistance where some discretion and judgement are involved.

4.2.1 Responsibility for and/or training of subordinate staff in limited areas may be required.

3.2.2 Assist in the design/demonstration of experiments under supervision of an academic staff member(s) where some discretion and judgement are involved.

4.2.2 Design and demonstrate experiments, within a variety of routines and procedures, under the supervision of an academic staff members(s) where discretion and judgement are required.

3.2.3 Under direction, prepare, maintain, organize, set-up and dismantle equipment and materials for routine experiments or student projects and dispose of waste materials. 3.2.4 Peer assistance and/or guidance may be provided for other assistants in a laboratory. 3.2.5 Under direction and within existing routines, methods and procedures, prepare, maintain and dispense stock solutions, simple chemical mixtures and compounds, cultures or similar materials.

4.2.3 Where there is complexity in the range and choice of action and discretion and judgement are required: prepare, maintain and dispense solutions, chemical mixtures, compounds and cultures; prepare, maintain, organise, setup and dismantle equipment and material for experiments.

Level 5 5.2.1 Apply a range of technical and other skills involving the self-directed application of knowledge gained through formal studies/qualifications applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. This may include: designing laboratory experiments; and appropriate responsibility for the application of workplace health and safety requirements in the laboratory

Level 6 6.2.1 Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree. 6.2.2 Operate (at a level consistent with the qualifications required) a laboratory. This may (or may not) include responsibility for the supervision, monitoring and training of staff in lower level positions.

Level 7 7.2.1 Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree and post graduate qualifications and/or other professional development and/or industry experience.

6.2.4 Support employees reporting to the position in policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed.

7.2.2 Responsibility for the operation of a laboratory which provides complex and varied services. This may (or may not) include responsibility for the supervision, monitoring and training of professional staff and staff in lower level positions.

6.2.5 Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer’s area of expertise.

7.2.3 Manage the allocation and monitoring of resources in the laboratory.

6.2.3 Administer the allocation and monitoring of resources in the laboratory.

6.2.6 Formulate procedural policy and guidelines in the employee’s area of responsibility; submit 6.2.7 recommendations for decision and prepare supporting statements as necessary.

7.2.4 Responsibility for direction and support of employees reporting to the position in policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed. 7.2.5 Provide subject matter expertise and/or policy advice across a range of programs or activities undertaken by the organizational area. Formulate

44 policies and provide specialist advice on policy development to senior management.

45 Administration Employees Level 2 2.3.1






Use keyboard skills to produce a document from written text using a standard format. Receive and deal with enquiries within well established routines,, including the provision of general information and assistance to the public, parents, students and other employees. Perform a range of general clerical duties at a basic level, for example, filing, handling mail, maintaining records . Operate within well established routines, office equipment, such as, computer, photocopier, facsimile, binding machine, guillotine, laminator, franking machine, calculators, switchboard, etc. Under the direct supervision of the principal or nominee, contact parents, students and/or others in relation to school attendance and related matters Under the direct supervision of the principal or nominee assist with the arrangement of group meetings, morning teas, meetings of parents and external parties,

Level 3 3.3.1 Carry out a wide range of secretarial and clerical duties at an advanced level, including shorthand, typing, word processing and maintaining manual and computerized records.

3.3.2 Respond to enquiries from staff, students, parents and the general public and address issues in accordance with routines, methods and procedures.

3.3.3 Enter financial data into computer and prepare financial and management reports for review and authorization by senior management

3.3.4 Prepare and process payroll transactions within routines, methods and procedures.

3.3.5 Within routines, methods and procedures : provide administrative support to senior management; arrange appointments and diaries; and prepare correspondence.

3.3.6 Within routines, methods and procedures, prepare and dispatch statements to debtors and payments to creditors, follow up on unpaid accounts; prepare bank reconciliations and reconcile accounts to balance; maintain wage

Level 4 4.3.1 Provide administrative support to senior management of a school where discretion and judgement are required, including: taking minutes; shorthand; organizing appointments and diaries; initiating and handling correspondence (which may include confidential correspondence); monitoring telephone calls; and establishing and/or maintaining working filing systems.

4.3.2 Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures apply inventory and purchasing control procedures, prepare monthly summaries of debtors and creditors ledger transactions and reconcile these.

4.3.3 Apply knowledge of advanced functions of computer software packages and to manage data ie. modify fields of information, develop new databases or spreadsheet models; or graph previously prepared spreadsheets.

4.3.4 From verbal or rough handwritten instructions; answer non-standard executive correspondence, prepare papers, briefing notes, or

Level 5 5.3.1 Provide executive support to senior management and associated committees concerning designated aspects of school management. 5.3.2 Direct and supervise the work of administrative/clerical and/or other staff. 5.3.3 Under broad guidance, supervise the operations of the school's office and other administrative activities, in the areas of enrolment, equipment and statistical staffing returns. 5.3.4 Under broad guidance, supervise the operations of the school’s processes and activities in relation to overseas students. This may include: enrolment; family liaison; and placement. 5.3.5 Prepare the accounts of the school to operating statement stage and assist in the formulation of period and year-end entries. 5.3.6 Provide advice requiring knowledge of policies and / or the interpretation of rules or regulations within their area of operation. Assist in developing policy and procedures relating to their work area and identifying future trends.

Level 6 6.3.1 Operate and be responsible for an autonomous section and all its operations.

6.3.2 Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer's area of expertise.

6.3.3 Monitor and analyse regular management information, such as staffing and financial resource usage; ensure that associated information systems are maintained and that regular reports are provided to management.

6.3.4 Provide financial, policy, or planning advice which may include providing reports, statistical surveys and advice on regulations and procedures.

6.3.5 Monitor expenditure against a budget at a school level, draft financial forecasts / budgets at organizational level and / or prepare complex financial reports.

6.3.6 Administer programs with a range of tasks such as advice on financial implications, interpretation of information, assistance and advice concerning complex issues.

6.3.7 Prepare correspondence which is complex, original and which initiates or

Level 7 7.3.1 Supervise staff including implementation and participation in induction, training, review, counselling and appraisal

7.3.2 Manage the work of administrative officers and other staff, assigning and outlining the work, advising on administrative problems, and revising work for accuracy and adequacy.

7.3.3 Identify policies and procedures requiring review or redevelopment, and define relevant issues.

7.3.4 Provide written reports to the school executive on complex matters, suggesting alternative courses of action and analyzing the implications of each alternative.

7.3.5 Provide financial, policy and planning advice and investigate, interpret or evaluate information for the guidance of staff or clients.

7.3.6 Be substantively involved in the construction of annual and forward planning school budgets

7.3.7 Manage the operations of a discrete organizational area, program or administrative function.

7.3.8 Provide subject matter expertise and/or policy

46 Level 2 parent/teacher nights etc. 2.3.7 Carry out minor cash transactions including receipting, balancing and banking. 2.3.8 Monitor and maintain stock levels of stationery/materials for office/department within established parameters including reordering. 2.3.9 Within well established routines, sort, prepare and record documents (e.g. invoices, cheques, correspondence) on a daily basis; file such documents in the appropriate system. 2.3.10 Within well established routines, receive and distribute incoming mail collect outgoing mail, maintain mail registers and records and collate and dispatch documents for bulk handling. 2.3.11 Perform, within well established routines, tasks associated with the mass production of printed material including collating, stapling, binding, folding, cutting, etc.

Level 3 and salary records.

3.3.7 Maintain petty cash float and expenses for accounting purposes.

3.3.8 Assist in the preparation of internal and external publications.

3.3.9 Assist in the enrolment function including handling initial enquiries and arranging interviews.

3.3.10 Under supervision, prepare Government and Statutory Authority returns for authorization by senior management.

3.3.11 Use software application packages for personal computers to create database file structures; and spreadsheets/work sheets.

3.3.12 Under direction and within routines, methods and procedures: draft agenda for meetings; assemble supporting documents for informal meetings; take and produce minutes.

3.3.13 Draft and type routine correspondence from brief oral or written instructions. Respond to requests for information including drafting routine correspondence in reply.

3.3.14 Maintain established central filing / records systems in accordance with routines, methods and procedures. This would include: creating

Level 4 other written material.

4.3.5 Utilizing a variety of routines, methods and procedures, calculate and maintain wage and salary records; perform routine classification determinations; and process resignations, retirements and redundancies in accordance with relevant award entitlements.

4.3.6 Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures provide significant assistance in the preparation of: financial information to trial balance; budgets; cash flow records; balance sheets; trading accounts; cash management analysis; FBT and entity disclosure requirements. NOTE An employee is not required to perform all duties listed to satisfy this skill descriptor.

4.3.7 Train staff classified at lower levels by means of personal instruction and demonstration.

4.3.8 Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures provide significant assistance in the enrolment, family liaison and placement of overseas students.

Level 5 5.3.7 Under broad guidance supervise the administration of specialized salary and payroll requirements, which may include: eligible termination payments, superannuation trust deed requirements, redundancy calculations or workers’ compensation claims. 5.3.8 Prepare for senior management financial reports relating to the employee’s area of responsibility. 5.3.9 Apply a knowledge of relevant industrial awards and agreements and occupational health and safety requirements. Provide general advice to staff in these areas. 5.3.10 Original writing of promotional and advertising material. 5.3.11 Coordination of, and participation in, marketing activities. 5.3.12 Design of promotional and marketing plans. 5.3.13 Responsibility for liaison with media.

Level 6 responds to new cases or situations.

6.3.8 Formulate procedural policy and guidelines in the employee’s area of responsibility; submit recommendations for decision and prepare supporting statements as necessary.

6.3.9 Direct and support employees reporting to the position in policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed.

6.3.10 Advise and assist in the preparation of the school budget.

6.3.11 Provide executive support to Principals and senior management.

6.3.12 Provide advice or make recommendations requiring detailed knowledge of policies, and/or the interpretation of rules or regulations within established guidelines, relating to a major function of the organizational work areas.

6.3.13 Supervise staff including participation in induction, training, review, counselling and appraisal and providing feedback on performance.

6.3.14 Develop systems and procedures for implementation in accordance with school policy.

Level 7 advice across a range of programs or activities undertaken by the organizational area, formulate policies and provide specialist advice on policy formulation to senior management.

7.3.9 Undertake high level research, review or investigations including the preparation of reports and associated papers to provide advice to the school on the operational and/or future directions of the employee’s section and to contribute to the development of that section in the educational context of the school. 7.3.10 Prepare papers, investigate and present information with recommendations for decision by senior officers.

47 Level 2

Level 3 and indexing new files, retrieving records; distributing files within the school as requested, monitoring file locations and identifying and processing inactive and closed files.

3.3.15 Maintain a store through such duties as participation in ordering and issue of expendable stores, recording of stock levels, maintaining records of equipment distribution, delivery dockets, invoices and payment vouchers and responsibility for keys.

3.3.16 Make and record appointments on behalf of another and, where necessary, resolve involved appointment scheduling problems.

3.3.17 Make travel and accommodation bookings in line with a given itinerary.

3.3.18 Within routines, methods and procedures carry out liaison between the school, the student and the student’s family where some discretion and judgement are involved.

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6 6.3.15 Provide financial, policy and planning advice and investigate, interpret or evaluate information for the guidance of staff or clients.

6.3.16 Original writing of promotional and advertising material requiring significant discretion and judgement concerning content and design.

6.3.17 Management of, and participation in, marketing activities.

6.3.18 Design of promotional and marketing plans requiring initiative in the application of professional practices.

6.3.19 Responsibility for representing the school in the media.

Level 7

48 Information Services and Resource Employees Level 2 Level 3 2.4.1 Process basic 3.4.1 Search and verify transactions such as issues and returns, produce overdue lists, entry of orders in a computerised system, perform stock takes, entering of accession information into computer.

2.4.2 Operate and demonstrate the use of audio-visual equipment where there is limited complexity.

2.4.3 Maintain a booking system for equipment use and for the organisation of repairs and replacement of equipment.

2.4.4 Within well-established routines, methods and procedures, record audio/video programs and maintain a catalogue system of such recordings.

2.4.5 Perform a range of general duties at a basic level, for example, minor book repairs, photocopying and shelving.

2.4.6 Receive and deal with initial requests for information from library clients.

2.4.7 Under the direct supervision of an academic staff member(s), assist in the demonstration of

bibliographical data where some discretion and judgement are involved.

3.4.2 Copy catalogue books, magazines, journals and recorded material where some discretion and judgement are involved.

3.4.3 Maintain circulation systems where some discretion and judgement are involved.

3.4.4 Respond to enquiries from staff, students, parents and the general public and address issues in accordance with routines, methods and procedures.

3.4.5 Assist in the demonstration of complex audio visual or computer equipment under supervision of academic staff member(s) where some discretion and judgement are involved.

Level 4 4.4.1 Responsibility for and/or training of subordinate staff in limited areas may be required

4.4.2 Within a variety of routines and procedures and with a depth of knowledge in some areas: demonstrate to staff and students the use of complex audio visual or computer equipment; or monitor performance of and carry out repairs to specialised equipment.

Level 5 5.4.1

Apply a range of technical and other skills involving the self-directed application of knowledge gained through formal studies/qualifications applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. This may include: independent and original cataloguing and classification following precedents and standards; monitoring the performance of, and carrying out repairs to, specialised equipment; and developing the framework for and providing the instruction to students (within a structured learning environment) under the general supervision of an academic staff member(s).

Level 6 6.4.1 Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree.

6.4.2 Operate (at a level consistent with the qualifications required) a library/resource centre. This may (or may not) include responsibility for the supervision, monitoring and training of staff in lower level positions.

6.4.3 Administer the allocation and monitoring of resources in the library/resource centre.

6.4.4 Support employees reporting to the position in policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed.

6.4.5 Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer’s area of expertise.

6.4.6 Formulate procedural policy and guidelines in the employee’s area of responsibility; submit recommendations for decision and prepare supporting statements as necessary.

Level 7 7.4.1 Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree and post graduate qualifications and/or other professional development and/or industry experience. 7.4.2 Responsibility for the operation of a library/resource centre which provides complex and varied services. This may (or may not) include responsibility for the supervision, monitoring and training of professional staff and staff in lower level positions. 7.4.3 Manage the allocation and monitoring of resources in the library/resource centre. 7.4.4 Responsibility for direction and support of employees reporting to the position in policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed. 7.4.5 Provide subject matter expertise and/or policy advice across a range of programs or activities undertaken by the organizational area, formulate policies and provide specialist advice on policy formulation to senior management.

49 routine library operations and procedures.

2.4.8 Under the direct supervision of an academic staff member(s), assist in the supervision of students in the library.

2.4.9 Under direct supervision of a higher level officer or members of the academic staff prepare and clear away materials for display/use in classrooms or libraries.)

Computer/ICT Employees Level 2 2.5.1 Use keyboard skills to produce a document from written text using a standard format.

2.5.2 Operate within well established routines, office equipment, such as, computer, photocopier, facsimile, binding machine, guillotine, laminator, franking machine, calculators, switchboard, etc.

Level 3

3.5.1 Use software application packages for personal computers to create database file structures; and spreadsheets/wo rk sheets.

Level 4 4.5.1 Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures, maintain the hardware and software components of a computer network and provide user support.

4.5.2 Responsibility for and/or training of subordinate staff in limited areas may be required.

Level 5 5.5.1 Apply a range of technical and other skills involving the self-directed application of knowledge gained through formal studies/qualifications applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. This may include: Assisting with systems analysis and design in relation to the development and maintenance of computer systems; and assisting with application programming (eg modification of package systems; and investigation of malfunctions in operational programs).

Level 6 6.5.1 Operate and be responsible for the computing section of the school and all its operations.

6.5.2 Perform non-routine professional tasks governed by procedures or guidelines. Within such constraints the employee is responsible for the independent performance of such functions.

6.5.3 Provide financial, policy and planning advice and investigate, interpret or evaluate information for the guidance of staff or management in the computing area.

6.5.4 Be responsible for the development of software, hardware or applications systems based on the use of current computer techniques.

6.5.5 Be responsible for the development of computer systems, and recommend changes and improvements in systems where appropriate.

6.5.6 Undertake maintenance programming tasks,

Level 7 7.5.1 Operate and be responsible for the computing section which provides complex and varied services to the school community including being responsible for the supervision, monitoring and development of other staff reporting to the position. 7.5.2 Research and examine likely long-term requirements for computer systems, suggest alternative plans and strategies and report on their feasibility. 7.5.3 Consult with departmental computer users to understand and meet the needs of the department and resolve problems concerning systems. 7.5.4 Investigate and design the implementation of computer systems to meet specific needs of work areas. 7.5.5 Carry out a range of complex and varied tasks requiring the selection and application of new and existing techniques and methodologies necessary to support and develop systems software or other

51 including investigation and design requirements necessary to implement changes to existing systems.

6.5.7 Provide advice to the senior executive of the school on the operations/future directions of the section by utilising acquired knowledge and experience.

6.5.8 Carry out a range of tasks necessary to support and develop systems software or other support processes Carry out a range of tasks necessary to support and develop systems software or other support processes

support processes.

7.5.6 Develop and present appropriate computer training courses.




This Schedule is known as the Greenkeepers’ Employment Arrangements. 1.2

Application of Schedule

This Schedule shall apply to greenkeepers, grounds staff and to all other employees associated with the preparation and/or maintenance of playing greens and their environs as well as general grounds maintenance in the College precincts. For the purposes of this Schedule "playing greens" shall be deemed to mean and include all sporting fields, whether lawn or otherwise and any other sports grounds whereat employees follow the callings covered by this Schedule.




Greenkeeping Employee - Level 1 is an employee who is engaged to assist in a range of general duties applicable to the maintenance and development of turf areas and surrounds. An employee will remain at this level for a maximum of 6 months. (a)

Duties An employee at this level: (i) (ii) (iii)


Indicative tasks and/or qualifications (i) (ii)


performs routine duties essentially of a manual nature and to the level of their training. works under direct supervision. exercises minimal judgement.

assists in the general maintenance and development of turf areas and surrounds. labouring and operation of some machinery.

Greenkeeping Employee - Level 2 is an employee who has completed structured training so as to enable the employee to perform work within the scope of this level. An employee at this level performs work above and beyond the skills of a Greenkeeping Employee - Level 1 and to the level of their training. (a)

Duties (i) (ii) (iii)

works under direct supervision either individually or in a team environment. understands and undertakes basic quality control/assurance procedures. understands and utilises basic statistical process control procedures.

(b) Indicative tasks and/or qualifications (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)


operates and/or maintains machinery. at a Golf Club - mark hazards, operates motorised bunker rake/slashers, etc. at a Sports Club - set out and mark fields for play. planting and maintaining trees and gardens. maintains simple records. assists in the maintenance of playing surfaces, including setting up of greens, top dressing, fertilising under supervision, seeding, turfing, coring and sprigging.

Greenkeeping Employee - Level 3 is an employee who is engaged to assist and carry out, with or without direction, duties pertaining to the maintenance and development of turf areas and surrounds, and performs work above and beyond the skills of a Greenkeeping Employee - Level 2 and to the level of their training. (a)

Duties (i)

is responsible for the quality of their own work subject to routine supervision.

53 (ii) (iii) (b)

Indicative tasks and/or qualifications (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)


Duties (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


understands and applies quality control techniques. exercises good interpersonal and communications skills. performs work without supervision either individually, or in a team environment. performs non-trade work incidental to their work.

Indicative tasks and/or qualifications (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii)

operates and/or maintains a wide range of turf machinery and equipment. training and supervision of employees at Levels 1, 2 and 3, and including apprentices. construction of surfaces, gardens. installation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems. control and maintenance of stores and facilities. stock control, record keeping. plans the work programme in consultation with management. trades maintenance of equipment.

Greenkeeping Employee - Level 5 is an employee who has satisfactorily attained the appropriate level of training at the trade or equivalent level and who carries out and/or manages greenkeeping aspects pertaining to the general maintenance and development of turf areas and surrounds. (a)

Duties (i) (ii) (iii)


understands and applies quality control techniques. exercises good interpersonal and communications skills. capable of performing work without supervision, either individually or in a team environment.

Indicative tasks and/or qualifications (i) (ii) (iii)


assists in the training and/or supervision of employees at Levels 1 and 2. major non-trade maintenance of equipment. assists in chemical and other spraying, where required to hold an appropriate license. completes basic records. assists in the construction and installation of facilities and systems. operates a specialised range of machinery e.g. greens, mowers, fairway units.

Greenkeeping Employee - Level 4 (Tradesperson) is an employee who has satisfactorily attained the appropriate level of training at trade or equivalent level. (a)


works under routine supervision either individually or in a team environment. exercises discretion within their level of skills and training.

supervision and training of subordinate staff, including tradespersons. presentation of written and/or verbal reports, general liaison with management. activities requiring application of specialist skills.

Greenkeeping Employee - Level 6 is an employee who is responsible for the total management of a turf area and surrounds, but does not include employees who have the right to engage and/or terminate the services of other employees. (a)

Duties (i) (ii) (iii)


exercises discretion within the scope of this level understands and implements quality control measures. provides trade guidance and assistance.

Indicative tasks and/or qualifications (i) (ii)

preparation of budgets and financial reports. planning for the overall development of the facility in consultation with management.

54 (iii)

supervision and co-ordination of large numbers of subordinate staff, including development of staffing and training plans, staff counselling and assisting management in the selection of personnel.




The minimum rates of wages payable under this Schedule shall be in accordance with the rates shown in Schedule 1 for Greenkeeping Employees. 2.2.2 Juniors

Under 16 years age Under 17 years age Under 18 years age 18 Years thereafter


Percentage Of Minimum Adult Rate 55%








Proportion of Juniors - One junior may be employed for every 3 adults employed, provided always that nothing in this clause shall prevent the employer from employing one junior where there is one adult employed.




Work in the rain When an employee is required to work in the rain and by so doing gets their clothes wet, such employee shall be paid double rates for all work so performed. Such payment shall continue until such time as the employee finishes work or is able to change into dry clothing. This clause does not apply where the employee has been supplied with adequate rainproof clothing as prescribed in clause 6.2.1.


Distributing fertilizer or spraying Employees who are required to distribute fertiliser or who are engaged upon spraying shall, upon request, be supplied with gloves, overalls, goggles and a double respirator at the employer's expense or, by mutual agreement, be paid an allowance of $1.54 per week in lieu thereof.


Protective clothing


For the purposes of clause 2.3.1 - Work in the rain, adequate rainproof clothing shall mean oilskins, gum boots and sou-wester.


Employees who are required to distribute fertiliser or who are engaged upon spraying shall, upon request, be supplied with gloves, overalls, goggles and a double respirator at the employer's expense or, by mutual agreement, be paid the allowance prescribed in clause 2.3.2. Upon request, all employees shall be supplied with one pair of gum boots free of cost.


Employees required to drive tractors or operate other machinery producing similar levels of noise shall, upon request, be supplied, at the employer's expense, with ear muffs or other suitable protective gear mutually agreed upon.



The employer shall provide a canopy to protect employees from the sun whenever employees are engaged upon driving tractors drawing gang-mowers.

55 3.3


Where a special type of footwear is required, an employee shall, after 3 months' service with their employer, be provided with such footwear. Such employee shall be entitled to the issue of no less than 2 pairs of footwear per year, other than sandshoes, and such footwear shall remain the property of the employer. 3.4

Drinking water

The employer shall ensure that wherever practicable cool drinking water is readily available to employees. 3.5

First aid

A first aid cabinet shall be available for employees in case of accident. Such first aid cabinet shall be kept and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 and Regulations relating to such first aid cabinets. 3.6

Changing rooms

A suitable changing room shall be provided by the employer. Such changing room shall be kept free of working materials.


Mixed functions

An employee who is required on any day to perform work for which a higher rate of pay is prescribed in Schedule 1 shall be paid as follows: -

If more than 4 hours on any day the higher rate for the whole of such day. If 4 hours or less then payment of the higher rate for 4 hours


Hours of work


The ordinary hours of work shall be an average of 38 per week to be worked in one of the following ways: (a) 38 hours within a work cycle not exceeding 7 consecutive days; or (b) 76 hours within a work cycle not exceeding 14 consecutive days; or (c) 114 hours within a work cycle not exceeding 21 consecutive days; or (d) 152 hours within a work cycle not exceeding 28 consecutive days; or


The ordinary hours of work prescribed may be worked on up to any 5 consecutive days in the week, Monday to Sunday inclusive between 5.30am and 6.00pm, subject to the following: (a) Any arrangement of hours which includes a Sunday as ordinary hours shall be subject to agreement between the employer and the majority of employees directly involved. (b)

In any arrangement of hours which includes a Sunday as ordinary hours, the Secretary of an Industrial Organisation shall be notified within 14 days of commencement of work under such arrangement.

(c) Ordinary hours worked on a Sunday shall be paid at double time. (d) Hours arrangements other than those prescribed by clause 6.1 may be worked where a written agreement has been entered into between the relevant employer body and the Secretary of an Industrial Organisation. 4.2.3

Except as hereinafter prescribed, all employees shall be entitled to 2 consecutive days off each week which shall comprise any period of 48 consecutive hours: Provided that the days off need not be consecutive where the employer and employee agree otherwise.


Ordinary working hours of employees are to be worked in accordance with a roster. A copy of the roster shall be exhibited in a conspicuous place easily accessible to all employees. Rostered starting times shall not be altered, except in agreed emergencies, without 7 days' prior notice. Except in the case of emergencies where

56 such notice has not been given, all hours worked outside of the roster, until clause 6.1.4 has been complied with, shall be deemed overtime and paid accordingly: Provided that a roster may be altered at any time by mutual consent. 4.2.5

The ordinary hours of work prescribed herein shall not exceed 10 on any day: Provided that where the ordinary working hours are to exceed 8 on any day, the arrangement of hours shall be subject to the agreement of the employer and the majority of employees directly involved.


Working of a 38 hour week


The 38 hour week shall be worked in one of the following ways, most suitable to the particular enterprise, after consultation with, and giving reasonable consideration to the wishes of, the employees directly involved: (a)

by employees working less than 8 ordinary hours each day; or


by employees working less than 8 ordinary hours on one or more days each work cycle; or


by fixing one or more work days on which all employees will be rostered off during a particular work cycle; or


by rostering employees off on various days of the week during a particular work cycle, so that each employee has one work day off during that cycle.


Subject to clause ## employees may agree that the ordinary hours of work are to exceed 8 on any day, thus enabling more than one work day to be taken off during a particular work cycle.


Where the arrangements of ordinary hours of work provides for a rostered day off, the employer and the majority of employees directly involved may agree to accrue up to a maximum of 10 rostered days off. Where such agreement has been reached, each accrued rostered day off shall be taken within 12 calendar months from the date on which that rostered day off was accrued. Consent to accrue rostered days off shall not be unreasonably withheld by either party.


Different methods of implementation of the 38 hour week may apply to individual employees, groups or sections of employees in the enterprise concerned.


38 hour week - procedures for enterprise level discussions


The employer and all employees directly involved in each enterprise shall consult over the most appropriate means of working a 38 hour week.


The objective of such consultation shall be to reach agreement on the method of working the 38 hour week in accordance with clause 6.2.

4.4.3 4.4.4

The outcome of such consultation shall be recorded in writing. In cases where agreement cannot be reached as a result of consultation between the parties, either party may request the assistance or advice of their relevant Industrial Organisation or employer organisation.


Notwithstanding the consultative procedures outlined above, and notwithstanding any lack of agreement by employees, the employer shall have the right to make the final determination as to the method by which the 38 hour week is to be worked from time to time


Upon giving 7 days' notice or such shorter period as may be mutually agreed upon, the method of working the 38 hour week may be altered, from time to time, following negotiations between the employer and employees directly involved, utilising the provisions of clause 6.3.


Meal break

57 4.5.1

When an employee is employed for at least 6 hours, such employee shall be entitled to a meal break of not less than 30 minutes or more than 60 minutes, to be agreed upon between the employer and the majority of employees and to be taken between the 4th and 6th hours. If the meal period is worked, it shall be deemed to be overtime and paid for the rate of double time with such double time payment to continue until such time as the employee finishes work or is allowed a 30 minute meal break, for which no deduction of pay shall be made.


Employees who are required to continue working for more than one and a-half hours beyond their ordinary finishing time shall be entitled to take a 30 minute paid meal break and shall be provided with an adequate meal by the employer or paid an allowance of $9.60 in lieu thereof: Provided that where an employee has provided a meal because of receipt of notice to work overtime and such overtime is not worked such employee shall be paid $9.60 for any meal so provided.


Rest pause


Full-time and part-time employees Full-time and part-time employees shall receive one rest pause of 20 minutes which shall be taken at such a time as to divide the working day into three approximately equal periods of work.


Casual employees Casual employees who work a minimum of 4 consecutive ordinary hours but less than 8 consecutive ordinary hours on any one day shall receive a rest pause of 10 minutes' duration. Employees who work a minimum of 8 consecutive ordinary hours (excluding the meal break) on any one day shall receive a rest pause of 10 minutes' duration in the first half and the second half of the period worked.


The rest pauses prescribed in clauses 6.5.1 and 6.5.2 shall be taken in the employer's time.


Rest pauses shall be taken at times to suit the convenience of the employer and so as not to interfere with the continuity of work where continuity is necessary.




All time worked in excess of 8 hours in any one day or in excess of 38 hours in any one week or outside the spread of ordinary working hours fixed in accordance with clause 6.2.1 shall be deemed to be overtime: Provided that where daily hours, that exceed 8 in one day, have been agreed to in accordance with clause 6.1.5, overtime will only apply when the agreed hours are exceeded. In every case overtime rates will apply after 10 hours on any day.


Overtime worked on a Monday to a Saturday shall be paid for at the rate of time and a-half for the first 3 hours on any one day and at the rate of double time thereafter. All overtime worked on Sundays shall be paid for at the rate of double time.


All overtime worked on a Saturday or on a Sunday shall be subject to a minimum payment as for 2 hours work upon each occasion that an employee is required to attend for duty. Such minimum payment shall not be applicable where overtime is worked continuously with ordinary working hours on a Saturday.


Where an employee is recalled from home to work overtime, the employee shall be paid for such time so worked at the rate of double time, with a minimum payment as for 3 hours' work in respect of each such recall.


In the compilation of overtime payments, any part of a-half of an hour that is worked on any one day shall be paid for as a full half of an hour.


Time off in lieu of overtime

58 (a) Where there is written agreement between the employee and the employer, paid time off may be taken in lieu of overtime. Such time off shall be at the equivalent of the number of hours of ordinary pay that the employee would have received for such overtime. (b) Accumulated time off in lieu shall be taken at a time mutually agreed between the employee and the employer within 12 months of such accumulation. Time off in lieu of overtime may be banked to a maximum of 38 hours at any one time. (c) Where there is written agreement between an Industrial Organisation and the employer such time may be banked in excess of 12 months or 38 hours. (d) Any accrued time off in lieu that is outstanding after 12 months (where there is not written agreement between the Industrial Organisation and the employer) or at the time of termination of employment, for any reason, by either party, shall be paid out at the employee's ordinary time rate of pay.


Title This Schedule is known as the Teachers’ Employment Arrangements.


Application of Schedule This Schedule shall apply to all Teachers employed as such at Hillcrest Christian College.




The "Act" means the Fair Work Act 2009 as amended or replaced from time to time.


“Approved” used in relation to course, diploma, degree, or university, means a course, diploma, degree or university acceptable to be recognised by the Director-General of Education (Queensland) for similar qualifying purposes in respect of teachers employed by Education (Queensland).


"Average Enrolment" means the average of the gross number of pupils enrolled during the several terms of the school Year in the "Secondary Department" of a school, or in the case of a school in which there is not a recognised "Secondary Department" in Junior and Senior classes.


"Duty" includes all tasks related to the educational development of students and tasks concerned with the maintenance of good order and behaviour. Such tasks include class and group teaching and instruction; conducting excursions for instruction in school curriculum during school hours; setting and correcting assignments, tests, laboratory work, and examination papers; supervision of tests and examinations conducted in connection with the school curriculum; evaluating and assessing students' work; care of laboratories and their equipment; compiling mark registers; compiling syllabuses and work books; giving written reports on students' work and progress; and supervising students detained for punishment. In the case of Resident Teachers "Duty" also means any supervision or other tasks in connection with the boarding establishment of the particular school required of the Resident Teacher the school authority.


"Extra-Curricular Duties" includes the supervision of school sports, clubs within the school, cadet training, and other like duties. Such duties shall be voluntary and honorary and shall be arranged by agreement between the Teachers and the school authority.


"4 Year Trained Teacher" means a person appointed as a Teacher who holds an Approved degree from a recognised tertiary education institution or an Approved equivalent tertiary qualification plus at least one Year of Teacher education or such other qualifications recognised by the Employer as equivalent to one Year of Teacher education.


“Primary Department” means the Primary Department of a Secondary School.


“Primary School” means any school not under the direct control of the Department of Education which provides primary education. There may be attached to it a Secondary Department.


"Senior Teacher" means an employee appointed as such in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.


"Teacher" means and includes any employee other than the principal, who is ordinarily engaged in teaching full-time or part time on the staff of a school. The term also includes any Teacher engaged in giving class instruction in physical education, commercial subjects, home science, agricultural subjects, art, music, manual training subjects or such other subjects Approved by the Board of Secondary School Studies.


"3 Year Trained Teacher" means a person appointed as a Teacher with 3 Years of Teacher education or such other qualifications as may be recognised by the Employer for this purpose.

60 1.3.13

“Year" used in relation to an Approved university course or an Approved course at a Queensland Institute of Technology or a comparable institution means the subject requirements specified for a Year of a full-time course or an equivalent number or point value of subjects which are relevant to subjects being taught.


Year of Service” for the purpose of assessing the salary payable to a teacher, shall be determined with due regard to qualifications and years of service in a capacity equivalent to the particular category of teacher in a school or schools accredited as a non-State school under the provisions of the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2001 (Qld) in a school or schools controlled by Education (Queensland), and such other teaching service as the College might recognise.


Job share


"Job share" is defined as a mode of employment where the duties, responsibilities and benefits of an employment classification contained in this Schedule is shared between 2 employees.


A request may be made by an existing Teacher to share the position the Teacher is currently holding. The request must be made to the employer and must identify the proposed division of the position. If the request is accepted by the employer: (a)

The parties to the proposal must negotiate a mutually suitable division of the work, and;


The residual position may be advertised.


A position subject to the job share arrangements as prescribed by clause 2.3, is not regarded as a fixed term arrangement but rather continues for an indefinite period.


The salaries paid to job share participants shall be in accordance with the scale of salaries prescribed in Part 3 based on the percentage division of the work.


Employees subject to the job share arrangement prescribed by clause 2.3 shall be entitled to pro rata benefits of such leave, vacation periods, public holidays and all other accrued benefits to full-time employees based on the percentage division of the work.


If a participating Teacher is unable to attend for Duty because of illness, the other participant may be offered the day(s) work by the employer. If the offer is accepted by the participant, the Teacher shall be paid as a casual employee as prescribed by clause 2.4 for the relevant period.


Should either participating employee leave the employment of the school, the remaining employee may be offered the residue of employment. If this offer is not accepted by the remaining participant, the provisions of clause 2.1.2 shall be followed.


The number of job share positions offered in any school shall not exceed one to seven or fraction of 7 full time teachers employed in the one school.


Salaries - 3 and 4 Year trained Teachers


The scale of minimum salaries, as contained in Schedule 1 of this Agreement for teachers, shall apply.


Incremental Progression – 3 Year Trained Teacher



A 3 Year trained Teacher shall be appointed at Band 1 Step 1.


Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement, progression from one salary Step to a higher salary Step shall be by annual increment up to the maximum salary of Band 2.


Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement, a 3 Year trained Teacher shall have access to Band 3 and shall complete 2 years service on Steps 1, 2 and 3 of Band 3 before progression to the next Step.

Progression - Additional qualifications – 3 Year Trained Teacher

61 A 3 Year trained Teacher who successfully completes further tertiary study to achieve the status of 4 Year trained Teacher shall as from 1 January or 1 July whichever is the first following such completion upon production of satisfactory evidence thereof have the appropriate salary Step in classification scale for Teachers in Schedule 1 to this Agreement, determined according to the following table: Salary Step Band 1 Step 1 Band 1 step 2 Band 1 Step 3 Band 1 Step 4

Salary Step Band 2 Step 1 Band 2 Step 2 Band 2 Step 3 Band 2 Step 4

Band 2 Step 1 Band 2 Step 2 Band 2 Step 3 Band 2 Step 4 Band 2 Step 5

Band 2 Step 5 Band 3 Step 1 Band 3 Step 2 Band 3 Step 3 Band 3 Step 4


The arrangements contained in clause 3.1..3 shall not alter the date at which a Teacher progresses to the next salary Step on the scale where applicable.


Progression - Professional Development (a)



Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 3.1.2, a 3 Year trained Teacher may apply for progression by annual increments through Band 3 subject to the following conditions: (i)

completion of at least 12 months service on Band 2 Step 5;


participation in 150 hours of accredited professional development activities undertaken no earlier than 1 January 1990 to be achieved at an annual average rate of not less than 30 hours (5 days) and to be undertaken outside the hours engaged in teaching; and


provision of a statement outlining the knowledge and skills acquired through participation in professional development.

Applications for progression shall be made through the Principal of the school and be subject to assessment and recommendation to the school authority by a panel consisting of – (i)

a representative of the School Authority;


a representative of the Teacher seeking progression;


a representative jointly agreed to.

Applications shall include (i)

certification of participation in accredited professional development activities by activity providers;


a brief statement on a standard agreed, outlining the additional knowledge and skills acquired and their application in the Teacher's work.


No Teacher shall be required to undergo classroom or other inspection for the purposes of certification.


The review panel shall make a recommendation to the employing authority as to whether in its opinion the Teacher has satisfied the eligibility criteria in clause 3.1.5.


A Teacher shall retain all rights under the Act.


A Teacher who is certified as having satisfied the requirements contained in clause 3.1.5 (a) shall be entitled to progress to the next Step in Band 3 from the date of application or on the completion of 12 months' service on their current Step which shall be no lower than Step 1 of Band 3 whichever is the later and shall progress thereafter by annual increments to the maximum salary of Band 3.

62 3.1.6


Incremental Progression – Four Year Trained Teacher (a)

A 4 Year trained Teacher shall be appointed at Band 2 Step 1.


A Teacher admitted to the service as a 4 Year trained Teacher who has an Approved bachelor's degree with first and second degree honours from a recognised University plus one Year of Teacher education or 2 Approved degrees from a recognised university plus one Year of Teacher education shall commence on the salary prescribed for Step 2. For clarity, this provision requires that to be eligible to commence on Band 2 step 2 a teacher would require a minimum of 5 years’ full time equivalent tertiary study.


Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement, progression from one salary Step to a higher salary Step shall be by annual increment up to a maximum salary of Band 3.

Salary increments

Except as otherwise provided in this Schedule and subject to satisfactory conduct, diligence, and efficiency, a Teacher shall receive annual increments in salary according to the scale of salaries applicable until the Teacher receives the maximum salary for which the Teacher is eligible under this Schedule. 3.3

Hours of Duty – Primary and Secondary Teachers


Secondary Teachers The ordinary hours of duty for Secondary Teachers shall not exceed 30 per week of which, in the case of nonResident Teachers, not more than one-third shall be performed before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m.


Primary Teachers (a)

The ordinary hours of duty for Teachers in Primary Schools shall not exceed 27 1/2 per week.


Teachers shall be on duty 15 minutes before the morning assembly and shall remain on Duty until the time of dismissal of the school for the day.


Principals may assign to members of their staff duties requiring their attendance until a time not later than 30 minutes after the time of dismissal of the school for the day:

Provided that such duties shall be allocated, when practicable, on a roster basis.




A non-Resident Teacher or a Resident Teacher required to work in excess of 30 hours per week or 40 hours per week in a Secondary School and 27.5 hours per week or 37.5 hours per week in a Primary School, as the case may be, shall be paid at the rate of $16.5635 per hour for the extra time so worked.


Proportion of salary


A Teacher upon appointment shall be paid as from the date upon which the Teacher commenced Duty, provided that a Teacher who has taught (or has been granted leave with pay by the school) for each day of the school year at the particular school shall be paid as for a full calendar year commencing on 1st January. A Teacher who ceases Duty before completing 10 teaching weeks of employment shall be paid in lieu of vacation pay an amount equal to 1/12th of their ordinary pay for the period of employment. 4.1.2 A Teacher who ceases Duty after at least 10 teaching weeks of employment shall be paid the proportion of the Teacher's annual salary of that year that the Teacher's service excluding school vacations bears to a standard school year: Provided that such proportion of salary shall be calculated on the salary which the employee was receiving immediately before cessation of employment.



A standard year shall be deemed for the purposes of clause 4.1 to be 40 weeks in a Secondary School and 40 weeks in the Secondary Department of a Primary School and 42 weeks in a Primary School excluding the Secondary Department and 48 weeks in the case of a Pre-School or Child Care Centre.


Annual leave loading


A Teacher who has taught (or has been granted paid leave by the school) for each day of the school year at the particular school shall receive an annual leave loading equivalent to 17.5% of 4 weeks' salary calculated upon the salary which such employee was receiving immediately before commencing the midsummer vacation or Centre closure.


A Teacher who commences employment after the beginning of a school year and:



has actually taught for at least 20 weeks; or


has taught for at least a full school term and who teaches to the end of the school year, shall be paid the proportion of the annual leave loading prescribed in clause 4.2.1 that the Teacher's service (excluding school vacations) bears to a standard school year.

A Teacher who resigns, having given the prescribed notice in writing, or whose services are terminated by the employer for some reason or reasons other than misconduct and who has taught for at least the full first school term shall be paid the proportion of the annual leave loading prescribed in clause 4.2.1 that the Teacher's service (excluding school vacations) bears to a standard school year: Provided that such loading shall be calculated upon salary which the employee was receiving immediately before cessation of employment.


The full amount of the abovementioned annual leave loadings shall be paid to the Teacher at the commencement of the midsummer vacation, Centre closure or prior date of cessation of employment.


A standard year shall be deemed for the purposes of clause 4.2 to be 40 weeks in a Secondary School and forty weeks in the Secondary Department of a Primary School and 42 weeks in a Primary School excluding the Secondary Department and 48 weeks in the case of the Pre-School or Child Care Centre.


For the purposes of clause 4.2, salaries shall be regarded as including allowances prescribed by clauses3.2 (Senior Teacher), 3.4 (Subject Coordinators Allowance and Moderation Allowance) or Attachment C to this Schedule (Positions of Added Responsibility).


Leave without pay


Any Teacher who is granted leave of absence without pay to obtain further experience, training, or qualifications, or who is granted special leave shall not lose continuity of service for salary, sick and long service leave purposes.


The period of leave shall not by reason only of this clause be taken into account in calculating the period of service of the employee.


Teacher portfolio

A teacher may request and be given from time to time by the Employer and Principal appropriate documentation as evidence of the Teacher’s professional development, in respect of attendance at significant training courses, and experience. These documents may, if the Teachers wishes, form a portfolio which will be the property of the Teacher.


Senior Teacher 1.1


A full time permanent teacher is eligible to be a Senior Teacher when he/she: 1.1.1

Has been on the classification Band 3 Step 4 for a period of 12 months; and


Signs and presents to the Principal an undertaking clearly consistent with Clause 2: Senior Teacher Action Plan.


The College will confirm advice to the teacher regarding the teacher’s eligibility to be a Senior Teacher, following a written request from a teacher for such confirmation. Such confirmation will be in writing and identify the date of eligibility.


The teacher may submit a Senior Teacher Action Plan (see 2.0 below) prior to the eligibility date. However, remuneration as a Senior Teacher will commence only from the date of eligibility.

Senior Teacher Action Plan 2.1

The teacher will submit a Senior Teacher Action Plan which lists one or more tasks the teacher will undertake consistent with the express intention of increasing the excellence of the teacher’s contribution to the education life of the College.


This undertaking will be in the form of a Senior Teacher Action Plan (Attachment 1), which will identify specific task/s consistent with one or more of the skills identified in Clause 2.7.


The Senior Teacher Action Plan will be submitted to the Principal signed by the Teacher and the Principal, once the Plan is agreed upon by both parties. The Principal may delegate this role to a Head of School, or may ask the teacher to modify the Action Plan in consultation with the Head of School. This process should be carried out in timely and efficient manner.


The date of the final signing by both parties is the date of appointment, unless the Action Plan specifies a different starting date.


The Senior Teacher Action Plan may be altered (a) by a teachers re-submitting the Senior Teacher Action Plan to the principal, or (b) the Principal giving the teacher three terms; notice of the need to submit a new Action Plan. The teacher may re-submit a Senior Teacher Action Plan no more than once per year, which will go through the same process as in Clause 2.3.


The tasks identified in the Senior Teacher Action Plan will be undertaken by the teacher in a timely and effective manner consistent with the overall program of the College.


The task/s identified shall utilise and/or demonstrate one or more of the following: 2.7.1

skills in effective classroom practices;


skills in tutoring or extending students’ knowledge or skills;


skills in evaluating and reporting student’s progress;


skills in developing a co-curricular area;


skills in developing relationships with students;


skills in the development of personal and professional relationships with other staff members, parents and the wider community;


skills in the development and implementation of ideas gained from professional development activities to enhance student’s learning;


skills in the development and implementation of ideas gained from professional development activities to promote organisational development; and


skills in administration or organisation or a technical field.

65 3.

Classroom Allocation The tasks of a Senior Teacher will not be so frequent or onerous as to detract from the Senior Teacher’s primary role as a classroom teacher. The normal classroom load of a Senior Teacher may be adjusted when necessary, from time to time at the discretion of the Principal, with the available resources and consistent with the Hours of Duty provisions.


Tenure 4.1



Should a teacher not comply with an undertaking he/she has given, or fails to submit an acceptable Action Plan at the request of the Principal, (as in 2.5 above), the Principal will: 4.1.1

outline the nature of the non-compliance; and


provide the teacher with an opportunity to provide an explanation.

If the teacher does not provide an explanation to the satisfaction of the Principal and after being given an opportunity, fails to address the situation, then: 4.2.1

the Principal will provide a written determination to the teacher outlining the teacher’s noncompliance with the undertaking; and


the teacher will revert to the classification Band 3 Step 4 for a period of 12 months from the date of the Principal’s written determination.


After 12 months, the teacher is again eligible for access to senior teacher, provided that the Principal is satisfied that the undertaking given will be honoured.


The appointment will automatically lapse in the event of the person taking on a temporary or permanent Position of Added Responsibility.

Remuneration Remuneration payable to a Senior Teacher is at the rate prescribed in Schedule 1. Remuneration shall be paid from the date of eligibility provided that the teacher provides an undertaking consistent with Clause 4 prior to that date. Where the teacher provides an undertaking consistent with Clause 4 After the eligibility date remuneration shall be paid from the date the undertaking is provided.


Eligibility of fixed term appointees In the case of a teacher employed on a fixed term basis, such a teacher may only access Senior Teacher classification if either: 6.1.

the fixed term engagement is of at least three (3) School terms in duration; or


the term of engagement being less than three (3) School terms, the Principal reaches agreement with the fixed term teacher.

In cases where the classification of Senior Teacher is not accessed by a fixed term teacher, then there shall be no employer requirement or expectation that tasks, consistent with this provision will be performed. 7.

Eligibility of part-time appointees In the case of a teacher employed on a part-time basis of at least 0.4 of a full-time employee, such a teacher may access Senior Teacher classification through the process identified in Clause 4 and shall receive a proportional salary rate based on the salary rate of a senior teacher. Task(s) undertaken by a part-time teacher will reflect the proportion of time employed at the School.


Name: …………………………………………………………….

Consistent with the provision given in Clause 6.10 of The Hillcrest Christian College Certified Agreement, I agree to undertake tasks consistent with one or more of the skills areas identified in Clause 2 of schedule 5 according to the following schedule: (a)

Identified skill(s)


Identified task(s)









......................................................................................... Principal

Remuneration shall be paid from the date of eligibility provided that the teacher provides an undertaking consistent with Clause 5 prior to that date. Where the teacher provides an undertaking, consistent with Clause 5, after the eligibility date remuneration shall be paid from the date the undertaking is provided.


Rationale The purpose of this policy is to outline the purpose, role and operations of PAR’s in the College.


Scope Applies to staff who agree to accept responsibility in an area of administration extra to their teaching and classroom responsibilities.


Reference Documents Staff Appraisal (D38) Staff Dress (D36)


Definitions A PAR refers to additional administrative responsibilities within the College. Positions such as; (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)


Heads of Departments eg. English, Mathematics, Science, PE/Sport, ECHO, Directors of a College Section Year Level Coordinator Coordinator of Lower Primary and/or Upper Primary Lead Teachers Any other position created by the Principal that carries general administrative responsibility either of a pastoral or curriculum nature. These positions may be temporary.

Procedures Where there are significant administrative associated with the position a time allowance may be given to assist in carrying out of the role. Positions that carry a staff supervisory role also attract a Salary Allowance which is set by the Principal according to the particular PAR responsibilities. PAR’s are reviewed annually, based upon continued need and the persons ongoing passion and suitability to the role. PAR’s are necessary for the ongoing operation of the College, however, it needs to be recognised that a time allowance has a nett impact on the College budget. To be wise stewards of College resources, allocated time needs to be used productively in undertaking the allocated duties. It is not ‘time off’ from teaching. Staff who work in the College and accept a PAR are seen to be Senior Teachers within the teaching community of Hillcrest. As such, they need to positively feed into the professional development of staff, within their area, and be seen to be supportive of the Vision Mission and Thos of the College. Where a teach has accepted a PAR, and are unable to be supportive of the College leadership and/or direction of the College, then their PAR status should be immediately reviewed. The Principal may appoint additional PAR responsibilities as the need arises and will set remuneration and release time in line for such position. The Principal is responsible for reviewing and assessing PAR’s annually.


Remuneration & Time Allowance The following table summarises the allowance to be paid from January 2010. These allowances are to be indexed each year in line with changes to teaching salaries.

PAR POSITION Directors:  Studies  Middle Years  Performing Arts



Annually as determined by the Principal up to

3 days 3 days 3 days

68  International Students Head of Department:  English  Maths  Science  Sport/HPE  ECHO Early Childhood Coordinator Secondary Year Level Coordinator Primary Lead Teacher

5 days $6,000

up to $6,000 $5,000 $5,000

1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 3 days 1 day 1 day ½ day

Where positions are not full time or a shared role, then the allowance will be paid as a proportion of the full allowance. 7.

Additional Time Allowances for Staff The Principal, from time to time, may approve day release for teachers who take specific responsibilities such as subject responsibility or curriculum writing. This release is to be applied for to the appropriate Assistant Principal on a case by case basis. The College values its Senior Staff and will do all it can to support them in their role so that they can continue to sue their gifts in this Community.

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