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Anglican ................................................................................................................2 Job Share ..........................................................................................................2 PMSA....................................................................................................................2 Part 15 – Job Share ..........................................................................................2 Lutheran................................................................................................................2 5.17 Job Share ..................................................................................................2 SCHEDULE 11..................................................................................................3 Job Share ......................................................................................................3 1. Introduction ................................................................................................3 1.1 Definition..................................................................................................3 1.2 Principles .................................................................................................3 2. Arrangements for teachers ........................................................................3 2.1 Application ...............................................................................................3 2.2 Appointment.............................................................................................4 2.3 Alteration to arrangements.......................................................................4 3. Arrangements for School Officers and Ancillary Staff ................................4 3.1 Application ...............................................................................................4 3.2 Appointment.............................................................................................4 3.3 Alteration to arrangements.......................................................................5 4. Conditions and Entitlements ......................................................................5 4.1 Duration ...................................................................................................5 4.2 Size of School / Ratio ..............................................................................5 4.3 Rates of Pay ............................................................................................5 4.4 Entitlements .............................................................................................5 4.5 Calculation of service...............................................................................5 4.6 Professional development days ...............................................................6 Catholic.................................................................................................................6 9.5 Job share.....................................................................................................6 Table 1 ..............................................................................................................7 Definition........................................................................................................7 Principles Underpinning the Guidelines .........................................................7 Size of School Ratio ......................................................................................7 Subsequent Appointment ..............................................................................7 Length of Appointment...................................................................................7 Arrangements ................................................................................................8 Alterations to Arrangements ..........................................................................8 Division of Position ........................................................................................8 Rates of Pay ..................................................................................................8 Pro-Rata Conditions & Benefits .....................................................................9 Professional Development .............................................................................9 Calculation of Service ....................................................................................9 Professional Development Planning Days .....................................................9

Anglican Job Share 22.2 Schools will implement a Job Share Policy. This policy is available to all Employees and should be displayed and/or made available upon request by any Employee. The final decision as to implementing Job Share arrangements rests with the School.

PMSA Part 15 – Job Share The parties agree that job share provisions can assist employees in balancing work and family demands throughout various stages of their life and work cycle and as such job share can have advantages for employees and employing authorities. Job Share may be available to School Officers. The parties recognise that a number of these employees work less hours than would be worked by a full time employee. Such employees may be classed as term time or part time. It is agreed that School Officers who are employed for less than the maximum ordinary hours (but who have continuing status of employment) will be considered for Job Share subject to approval from their employer. Job share is also referenced in reference to coordinator selection criteria that will be applied to assess the level of allowance to be paid to a particular coordinator position.

Lutheran 5.17 Job Share The parties agree that job share provisions can assist employees in balancing work and family demands throughout various stages of their life and work cycle and as such job share can have advantages for employees and employer. Consequently the employer agrees to implement a job share provision in accordance with agreed guidelines. Teachers, school officers and services staff shall have access to the job share provision, at the Principal’s discretion. The agreed provisions are set out in Schedule 11 – Job Share.

SCHEDULE 11 Job Share 1. Introduction 1.1 Definition Job-sharing is a voluntary arrangement in which a full-time position is divided between two employees with both having shared responsibility for the position during the life of the arrangement.

1.2 Principles (i) job-sharing is entered into voluntarily; (ii) job-share arrangements shall be flexible and accommodate the employer and employee needs; and (iii) All requests for job-share arrangements are subject to the approval of the principal.

2. Arrangements for teachers 2.1 Application A full-time teacher may apply to the school for his or her position to be considered for job-share. When considering the application, the principal will have regard to the following: (a) whether job-sharing the position is appropriate for: (i) the school; (ii) the position concerned; (iii) the particular class level and educational needs of the students; (b) how many positions might be affected; (c) what process will be used to determine the teachers who will job share and under what arrangements the teachers will work, including: (i) the days worked by each teacher; (ii) the communication process between the teacher and the relevant supervisor/s, and between the teachers themselves; (iii) division of planning and non-contact time; (iv) the expectations placed upon teachers in relation to participation in excursions and co-curricular activities where relevant; (v) participation in parent teacher interviews, (vi) participation in playground and bus supervision; (vii) participation is assessment and reporting; (viii)attendance at staff meetings and other meetings; (ix) participation in professional development; (x) any matters considered relevant by the principal; and (xi) any other matters considered relevant by each of the principal and employees to the position to be shared.

2.2 Appointment Upon appointment, each participant will receive an individual letter of appointment from the principal which specifies the arrangements determined in 2.1 above, and also identifies the following:    

the position concerned and the continuing status of that position; the fixed nature of the arrangement; the fixed term status of any replacement employee if applicable; and the duration of the arrangement.

2.3 Alteration to arrangements Where the participants seek to amend the terms of the arrangements, the further approval of the principal is required and he or she shall have regard to the elements contained in 2.1

3. Arrangements for School Officers and Ancillary Staff 3.1 Application A full-time employee may apply to the school for his or her position to be considered for job-share. When considering the application, the principal will have regard to the following: (a) whether job-sharing the position is appropriate for: (i) the school; (ii) the position concerned; (b) how many positions might be affected; (c) what process will be used to determine the employees who will job share and under what arrangements the employees will work, including: (i) the days worked by each employee; (ii) the communication process between the employees and the relevant supervisor/s, and between the employees themselves; (iii) attendance at staff meetings and other meetings; (iv) participation in professional development; and (v) any other matters arising out of the position to be shared.

3.2 Appointment Upon appointment, each participant will receive an individual letter of appointment from the principal which specifies the arrangements determined in 3.1 above, and also identifies the following: 

the position concerned and the continuing status of that position;

  

the fixed nature of the arrangement; the fixed term status of any replacement employee if applicable; and the duration of the arrangement.

3.3 Alteration to arrangements Where the participants seek to amend the terms of the arrangements, the further approval of the principal is required and he or she shall have regard to the elements contained in 3.1

4. Conditions and Entitlements 4.1 Duration All job-share arrangements are made for a maximum period of one school year.

4.2 Size of School / Ratio The number of job-share arrangements approved by the principal in any one school will not usually exceed one to seven full-time employees employed at the school.

4.3 Rates of Pay Payment is made in accordance with the scale of salaries prescribed in Schedule 3, based on the percentage division of the work.

4.4 Entitlements All entitlements to annual leave (where applicable), annual leave loading (where applicable), sick leave, long service leave, public holidays, superannuation and benefits provided under the Award or this Agreement are provided on a pro-rata basis. In the event that one participant is absent on sick leave and a replacement is required, the other participant may be offered the relief work. If the relief work is accepted, the participant will be paid at the ordinary hourly rate and accrue appropriate leave entitlements for those hours. In the event that the other participant refuses the offer, or is unavailable to accept the offer, a relief employee may be engaged and paid on either a short term contract or a casual basis Long service leave, maternity/paternity/adoption leave, and/or special leave may be granted within the period of the job share arrangement. The local arrangements for applying and taking such leave continue to apply.

4.5 Calculation of service All work undertaken by job-share employees counts towards incremental progression on a pro-rata basis.

4.6 Professional development days Job share employees are expected to report for full day duty for the pupil free days nominated for professional development activities during the school year declared by the employer as requiring attendance by all employees. All attendance required beyond the proportion that the participant’s arrangement bears to a full time employee will be paid time.

Catholic 9.5 Job share The following provisions provide the minimum requirements to be included in job-share guidelines. 9.5.1 Where job-share guidelines currently do not exist, employers will develop, in consultation with employees and their representatives, guidelines which will address the areas listed below in Table 1. The provisions outlined below in Table 1 will be the minimum conditions to be included in any guidelines. 9.5.2 A central registry of names and relevant data of employees interested in job share arrangements shall be promoted and maintained. Such a registry will: a Allow employees to enter their relevant data, and b Be accessible such that employees may be able to identify and make contact with potential job share partners. 9.5.3 Where an employer does not offer a register, it may be established by IEUAQNT. 9.5.4 Notwithstanding the above, employees are required to apply for job share positions in accordance with existing policies and procedures, (incorporating the minimum provisions listed in the table below):

Table 1 Definition

The guidelines will define job-share as a voluntary arrangement in which a full-time continuing position, occupied by a full-time continuing employee, is divided between that employee and another suitable employee. Both employees will share responsibility for the position for a fixed-term period.

Principles Underpinning the Guidelines

The guidelines will state that job-share arrangements are arrangements entered into at employee initiative and that no employee will be coerced into taking up or converting to such a position.

Size of School Ratio

The number of job share positions offered in any school shall not exceed one (1) to seven (7) – (one job share position to seven full-time positions). Guidelines will acknowledge the right of employers to vary the ratio above the maximum of 1:7 where necessary or desirable.

Subsequent Appointment

The guidelines will state that at the conclusion of the job-share period both employees return to the position as designated in the relevant letter of appointment and the employment status each held before the job-share began.

Length of Appointment

The guidelines will indicate that the job-share positions are usually for one school year. Job-share positions may be for shorter periods and may be negotiated at the end of each year for a subsequent period.


Arrangements of the job-share position will be detailed in a document signed by the employer/principal and employees to include but not limited to: days/hours worked, communication protocols, planning time, non-contact time, excursions, parent – teacher interviews, assessment and reporting procedures, playground and bus duty, attendance at staff meeting, timetabled sport and related arrangements, and professional development. The arrangements should outline the protocols to be followed, if for whatever reason, one member of the job-share is unable to continue in the position during the period of the jobshare.

Alterations to Arrangements

The guidelines will indicate that alterations to arrangements may be initiated by the employee/s or employer and need to be mutually agreed. Such alterations will require at least two weeks’ notice or a shorter period by mutual agreement, before implementation.

Division of Position

The guidelines may recommend the position be divided according to full days but will provide for other options which may be mutually agreed between the employer and employees.

Rates of Pay

The guidelines will specify that employees of job-share positions are to be remunerated on a pro-rata basis according to their classification and include reference to any relevant allowances.

Pro-Rata Conditions & Benefits

The guidelines will specify that employees in job-share positions will receive on a pro-rata basis all entitlements in regard to: annual leave, annual leave loading, sick leave, long service leave, superannuation and all other relevant benefits and allowances. The guidelines will specify that where one employee in a job-share position accesses sick leave or other short term leave the remaining employee will be offered the relief work. The method of remuneration associated with such relief work whether it be at the hourly rate with accrued leave entitlements or at the casual rate without accrued leave entitlements, will be agreed to and stated in initial arrangements. The guidelines will indicate that usual replacement conditions apply for leave such as long service leave, special leave, maternity/paternity and adoption leave. The guidelines will specify that where situations of redundancy occur, redundancy provisions will apply to the job-share incumbent/s.

Professional Development

The guidelines will acknowledge that job-share employees are entitled to access professional development and promotion as can full-time employees.

Calculation of Service

Guidelines will specify that all work done by job-share employees counts towards incremental progression on a pro-rata basis.

Professional Development Planning Days

Guidelines will specify that teacher job-share employees are expected to attend professional development days as designated by the employer. The guidelines will specify remuneration arrangements for such attendance.

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