Staying in Touch
The e-newsletter for members on parental leave
Vol. 1 No. 4 | November 2010
Welcome Welcome to Staying in Touch, the e-newsletter for members on maternity, adoption or parental leave. If you have a question or an information suggestion that you would like published in the next Staying in Touch, please contact IEUA-QNT Organiser Susan O’Leary on
Parental Leave: IEUA-QNT members with benefits Members on parental leave are eligible to receive a range of IEUA-QNT membership benefits that can help parents keep in touch with workplace issues and save on baby items when shopping. For the reduced fee of $90 while on unpaid leave, you have access to all the benefits included with a complete IEUAQNT membership, including: •
advice for your proportion of salary entitlements (are they correct upon proceeding on maternity leave?);
full representation to assist you when returning to work after maternity leave;
your rights if you need to access subsequent maternity leave;
industrial issues and what is happening in your workplace through Union publications eg. The Independent Voice, newsletters and Chapter Briefings;
assistance when negotiating parttime employment or job share arrangements on your return; and
access to a range of other membership benefits, including the Union Shopper service.
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Sharing your job and achieving your work/life balance What is job share? Job share is a voluntary employment arrangement where the duties, responsibilities, pay and other benefits of one full time position are shared between two employees. At the conclusion of the job share period, both employees return to the position and employment status each held before the job share began. Why job share? Job share can help achieve a better work / life balance for employees. It is often of greatest interest to new parents and employees transitioning to retirement. However, any employee wishing to claim more time for family, study, sport or community activities may be interested in the benefits provided by job share. Job share also benefits employees by enabling them to maintain and develop professional skills, while attending to other important responsibilities. Who can job share? All full time teachers working in Queensland non-government schools have the right to request job share. To check your eligibility based on your current employer, contact the IEUA-QNT office on Freecall 1800 177 937. If you are working at a school without this provision, then it is worth raising this in your next round of collective bargaining negotiations. Job share proposals require the agreement of the employer and any refusal should be based on reasonable and legitimate grounds. For more information, including how to write a job share proposal and the variables you need to consider, refer to and search for Members on Parental Leave. “Have you assessed your work/life balance?” in the October 2010 issue of the Independent Voice offers more information. Job share application guidelines for employees in Catholic schools Step 1: Consider eligibility and desirability of job-share arrangements Step 2: Consider cost benefit analysis Step 3: Begin application process and seek job-share partner Step 4: Complete the job-share proposal template and apply Step 5: Review negotiated arrangements/letters of appointment and sign the agreement. Please contact IEUA-QNT on Freecall 1800 177 938 or for more information, including a job-share proposal template.
Remember, as an IEUA-QNT member you gain special benefits from Union Shopper; ME Bank; and the Health e-Start service from Teachers’ Union Health (TUH). The Health e-Start service is one of TUH’s value added services provided at no extra cost to TUH members.
The Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch
Staying in Touch
The monthly e-newsletter for members on parental leave Page 2 of 3
Join our Equity Committee As an IEUA-QNT member, you may wish to consider becoming more actively involved in your Union by joining a Committee. The IEUA-QNT Equity Committee has direct input into IEUA-QNT Council by helping to guide policy development around equity issues. It also devises strategies around industrial and professional issues as well as campaigns, such as the “Paid Parental Leave Campaign.” If you are interested in becoming a member of the Equity Committee, or would like more information, contact the IEUA-QNT Office on FREECALL 1800 177 937 or email
On leave from an Anglican school? A new category or status entitled Exemplary Teacher (previously Accomplished Classroom Teacher) has been released for consultation by employers and feedback has been sought about the structure, criteria and associated processes. The intent of this classification is to identify exemplary teachers in Queensland Anglican Schools, and also to reward and retain exemplary teachers who consistently demonstrate high levels of professionalism and performance in the classroom. The proposed process of application includes a written application addressing criteria (Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement) and Panel review. Negotiations are continuing in terms of refining the Exemplary Teacher process and the possibility of an additional increment between Exemplary Teacher and the hightest classroom level is under discussion. If you would like more information or wish to provide feedback on this proposal, contact your Chapter representative or your Organiser at IEUA-QNT on FREECALL 1800 177 937.
Frequently Asked Questions Are my leave entitlements protected while I am on leave? Paid maternity leave counts as service, therefore you will continue to accrue long service leave and personal leave. Unpaid leave does not count as service, therefore no entitlements accrue during this period of time. While on parental leave, your level of classification, any accumulated sick leave, long service leave and superannuation must be preserved.
What happens to my superannuation while I am on leave? Your existing superannuation will be preserved while you are on leave. You may continue your own contributions or have them suspended while on leave. Insured members of QIEC Super who take maternity leave may apply for a continuation of the Death Cover Insurance. You must apply to the Trustee prior to commencing leave. Members of other Superannuation Funds should contact their administrator for details.
Can I combine parental leave with other paid leave such as annual leave and long service leave? For teachers in the Catholic sector, maternity leave excludes holiday periods. You can combine maternity leave with annual leave and/or long service leave that you have accrued, these can be accessed in the first 52 weeks that maternity leave is taken. Contact IEUA-QNT to check the arrangements that exist for your school.
Can I take up supply teaching or other work with a different employer while I am on parental leave? The purpose of accessing maternity leave is to be the primary caregiver of your child. If you wish to undertake casual/supply work, you should first obtain permission from your employer.
What if I become pregnant while on maternity leave? You can access a further period of maternity leave if you become pregnant. You would be well advised to contact IEUA-QNT to check the provisions relevant to your school for your eligibility to a second and subsequent period of leave.
Can I extend my leave when I am already on parental leave? Depending on the provisions that exist with your school, you have the right to request up to 104 weeks of leave. The length of maternity leave depends on your Agreement and if you wish to extend this leave, ensure you contact your Union to check the arrangements that relate to your position.
Is there a question you would like IEUA-QNT to answer? Please send your question or any other parental/maternity leave related concerns to IEUA-QNT Organiser Susan O’Leary on or phone FREECALL 1800 177 938.
The Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch
Staying in Touch
The monthly e-newsletter for members on parental leave Page 3 of 3
Sector updates... ECE
Political delegations have been organised to approach State Members of Parliament to express member concerns about changes to funding and the implications of the 15 hours of education. IEUA-QNT has also sought further discussions with the Queensland Minister for Education, Geoff Wilson to raise funding concerns and discuss the future viability of community kindergartens. To read the latest news about this sector, please go to
The panels for Experienced Teacher 6 applicants are underway and if you applied, you should expect to hear the outcome before the end of the year. Preparations are also underway for the PAR review with the impending formation of a Joint Working Party. If you would like to be involved, please contact our union on or Freecall 1800 177 938 for more information. To read the latest news about this sector, please go to
Negotiations are continuing with focus now on a small number of key issues such as maternity leave and vacation time, the length of the school year and additional hours, the issues of wages for PARs, Accomplished Teacher elgibility and allowances for school officers. For more information, please visit our website at or contact our union on enquiries@qieu. or Freecall 1800 177 938. To read the latest news about this sector, please go to
Member Snapshot:
Alison Wines
Achieving a balance... Catholic primary school teacher Alison Wines will undertake job share in 2011.
RIGHT: Alison with son Harry
“The chance to job share will mean my professional knowledge and skills remain current, while enabling me to better enjoy Harry’s early years. While not working at all is not possible for our family budget, cutting back on some ‘extras’ in order to invest more time in Harry is a viable, affordable balance. “Negotiating a smaller teaching load through job share also means an increase in the enthusiasm and energy I can bring to my classes, having had more time to relax and refresh. Being able to return to my old full time job after my job share time is over, gives me the financial certainty and security I need.
“I think giving employees the opportunity to job share is a great way for our employer to practically affirm the importance of ‘family’ - and further increases my commitment and dedication to working in Catholic schools.”
The Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch