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ISSUE 2: LEGAL ASSISTANCE 1. Assistance IEUA-QNT offers 3 forms of legal assistance to our members.
Free legal assistance may be provided to members in matters, both civil and criminal, arising directly from their employment. If a charge is brought against a member for a matter arising directly from the employment situation, IEUA-QNT is able to provide legal representation for the member. IEUA-QNT Council reserves the right to make a determination to meet no costs or a proportion of costs based on the particular circumstances of the matter.
2. Subsidised Legal Assistance IEUA-QNT may provide subsidised legal assistance to members in relation to matters not arising directly from employment, but which could have a bearing on employment. This assistance can be provided for criminal matters which do not arise from the employment situation, but for which a conviction may lead to dismissal. The extent of the IEUA-QNT subsidy would be 30% of legal costs. The IEUA-QNT’s solicitor would provide a 25% discount on fees as well.
3. Extended Legal Assistance This assistance is provided to members for matters which do not fall within the two aforementioned categories. In such matters, IEUA-QNT would arrange a free half hour consultation with the IEUA-QNT’s solicitors. The solicitors currently provide a 25% discount on their fees charged for performing work for the member arising from this consultation.
4. General Information a) Legal assistance will not generally be provided, where one member is in dispute with another member. IEUA-QNT will arrange legal representation, if necessary, through the IEUA-QNT’s solicitors. IEUA-QNT is not responsible for any costs incurred privately by a member. b) IEUA-QNT will not meet legal costs where the member seeks advice without the IEUA-QNT’s approval. c) Legal advice is provided by the nominated firm of solicitors or their nominated agents. To download a membership form go to
School Officer~Final Fact Sheet No 2